Here we
provide links to all manner of nifty stuff
If you would like to participate in
a discussion board about the Latta
families, you may do so at To read the archives of
past conversations , here is the url
for the archives:
The archives is listed by year and goes
clear back to 1996. You will be able
to read all of the correspondence on the
mailing list for years past.
If you would like to participate in
the Latta Mailing List at Rootsweb,
you can do so my sending a e-mail to with
the word "subscribe" in the subject
line. By doing this you will be
able to participate in the discussions
through your e-mail. To
unsubscribe to the list, you send an
e-mail with "unsubscribe" in the
subject line.
Ellen Rowan Taylor
List Administrator, Message Board
Administrator, Br 19/27 Captain
Sierra Vista AZ