Name Side Function Regiment Name
Latta, A. Confederate Cavalry 7th Reg. TX Cavalry(7th Mounted Vol.)
Latta, A. T. Confederate Infantry 9th Battalion, Georgia Infantry
Latta, Abraham Union Infantry 208th Reg., PA Infantry
Latta, Abraham Union Infantry 208th Reg., PA Infantry
Latta, Adam G. Confederate Infantry 51st Reg., NC Infantry
Latta, Alfred C. Union Infantry 5th Reg., NY Veteran Infantry
Latta, Albert B. Union Infantry 59th Reg., Illinois Infantry
Latta, Alcetas Union Infantry 149th Reg., Ohio Infantry (Nat. Guard)
Latta, Alexander Confederate Cavalry 7th Reg., TX Cavalry(7th Mounted Vol.)
Latta, Alexander Confederate Infantry 39th Regi., Georgia Infantry
Latta, Alexander Union Infantry 8th Reg., Missouri Infantry
Latta, Alexander S. Union Cavalry 5th Regi, WV Cavalry
Latta, Alexander T. Confederate Infantry 37th Regi., Georgia Infantry
Latta, Alfred Union Infantry 160th Regi., OH Inf. (Nat. Guard)
Latta, Alfred Union Infantry 187th Regi., OH Infantry
Latta, Alfred Union Infantry 189th Regi, OH Infantry
Latta, Alfred C. Union Infantry 84th Regi., NY Infantry.
Latta, Allen Confederate   1st Regi. Cherokee Mt. Vols, CSA
Latta, Allen Confederate   2nd Regi. Cherokee Mt. Vols., CSA
Latta, Alonzo Union Infantry 15th Regi, Michigan Infantry
Latta, Alonzo Union Infantry 11th Regi, Michigan Inf. (1st Org.)
Latta, Amos B. Union Cavalry 3rd Regi, Michigan Cavalry
Latta, Andrew Union Infantry 161st Regi, OH Infantry (Nat. Guard)
Latta, Byron Union Artillery 14th Battery, Indiana Light Artillery
Latta, Byron E. Union Infantry 91st Regi, NY Infantry
Latta, Calvin Union Infantry 122nd Regi, OH Infantry
Latta, Charles Union   2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps
Latta, Charles T. Confederate Infantry 47th Regi, TN Infantry
Latta, Clark Union Cavalry 12th Regi, Indiana Cavalry
Latta, Colin Union Infantry 155th Regi, PA Infantry
Latta, Colin Union   2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corp.
Latta, Colin Union Infantry 155th Regi., PA Infantry
Latta, Collin W. Union   6th Regi., Veteran Reserve Corps
Latta, David Union Infantry 28th Regi., Mass. Infantry
Latta, David H. Union Infantry 38th Regi., OH Infantry
Latta, David S. Confederate Infantry 18th Regi., NC Infantry
Latta, David S. Union Infantry 75th Regi., Indiana Infantry
Latta, David S. Union   19th Regi, Veteran Reserve Corps
Latta, E. H. Confederate Cavalry 32nd Reg., TX Cavalry (Crump's Battalion, Mounted Volunteers)
Latta, E. M. Confederate Cavalry 7th Regi, KY Cavalry
Latta, E. M. Confederate Infantry 7th Regi., KY Mounted Infantry
Latta, E. V. Confederate Infantry 18th Regi., NC Infantry
Latta, Edward G. Union Cavalry 19th Regi., NY Cavalry
Latta, Edward T. Union Infantry 8th Regi., Iowa Infantry
Latta, Elmer M. Union Infantry 58th Regi., NY Infantry Nat. Guard (100 days, 1864)
Latta, Emanuell G.(Emmit) Union Artillery 1st Regi., US Artillery (Reg. Army) Br. 4
Latta, Emanuell G.(Emmit) Union Artillery 1st Regi., US Artillery (Reg. Army) Br. 4
Latta, Ephraim Union Cavalry 7th Regi., Indiana Cavalry
Latta, Eugene A. Union Infantry 25th Regi., Michigan Infantry
Latta, Eugene E. Union Infantry 196th Regi., PA Infantry (100 days, 1864)
Latta, F. T. Confederate Cavalry 1st Regi., Arkansas Cavalry (Monroe's)
Latta, F. M. Confederate Cavalry 7th Regi., KY Cavalry
Latta, F. M. Confederate Infantry 7th Regi., KY Mounted Infantry
Latta, Felix Confederate   1st Regi., Cherokee Mounted Vol., CSA
Latta, Felix G. Confederate   1st Regi., Cherokee Mounted Vol., CSA
Latta, Frank M. Confederate Infantry 16th Regi., Arkansas Infantry
Latta, Frank M. Confederate   General and Staff Officers, Non-Regimental Enlisted Men, CSA
Latta, Franklin Union Infantry 13th Regi., Kansas Infantry
Latta, Franklin Confederate Infantry 4th Regi., Arkansas Infantry
Latta, G. W. Confederate Cavalry 34th Regi., Texas Calvary (Alexander's) (2nd Texas Partisan Rangers)
Latta, George Union Infantry 30th Regi., Indiana Infantry
Latta, George M. Confederate Artillery C.F. Johnston's Company, VA Artillery (Albemarle Artillery)(Everett Artillery)
Latta, George W. Union Infantry 77th Regi., NY Infantry
Latta, H. R. Confederate Infantry 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Harrison Confederate Infantry 23rd Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Harvy Union Infantry 11th Reg., Michigan Infantry (1st org.)
Latta, Hector H. Union Infantry 21st Regiment, Michigan Infantry
Latta, Henry C. Confederate Infantry 46th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Hugh J. Union Artillery 2nd Ind.Battery, Minnesota Light Artillery
Latta, J. Confederate   1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
Latta, J. A. Confederate Cavalry 12th Regiment, Alabama Cavalry
Latta, J. B. Confederate Cavalry 12th Regiment, Alabama Cavalry
Latta, J. J. Confederate Infantry 10th Regiment, Alabama Infantry
Latta, J. L. Confederate Cavalry 34th Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Alexander's) (2nd Texas Partisan Rangers)
Latta, J. M. Confederate Infantry 14th Regiment, SC Infantry
Latta, J. W. Confederate Cavalry 34th Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Alexander's) (2nd Texas Partisan Rangers)
Latta, J.F.M. Confederate Infantry 4th Regiment, Florida Infantry
Latta, J. M. Confederate Cavalry 19th/20th Consolidated Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry
Latta, J. P. Confederate Infantry 53rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latta, J. P. Confederate Cavalry 8th Regiment, Arkansas Cavalry
Latta, J. T. Confederate Infantry 7th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Latta, J. W. Confederate Infantry 27th Regiment, Tennessee Infantry
Latta, J. W. Confederate Cavalry 20th Regiment, TN Cavalry (Russell's)
Latta, James Union Infantry 3rd Regiment, Minnesota Infantry
Latta, James Union Infantry 16th Regiment, Main Infantry
Latta, James Union Infantry 29th Regiment, Michigan Infantry
Latta, James Confederate   3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves
Latta, James Confederate Infantry 7th Regiment, Florida Infantry
Latta, James D. Union Infantry 22nd Regiment, Connecticut Infantry
Latta, James G. Confederate Infantry 13th Battalion, NC Infantry
Latta, James G. Confederate Infantry 66th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, James M. Union Infantry 29th Regiment, Iowa Infantry
Latta, James W. Confederate Cavalry 19th/20th Consolidated Regiment, TN Cavalry. Enlisted Nov. 1, 1863 in Gibson Co., TN, by Maj. Bennett for 3 years.  Sorrell horse valued at $1100.  Present on roll for Mar/April 1864.  Present on roll for May/June 1864.  On report (as J. M. Latta) of absentees and deserters, Verona MS, Feb. 28, 1865. Residence Gibson Co., TN; probable whereabouts Gibson Co. Oath of Allegiance of James W. Latta of Madison Co., TN, sworn at Paducah, KY, Jan. 31, 1865. Described as fair complexion, dark hair, dark eyes, 5 ft. 9 in., enlisted 30 Nov. 1863, deserted 20 October 1864.
Latta, James W. Union Infantry 119th Regiment, PA Infantry
Latta, Jefferson Union Artillery 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery
Latta, Jeremiah Union Infantry 53rd PA Infantry
Latta, John Confederate Cavalry 6th Regiment, Tennessee Cavalry (Wheeler's)
Latta, John Union Cavalry 6th Regiment, Illinois Cavalry
Latta, John Union Cavalry 11th Regiment, Ohio Cavalry
Latta, John A. Union Infantry Denver City Home Guards, Colorado Infantry
Latta, John A. Union Infantry 50th Regiment, Missouri Infantry
Latta, John I. Confederate Infantry 10th Regiment, Alabama Infantry
Latta, John M. Union Infantry 18th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, John P. Union Infantry 129th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, John P. Union Infantry 160th Regiment, Ohio Infantry (National Guard)
Latta, John P. Union Infantry 196th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, John P. Union Infantry 184th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, John P. Confederate Infantry 13th Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latta, John Q. Confederate Infantry 25th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, John R. Confederate Infantry 51st Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, John R. Union Infantry 116th Regiment, Indiana Infantry (6 months, 1863-4)
Latta, John R. Confederate   General and Staff Officers, Non-Regimental Enlisted Men, CSA
Latta, John S. Union Infantry 59th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Latta, John W. Union Infantry 24th Regimental, Iowa Infantry
Latta, John W. Union Artillery 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery
Latta, Jos. Franklin Union Infantry 1st Regiment, Iowa Infantry (3 months, 1861)
Latta, Joseph Union Infantry 119th Regiment, PA Infantry
Latta, Joseph Union Infantry 14th Regiment, US Infantry (Regular Army)
Latta, Joseph Union Infantry 14th Regiment, US Infantry (Regular Army)
Latta, Joseph A. Union Infantry 86th Regiment, OH Infantry (6 months, 1863-4)
Latta, Joseph F. Union Infantry 22nd Regiment, Iowa Infantry
Latta, Joseph S. Confederate Infantry 6th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Joseph  W. Union Cavalry 1st Regiment, Iowa Cavalry
Latta, Joseph W. Confederate Infantry 66th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Joseph W. Confederate Infantry 13th Battalion, NC Infantry
Latta, Joshua W. Union Infantry 13th Regiment, Maryland Infantry
Latta, Josiah Union Infantry 62nd Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, Josiah Union Infantry 67th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, Leonidas Union Artillery 17th Independent Battery, OH Light Artillery
Latta, Leonidas Union Infantry 83rd Regiment, OH Infantry
Latta, Leonidas S. Union Infantry 138th Regiment, OH Infantry (National Guard)
Latta, Luther Union Infantry 129th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, Luther Union Infantry 160th Regiment, OH Infantry (National Guard)
Latta, Luther Union Infantry 196th Regiment, OH Infantry
Latta, M. S. Confederate Infantry 1st Regiment, Texas Infantry
Latta, M. T. Confederate Cavalry Forrest's Regiment, Alabama Cavalry
Latta, M. F. Confederate Cavalry 18th Regiment, TN Cavalry (Newsom's)
Latta, M. J. Confederate Infantry 9th Battalion, Georgia Infantry
Latta, M. T. Confederate Cavalry 19th/20th Consolidated Regiment, TN Cavalry
Latta, Marcellus Union Infantry 89th Regiment, OH Infantry
Latta, Marion Francis Union Infantry 3rd Regiment, Iowa Infantry
Latta, Martin Union Infantry 4th Regiment, Michigan Infantry (1st organization)
Latta, Martin L. Union Infantry 4th Regiment, Michigan Infantry (1st organization)
Latta, Meredith J. Confederate Infantry 37th Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latta, Merida J. Confederate Infantry 37th Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latta, Milton Union Infantry 32nd Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latta, N.T. Confederate Cavalry Baxter's Battalion, Confederate Cavalry
Latta, N.T. Confederate Cavalry 10th Regiment, Mississippi Cavalry
Latta, Norwood Confederate   3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves
Latta, O.C. Confederate Infantry 17th Regiment, NC Infantry (2nd organization)
Latta, Phillip Union Artillery 23rd Independent Battery, NY Light Artillery
Latta, Phillip A. Union Artillery 8th Regiment, NY Heavy Artillery
Latta, Phillip W. Confederate Infantry 66th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Presley Confederate Infantry 6th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, Robert Union Infantry 15th Regiment, Connecticut Infantry
Latta, Robert Confederate Infantry 7th Battalion, SC Infantry (Nelson's)(Enfield Rifles)
Latta, Robert Confederate Infantry 12th Regiment, SC Infantry
Latta, Robert Union Infantry 74th Regiment, NY Infantry National Guard (30 days, November, 1863)
Latta, Robert Union Infantry 38th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latta, Robert Union Infantry 13th Regiment, Missouri Infantry
Latta, Robert Union Infantry 50th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Latta, Robert A. Confederate Infantry 28th Regiment, Alabama Infantry
Latta, Robert M. Union   2nd Battalion, Veteran Reserve Corps
Latta, Robert T. Confederate Infantry 28th Regiment, Alabama Infantry
Latta, Robert T. Union Infantry 3rd Regiment, US Volunteer Infantry
Latta, Robert W. Union Cavalry 10th Regiment, OH Cavalry
Latta, S. Confederate Cavalry 15th Consolidated Regiment, TN Cavalry
Latta, Samuel Union Infantry 70th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Latta, Samuel G. Union Cavalry 2nd Regiment, Nebraska Cavalry
Latta, Samuel M. Union Infantry 2nd Regiment, Maryland Infantry
Latta, Samuel R. Confederate Infantry 13th Regiment, TN Infantry
Latta, Samuel R. Union Cavalry 2nd Regiment, Maine Cavalry
Latta, Samuel W. Union   1st Battalion, Illinois State Militia
Latta, Silas Union Infantry 30th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latta, Silas Union Infantry 47th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latta, Simeon E. Union Infantry 1st Regiment, Minnesota Infantry
Latta, Simms Confederate Cavalry 6th Regiment, TN Cavalry (Wheeler's)
Latta, Simpson Confederate Infantry 13th Battalion, NC Infantry
Latta, Simpson J. Confederate Infantry 6th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, T. B. Confederate Infantry 7th Regiment, NY Mounted Infantry
Latta, T.J. Confederate   7th Regiment, NC Senior Reserves
Latta, Taber S. Union Infantry 138th Regiment, Indiana Infantry (100 days, 1864)
Latta, Thomas J. Union Artillery 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery
Latta, W. Confederate   4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
Latta, W. F. Confederate Cavalry 34th Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Alexander's)(2nd Texas Partisan Rangers)
Latta, W. J. Confederate Cavalry 11th Regiment, TN Cavalry (Holman's)
Latta, W. P. Confederate Artillery Kain's Company, TN Light Artillery (Mabry Light Artillery)
Latta, W.S. Confederate Cavalry 16th Regiment, TN Cavalry (Logwood's)
Latta, W. W. Confederate Artillery Sparkman's Company, TN Light Artillery (Maury Artillery)
Latta, W.W. Confederate Cavalry 9th Battalion, TN Cavalry (Gantt's)
Latta, W.D. Confederate Infantry 27th Regiment, TN Infantry
Latta, W.T. Confederate Infantry 53rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latta, W.W. Confederate   3rd Battalion, NC Senior Reserves
Latta, W. Y. Confederate Infantry 53rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latta, Wiley P. Confederate Infantry 24th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, William Confederate Infantry 6th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, William Union Infantry 53rd Regiment, PA Infantry
Latta, William Union Infantry 148th Regiment, PA Infantry
Latta, William Union Cavalry 3rd Regiment, Indiana Cavalry
Latta, William Union Infantry 47th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latta, William Union Infantry 7th Regiment, Michigan Infantry
Latta, William Confederate Infantry 13th Battalion, NC Infantry
Latta, William Confederate Infantry 66th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latta, William Union Infantry 4th Regiment, OH Infantry (3 months, 1861)
Latta, William A. Confederate Infantry 3rd Regiment, TN Infantry (Clack's)
Latta, William A. Confederate Cavalry 1st Regiment, TN Cavalry
Latta, William D. Confederate Artillery 13th Battalion, NC Light Artillery
Latta, William H. Union Artillery 12th Independent Battery, OH Light Artillery
Latta, William H. Union Infantry 61st Regiment, NY Infantry
Latta, William H. Union Infantry 2nd Regiment, US Veteran Vol. Infantry
Latta, William J. Confederate   Holman's Battalion, TN Partisan Rangers
Latta, William J. Union Infantry 40th Regiment, Wisconsin Infantry (100 days, 1864)
Latta, William J. Union Cavalry 8th Regiment, PA Cavalry (89th Volunteers)
Latta, William M. Union Infantry 29th Regiment, Iowa Infantry
Latta, William N. Union Infantry 89th Regiment, OH Infantry
Latta, William S. Confederate Cavalry 16th Regiment, TN Cavalry (Logwood's)
Latta, William S. Union Cavalry 2nd Regiment, Nebraska Cavalry
Latta, William W. Confederate Artillery Sparkman's Company, TN Light Artillery (Maury Artillery)
Latta, Wm. L. Union Cavalry 5th Regiment, WV Cavalry
Latta, Union Infantry 91st Regiment, NY Infantry
Lattea, W. Confederate   4th Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
Lattie, Ephram Union Infantry 35th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Lattie, Hector H. Union Infantry 21st Regiment, Michigan Infantry
Lattie, J. S. Confederate Infantry 7th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Lattie, J. T. Confederate Infantry 7th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Lattie, James S. Union Infantry 16th Regiment, Maine Infantry
Lattie, Jefferson Union Artillery 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery
Lattie, John W. Union Artillery 2nd Regiment, Illinois Light Artillery
Lattie, Robert Union Infantry 15th Regiment, Connecticut Infantry
Lattie, Robert W. Union Cavalry 10th Regiment, OH Cavalry
Lattie, William Confederate Artillery 3rd Regiment, NC Artillery
Lattie, William Union Infantry 48th Regiment, PA Infantry
Lattie, William Confederate   3rd Regiment, SC Reserves (90 days 1862-63)
Lattie, William Union Infantry 7th Regiment, Michigan Infantry
Lattie, William W. Union Infantry 42nd Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Latty, Abram Union Infantry 149th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latty, Alexander Confederate Infantry 39th Regiment, Georgia Infantry
Latty, B. D. Confederate Cavalry 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry
Latty, C.C. Confederate Cavalry 11th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry
Latty, C. O. Confederate Cavalry 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry
Latty, C. O. Confederate Cavalry 24th Battalion, Georgia Cavalry
Latty, C. V. Confederate Cavalry 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry
Latty, Ephram Union Infantry 35th Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latty, Flemming Confederate Infantry 35th Regiment, TN Infantry (5th Infantry)(1st Mountain Rifle Regiment)
Latty, Irvan Confederate Sharpshooters 24th Battalion, TN Sharpshooters (Maney's)
Latty, Irwin Confederate Cavalry Napier's Battalion, TN Cavalry
Latty, J. Confederate   1st Regiment, NC Junior Reserves
Latty, J. M. Confederate   2nd Regiment, Georgia Reserves
Latty, J. W. Confederate Infantry 19th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry (Dawson's)
Latty, James H. Union Infantry 30th Regiment, Iowa Infantry
Latty, Jefferson Confederate Cavalry Napier's Battalion, TN Cavalry
Latty, John Union Infantry 2nd Regiment, NY Infantry
Latty, John Union Infantry 57th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Latty, John Union Infantry 15th Regiment, US Infantry (Regular Army)
Latty, Luther Union Infantry 184th Regiment, OH Infantry
Latty, Luther Union Infantry 196th Regiment, Ohio Infantry
Latty, Major Union Artillery 2nd Regiment, US Colored Light Artillery
Latty, Michael Union Infantry 72nd Regiment, OH Infantry
Latty, Milton Union Infantry 32nd Regiment, OH Infantry
Latty, P. Confederate Infantry 6th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latty, Samuel G. Union Cavalry 2nd Regiment, Nebraska Cavalry
Latty, Sylvanus Union Infantry 31st Regiment, Indiana Infantry
Latty, T. J. Confederate   2nd Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers, CSA
Latty, Thomas Confederate Infantry 4th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Latty, Thomas Union Infantry 2nd Regiment, NY Infantry
Latty, Thomas Confederate Infantry 16th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry
Latty, Tomas Confederate Infantry 19th Regiment, Arkansas Infantry (Dawson's)
Latty, W. Confederate   3rd Battalion, NC Junior Reserves
Latty, W. W. Confederate Cavalry 9th Battalion, TN Cavalry (Gantt's)
Latty, William Union Cavalry 8th Regiment, TN Cavalry
Latty, William Union Cavalry 10th Regiment, TN Cavalry
Latty, William Confederate Infantry 6th Regiment, NC Infantry
Latty, William Confederate Infantry 8th Regiment, Missouri Infantry
Latty, William Confederate   2nd Regiment, Cherokee Mounted Volunteers, CSA
Latty, William H. Union Artillery 12th Independent Battery, OH Light Artillery
Latty, William W. Union Cavalry 2nd Regiment, Missouri Cavalry (Merrill's Horse)
Latty, William W. Union Infantry 42nd Regiment, Illinois Infantry