Branch No. 17
Branch 17 Captain: Sue Lattea Cox. Please send any updates for Branch 17 to Sue at
Surname used: Latta, Latty, Lattea.
This family connects with Branch 29.
LAST NUMBER USED: 376 Start with Number: 377
Born: abt. 1750, son of John Latta and Mary Daugherty (See Branch 29 connection). Mary Daugherty/Dougherty's father, Edward Dougherty, owned a tavern in the early 1700's on the Old Conestoga Road outside of Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. John Latta married Mary Nixon, daughter of James and Mary (Potts) Nixon of Brandywine Hundred, Delaware, on January 1, 1773 in New Castle, Delaware. James Nixon was born 1705 in Copaugh, Ireland and died June 26, 1775 in New Castle, Delaware. Mary Potts Nixon was born in 1729 in Clogh, Antrim, Ireland, and died Oct. 29, 1804 in Woodburn, Loudoun County, Virginia. James Nixon is found in New Castle, Delaware in 1731 where he is listed as a cooper, in 1772 as a farmer and in 1773 as a yeoman (freeholder, landowner). The will of James Nixon (found in the Richard Nixon Library) was written May 16, 1773 and probated June 26, 1775. His wife, Mary and son, George, were executors of the will. He stated "To John Latta, my son-in-law and Mary, his wife, L20 in cash." The other children of John and Mary Nixon were James, Catherine, Elizabeth, Jean and a son George Nixon, who was the 4th great-grandfather of President, Richard Nixon. George Nixon, in his pension application for his Revolutionary War service, stated that he served as a soldier who crossed the Delaware and fought in the Battle of Princeton with George Washington. In his Will, James Nixon left his daughter Jean Nixon (then unmarried) L60 in cash "now in the hand of the Rev. Mr. Robert Smith of Pequea", along with a horse, saddle and a bed. Rev. Robert Smith was a Presbyterian minister in Pequea, Lancaster County, PA. Also married in New Castle, Delaware, was Mary Nixon's sister, Jean Nixon, who married Francis Cluggage. Francis Cluggage and John Latta moved to Dublin/Shirley Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Francis Cluggage owned a tavern and served as a Justice of the Peace. John Latta was the tax collector in 1773, and served as a constable in 1774 and 1775. John Latta's wife, Mary died between 1800 and 1810, as she is shown in the 1800 census, but is gone by the 1810 census. John lived in Shirley Township until his death abt. 1834 when his name disappears from the tax records. Also married at New Castle, Delaware on March 11, 1773, was an Edward Daugherty and Elizabeth Bellieu. A man named Edward Daughtery lived beside of John Latta in Shirley in the 1790 census. Perhaps he was related to John Latta. This family connects to Branch 29. Number #3 George Latta of that branch is the son of John Latta and Mary Nixon, and he names his children after members of Branch 17. This would make the "John Latta" listed in Branch 29 his grandfather, and not his father. This would make Branch 17's John Latta, referenced here, the son of John Latta and Mary Daugherty. The other children listed for this John Latta would be the brothers of the head of this list, and they appeared in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, which was just over the mountain from Shirley Township.
Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania:
John Latta was thought to be the
"John Catta" who appears in the tax list of Brother's Valley in 1772
and 1773, but it is doubtful. There was a "Catta" family on the tax lists in Delaware
in the early 1770s. Brothers Valley was the first settlement in Bedford County
in 1772-73. "John Latta" first appears in the tax lists in Dublin
township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania in 1774 and is found there each
year until 1834. The area where he lived was sectioned off into
Huntingdon County, and the line between Dublin (later Cromwell
township) and Shirley township ran right along Sugar Run where John
Latta lived, placing him in Shirley township, and those across Sugar
Run in Dublin, later Cromwell township.
Huntingdon County was formed from Bedford County, PA in 1787. Bedford
County was formed from Cumberland County in 1771.
This deed was found in Bedford County where John Latta purchased 300
acres at Dublin (now Shirley) in Bedford Co. (now Huntingdon Co.)
Sept. 10, 1774 - Know All Men by this presents that
that J. James Daily of the Township of Dublin in the County of Bedford and
Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman for and in consideration of the sum of fifty
five pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania to me in hand paid by John Latta of the
Township County and Provance afore at and before the selling and delivering of
this presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and confirmed have
granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by there presents do grant
bargain sell release and confirm unto the said John Latta his heirs and assigns
all that certain improvement and tract of land with a location for three hundred
acres, one hundred thereof surveyed situate lying and being in the Township of
Dublin afore on the waters of Aughwick Creek bounded on the south by a run known
by the Sugar Run on the west by lands of Samuel Daniel and on the east by a Scruby Ridge. To have and to hold the said improvement and tract of land
location and survey here statements and promises hereby granted bargained and
sold or mentioned or intended so to be and every part and parcel thereof with
the appurtances unto the said John Latta his heirs and assigns to the only
proper use benefit and behoof of him the said John Latta his heirs and assigns
forever. And if the said James Daily for myself my ancestors and administrator
the said improvement location and survey with three hundred acres of land here
date month and premises with the apurtainance unto the said John Latta his
ancestors administrators or assigns against me the said James Daily my ancestors
administrators and assigns and against all and every other person and persons
whatsoever shall and will warrant and do for by these presents the honorable
proprietor, only intepted in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven
hundred and seventy four.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of Robt Clugage.
Robert Shropshire. (Robert Cluggage was the father of Francis
Cluggage, John's brother-in-law by marriage. Robert Cluggage is
found in the early records of Cecil County, Maryland, and moved to
Franklin County, Pennsylvania, before coming to Huntingdon County, PA.)
Daily (Seal)
(Source: Deed Abstracts, Deed Book A, page 84, Bedford County, Pennsylvania) James Dailey purchased the land belonging to William Trent, an Indian Trader who was a partner to George Croghan. William Trent and George Croghan were prosperous Indian Traders until the French and Indian War, when the traders in Pennsylvania became known as the "Suffering Traders" because they owed so much money to Philadelphia merchants. The land that they owned was sold off to pay their debts. "John Fraser, Western Pennsylvania Frontiersman." William Trent's land was situate above Shirleysburg, across Auchwick Creek from Fort Shirley. John Latta would have been the first person to farm this land and make it a home.
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Tax Records find:
1773 - John Latta is listed as "collector" of the taxes in Dublin Twp, so he was in Dublin at that time.
1774 - John Latta is a "Constable" in Dublin Twp., Bedford County. (At the October sessions, 1767, of the Cumberland Co. court, Ayr township was divided and Dublin township erected out of the northern end, Ayr being thus shorn of nearly half her territory.)
1775 - John Latta is still a "Constable" in Dublin Twp. and also paid taxes of 4.2
1776 - John Latta is at Dublin
1779 - John Latta is at Dublin (100 acres, 1 horse, 2 cows)
1783 - John Latta is found in Shirley Twp. (100 acres, 2 horses, 3 cows, 4 sheep)
1784 - John Latta is at "Sherley"
1786 - John Latta (Armstrong Tp.)
1788 - John Latta - 200 acres, 2 horses, 1 cow, "Sherley" Tp. (58/ac for landlord-[does this mean that he is renting 58 acres of his own land to someone else? Perhaps a daughter and son-in-law])
1795 - John Latta - 200 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows
On microfilmed tax rolls for Shirley Twp. and Union Twp, the following is found. It is all Shirley Twp. unless otherwise designated.
1788 - John Latta, 200 acres, 1 horse, 1 cow
1789 - John Latta, 150 acres, 1 horse
1790 - John Latta, 150 acres, 1 horse
1791 - John Latta, 150 acres, 2 horned cattle, 1 horse, 3 ? of horses
1792 - John Latta, 200 acres, 1 cow, 1 horse
William Latta, single freeman
1793 - John Latta, 150 acres, 2 cows, 2 horses
William Laty, single freeman, 1 horse
1794 - John Latta, 200 ac, 2 cows, 2 horses
1795 - John Latta, 200 ac, 2 cows, 2 horses
George Latta, single freeman
1796 - John Latta, 200 ac, 2 cows, 2 horses
George Latta, single freeman
1797 - John Latta, D-306, C-66, Dollars 1, Cents 16
1797 - William Latta - D-36, C-0, Dollars 0, Cents 12
1797 - George Latta - indentured lands, married, Dollars 1 (indentured land means it had a lien on it and not in owners name yet) (This would be John's son, George Latta found in Branch 29, who married Mary McDonald)
1797 (second record) John Latta, D-336, C-66, Dollars 1, Cents 31
1797 (second record) William Latta, D-36, C-0, Dollars 0, Cents 12
1797 - George Latta, single freeman, Dollars 1 (there are two records for George here/one married, and one single. So he probably was married during this time)
1798 - John Latta, 334, 66, 0, 94
1798 - William Latta, 36, 0, 0, 10
1798 - George Latta, 8, 0, 0, 3
1799 - John Latta, 200 ac, 1 horse, 2 cows
1799 - William Latta, 2 horses, 1 cow
1799 - George Latta, 1 cow
1800 - John Latta, 200 acres, 2 horses, 2 cows
1800 - William Latta, 2 horses, 1 cow
1800 - George Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1801 - John Latta, 200 acres, 1 horse, 1 cow
1801 - William Latta, 2 horses, 1 cow
1801 - George Latta "removed", 1 horse, 1 cow (George disappears from Shirley. He and his brother have purchased land in Franklin County)
1801 (second record) William Latta (line drawn through his name) This probably indicates his move to Franklin County also. William is later found in Alexandria, Porter Township, Huntingdon Co.
1802 - John Latta, 200 acres/landlord, 2 cows, 1 occupation (John is probably renting part of his farm to family)
1802 (second record) John Latta, 3 horses, 1 cow
1803 - John Latta, 3 horses, 1 cow
1804 - John Latta, 300/landlord, 3 horses, 1 cow
1805 - John Latta, 275/landlord, 3 horses, 2 cows
1806 - John Latta, 275/landlord, 2 horses, 2 cows
1807 - John Latta, 275/LL, 1 horse, 2 cows
1808 - John Latta, 275/LL, 1 horse, 2 cows
1808 Union Township (where Latta Grove is situated) William Latta, 300/LL, 1 cow
1809 - John Latta, 275/LL, 1 horse, 2 cows
1809 - John Latta, single freeman
1809 Union Township - William Latta, 100/LL, 2 horses, 2 cows
1810 - John Latta, 275/LL, 2 horses, 2 cows
1810 - John Latta, single freeman
1810 - Union Township - William Latta, 100/LL, 1 horse, 1 cow (William is back in Shirley by the time of the 1800 census)
1811 - John Latta, 275/LL, 1 horse, 1 cow
1811 - John Latta, single freeman
1811 - Union Township - William Lattey, 100 acres
1812 - John Latta, 275/LL, 1 horse, 1 cow
1812 - John Latta, single freeman
1812 Union Township - William Lattey, 100 acres
1813 - John Latta, 415/LL, 1 horse, 1 cow
1813 - William Latta, 100/LL, 1 cow
1813 - John Latta, single freeman, 1 occupation
1813 - Abraham Latta, single freeman, 1 horse
1813 - Union Township - William Lattey, 100 acres
1814 - John Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1814 - William Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1814 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse
1814 - John Latta, single freeman
1815 - John Latta and Logan Cornelius, 308/LL, 1 horse, 1 cow
1815 - William Latta, 100/LL, 1 horse, 1 cow
1815 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse
1815 - John Latta, single freeman
1816 - John Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1816 - William Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1816 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse
1816 - John Latta, single freeman
1817 - John Latta, 1 occupation
1817 - William Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1817 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1817 - Rebecca Latta, 1 horse
1817 John Latta, Jr., 1 occupation
1818 - John Latta, Sr., 1 occupation
1818 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1818 - Rebecca Latta, 1 horse
1818 - John Latta, Jr., 1 occupation
1820 - John Latta, 1 horse
1820 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1820 - John Latta, Jr., 1 horse, 1 cow, 143/LL for Cromwell
1821 - John Latta, Sr., 1 horse
1821 - Abraham Latta, 2 horses, 2 cows
1821 John Latta, Jr., 1 horse, 1 cow
1822 - John Latta, Sr., 1 horse, 125/LL with Logan Cornelius
1822 - Abraham Latta, 2 horses, 2 cows
1822 - John Latta, Jr., 125/LL for Cromwell, 1 horse, 1 cow
1823 - John Latta, 2 horses, 1 cow
1824 - Abraham Latta, 2 horses, 2 cows
1824 - John Latta, 2 horses, 1 cow
1825 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1825 - John Latta (removed) 2 horses, 1 cow
1826 - Abraham Latta (name only)
1827 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1827 - John Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1828 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1828 - John Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1829 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow, 206/LL
1829 - John Latta, 1 horse
1830 - Abraham Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow, 200/LL
1830 - John Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1831 - Abraham Latta, 2 horses, 2 cows
1831- John Latta, 1 horse, 2 cows
1832 - Martha Latta, widow, 200/LL (name scratched out)
1832 - John Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1833 - John Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
1834 - John Latta, 1 horse, 1 cow
No deed has been found where John sold his land to anyone else. During this time period, father's often gave pieces of their property to their children with no deed being recorded. The property might stay in the family several generations before being sold to someone other than family.
Revolutionary War Service: John Latta supposedly served as a commissary in the Revolutionary War. He supposedly left his wagon and joined in the fighting and was court martialed, but George Washington dismissed the court martial. (Could this story be for another member of his family. Perhaps Branch 19, John Latta was his grandfather. He supposedly served as a teamster for General Braddock during the French and Indian War, and George Washington took command after General Braddock was killed. This John Latta had a son who died before 1768, as he left part of his estate to the children of his son John. This may have been the John who was killed by Indians (during the French/Indian War) that Latta Grove was named for.) The only reference to Branch 17 John Latta in the Bedford County Militia is found in the Pennsylvania Archives where descriptions of the boundaries of the Bedford County Militia for properties in John's area are listed in "Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution: Associated Battalions and Militia," for the SECOND BATTALION, on page 676: "Seventh Company - Captain Gavin Cluggage, Lieutenant William Bryon, Ensign Benjamin Brown - Beginning at Matthew Utley's, and from thence to James Cannon's, and from thence to John Lattey's, and from thence with a straight line to Jack's Mountain, and with said Mountain to the Three Springs & Sideling hill until it Intersects the line of the Second Company, and with said line to John Montgomeries, and from thence with a straight line to the Shades, from thence with the Shade Mountain to the Beginning. On page 677: "Eighth Company, Captain Thomas Blair, Lieutenant Robert Gardner, Ensign Nicholas Koons - Beginning at Jack's Mountain and running with a straight line to John Lattey's, James Cannon's & Matthew Utley's at the Shade Mountain, and with the Shade Mountain to the County line, and with said line to Jack's Mountain to the beginning."
War Department documents dated Feb. 4, 1788 from Jos. Dawson to Joseph Howell, of the Commissioner's Office in Philadelphia requests pay for Pennsylvania inhabitants listing "John Latta, 101 days team hire." Gun powder shortages during the war prompted the delivery of gun powder from powder mills in the townships of Pennsylvania. Shirley township was the site of a powder mill owned by the Shearer family. It could be possible that John Latta delivered gun powder from the Shearer mill to the Continental Army, and thus he served as a commissary delivering supplies to the army. However, no evidence has been found documenting this.
Children of John:
362. WILLIAM (2) b. abt. 1774. William is living in the Shirley and Union Township area until about 1820, when he moves to Alexandria, Porter township, Huntingdon County. The Pennsylvania Main Line Canal was being dug in the area at the time, causing a mini housing boom in 1833 when the canal opened. It was followed by the opening of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company in 1846. Pennsylvania starting digging canals in 1825 and had more miles of canal than any other state. William probably moved to this area where jobs were more plentiful. In 1820, William is in Alexandria and has 3 sons under 10, 1 son 10-16, and 2 sons 16-26, 1 daughter 10-16, and 2 daughters 16-26. William is listed in the yearly tax lists for Porter township with 3 cows, 1 dwelling, and 2 lots in 1820, and each year thereafter until1828, when he moves. His son, William Latta, Jr. first shows up as a freeman in 1821, followed by his son George Latta, as a freeman in 1826. William, Jr. moves out of Porter township the same year as his father, but George is still there until 1833, still as a single freeman. George and his wife are found in Frankstown, Huntingdon Co., PA in the 1840 Census as "G. Latto" with 1 son under 5, 1 son 5-10, 2 daughters under 5, and 1 daughter 5-10. In 1850, Frankstown is assessed in Blair County, PA, and we find a "Catherine Latta", age 35, born in PA, with her children, Wm Latta, age 16, Sarah J. Latta, age 15, and Ann M. Latta, age 8. The 1850 Mortality Schedule lists a deceased son, John Latta, age 5, who died of the measles in May of 1850. If this is George Latta's family, two other children would have died young also. "Sarah J. Latto," age 15 is also assessed in the home of Daniel Keatch, as stone mason from Maryland, and his wife, Sophia Keatch. (Were these her grandparents?) The 1860 Census for Frankstown, Blair Co., PA, lists William Latto, 26, laborer, b. PA, Ianos Latta, 22, b. PA, and George W. Latto, 9 months, b. PA. The 1870 Census in Clinton, Fulton Co., OH, lists George Wilder, 40, b. PA, Sarah Wilder, 38, b. PA, and George Latty, 81, b. Martinsburg (there is a Martinsburg in Huntingdon Co., PA) In the 1880 Census for Dover Twp, Fulton Co., OH, Sarah Wilder (Weldar), 55, is listed as an inmate at the infirmary (poor house). George Wilder, age 53, died of consumption at the infirmary (county poor house) at Dover on March 26, 1880. William's daughter, Mary Latta, is referenced in a letter to the Postmaster of the Latta Grove Post Office sent by her great-granddaughter, and published in the Mapleton Newspaper on April 12, 1905.361 CATHERINE (2) b. abt. 1777, married Isaac Burns about 1799. Isaac Burns was a wheelwright. History of Huntingdon and Blair Co., by J. Simpson Africa, pg. 345 states "The pioneer wheelwrights of Shirleysburg were .......Isaac Burns, whose shop was between the old John Cooper's tavern and store and Sharrar's cabinet shop." Children: Nancy (b. Apr. 6, 1799); Amelia, (b. June 7, 1804), married Lewis Cornelius, lived in Ogle Co., IL; Mary, (b. Aug. 28, 1802); m Morgan Cornelius; Isaac, Jane, Sarah, (b. Aug. 26, 1796), m. Mr. Crane and lived in Huntingdon Co., PA; James, (b. Nov. 4 1800); Catherine, (b. June 8, 1806), m. Isaac Grush, and lived in Ogle Co., IL; Sarah, (b. July 6 1809) , m. Mr. Myers; and John (b. 1816), m. Elizabeth and lived in Ogle Co., IL. Isaac Burns is listed in the 1800 Census at Shirley over 45, Catherine (26-45), and one daughter under 10. In the 1810 Census, I. Burns is listed at Shirley with his wife, 1 son under 10, 4 daughters under 10, and a daughter 10-16. In the 1820 Census, Isaac and Catherine are at Shirleysburg, and have a son under 10, 1 son 16-26, 1 daughter under 10, 2 daughters 10-16, and 2 daughters 16-26. Catherine and Isaac lived in Shirleysburg until his death between 1820-1830. Catherine is seen in the 1830 at Shirleysburg living with a daughter between the age of 20-30. (This would be Nancy, who never married.) Catherine is listed as age 50-60. In 1840, Catherine is listed as living with her daughter, Mary Cornelius, wife of Morgan Cornelius, in Shirley township. Catherine moved west with her son John Burns and his family in 1849, and is listed in the 1850 census with his family in Ogle County, Illinois. Her daughter, Catherine Grush, wife of Isaac Grush, had moved to Ogle County, Illinois in 1846. (The obituary of her granddaughter, Emma Grush Arnold, stated "In the spring of 1845 she moved with her family westward. They traveled by team and boat on the Ohio River and along the Mississippi to Savanna, Ill., and settled in Ogle County, in Pine Creek Township." The obituary of her grandson, John Grush stated "In 1846 he came west with his parents. They came by boat down the Ohio River and then up the Mississippi to Savanna, then traveled over land on wagons to Pine Creek Illinois." In 1851, Catherine Grush dies. In 1860, Catherine Latta Burns is found in Deep Run, Iowa with her daughter Mary Cornelius' family, and her son John Burns is two houses down. In 1864, Catherine died in 1864 in Dresden, Poweshiek County, Iowa, at the age of 87. She is buried in the Dresden Cemetery, Deep River Township. After her husband passed away, and her father, Catherine traveled west with her children, settling first in Ogle Co., IL, and then in Dresden, Poweshiek County, Iowa, where she died. See obituaries of three of her family members recalling the trip west in 1846. Obituaries.
2 JOHN (2) b. 1784. See history below.
365. REBECCA (2) b. abt. 1796. The only reference to Rebecca is in the Shirley township tax list for 1817 and 1818 when she is taxed for "1 horse." Since none of the Latta sons were deceased, it is assumed that Rebecca was a daughter to John.
345 ABRAHAM (2) d. in Huntingdon Co., PA in 1831. Married Martha Kimberlin. In his estate papers located in Huntingdon County, his wife is listed as "Martha." Martha Latta and Hugh King were appointed as Administrators of Abraham's estate. Hugh King was married to Martha's sister, Anna Mary Kimberlin. However, Martha left Pennsylvania and moved to Ohio, lodging with Randall Alexander, Esq., of Shirley township, and Jonathan Cunningham, Esq., of Wayne township, Mifflin Co., for collection venue notes belonging to the estate amounting to three to four hundred dollars. The Justice receipts for which said vendue notes Martha deposited with Samuel Bell of Shirley township with instructions to him not to pay out any of said monies to any person without her orders. Hugh King informed the court that he understood with good authority that Martha Latta "has declared that she never would pay the heirs of said decd one cent of the money coming to them from said estate and that they never should have one cent of it." Martha Latta was later removed from the estate as Administrator, but Hugh King did not finalize the estate at the courthouse, and it is unknown who the monies went to. On February 7, 1939, Martha Latta, age 53, married William Montgomery in Wayne Co., OH. Martha died on April 21, 1867 and is buried in the Dalton Cemetery, Sugar Creek, Wayne Co., OH. She was 81.
An interesting neighbor of Abraham Latta was Charles Purdue, the father of John Purdue, a wealthy industrialist in Lafayette, Indiana, and the primary original benefactor of Purdue University. The Purdue family was very poor, and when Charles Purdue died, his wife took her seven daughters and son John, and moved to Ohio.
Notice that Jacob Kimberling is listed as surety.
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Inventory of Abraham Latta's estate. Found at the Huntingdon County Historical Society. (I had to wear white gloves to handle it.) |
Inventory papers for the estate of Abraham Latta were found at the Huntingdon County Historical Society. The workers at the historical society brought the file down from upstairs and we were able to hold the documents wearing white gloves. | Orphan's Court Documents, Huntingdon County Courthouse regarding Abraham Latta's estate. No final settlement found. |
1820 Federal Census Huntingdon county Shirley Township Pennsylvania; Abraham Latta, 1 male 26-45; 1 female 26-45; 1 person engaged in agriculture.
1830 Federal Census; Shirley Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania; Page 130; Abraham Latta line 1; 1 male 30-40; 1 male 70-80; 1 female 40-50; (This is probably Abraham and his wife, and his father John living with him)
366 RACHEL (2) b. Sept. 29, 1801; d. Feb. 17, 1884; m. Davis Cornelius, son of Peter Cornelius and Rebecca Morgan Cornelius. Davis was born Jan. 12, 1801 in Huntingdon Co., PA. He died April 7, 1858 at age 57. His name was spelled "Davis" in three census records 1830, 1840, 1850. The only place it is found as "David" is his tombstone. The cemetery inscriptions collection of Pennsylvania Furnace Cemetery, Franklin Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania has Rachel Lotta, wife of David Cornelius died February 17, 1884 aged 82 years, 4 months, 19 days. Rachel and Davis are the parents of four children, Peter Cornelius who married Mary Angeline Pheasant, George Cornelius who married Eliza Potter, Hannah Cornelius who married James McManamy, and Rebecca Cornelius who married George W. Pheasant. Rebecca and George had five children, Anna Royer, Joshua, Rachel and twins Islina May and Viola Reeder. The twins were born in 1864, a couple of months before George W. Pheasant was killed in the Battle of Gettysburg in July of 1863. Their daughter Rachel had died in 1863 at the age of three. Being unable to care for all of her children, Anna and Joshua are found in the "war orphans school" in Huntingdon County, and Rebecca marries John Carnes and keeps the young twins with her. She and John Carnes have a son, Edward W. Carnes.
1830 Census roll M19-166, Huntingdon County Pennsylvania Davis Cormlis( in index) ( on film still looks like it's Cornelius) is in Henderson Township, Alexandria Borough Page 104. 1 male under 5, Peter; 1 male unknown name may be age 5-10; 1 male 20-30,Davis age 29:1 female 20-30, Rachel age 29.1840 Census Huntingdon County Pennsylvania, Division allotted to Henderson , Davis Cornelius is in Woodbury Township page 156. Roll #M704-462. Two male children 10 but under 15 (Peter age 11 and George) one male 40 to under 50 Davis age 39/40; two females 5 but under 10 (Hannah and Rebecca) and one female 40 but under 50, Rachel age 39. Total persons is 6. And in the very last column is the number 2. The family was already settled in Woodbury Township when the county line was moved to accommodate the new formed Blair County in 1846. Notice here that the male child that was under 5 in the 1830 census is not there in this census.
1850 Census found this family on same page as Pheasants on Micro film just down the street . Davis father is Peter Cornelius Los Angeles Federal Archives and Records Center Regional Archives Branch Record Group 29: Records of the Bureau of the Census Publication No. M432 Roll No. 755 Free Inhabitants in Woodbury Township in the County of Blair, State of Pennsylvania on the 31 day of July 1850 Page 12,Line 22; house number 163, family number 168,at streets Springfield Furnace and Furnace Hands; Davis Cornelius age 49, laborer born in Pennsylvania as were all of his family. Rachel 49, Peter 21, Laborer; George 19 Laborer, Hannah 17, Rebecca 15 and going to school.
In 1794, John's two sons, William and George took out warrants on 400 acres each in Fannet and Letterkenny townships, Franklin County, PA. This was just over the mountains east of Shirley township. See warrant page and maps below. William and George are found on the 1798 tax list, but no dwelling houses are listed on the property to tax; William in Mettle Township, and George in Fannet. William Latta is later found in Porter township, Huntingdon (Blair) County, PA until about 1840, when he disappears from the tax records. George had married Mary McDonald, and they lived in Pennsylvania until about 1810 when he moved to Columbiana County, Ohio.
William Latta, Sr. and William Latta, Jr./1821 tax list, Porter Township, Huntingdon County, PA
John (1). b. about 1784 in Shirley, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania. Died November 20, 1865, in Wayne Twp., Monroe County, Ohio. He moved to West Virginia about 1844. He stayed there a short time then went to southeastern Ohio (Monroe County); m. Anna Elizabeth Hockenbury. She was born in 1793 and died Dec. 17, 1865. See copy of this 2 John (2) Latta's Will John made his last will and testament on October 7, 1865. Instead of a signature, his will has an "X" and an indication that it is his mark. (Who were Harriet S. and Allice Latta mentioned in the will? Could Abraham have been his son instead of his brother? None of the Census records show that Abraham had any children.) The will was admitted to probate January 31, 1866. The 17 January 1866 edition of The Spirit of Democracy stated: "Died in Wayne Twp 20 Nov., John LATTA, 83 y." His wife died a few weeks later. Ruth Dougherty Hogue wrote that "they were buried in the Moose Ridge Cemetery (on top of a hill). I was in it several years ago but there was no stone for them. At that time it was being mowed but now is so grown up with briers, etc. you can't get through it."
For more on this family see Research Betty Kitchen's page:
374 ABRAHAM (3) b. abt. 1830; d. May 8, 1856 in Indiana; buried in the Van Pelt Cemetery, Noble Twp, Shelby Co., IN. Abraham married Eliza Ann Kinkade (1832-___) on April 20, 1851. Eliza was the daughter of John Kinkade and Elisabeth "Eliza" "Betty" (Britton or Brittain).
Their children were:
375 HARRIETT SAMANTHA LATTEA (4) b. June 5, 1852 in Rush Co., Indiana; d. June 23, 1929 at home, 7 miles south of Shelbyville, Shelby Co., Indiana. Married David Pope (b. 14 Sep 1842 - Fleming Co., KY; m. July 15, 1866; he died 9 Sep 1917-Washington Twp., Shelby Co., Indiana.
376 ALLICE R. LATTEA (also seen as Latta, Lattie, Latty) b. 17 Aug 1854-Shelby Co., Indiana; d. 14 Dec. 1920 - Osgood, Ripley Co., Indiana. She married Moses Marion Banta (b. Jan 1846 in Switzerland Co., Indiana; died before 1920 census. They were married on 30 Oct. 1875. For more information on the heirs of Harriett and Allice Lattea, go to the family link at
The Shelbyville Republican
Thursday January 24, 1929 Page 8 column 1 ---------- DEATH OF AGED LADY OCCURRED --------------- Mrs. Harriett Pope Died Last Night At Home 7 Miles South of City -------------- FUNERAL SERVICE FRIDAY ----------
The death of Mrs. Harriett
Samantha Pope,
age 76 years, widow of
occurred last night at ten-thirty o’clock at her home seven
miles south of this city, near the Winchester M.E. church.
Complication of diseases, from which she had suffered for
several months, was the cause of death.
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1830 Census, Shirley Township, Huntingdon Co., PA John Latta - 1 male under 5, 1 male 5-10, 1 male 40-50, 1 female under 5, 1 female 5-10, 1 female 10-15, 1 female 30-40. This looks like John's son, John Latta and family. (There is a George Hockenberry living 2 doors down.)1850 Monroe County, Ohio Census John Latty 63 male farmer born PA Ann 60 female Catherine 25 female Samuel 17 male-farmer John 15 male-farmer Sarah 8 female 1860 Monroe County, Ohio Census - Wayne Twp. John Latty 76 farmer born PA Ann Latty 67 Domestic born PA John Latty 22 Farm Laborer born VA Margaret Hall 24 Domestic born OH
Lucinda (3) John (2) John (1)
The Monroe County, Ohio Families gives her marriage date as 1838 in Monongalia County, West Virginia. This book also names her as "Alcinda" although we had "Lucinda." This book says that she and Jeremiah had 12 children, but it does not list them. She died in 1894 in Tyler Co, WV, and was buried at the Bowser Cemetery. From article in Tyler County West Virginia Families book submitted by Becky Mercer McPherson,"Jeremiah, the eldest child of William and Margaret, married Alcinda Latta (1821-1894), a quiet and soft spoken Quaker from the mountains of Pennsylvania, in 1837. (Note: Lucinda's grandmother, Mary Nixon, was a Quaker from New Castle, Delaware, and married John Latta, of a prominent Presbyterian family, on January 1, 1773 in New Castle, Delaware) Jeremiah was a man of stout build, about six feet tall, with blue eyes, fiery red hair, and a temperament to match. Jeremiah and Alcinda settled on Tenmile Creek in Tyler County in 1840. They had twelve children."
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John (2) John (1). Farmer near Woodsfield, Ohio. Born August 13, 1837 in Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia (then Virginia); d. Nov. 10, 1915 at Miltonsburg, Ohio. See his Obituary. He married Mary Jane Morris on March 16, 1861, daughter of Henry George and Mary (Kinkade) Morris. Her father was Dutch, her mother was English. She was born on Sept. 6, 1837 near Calais and died at Miltonsburg, Ohio May 13, 1927. See her obituary. John and Mary Jane are both buried at Calais, Ohio. Children were born in Eastern Ohio.
Latta Researcher Betty Kitchen notes: John Copeland Latta came from Moose Ridge, Monroe County, but his obituary notice says he was born in Fairmont, West Virginia. His father was Irish, and his mother was German. John and Mary Jane's marriage certificate was found in the Morris family Bible and is dated March 16, l861. It currently (1998) is hanging in the home of Betty Latta Kitchen. A lock of hair and a card are also in that Bible as well as the listings of all the Morris and Latta children.
His father's will (one of my most exciting historical documents - see John II Latta) signed by the probate judge January 31, 1866, stated: "I give and bequeath to my son John C. Latta all my personal estate except what will be sufficient to make the above payments {just debts and funeral expenses}. . . . And also I give and bequeath unto my son John C. Latta all my real estate, to wit: The North West Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section No. nine in Township No. five of Range No. six, situated in Monroe County, Ohio. I also require my son John C. Latta to maintain my wife Anna Latta or cause her to be maintained in a comfortable manner during her life time. . . ." (Some day Don and I will have to try to find out where this property was and what became of it since we know that John C. and his wife Mary Jane lived on the property owned by Henry G. Morris. We think that they lived near Lewisville the first few years of their married life.)
On page l64 of the l870 Census of Monroe County the John C. Latta household is listed: "John C. Latta (32, VA, farmer); Mary J. (32, OH, keep house); Thomas L. (3); and Allan F. (l). There is a notation also of Wayne Township so apparently the young family lived there for a while before moving into the Henry G. Morris home.
The 1880 Federal Census of Monroe County made these listings in Malaga Township with the state after the name being the person's state of birth, the next his/her father's, and the third the state of his/her mother:
John C. |
42 |
WV |
PA |
PA |
Mary J. |
42 |
W |
OH |
PA |
PA |
Thomas L. |
13 |
S |
OH |
WV |
OH |
Allen F. |
11 |
S |
OH |
WV |
OH |
Louisa E. |
9 |
D |
OH |
WV |
OH |
Mary Bell |
6 |
D |
OH |
WV |
OH |
John T. |
3 |
S |
OH |
WV |
OH |
Following the death of Mary Jane's father all of Mary Jane's brothers and sisters sold their claim to the Morris land to John Copeland. They each received $l22 or $l23 for their share. The quit claim deeds were signed by Acel (X=his mark) and Harriet Leach, David C. and Margaret A. Morris, Thomas J. and Susannah (X=her mark) Morris [it was Susanna on the Abstract mentioned below], William R. and Susannah Morris [it was Susanah (X) on the Abstract], Wilson Morris, Elijah A. Somers ($339 because it was for his wife Sarah L. and her sister Phebe E.) all between 1878-1880. We have copies of these transactions as well as the title examination synopsis we received when we purchased the property. In the 23-page carbon copy ABSTRACT OF TITLE OF THE LANDS OF MARY BELLE LATTA SITUATED IN MALAGA TOWNSHIP, MONROE COUNTY, OHIO. further notations of these quit-claim deeds are recorded. In addition to those above it mentions the quit claim deed of "John A. Morris and Sarah A. Morris, his wife, in consideration of $l30.00 in hand paid by John C. Latta. . . . " Another page in this Abstract tells about the Act of Congress of the 24th of April, 1820, entitled "An Act making further provisions for the sale of the Public Lands" by which the property originally went to Henry G. Morris on March 20, 1837, by the President Martin Van Buren. We also have a copy of the Administrator's or Executor's accounts that shows the closing of the Henry G. Morris estate on March 11, 1879. It shows early payments "May l8, l876, Pd. Hearriet J. Leach--on Legacy $77.45 and December 28--Phebe E. Morris --$2.50. . . ." John C. Latta and John A. Morris were the administrators of the estate although the only signature when the document was admitted to probate was that of John C. Latta. The property is very hilly with many trees. I wondered how they worked that land. Frank Christman and Aunt Jan both told me that the boys would always come home to help their dad cradle wheat on the Fourth of July.
I have his obituary notice. It reads: "John C. Latta was born at Fairmont, W. Va., August 13, 1837, and died suddenly of paralysis at his home near Miltonsburg, Ohio, November 10, 1915, being 78 years, two months, and 27 days of age. He is survived by his aged widow who with his daughter Mary Belle, tenderly cared for him during seven years of invalidism caused by a stroke of paralysis. He also leaves six children, T.L. of Calais, A. F. of Graysville, John T. of Thonze, Burma, David W. of Canton, Ohio, Mrs. C. A. Matz of Ashland, Ohio, and Mary Belle of the home. Funeral services were held at the residence November 12, by J. L. Burris and H.L. Hines after which he was laid to rest in the beautiful Calais cemetery. Card of Thanks--We hereby thank all of our kind neighbors and friends who, were so helpful to us during the sickness and death of our husband and father.--Mrs. J.C. Latta and Children" This was originally published in the Thursday, November 25, 1915, issue of the Spirit of Democracy on page 5.
A second obituary notice reads: "Mr. J. C. Latta, aged 78 years, a prominent and substantial farmer of Seneca township, passed away at noon, November l0, l9l5. Mr. Latta had been afflicted the past 8 years with paralysis though in apparent fair health until recently, his death being unexpected. He was the father of Prof. T.L. Latta of Calais, Ohio; Dr. Allen Latta of Graysville, Ohio; David Latta, of Akron, Ohio; John Latta, a Baptist Missionary in India; Mrs. Madaline Matz, of Ashland, Ohio; and Mary B. Latta, at home, who with his aged wife mourn his loss." [I, Betty Kitchen, question Mrs. Matz as Madaline since she was named Louisa and also that my grandfather David was from Akron. I wonder who wrote this obituary?]
In a l998 letter from Aunt Jan she writes: "Dad always said his Father loved to read and was alert to the news although it was old stuff till it got to the Hill Country." [I have two pairs of his eyeglasses and case.] Information furnished by Betty Latta Kitchen.
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Copeland Latta and Mary Jane Morris Latta
Picture courtesy of Betty Kitchen |
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Mary Jane Latta and
grandson Heber.
Reginald Heber Latta (b.23 Jul 1893;d.18 Jan 1957) Picture courtesy of Betty Kitchen |
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John and Mary Jane's marriage certificate was
found in the Morris family Bible and is dated March 16, l861.
Courtesy of Betty Kitchen |
15 HENRY HARVEY (4) b. 13 Feb 1862-Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 24 Sep 1865-Monroe Co., Ohio (probably also cholera since he died two days before his brother)
4 SAMUEL SEYMORE (4) b. 8 Jul 1864-Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 26 Sep 1865-Monroe Co., Ohio of cholera.
5 THOMAS LeROY (4) b. 18 Jul 1866-Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 2 May 1925-Millwood Twp., Guernsey Co., Ohio.
6 ALLAN FOREST (4) b.15 Feb 1869/1870-Monroe Co.,Ohio;d.22 Feb 1934-Cumberland, Guernsey Co., Ohio.
(4) b. 30 Mar 1871; d. Dec 1949-Ashland, OH. m. Christian Adam Matz. He was born March 27, 1864 and died Oct. 12, 1946. They were married July 16, 1901. Descendants of Louisa Ellen Latta Matz.17 MARY BELLE (4) b. 23 May 1874-Miltonsburg, Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 30 Jun 1950-Cambridge, Guernsey Co., Ohio.
7 JOHN TILDEN (4)b. 21 Sep 1876-Miltonsburg, Monroe Co., Ohio6; d. 19 Mar 1950-his home in Granville, Licking Co., Ohio.
8 DAVID WILSON (4) b. 1 Jul 1881-Malaga Twp., Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 25 Jul 1956-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio.
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Belle Latta and sister, Louisa Ellen Latta
Picture courtesy of Betty Kitchen |
Louisa Ellen Matz, nee Latta - Obituary Lou Ellen, age 78, died suddenly at 8:30 Saturday morning on December 10, 1949, at her home, 635 West Main Street in Ashland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Ludwig and William Matz, of Woodsfield; Mrs. Rachel Christman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young, of Lewisville, Route, paid their respects at the Matz home on Sunday. Funeral services were held at two o’clock Monday afternoon, December 12, from the Gilbert Funeral Home in Ashland, Ohio. Rev. Adam Gault, of Spencer, officiated. Burial was made in Ashland Cemetery. |
- By Betty Kitchen
One of the schools David attended was Fox Hollow. We have his report card signed by his brother Tom, the teacher, from 1894. Dave also passed an examination and received a Teacher's Certificate valid for one year in Monroe County, dated November 5, 1898. All of his brothers got a teaching certificate in their late teens. He would have been 17 years old. He then went by bicycle to Cornell in Ithaca, New York. He found work with bees to pay for his living expenses. At some time in Ithaca he had a bicycle accident and broke his leg which gave him problems the rest of his life.
David strongly in the two-party system, and because of that, he would insist on voting even if it were a moot point. Apparently, he had strong political feelings even as a youth. Two of his editorials were published in the Saturday Evening Post.
Editor, Saturday Evening Post:
Shall we give up our legends? Emphatically we shall. Legends are untruths nine times out of ten,---merely fiction. We shall soon get into fiction altogether. Legendism and sensationalism are one and the same. Mr. Skinner says in his editorial, history and legend are the same, only legend is much broader. Webster defines legend as "a remarkable story" and history as "a record." What a difference between the two! At any rate, there are enough truths in this life to believe without going to extremes. Honor heroes, but do not make gods of them. Do not hold them up as such for posterity. While we live in this life all men are equal. In conclusion, embellish facts if you will, but do not make legends out of them.
Miltonsburg, Ohio
D. W. L.
Editor, Saturday Evening Post:
The able treatment of the editorial, Our New Midway Plaisance, has caused it to be read with more than passing interest. It seems to me that there is danger of becoming an Imperial Republic. If there is not, how can we face expansion? Can we hold out the Monroe Doctrine, on the one hand, and say to the Powers, Keep off the grass, and on the other deliberately trample upon it ourselves? No. There is danger of becoming vain because of our achievements. Look at the tone of our ultimatums to Spain and note the Imperialistic command that is implied. It seems that almost every man of office who has any influence whatever is trying to climb on some person's shoulders and then push him down as he springs upward, that he can give Imperialistic commands. For instance, look at General Miles' military bill. It provides for a Lieutenant-General. Who will that Lieutenant-General be? Look at the International Bimetalism scheme and see what a snare that was. The time seems fast approaching when the officials at Washington will lay off their cloaks and, swaggering round in their seeming importance, say to other nations, "You shall."
Miltonsburg, Ohio
D. W. L.
In 1913 David began working with the Kuehn-Wilson Electric company for $3.50, a day and he worked ten hours every day. He was working for this company on the Timken building in Canton when he fell two stories and broke his jaw. That newspaper article said "the accident was due to the breaking of the concrete pole near the place where the cross arms were attached." Another article with headlines LEAPS IN AUTO, BEATS FOREMAN OF ELECTRIC CO, related: "D.W. Latta Thinks Effort to Break Strike Caused the Attack." "THREATS WERE MADE," Foreman Thinks Man Who Injured Him was Hired Thug." After Kuehn-Wilson he worked as an electrician for Hilscher-Clark.
In June 1918 he was hired by the Hercules Motors Company. Later he became a designing engineer. In 1944 he received the Ordinance Distinguished Consulting Service Award for his contributions to the war technology. Although he officially lived in Canton, Ohio, his office was in Chicago. He took the train back home on available weekends when all five kids would go over for Saturday dinner.
Frease & Bishop, patent attorneys, list these patents as granted during the week: . . . and Hercules Motors Corp. assignee of David Wilson Latta, patent on governor controlled compression ignition.
A feature of many newspapers are notes of important things that happened 100 years ago, 50 years ago, etc. In the 1981 Canton Repository was this note: "25 YEARS AGO---David W. Latta, vice president of the Hercules Motors Corp. since 1947 and associated with the firm for 38 years, died unexpectedly in his home at 2200 Broad Ave. NW. He was 75.'
David Wilson Latta - obituary Source: The Canton Repository David Latta, 75, Officer of Hercules, Succumbs -- Was Consulting Engineer David W. Latta, vice president of Hercules Motors Corp. since April 17, 1947, and associated with the corporation for the last 38 years, suffered a fatal heart attack today at 1 a.m. in his home at 2200 Broad Ave NW. [Canton, Ohio] He was 75. Although he had been under treatment for a heart ailment, his death was unexpected. He had retired from active service with Hercules July 1 but retained his corporate office. Mr. Latta was probably better known in engineering circles outside of Canton than in the city which he had called home for more than half a century. With the exception of the first two years in his association with Hercules his work as sales engineer took him to the nation's industrial centers. For many years he considered Chicago his center of activity and maintained headquarters there. Funeral rites will be Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the Welch funeral home and burial will be in Melscheimer Cemetery. Calling hours . The Rev. George E. Parkinson will officiate. Mr. Latta was a son of the late John and Mary Jane Latta and was born in Monroe County. He attended grade and high school there and then enrolled at Cornell University from where he was graduated in 1903. He was a long-time member of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He came to Canton the year following his graduation and became associated with the Kuehn Wilson Co. which later became the State Electric Co. and remained with that concern until joining Hercules in 1918. Mr. Latta had a number of hobbies, chief of which were gardening and photography. Probably one of his proudest possessions was an Ordinance Distinguished Service Award, presented to him on July 20, 1944, as a member of the Coordinating Research Council in recognition of "outstanding and meritorious engineering advisory service" to the U.S. armed forces. Mr. Latta is survived by his widow, Mrs. Effie J. Latta of the home; four sons, Elton, Zelvon, Donald and Vernon Latta of Canton; a daughter, Miss Jan Edith Latta of the home and three grandchildren. Honorary pallbearers at the rites will include Charles Balough, John C. Keplinger, John D. Cook, A.R. Miller, C. O. Jewell, Wesley Schaub and O.D. Treiber all of Canton, and Homer Schaub of East Sparta. Active pallbearers will be William Keplinger of Chicago and the following from Canton: Elmer C. Ide, F.H. Geisler, L.G. Downey, William D. Butcher, George W. LaSalle, Dr. E.A.V. Horiak and D.L. Buchanan. [David Wilson Latta, died 25 July 1956] |
John (2) John (1) b. 8 Jul 1864-Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 26 Sep 1865-Monroe Co., Ohio; m. 1) Emily Jane Moose, 2) Elizabeth Hannah Okey April 9, 1863. In 1905 lived at Woodsfield, Ohio. Elizabeth "Hannah" Okey born November 25, 1936 and died 1911. Buried in Moose Ridge Cemetery.
![]() Samuel Seymore Latta and wife, Hannah Elizabeth Okey Latta. Picture courtesy of Tim Paulus. |
Monroe Courier, August 2, 1911 - Hanna Latta
Mrs. Hanna Latta,
wife of Samuel Latta, died at her home near Woodsfield on Wednesday
morning July 26, 1911, aged 69 years. Mrs. Latta was a member of the
M.E. Church and a good woman, who lived the Christian life she
professed and was highly respected by all who knew her. A husband,
one son and two daughters are left. The funeral took place Thursday
at one o'clock p.m. Interment at Moose Ridge cemetery. Mrs. Latta
was a sister of J.W. Okey of Woodsfield and David Okey of Marietta.
The husband
and family have the sincere sympathy of many friends, for the loss
of a christian wife and mother is a family's greatest possible loss.
the MONROE COURIER: June 1912 - Samuel Latta Once more Death has claimed a citizen and a member of the Grand Army, this time in the person of Samuel Latta of Moose Ridge, who died Saturday afternoon, June 8, 1912, aged 79 years and 6 days. He had not been well for some time, but was able to visit Woodsfield on Decoration Day although very feeble. Samuel Latta was a pioneer farmer of this county, a member of the M.P. Church, a member of the GAR post of this place and an exemplary citizen. His wife preceded him to the better world several years ago. Four children and many friends are left. The funeral, in charge of Gen. W. P. Richardson Post, took place Monday and was largely attended. Rev. Eastlake preached the sermon. Interment in the Moose Ridge Cemetery. Ever true friend, rest in peace. |
Spirit of Democracy on on 20 May l863 (Vol. 20, No. 11): Soldiers money in possession of Hugh B. Hill for . . . Samuel Latta. . . . " This indicates he was in the Civil War. The 14 December 1864 issue (Vol.21, No. 41) stated "Men drafted from Wayne township: . . . Samuel Latta . . . ."
1890 VETERANS CENSUS OF MONROE COUNTY, OHIO: Latta, Samuel; Pri; l0/6/1864 - 1/17/1864; 3 m 11d; Edwina; discharged as unfit for service. [The dates have to be in error--either he was inducted in 1863 and discharged in 64 or inducted in 63 and discharged in 65.]
OBIT: From the Spirit of Democracy: "Samuel Latta, 80y, died at home in Wayne Tp., 8 June 1912. four children and wife survive. He was Civil War Veteran, buried Moose Ridge Cemetery."
Source: the Monroe Courier, Dec. 29, 1909
Family Reunion at Samuel Latta's
At this season of the year there are banquets and social events of unusual importance, but there has nothing occurred this holiday season more enjoyable than the family reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Latta of Moose Ridge, on Christmas Day, when their children and grandchildren were all home to spend Christmas under the parental roof and family fireside.
Mr. and Mrs. Latta are pioneers in whom all their acquaintances have full confidence and entertain a high respect.
The pleasure of assembling at such a home and the satisfaction experienced by the old folks as they entertained an honorable and intelligent family, makes such a gathering almost sacred.
The assemblage numbered 22, and at high 12 all sat down to a fine dinner, well prepared for the occasion.
The afternoon was spent in a social manner and the children were treated to oranges, bananas, nuts and candy.
Children with Emily Jane Moose:
(4) (b.1857;d.1935) m: Hannah
M. (Schafer) Latta.See
John E. age 3, is listed on page 513
of the census of Monroe County by Wilma S. Davis. He is listed with the family
of his grandparents John [Mosse] Moose (54) and Emily (50) and their other
children and others. His mother died in 1858. His father Samuel Latty, age 26,
is listed at another household in Wayne Township. John and Hannah had three
children: Frida (b. 1883) m. John "Frank" Turner, a daughter who married a
Charles Feiber, and a son whose name is unknown.
The new death records CD from Monroe County, OH shows:
"Latti, Hannah, Mariah died 9 Mar 1890 in Center Twp; age 34y, 6m, 17d; from
consumption." Right above it is this entry. "Latti, Samuel Varner died 7 mar
1890 in Center Twp; 21 days; from inflammation of the bowels." Hannah Mariah was
the wife of John Elba or (L.B.) Latta. She was originally a Shafer. It seems
very logical to me that it was her infant son that died 2 days before she did.
Children with Elizabeth Hannah Okey:
18 JAMES ALBERT (4) b. June 6, 1864; d. September 24, 1865.
19 DAVID WIER (4) b. August 5, 1867; d. August 19, 1930; m. Rachel P. Snodgrass at Rinard's Mills, Ohio.
20 CATHARINE JANE (4) b. November 19, 1870 in Monroe Co., OH, (Vol. 1, page 84; father - Samuel Latta; mother - Hanah Okey Latta); m. William A. Paulus (John A. "Tony" Paulus) February 27, 1889 (Monroe Co., OH Marriages, Vol. 3, page 488; Catharine J. Latta). Children: Ida R. b. January 17, 1890; m. L.P. Christman December 14, 1910.
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Catherine Jane Latta
Picture courtesy of Betty Kitchen (given to her by Tim Paulus) |
21 ANNA BELL/ANNIE BELLE (4) b. Oct. 12, 1875 (listed as 1874 in county records - Monroe Co., OH, Vol 1, page 216 (listed Latty, A. B. (female); father - Samuel; mother - Hannah Okey Latta); m. William Forest Turner. Seven children.
John C. (3) John (2) John (1) b. 18 Jul 1866-Monroe Co., Ohio; d. 2 May 1925-Millwood Twp., Guernsey Co., Ohio. Buried at Calais, Ohio. Married Mary Adelia Burris on October 4, 1898. She was born in 1873 and died in 1950 in Cambridge, Ohio. In 1930 she was living at Eldon, Ohio. Thomas was a school teacher and taught at the "Fox Hollow School". His wife, Mary, was also a school teacher. Mary taught at Calais School 1899-1901 and was at Fox Hollow in 1911. She and her husband Tom had one child, Thomas Burris Latta, who was born and died in 1896.
BIO:Tom Latta taught at several Monroe County schools before becoming the county school examiner in 1910. His artifacts include a brown spiral notebook that includes information about his lessons including a section on diagramming sentences and a section where various students from the class are named and receive credit for bringing in famous quotations. He also has left the 1894 Railroad Map of Ohio presented to him compliments of W.S. Hardesty that is a 32 inch roll-up wall map mounted on an one-inch dowel rod that was used in his classroom. There are also several classroom souvenirs from the various schools.
Bottom Picture:
Fox Hollow School-1891/Front Row: I
am missing a name (I think it is one of the last three pictured. I think
this because all of the Clouse kids had big white collars and bows. The
names were written down for me by my grandmother, Effie Jane Schaub
Latta, who went to school with these kids and married Dave Latta
pictured in the 2nd row.
Front Row: __________, Grover Morris, Bill Brownfield, Willie Elliott, ______ Clouse, Nick Riemansnyder (spelled Riemenschneider in census), Nick Clouse, Tony Brownfield, _____ Clouse, Bub Carpenter, Roman Heron. Middle Row: Dolph Morris, Dave Latta. Mary Clouse, Gertie Clouse, Lydia Morris, Belle Morris, Ellie Clouse, Mary Rouble, Lydia Riemansnyder+, Ben Riemansnyder+, Charlie Brownfield (Charlie and Floyd are cousins), Floyd Brownfield Back Row: Alec Heron, Ben or Bem Brownfield, Sam Brownfield, Alec. Stephen, Ben Heron, John Latta, Enock Carpenter, Sonny Brownfield, Cass Brownfield, Willie Riemansnyder+, John Morris. Far Back: Teacher, Thomas Leroy Latta, 1866-1925 Picture courtesy of Betty Kitchen |
22 THOMAS BURRIS (5) b. 1896 and died in 1896.
John C (3) John (2) John (1) b.15 Feb 1869/1870-Monroe Co.,Ohio;d.22 Feb 1934-Cumberland, Guernsey Co., Ohio. Buried at Calais, Ohio. Married Mary L. Neuhart on Feb. 5, 1892. She was born in 1872 and died on August 11, 1944 in Graysville, OH. They were divorced. Allen was a doctor. In 1930 lived at Cumberland, Ohio. In 1934 at Graysville, Ohio. His second wife was Edith M. (Smith) Gray Latta (b.29 Jul 1887-near Woodsfield, Monroe Co.,Ohio;m.5 Aug 1916(Div);d.19 Oct 1965-Cambridge,Guernsey Co.,Ohio).
Forest Latta and wife Mary with son Reginald Heber Latta
23 REGINALD HEBER (5) b. July 23, 1893; died January 18, 1957. Was also a physician. Married three times:
..........sp: Mary (Heber's first wife) Latta
..........sp: Cora "Ethel" (McHugh) Latta (b.12 Aug 1892;d.27 Feb 1949)
..........sp: Mary "Martha"lea (Keylor ) Latta (d. Sept. 1997)
sp: Edith (2d wife of A.F.) Latta (b.1887;d.19 Oct 1965-Guernsey County residence)
John C. (3) John (2). John (1) b. 21 Sep 1876-Miltonsburg, Monroe Co., Ohio6; d. 19 Mar 1950-his home in Granville, Licking Co., Ohio; m. Mary Elizabeth Udell, daughter of Walter and Mary Udell, at Gibson, Ohio September 9, 1905. In 1904 at University of Chicago, "52 M.D. Middle University Hall. Author of book of school poems and has written 300 songs, about 1,000 other poems. On June 17, 1929 delegate to the American Baptist Mission Convention at Denver, Colo. Missionary of the American Baptist Mission Compound, Thonze, Burma, British India, 1930. John Tilden Latta died on March 19, 1950 and was buried at the Granville Cemetery. See obituary.
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Picture taken about 1891
David Wilson Latta and his banjo
Louisa Ellen (Latta) Matz in front of her
John Tilden Latta and his violin
Thomas Leroy Latta and his autoharp
Picture courtesy of Betty Kitchen |
He married Mary Elizabeth Udell on September 9, l905, in Gibson, Ohio, and was ordained at the Salem church in October. His daughter Lois wrote me that they sailed under the sponsorship of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society as missionaries to Burma in October. He arrived in Rangoon December l9, l905, and proceeded on to Thonze the next day where he served until April l, l940.
Rev. T.J. Latta Home from India
Rev T. J. Latta, formerly of Calais, Ohio, but who has been doing missionary work in India for the past five years, has returned home. Rev. Latta is a brother of School Examiner T. L. Latta and during his absence has completed a trip around the world - a record seldom made by a young man under thirty years of age.
(Submitter's Note: news article referred to him as T.J. but it was J.T. Latta.)
![]() John Tilden Latta and Mary Eliz. Udell (wedding day) |
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24 WALTER UDELL (5) b.30 Sep 1906-Rangoon, Burma; d.Oct 1906-Rangoon,Burma (then part of India).
25 MARY ELIZABETH (5) [Little Mary, aka Mary Gala pronounced GaLay'] b.26 Nov 1907-Rangoon, Burma; d.31 Dec 1952-Florida; m. Philip Rohrer Becker of Dayton, Ohio on September 6, 1928. Child: Mollie Ann b. 1929 and Phillip Rohrer, Jr. She was killed by a drunk driver on New Year's Eve, 1952.
26 MARGERY GENEVIEVE (5) b.3 Mar 1909-Rangoon, Burma; d.18 Feb 1987-Santa Rosa, Sonoma Co., California. In 1930 at Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Married 1) Hoot Gibson, and 2) C. Merlin Mewhorter. Children: Jean and Joan Gibson.
27 JOHN "JACK" DAVID (5) b.1 Nov 1910-Rangoon, Burma; d.21 Aug 1962-Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio. In 1930 at Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Married Kay __________. Divorced and later married Elaine Anne Lewis. They had one son, Michael John Latta, born in 1955. He died in 1962.
28 MIRIAM LOIS "LOIS" (5) b.27 Apr 1913-Rangoon, Burma; d.8 Sep 2000-Soquel, Santa Cruz Co., California. In 1930 attending Denison University, Granville, Ohio. Graduated from Ohio State University in 1934. In 2001 living in California. Died in Soquel, California on September 8, 2000. See Obituary.
29 EMMA MERRILL (5) b. 1918-Rangoon, Burma. In 1930 at Fannie Dean Home for Missionary children at Granville, Ohio. Married James M. Webber. Children: James, Robert, John, Mary, and Laura.
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JOHN TILDEN LATTA (information from Betty Kitchen)
On the walls of our home we have a photograph of the Fox Hollow School children. John, his brother David, his teacher and brother Tom and numerous Morris cousins are pictured therein. We also have framed a map of Ohio he made November 12, 1893, apparently when he was a student there. We have a newspaper article about the party for his sister Mary's birthday about 1899 (her 25th we think) that says, "The beginning of the evening was spent in social chat, interspersed with instrumental music by J. T. Latta and sister and brother. . . . During supper J. T. Latta gave us some fine comic songs with banjo accompaniment." [The complete article with the list of guests and gifts is elsewhere in this family tree.] In l999 The Monroe County Genealogical Society reprinted the article.
He was baptized by Mr. Bebb into the Salem (Ohio) Baptist Church. We think he may have attended the Carmelite Baptist Church when he was young. He was ordained at Salem but officially was a member of the East Cleveland Baptist Church during his missionary years. His daughter Emma told us that he probably never would have become a missionary except for the influence of his wife Mary Udell. She gave us a picture when he taught at a school in Cambridge in the 1890's and another one of him, his school children, and the parents and family of the community in about 1903. It has about 100 people in it.
He wrote poetry before the age of 20 and was published. A small copy of his book, School Poems, is in our library. He played the violin. He went to the Doane Academy. [We have the invitation for his commencement on June 10th, 1902, held in the Baptist Church in Granville, Ohio, that was addressed to his brother David Wilson]. He continued his studies at Denison University and the University of Chicago. In l904 his address was 52 M.D. Middle University Hall. He was a member of the Evangelistic Band of the University of Chicago. We have a flier with the 13 member evangelistic band pictured and the three day program. He was listed as the hymnwriter. In addition to his book of school poems (of which I have a copy) he wrote 300 songs and about l000 other poems. He married Mary Elizabeth Udell on September 9, l905, in Gibson, Ohio, and was ordained at t he Salem church in October. His daughter Lois wrote me that they sailed under A.B.F.M.S. as missionaries to Burma in October. He arrived in Rangoon December l9, l905, and proceded on to Thonze the next day where he served until April l, l940.
"Uncle John and Aunt Mary went to India about 1905. The children were all born in Rangoon. Their first son Walter died in infancy. In 1912 they had a sabbatical leave and apparently bought the home then. There was or still is a Baptist Children's Home in Granville, and they left some of the children there either then or in 1920 (the next sabbatical year). Maybe because the Baptist home was there or maybe Aunt Mary was from near there is why they bought the house there. They still owned a house in Granville at the time of their deaths. Grandma Latta (Mary Jane) said there were enough souls in the United States to save, they did not need to go to India. She did not approve of leaving the children in the home at Granville."--quoted from a letter from Aunt Jan to me (Betty Latta Kitchen) in 1997. She wrote that their children in addition to Walter were Little Mary, Margery , Jack, Lois, and Emma; and that she did not know the girls married names, but Lois never married. She and Aunt Jan sent each other a Christmas card and letter every year. I was recently given a post card from J. T. to his brother David postmarked September 2l, l905, Cambridge, Ohio, addressed to 308 l/2 S. Hartford St., Canton, Ohio.
"Dear Bro.--I am at my wife's home. We will pack our
goods here to go to India. We are to leave Boston Nov. lst and England the l6th.
I was in Chicago from Sat. last till Monday and ordered our goods. I tell you I
was tired. The commuter train was wrecked Friday night. 3 killed and 30 wounded.
There wasn't a whole window in the train. "I want to come up next week some
time. Please write me how I can best get there. How did you go on the C. & M.?
Tell me all I need to know about getting there and finding you. I guess I will
have no trouble in finding your house, but I shall get there in the day time and
will want to look you up in your engine room. Please write immediately. Yours
truly, J.T. Latta".
On June l7, l929, John was a delegate to the American Baptist Mission Convention at Denver, Colorado. We have a picture that I believe is from this affair. His wife Mary wrote to my grandmother (Effie, David Wilson's wife) from Thonze, Burma, on January 31, 1932: "Dear Sister Effie, . . . [much about flowers then] . . . Well we feel we have lived about 10 years since we last saw you. The rebels prevented our going out at all the first part of the year and I was glad to put most of my time in the school tho I had said I wouldn't. Tho we couldn't go out the people from the jungle were driven in, so we have had a good ingathering, and now we all have more work than we can do. There is a great deal of distress among those who have had to give up every thing and come in. "Do you know we are to have a new bungalow? We are having it at this time because it was a good time to build while we could not get out into the district and it helped to give work to those in need. The foundation, floor and part of the walls of the lower story are up. It is brick and John thinks he is making it earthquake proof. How about your house out on the new site. Is it finished? Where does Elton live? Have the Canton banks stood the depression?
"We had a busy happy Xmas and about as usual. "Hope you are all well. How is Donald? I believe Zelvon has graduated. I'm sure John is getting along fine in school. [Is John supposed to be my dad Vernon?] "We have good news from the 'kids.' Emma seems happy. She spent Thanksgiving with Dr. Heber. Jack is doing good work from all reports, at Dennison. Margery has been in Rochester, Minn. in the Mayo Clinic since she graduated in June. She is typing, does laboratory work and translates German for me [many?] of the Doctors. Lois is with Mary in Dayton going to school.
"Tell Janedith how often we are reminded of her. "Write when you can. John says tell you he remembers you all. "Your sister-----Mary E. U. Latta"
John C. (3) John (2) John (1). Born at Calais, Ohio on July 1, 1881; d. July 25, 1956. Married Effie Jane Schaub in 1904 in Canton, OH. She was born June 12, 1883 and died Sept. 30, 1972 in Canton, OH.
31 ELTON LESTER (5) b.18 Mar 1906; d.14 Sep 1966-Chicago, Illinois; m. Thelma Agnes Sonnhalter. She was born March 8, 1908 and died Dec. 25, 2000 in Canton, Ohio.
34 ZELVON DAVID (5) b.31 May 1908; d.27 May 1961-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio. Married Ruth Walker. She was born May 27, 1909 and died Sept. 14, 1985 in Columbiana, OH.
30 DONALD GEORGE (5) b.6 Dec 1910; d.20 Nov 1993-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio. He married Esther Kampfer in 1934. She was born Nov. 14, 1913. She died on Apr. 24, 1993 in Canton, OH.
32 JANEDITH ELLEN (5) b.1 Jun 1913-Canton, Stark Co., OH; d. 30 Apr 2006-Canton, Stark Co., OH.
33 VERNON JOHN (5) b.21 Aug 1915-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio; d. 2 Jan 2011-Danville, Hendricks Co., Indiana. Married Mary Elizabeth Miller on Aug. 23, 1940. She was born Dec. 31, 1914 and died on Oct. 18, 1998 at Marymount (Garfield Hts.) OH. His second marriage, he married Elizabeth (Folger) Thomasy (born 1915 in Roslindale, Maine) in 1999 in Orange, Vermont.
Obituary - The Canton Repository (David Wilson Latta)
Was Consulting Engineer David Latta, 75, Officer of Hercules, Succumbs David W. Latta, vice president of Hercules Motors Corp. since April 17, 1947, and associated with the corporation for the last 38 years, suffered a fatal heart attack today at 1 a.m. in his home at 2200 Broad ave NW. He was 75. Although he had been under treatment for a heart ailment, his death was unexpected. He had retired from active service with Hercules July 1 but retained his corporate office. Mr. Latta was probably better known in engineering circles outside of Canton than in the city which he had called home for more than half a century. With the exception of the first two years in his association with Hercules his work as sales engineer took him to the nation's industrial centers. For many years he considered Chicago his center of activity and maintained headquarters there. Funeral rites will be Saturday at 10:30 a.m. in the Welch funeral home and burial will be in Melscheimer Cemetery. Calling hours . . . .. The Rev. George E. Parkinson will officiate. Mr. Latta was a son of the late John and Mary Jane Latta and was born in Monroe County. He attended grade and high school there and then enrolled at Cornell University from where he was graduated in 1903. He was a long-time member of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He came to Canton the year following his graduation and became associated with the Kuehn Wilson Co. which later became the State Electric Co. and remained with that concern until joining Hercules in 1918. Mr. Latta had a number of hobbies, chief of which were gardening and photography. Probably one of his proudest possessions was an Ordinance Distinguished Service Award, presented to him on July 20, 1944, as a member of the Coordinating Research Council in recognition of "outstanding and meritorious engineering advisory service" to the U.S. armed forces. Mr. Latta is survived by his widow, Mrs. Effie J. Latta of the home; four sons, Elton, Zelvon, Donald and Vernon Latta of Canton; a daughter, Miss Jan Edith Latta of the home and three grandchildren.Honorary pallbearers at the rites will include Charles Balough, John C. Keplinger, John D. Cook, A.R. Miller, C. O. Jewell, Wesley Schaub andO.D. Treiber all of Canton, and Homer Schaub of East Sparta. Activepallbearers will be William Keplinger of Chicago and the following from Canton: Elmer C. Ide, F.H. Geisler, L.G. Downey, William D. Butcher, George W. LaSalle, Dr. E.A.V. Horiak and D.L. Buchanan." |
John (4) John (3) John (2) John (1). John David Latta was born at Rangoon, Burma, India. In 1930 he attended Denison University, Granville, Ohio. He married Kay Latta. Divorced. Later, John David Latta married Elaine Anne Lewis.
350 MICHAEL JOHN (6) b. 1955
David Wilson (4) John C. (3) John (2) John (1) b.6 Dec 1910; d.20 Nov 1993-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio . Married Esther Kampher.
Obituary - The Canton Repository
--"Donald G. Latta, Sr., age 82, of 253 Willow St., East Canton, died Saturday morning in Aultman Hospital following a brief illness. He was an East Canton area resident for the past 30 years. Former Co-Owner and Operator of Latta Brothers in Robertsville for 25 years. Member of the Christ Presbyterian Church, Canton, where he had served as a past Deacon; a past member of the East Canton Lions Club. Preceded in death by his wife, Esther E. Latta, who died April 24, 1993. Survived by two sons, David of Louisville and Donald, Jr. of Murrysville, PA.; four grandchildren, Krystal Morrow and Victoria Hummel both of Canton, Sara and Ann Latta of Murrysville, PA.; three great-grandchildren, Valerie and Dale Morrow, Dennis Hummel; one sister, Jan Latta of Canton; one brother, Vernon Latta of Ft. Myers Beach, FL. . . . Interment in Forest Hill Cemetery . . . . In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the Christ Presbyterian Church. .. . ." |
352 DAVID (6) b.26 Jul 1935-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio; d. 28 Apr 2008-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio.
353 DONALD GEORGE, JR. (6) b. 1942;
David Wilson (8) John C. (3) John (2) John (1). b.18 Mar 1906; d.14 Sep 1966-Chicago, Illinois. He married Thelma Agnes Sonnhalter.
ELTON L. LATTA Dies on Chicago Trip
Obituary from the September 15, 1966, Canton Repository: HEART ATTACK TAKES LIFE OF ELTON LATTA------------Elton L. Latta, 60, of 3145 Landscape Circle NW, died Wednesday night in Chicago. "Mr. Latta, director of service for the Hercules Engine Division of the Hupp Corp., was waiting for a flight back to Canton at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago, when he suffered a heart attack and was pronounced dead on arrival at a Chicago hospital. A veteran of 37 years with the company, Mr. Latta had been chief inspector for a number of years and for the last several years was director of service. He was a Canton native and graduate of McKinley High School and Mount Union College where he was a member of Phi Kappa Kau [sic--Tau] fraternity. He is survived by his widow, Thelma A. Latta; his mother, Mrs. D. W. Latta of Canton; a sister, Miss Jan Edith Latta of Canton, and two brothers, Donald G. Latta of East Canton, and Vernon J. Latta of Canton. A second smaller print obituary adds the information that burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery. |
David Wilson (4) John C. (3) John (2) John (1). b.21 Aug 1915-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio; d. 2 Jan 2011-Danville, Hendricks Co., Indiana. Married Mary Elizabeth Miller on Aug. 23, 1940. She was born Dec. 31, 1914 and died on Oct. 18, 1998 at Marymount (Garfield Hts.) OH. His second marriage, he married Elizabeth (Folger) Thomasy (born 1915 in Roslindale, Maine) in 1999 in Orange, Vermont.
Vernon John Latta age 95, youngest child of David Wilson and Effie Jane (Schaub) Latta, passed peacefully from this earth on Sunday, Jan, 2, at Hendricks Regional Hospital in Danville, Ind. following a year's battle with a multitude of health problems. Vern was born Aug. 21, 1915, in Canton, Ohio. Growing up he loved to hunt and fish and work with tools. It was while at Canton South High School that he met Mary Elizabeth Miller, and he said that he knew right away that he would marry that girl some day. Many years later, Aug. 23, 1940, they were married. Her brother, Johnny Miller (Elsie) of East Sparta is still his best friend. Vern worked at Hercules Motors in Canton, Ohio, before being drafted into the Army Air Force in 1943. In India he was part of a non-combat headquarters unit of the 20th Air Force that made and repaired airstrips and airplanes. The airstrips were used as a base to fly B-29's and C-46's and some gliders to China. This was known as flying the hump (over the Himalayas). Vern flew many trips in and out of China. On one of his trips to China there were four soldiers in the plane. The engines died, and the captain told them to jump and, shortly after, Vern saw the big fireball of the plane crash. He never saw the pilot or the captain again. Vern and the other private wandered about the countryside with no guns and subsisted on berries and hand-outs from the mountain people. Once a Chinese lady hid them in a cave. He was in China about 60 days altogether before flying back to the base in India. He was awarded four bronze stars for his contributions in the Asian-Pacific Theater in World War II. After the war he and his brother, Don established Latta Brothers, a feedmill and fuel oil business in Robertsville, Ohio. He continued to work there until moving to Fort Myers Beach, Fla., in 1967. There he worked for the Privateer, the first condominium at Fort Myers Beach. He and Mary focused their time on fishing and gardening, playing bridge and euchre, and on work for the Fort Myers Beach Baptist Church. Vern was a deacon and head of the building committee that constructed the new church. While still in Canton, Vern filled the same capacity with Trinity Brethren Church, both as a deacon and as chairman of the building committee. Mary died Oct. 18, 1998. Also preceding him in death in addition to his parents were an infant son, Jerry Richard Latta in 1946 and Vern's siblings, Elton, Zelvon, Donald, and Jan Edith Latta. In 1999 Vern married family friend Elizabeth (Folger) Thomasy. He thought he was so lucky to have found two wonderful women in his lifetime. For 10 years they enjoyed summers in Vermont and winters in Florida. She survives. Also surviving are his daughter, Betty Jane (Don) Kitchen of Brownsburg, Ind.; two grandchildren, Jim (Drusilla) Kitchen and Kelli Kitchen-Ross (Randy Ross); five great-grandchildren, Madison, Riley, Ryder Ross and Andrew and Mikaela Kitchen. Private memorial services will be held by the family. -
Published in The Repository on Jan. 4, 2011
____ LIVING.
____ JERRY RICHARD (5) b. Nov 1946; d. Nov 1946-Canton,OH
Jerry Richard Latta, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Latta of 2421 Tuscarawas St E, died Tuesday night in Mercy Hospital. The child also leaves a sister, Betty Jane of the home; the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Latta of Canton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Howenstine, and the great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schaub of East Sparta and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Miller of Howenstine.
The body is at the McCreery-Kreighbaum funeral home at East Sparta. Funeral services are planned for Thursdy afternoon conducted by Rev. D. A. Burdge.
David Wilson (4) John C. (3) John (2) John (1). b.31 May 1908; d.27 May 1961-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio. Married Ruth Walker. She was born May 27, 1909 and died Sept. 14, 1985 in Columbiana, OH.
Evening Independent, Massillon, OH, May 25, 1962
"LATTA, ZELVON D., 52 of 4650 12th St. NW., died Saturday in Aultman Hospital after a 3 months' illness. He was graduated from Mt. Union College, Class 1931 and was a Supervisor Fuel Pump Dept., at Hercules Motor Corp. Born in Canton and lived here all his life. He was a member of Hercules Old Guard Club, Charter member of Hercules Camera Club, McKinley Aerie F.O.E. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ruth G.; his mother, Mrs. Effie J. Latta; three brothers, Elton J.[an error], Donald G. and Vernon J. Latta, one sister, Miss Jan E. Latta all of Canton. . . . Burial in Melscheimer Cemetery."
Donald George (5) David Wilson (4) John C. (3) John (2) John (1). b.26 Jul 1935-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio; d. 28 Apr 2008-Canton, Stark Co., Ohio. He married Maxine Neville in 1957.
John (2) John (1) Born on April 4, 1822 in Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Died October 3, 1892 or March 9, 1892. (no actual death record has been found/the dates of death are provided by the family tree of other people)
Married twice: First Marriage: Christian Jane Haught ("Christiana/Christenia") of Marion County, West Virginia. No date has been found for this marriage, however, her death record, found in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 1, page 251) states as follows: "Christian J. Roney, (Roney was her next Husband) white, female, died September 10, 1900, old age, 81, 4 months, consort of, or unmarried - Lora Roney, born in Marion Co., Va on May __, 1819, parents unascertained, housewife, info. by J. C. Roney, relative." According to Bernard Shackleford, his family always told him that Christian was 1/2 Indian. However, one of her great grandsons had his DNA done, and no Indian blood showed up in his ancestry.
In the 1850 census, "George Latty and Christiana A. J. Latty" are found in Marion County,Virginia/later West Virginia, with children -William, age 13 - being William Eli Haught, a child of Christiana's, Nathaniel, age 2, and Mary V., age 1. By 1855, the family was in Doddridge County, where Catherine Ellen Latta was born. Anna Elizabeth Latta was born in 1852, but we are not sure which county she was born in. By the 1860 census, Christiana is living with Lory Roney, her second husband. She has petitioned the Doddridge County courts to place her young daughter, Anna Latta, age 8, into another home because she has "neither father nor guardian" to care for her. Anna Elizabeth is found in the 1860 census in the home of Zachariah and Henrietta Offett. A granddaughter of George Madison Lattea stated that George was looking for work and some men were floating logs down the river and they hired him to help them. When they got further down river, the police were waiting for them. The men took off and left George to be arrested. George was sent to prison but "got out." The 1860 census for Richmond, Virginia, shows George Latty, age 37, weaver, born in Pennsylvania, in prison for larceny. Richmond, Virginia would have been the location of the prison where all of Virginia's prisoners served their time. During the Civil War, there is a record of George M. Latta, joining Capt. C. F. Johnston's Co. Virginia Artillery, joining in Richmond, Virginia. Were prisoners offered freedom from prison if they joined the war as soldiers? George M. Latta joined in Richmond on July 28, 1863, and deserted August 19, 1863 from Madison Station (Alabama).
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Christian was buried at the Carder Cemetery at Vadis, Lewis County, West Virginia, alongside her second husband, Lory Roney. Alma Shackleford's records stated that Christian was born on May 18, 1819. James C. Roney, son of Christian and Lory Roney, by his marriage record to his third wife (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 14, page 368) stated that his mother's name was "Christine A. Roney". On the death certificate of Nathaniel Lattea, Christian and George's son, his parents are listed as "Christina Haught" and George Washington Lattea (Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 5, page 109). Second Marriage: Permilia Jane Snyder, Sept. 1, 1864. She was Born:____. Died: Sept 9, 1917.
Children with first wife, Christian:
35 NATHANIEL CAUTHERS (Latta/Lattea) (4) b. November 28, 1847 in Marion Co., WV
36 MARY VIRGINIA (4) b. February 26, 1848 in Marion Co., WV
37 ANNA ELIZABETH (4) b. April 16, 1852
38 CATHERINE (CATHARINE) ELLEN (4) abt. 1855 in Doddridge Co., WV
39 CLARISSA (4) b (1856?) in Doddridge Co., WV
40 ALCINDA (4)
41 VANCRISCRO (or VAN CECERO) (4) b. November 10, 1858 in Doddridge Co., WV "white, male, born at Tom's Fork. Mother - Christian Latty. Father - G. M. Latty, farmer (Name remembered by family members - died in infancy)
42 STEPHEN M. (4) aka James C. Roney b. December 14, 1859 in Doddridge Co., WV Book No. 1 (1853-1886), page 18, line 4 (this was a written book, there was also a typed book "Births 1853-1886" where it was listed on page 16, line 7 "Latty, Stephen M., white, male, alive, Tom's Fork, Father - George Latty, miner. Mother - C. Latty, Informant - Lory Roney, partner"
Children with second wife, Permilia:*No records of these children's births have been found to date in any of the counties they were supposedly born in. Evidently, their parents never recorded their births.
43 JOHN F. (Lattea) (4) b. July 10, 1865 in Tyler Co., WV
44 SYDNIA ALICE (Lattea) (4) b. August 1, 1868 in Summit Park, Harrison Co., WV
45 GEORGE WILLIAM (Lattea) (4) b. April 6, 1872 in Harrison Co., WV
46 *SARAH JANE (Lattea) (4) b. April 18, 1875 in Doddridge Co., WV supposedly born at Summit Park, Harrison County, West Virginia. She had one son before her marriage;
95 *James Henry (5) (Lattea) b. July 30, 1891 (Lewis County, WV Births Book No. 2, page 127) at Cove Lick father - George Shackleford George Shackleford was the son of James William Shackleford and Mary Virginia Lattea Shackleford (Mary Virginia Lattea was a 1/2 sister to Sarah Jane). Gilmer County, WV Death records state that "Latty, James Henry" died on November 11, 1933 of "?". (unknown causes?) He was 38 years old. He was listed as single and a resident of Glenville.
Sarah Jane Lattea married Lewis Hugh Fidler (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 8, page 168). Children: Lewis Frederick Fidler, bo. 1906, and "Female" Fidler, born May 27, 1910 at Troy, WV (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 57C). Lewis Fidler died on November 24, 1952 in Gilmer Co., WV Sarah Jane Fidler died on November 24, 1953 and is buried at the Snyder Cemetery in Gilmer County.
1880 Census - Gilmer Co., WV Fiddler, James E. 44 yrs. Farmer Emily 42 yrs. Llewellyn 35 yrs. Single, brother, farm laborer "Llewellen", according to Alma Shackleford, was Lewis Hugh Fidler. 1910 Census - Gilmer Co., WV Fiddler, Lewellen 57 Jane 33 Frederick 4 Lattie, James (ss) 18 Permela (ml) 68 The 1910 Gilmer Co. Census shows that James "Lattie" was the stepson of Lwellen and first child of Sarah Jane. Permelia was Jane's mother. Permelia, second wife of George Madison, who was evidently living with Sarah Jane at the time.
George Madison (3) John (2) John (1) Mary Virginia Latta was born on February 26, 1848 in Marion Co., WV (then Virginia). She married James William Shackleford, son of Warner Washington Shackleford and Mary Susan Kearne Shackleford in Harrison County, WV, on June 26, 1867 (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 5, page 48). She was 17 years of age and he was 26 years of age. He was born September 13, 1841 in Faquier Co., VA. They were married by Rev. S. W. Davis. James was listed as a farmer. Mary and Jim had 10 children, the last of which died the day she was born on July 28, 1888. Mary Virginia died the same day and was buried at Finks Creek (Walnut Fork Cemetery) on July 29, 1888. (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 2, page 18) She was 39 years old, a housewife and died of "Bright's Disease". F. McKinley, MD of Churchville was her doctor. She died on Walnut Fork. J. V. Wood of Walnut Fork was the undertaker. James W. Shackleford served in the Civil War before his marriage to Mary. Harrison Co. Historical Register - 1st Artillery Bk. 1, page 34. Shackleford, James W.; private, age 24, mustered in service Oct. 20, 1862, Company E, discharged May 20, 1864. James later married Mary's half-sister, Sydnia Alice Lattea on March 15, 1890 and they had three (3) children. James died on August 25, 1909 at Alum Bridge at the age of 67 years of typhoid fever (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 3, page 210). He was buried at the Woofter Cemetery, near Alum Bridge and has a Civil War marker. James told his daughter, Alma Shackleford, about putting turpentine on his shoes during the Civil War so that the dogs could not tract him.
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Sydnia Alice Latta Shackleford after her husband's funeral - 1909 | Sydnia Alice Latta Shackleford and
daughter, Alma Shackleford in 1947 (last picture taken of Sydnia)
Pictures courtesy of Bernard Shackleford. |
Children of Mary and James: Casabiawica Benjamin "Cassius", Susan Jane, George Washington, Henry, Hagar Etta, Madison Jackson, Mary Ann, James Thomas, Alice Myrtle and Flora. Mary Ann Shackleford, married Luther Cook, son of Ellen Lattea Cook and William Cook, on Dec. 2, 1901, when she was 16. He was 23. They were married in Lewis Co., WV.
Anna Elizabeth (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1) Born April 16, 1852. She married Daniel Marshall Fletcher on February 18, 1866 (Tyler County, WV Marriage Records, Book No. 2, page 17, line 9) The record states "Fletcher, Daniel M., son of Julia A. Fletcher, age 21, of Tyler County, Virginia, married Ann E. Lottia, age 14, of Marion County, Virginia, daughter of Geo. M. and Christina Lottia". Daniel was born on March 15, 1835. He served in the Union Army, Company A, 7th W.Va. Infantry during the Civil War. Anna died on May 28, 1921 and Daniel died on January 26, 1924. They were both buried in the Fletcher Cemetery on "Klondike Ridge" in Tyler Co., WV.
Children of Anna and Daniel: Mary Ellen (b. Sept. 14, 1866), James Harvey (b. Aug. 13, 1867), Anna Jane (b. July 27, 1869), George Marshall (b. Dec. 11, 1871), Virginetta (b. June 30, 1875), Catherine Bell (b. Oct. 7, 1877), Noah Ervin (b. Aug. 15, 1879), "male child - name unknown (b. August 7, 1881), John Vincin (b. July 1, 1882), Ada Alora (b. June 23, 1884), William (b. June 23, 1885), Rosa Myrtle (b. April 4, 1886), Silas Martin (b. August 31, 1888), Christian Columbus (b. April 24, 1891), Jesse Abraham (b. Jan. 18, 1893), and Clarissa (Clara) (b. Sept. 18, 1894).
1900 Census - Tyler Co., WV Fletcher, Daniel M. 3/1836 Anne E. 4/1852 John W. 7/1881 Silas M. 8/1888 Clarissa 9/1894 1910 Census - Tyler Co., WV Fletcher, Daniel M. Annie E. Clarissa 15 yearsCATHERINE (CATHARINE) ELLEN (4) (Latta) Cook
Catherine (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1) b. (1855?) in Doddridge Co., WV married William C. Cook, on March 29, 1874 in Doddridge County, West Virginia (Doddridge County Marriage Register I-A - 1880, page 200) William was 20 years old and was born in Nicholas County, West Virginia and residing in Doddridge County, West Virginia. Ellen was 19 years old and was residing in Doddridge County, West Virginia. They were married by W. L. Warren. William C. Cook's real name was William Carey Walton, but his parents, Berriman Walton and Harriet Walton, died when he was young. He was raised by an aunt who had married a Cook (Samuel Cook) and that is the name he went by. Catharine was born around 1855 and died about 1896. William C. Walton was born in May of 1853.
Children of Catherine and William:
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Four children of
William Carey Walton and Catherine Ellen Latta Walton - circa 1914
Back row - Hanna Elizabeth and Martha Columbus Front row - James Emlis and Mary Margaret Picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook |
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James Emlis Cook and his son, Carl Cook
with "The Boss" in the middle - 1917
Picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook |
*1. John C. Walton "Cook" b. 1874
*2. James Emless Walton "Cook" b. January 13, 1875
*3. William Sherdian Walton "Cook" b. January 27, 1877 Doddridge Co. Births 1853-1886, page 85 recorded "Wm. E. S. Cook" m. Margery Ellen DeBarr, m. Susan Frances Lattea
*4. Luther Clarence Walton "Cook" b. January 7, 1879 (Doddridge County Births, Book 1, 1853-1886, pg. 100) Father - Wm. C. Cook - farmer See family pictures.
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Luther Clarence Cook and wife, Alice Myrtle Shackleford Cook with sons Richard and Emless and daughter Cora. | Alice Myrtle Shackleford Cook
and boys, Richard and Emless.
Pictures courtesy of Bernard Shackleford. |
Linda O'Shea notes:
According to
W.Va. marriage records. Luther Cook married Mary Ann Shackleford.
According to Grandma's social security
application. She recorded the following.
Myrtle Mary Shackelford with parents James
Shackelford and Mollie Laddie . Her
date of birth according to application is November
23, 1884.
facts: According to Aunt Mildreds records she has the following info.
Luther Clearence Cook born Dodge County,
Charleston, W. VA. 7 Feb. 1878 died
25 June 1946 in Washington (Selah)
Mary Myrtle Shackleford born Lewis County,
Charleston, W., VA. 23 November 1885
died 6 June 1965 Selah, Washington.
Luther and Mary were
married 2 December 1901 by Rev. Saul Stout.
Parents were William Cook and Ellen Lottie. Jim
Robert Shackleford and Mollie Runey
*5. Mary Jane "Maggie" Walton b. February 2, 1880 m. mother's half-brother, George W. Lattea
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Maggie Cook Lattea Dulley - 1930's (picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook) |
*6. Martha Columbia Walton b. June, 1882 m. mother's half-brother, John F. Lattea
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Martha Columbia and granddaughter Mary Louise Ables/soldier unknown (picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook) |
*7. Hannah Elizabeth Walton b. September 10, 1885 (Doddridge County Births, Book No. 1, page 118) "Hannah E. Cook" W. C. Cook - father, farmer Ellen Cook - mother Informant - W. C. Cook m. James Thomas Shackleford on Aug. 8, 1901. d. April 6, 1865. Buried at the Hiney Cemetery in Gilmer Co., WV
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Hannah Elizabeth Cook Shackleford (picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook) |
Catharine died in 1886. William Carey Walton married Mary Anne Shipman on September 7, 1895 and had two children:
*8. Barbara E. "Cook" Walton
*9. Lot Little Walter.
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Barbara Cook and husband, Jack Shackleford - 1910 (picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook) |
Clarissa (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1) Clarissa Latta shows up for the first time in the 1860 Doddridge County, VA (now WV) Census. Clarissa's mother is now married to Lory Roney. (RONEY, L. 37 farmer; Christina, 42; Ellis, 23; Mat (Nathaniel), 14; Catherine, 6; Clarissa, 5; J. C., 1.) Doddridge County birth records show a Hannah J. Latty born to a Clarasa Latty on December 20, 1872. The informant was Robert Willis, friend. Father not given. (Doddridge County Births, Book 1, page 56) On November 3, 1882 (Deed Book No. 13, page 100) Robert Willis deeded 187 acres on Sheeps Run, Southwest District, Doddridge County, to Matilda Willis, Henrietta Davis and Hannah Jane Latta, daughter of Clanacy Latta (Hannah would have been 10 years old).
In Deed Book 18, page 25, Matilda deeded her interest in the land to Henrietta Hyde. In Deed Book 14, page 397, Henrietta and Lewis A. Hyde deed land to Eli Nutter. So Henrietta must have married a Lewis A. Hyde. In Deed Book No. 72, page 325, Hannah Jane Swiger deeded land to Eli Nutter.
In Probate Book (Wards L-Z) in 1887, it lists as follows: Latta, Hannah J. Willia, "Hannah J. Latta (Willis), orphan of Robert Willis, deceased, a minor over fourteen years of age, this day appeared in Court and moved the Court to appoint J. V. Blair, guardian for her, the said Hannah J. Latta (Willis) upon which motion the Court doth order that the said J. V. Blair, be and he is hereby appointed guardian of the said Hannah J. Latta (Willis)." Robert Willis was married four (4) times, and not to Clarissa Latty. He married Mary Vannort, Mary Vanhorn, Hannah Cornell, and Matilda "Tillie" Gaston.
The 1880 Doddridge County, WV Census also lists Hannah with the Willis family. Evidently, Clarissa had Hannah by Robert Willis when she was a young girl (age 17). Robert Willis would have been 71 years of age.
1880 Doddridge County, WV Census
Willis, Robert 79 farmer
Matilda 63 wife
Hanah 8 dau.
Davis, William L. 22 g/son works on farm
Davis, Henrietta 18 g/dau. Housework
George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Nathaniel Corthers (also spelled Cothers, Cauthers and Cathew) Lattea, son of George and Christian Lattea, was born November 28, 1847 in Marion County, West Virginia. His death certificate, Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 5, page 109) lists his middle name as "Cathew". He married Columbia "Lum" Serena Shackleford, daughter of Warner Washington Shackleford and Mary Susan (Kearnes/Kerns) Shackleford, on December 3, 1868 (Harrison County Marriages, Book No. 5, at page 56). They were married by S. W. Davis Nathan was 21 years of age and Columbia was 15 yrs., 6 m., 6 days of age. Nathaniel's occupation was listed as "miner". His father was listed as George M. and his mother as Christine A. J. Lattea. Alma Shackleford stated that Columbia Serena was born in Harrison County, West Virginia (then recorded as Virginia) on August 23, 1854. Nathan's birthplace is debated, his marriage record stating that he was born in Marion County and Alma stated that family Bible's say that he was born is Sistersville, Tyler County, West Virginia. Alma also related that Nathan's family and Columbia's family were living in the Broadway section of Clarksburg at the time that he was dating Columbia. Before Nathan began dating Columbia he was going with her sister, Alice. One evening when he went calling on Alice, she was out with another fellow. Nathan then began seeing Columbia and they were later married. Nathaniel was a coal miner. He and his father, George Madison Lattea, negotiated operations in opening a part of a mine near Despard, Harrison County, West Virginia, known as the "Lattea Heading". Nate and George worked in the Columbia Mines in Despard. Columbia "Lum" Lattea died on June 24, 1936 at Hurst, Lewis County, West Virginia, at their home on Straight Run. Dr. Robert White was the attending physician (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book 5, page 108). She was buried at the McCutcheon Cemetery on Straight Run.
Nathaniel Lattea family
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Left to right: Charlotte "Lottie",
Charles, Susan Francis "Fannie", William Henry, Ella May, George
Washington, Anna Myrtle. Front row: Columbia, Gracie, Nathaniel, and
Myrtle's son Archie. (abt. 1903) ß
Picture courtesy of Thelma Banks. |
86 GEORGE WASHINGTON (5) Lattea b. October 5, 1869 in Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginia (his birth was recorded in Lewis County by his father. Lewis County Births, Book No. 1, at page 140. His father was listed as a farmer. The name was recorded "Lattea".) d. April 23, 1955 in Harrison County, West Virginia.
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Tiny 3" wide Christmas Cards to George W. Lattea from his sister, Myrtle and his mother (courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox)
87 WILLIAM HENRY (5) Lattea b. May 24, 1872 in Ritchie County, West Virginia (His birth was recorded "Latta" and was recorded in Lewis County, West Virginia by C. C. Lattea (Columbia Serena?) Lewis County Births, Book No. 1, at page 164 d. January 15, 1946 in Upshur County, WV. He is buried in the McCutchen Cemetery.
(A birth was recorded in Lewis County, West Virginia, in Birth Book No. 1, at page 173 for a WILLIAM LATA, born May 10, 1873 in Rone (Roane) County, West Virginia. The informant was N. C. Latta, father.) Whether this is another child of Nate and Lum's or whether Nathan and Columbia both recorded Will's birth and had it wrong, we don't know, but Will stated on his marriage record to Dora Alma Sprouse (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 7, page 321) that he was born in Ritchie County, West Virginia.
88 SUSAN FRANCES "Fannie" (5) Lattea b. August 13, 1874 in Lewis County, West Virginia on Walnut Fork (Straight Run) (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 1, page 182) Recorded "Latta" m. Ira Haymond Lowther on May 26, 1892 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 7, page 36) Ira was the son of Sylvester H. Lowther and Sarah E. Flesher. He died on Sept. 1, 1973 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 10, page 224). Fannie and Ira had 3 children, Lewis Clark Lowther, Cecil Lowther and Rena Vivian Lowther. Ira and Fannie divorced. m. Sherd Cook, son of William Cook and Catherine Ellen Lattea Cook (her first cousin) date unknown - supposedly divorced him m. George Washington Moneypenny, son of Henry and Virginia Moneypenny, on Nov. 11, 1921 (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 35, page 24) Susan was listed as 47 years old and a "widow" and he was listed as a widow, age 60. He died in Nov., 1947. d. November 4, 1956 in Nutter Fort, Harrison County, West Virginia (she had a blanket wrapped around her and caught it on fire at a cook stove)
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Fannie and husband, Sherd Cook (picture courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox) | Fannie and Sherd Cook (picture courtesy of Jeanne Stook) |
89 CHARLES EMORY (5) Lattea b. April 8, 1877 in Lewis County, West Virginia on Walnut Fork (Straight Run) (Lewis County Births, Book No. 1, at page 210). J. W. Shackleford, uncle - informant d. March 21, 1955 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 7, at page 244) at Hurst of heart disease. He was buried at the McCutcheon Cemetery on Straight Run. He was 77 years old.
90 ELLA MAY (5) Lattea b. June 13, 1880 in Lewis County, West Virginia on Straight Run (Lewis County Births, Book No. 2, at page 22); d. Dec. 22, 1962; m. "E. C." Rollins (Edward C. "Ed") on February 18, 1903 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 10, page 154 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 10, page 204 lists that they were married on June 16, 1903) Ed and Ella had 2 children, Rebecca and Walter.
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Ella Mae Lattea Rollins (picture from George Washington Lattea's picture album - courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox) |
91 *ANNA MYRTLE (5) Lattea b. December 30, 1882 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Births, Book No. 2, at page 41) Her name was recorded "Iva Maude", but was corrected by Court Order on November 15, 1957. m. Hedgeman Lowther, son of John Henry Lowther and Emily Adaline Spurgeon Lowther, on April 20, 1914. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 14, page 6) (See more information on her below) "Myrtle" had two children before she married:
96 *Archie Hobert (6) Lattea b. January 8, 1902 at Hurst, Lewis Co, WV
97 *Arthur Clifford (6) Lattea b. Oct. 13, 1905 on Straight Run, Lewis Co., WV
92 JOHN T. (5) Lattea b. May 3, 1885 in Lewis County, (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 68) recorded "Jno. Thos. Lattea". d. September 23, 1885 in Lewis County (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 1, page 151) of whooping cough. (age 3 months, 20 days) Informant - Colum. Lattea, mother. Buried at the Hurst Cemetery. See gravestone.
93 CHARLOTTE "Lottie" (5) Lattea b. September 2, 1889 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Births, Book Mo. 2, at page 104) There is also a record in Book No. IA, page 106 that lists that she was born at Fink and that her mother's place of birth was Hampshire County, West Virginia. d. Nov. 5, 1972; m. John H. Yoke, son of Tranville and Linverna Yoke, on July 3, 1914 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 14, page 36) Lottie and John had 1 daughter, Mary F. Yoke, of Asheville, NC. Mary works on the Lattea History. Mary died Dec. 31, 2003.
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Mary F. Yoke, at a Lattea family reunion - July 29, 1984. Picture by Sue Lattea Cox. |
94 GRACE DELPHIA (5) Lattea b. September 11, 1892 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Births, Book No. 2, at page 132) on Straight Run. Recorded as "Grace B. Lattea". There is also a record of her birth in Book No. IA, page 294 that her father's place of birth was Harrison County, WV and that her mother's name was "Susan" and that she was born in Harrison County, WV Gracie had spinal meningitis and was retarded. d. December 7, 1921 at Hurst (Straight Run) of a heart attack (Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 4, at page 112) Dr. D. D. Chapman was the attending physician.
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Nathaniel and Columbia's daughters, Lottie, Myrtle, Ella and Fannie. |
George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). According to the records of Alma Shackleford, John F. Lattea, son of George Madison Lattea and Permilia Snyder Lattea, was born on July 10, 1865. His son, Robert Lee Lattea, told us at a family reunion that his father's middle name was "Francis". He married his half-niece, Martha Columbia Cook, daughter of his half-sister, Catharine Ellen Lattea Cook, and William C. Cook. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 1, page 64). Martha was 21 years old and born in Doddridge County, West Virginia. John F. Lattea was listed as 35 years old and born in Tyler County, West Virginia. They were both residents of Gilmer County and were married by J. H. Anderson. Martha was born in June of 1882 and died on May 7, 1969. According to Alma Shackleford, Martha's father's name was really "Walton", but he was raised by an aunt who was married to a Cook and went by that name. Some of the children went by Cook and some by Walton. John F. Lattea died on February 1, 1929 in Gilmer County, West Virginia (Gilmer County Deaths, Book No. 2, L's). His name was listed as Lattie, John F. and he was 64 years, 6 months and 10 days old. He was a "farmer and married". He obituary appeared in the Glenville Democrat on February 14, 1929, page 3. His mother and father's name was not given. After John's death, his wife married a Charlie Varner. She died on May 7, 1969 and is buried at Ravenna, Ohio.
John F. Latta -
picture courtesy of Bernard Shackleford
Children of John and Martha:
47 ADDIE ELLEN (5) Lattea b. June 30, 1907 (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 2, page 101A) born at Conings; m. Granville Ables on June 7, 1926; d. March 3, 1980. Buried in the Palmyra Cemetery, Palmyra Twp, Portage County, Ohio.
48 LEWIS KIRT (5) Lattea b. July 30, 1910 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Births, Book No. 3, page 81) d. June 14, 1956 His obituary was in the Glenville Democrat listed as Lewis Curtis Lattea, age 45 1910-1956 Parents - John and Martha (Cook) Lattea
49 MARY ELIZABETH (5) Lattea b. February 20, 1922 (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 3, page 101A) born at Troy m. Leonard Wollard in (1942?)
50 ROBERT LEE (5) Lattea b. December 18, 1925 (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 3, page 101A)
Robert Lee Lattea -
1989 (Picture courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox)
George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). George William "Will" Lattea, son of George Madison Lattea and Permelia Jane Snyder Lattea, was born on April 6, 1872 in Harrison County, West Virginia. His obituary in the Glenville Democrat, Issue 43, page 11 states that he was born in Pennsylvania, and that his mother's name was Melva Snyder Lattea. George William married Mary Jane Walton, daughter of William Walton and Ella Walton, on June 1, 1896 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 8, page 60). They were married by D. G. Helmick. George was 24 years old and Mary Jane was 16. George lists that he was born in Harrison County and Mary lists that she was born in Doddridge County. Mary Jane was also known as "Mary Margarette" and "Maggie". She was the daughter of William Cook and Catharine Ella Lattea Cook. Catharine Ella was a half-sister to George William. William Cook's real name was Walton, but he was raised by a Cook and went by that name. Mary Jane's brothers went by Cook, while she and her sisters went by Walton. Mary was born on February 2, 1880. George died on July 11, 1948 and Mary died on February 13, 1953.
(George's Obituary)- the Glenville Democrat - 1948
"George Lattea Dies at the Age of 76 - George William Lattea, 76 years old, died at 6:00 a.m. Sunday, July 11, at his home on Grassy Run of Stewart's Creek. Mr. Lattea was a son of George and Melva Snyder Lattea and was born in Pennsylvania. He came to Gilmer County many years ago and spent most of his life here as a farmer. Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. Arch Peggs of Glenville, a sister, Mrs. Jane Fidler, who lives at the Arch Peggs home, and 18 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. One brother, John, is deceased. Final rites were conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, July 13, at the Snyder Church on Stewart's Creek by the Rev. Cornelius DeBlock and burial was at the cemetery there. Funeral director was R. L. McGee."
Children of George and Mary:
74 FRANCES (5) Lattea b. April 5, 1897 at Hurst, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 177) d. before 1900. Another birth record for her in Lewis County, WV, in Book No. 2A, page 123 (doctor's filed this book) stated that she was born on April 7, 1897 at Alum Fork, Lewis Co., WV, that her father was W. G. Lattea, age 25, farmer, and that her mother was Mary Cook Lattea, age 16. That her mother was born in Doddridge Co., WV and that her father was born in Tyler Co., WV
75 MACK HARLEN (5) Lattea; b. May 23, 1899 at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2A, page 203) "Harlen Lattea". Father - G. W. Lattea, age 27, farmer “Mother - Mary Lattea (Walton) Born in Doddridge Co., WV J. E. Matheny, MD, Vadis, WV. d. Jan. 6, 1940 in Parkersburg, Wood County, WV. Married Ruby Mabel Gregory on Dec. 1, 1923 in Garrett County, MD. They had 8 children. Mack along with his father-in-law, Worthy Evan Gregory, were both killed instantly by a drunken driver on the evening of Jan. 6, 1940, as they were walking to the grocery store. Mack's oldest son George (age 15) was with them at the time but he escaped being hit by the car by jumping over the guardrail to safety. It happened so quickly that George did not have time to warn his dad and grandpa. He is buried at the Bethel Cemetery-Washington Bottom, Parkersburg, WV.
76 ALMA (5) Lattea "Virgie" b. June 19, 1903 on Crooked Run,Lewis Co, WV (Lewis Co. Births Book No. 3A, page 188)Father - G. W. Lattea, age 31, farmer born in Ritchie Co., WV Mother - Mary J. Lattea (Cook), age 24 born in Doddridge Co., WV Dr. J. E. Matheny, Alum Bridge, WV m. Archie Peggs on December 25, 1918 in Gilmer Co., WV (Gilmer Co. Marriages, Book No. 3, page 104 line 70) This record listed her as "Virgie Bell Lattea". Virgie had one child before her marriage at age 16 to Archie (see below) and she and Archie had 12 children of their own. d. June 7, 1957 and buried at the Synder Cemetery in Gilmer County, WV (information by Bernard Shackleford) Children of Virgie:
*1. Lattea, male, white (William - information on name provided by Bernard Shackleford) b. December 9, 1918 on Grass Run, Gilmer Co., WV (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 3, page 101) Mother listed at "Virgie Lattea" Father's name not listed Informant - W. T. Smith, MD
77 RUTH (5) Lattea b. August 8, 1906 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 3, page 33) Father, George Lattea, farmer Mother, Maggie Lattea Informant - Geo. Lattea, father Ruth Lattea died of articulosis and was buried at the Woofter Cemetery near Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV. No marker is found of her grave. The 1910 Lewis County Census listed Ruth as "Rufie", age 4. So we know that she lived to be at least 4.
78 AUDRA GERTRUDE (5) Lattea b. March 24, 1909 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births Book No. 3, page 69) d. October 12, 1910 (1 yr. 7 mon. 18 days) Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 3, page 232 of "indigestion" at Alum Bridge Dr. W. H. Greene, MD - informant *Note that George William's birth place is listed as Harrison County on his marriage license, Tyler County and Ritchie County on the birth records of his children, and as Pennsylvania in his obituary. No birth record has been found for him.
1900 Census - Lewis Co., WV Lattea, George W. April, 1872, 28 Mary J. Feb. 1881, 19 Mackie H. May 1899, 1, son Cook, Hanna L. Sept. 1884 14 s-in-law Wife - nee Mary J. Walton 1910 Census - Lewis Co.,WV Lattea, George 38 yrs. Mary 30 yrs. Mackie 10 yrs. Virgie 8 yrs. Rufie 4 yrs. Audra 1 yr.48 LEWIS KIRT (5) LATTEA
John F. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Married: Ida Miller on March 13, 1929 in Gilmer County, West Virginia. Lewis was 18 years old, and Ida was 21 years old, born in Gilmer County, WV. They were married by J. M. Hays and were both residents of Gilmer County. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 3, page 161). Lewis "Curtis" Lattea died on June 14, 1956 at Glenville, WV. He was married, 45 years old and a farmer. His father was listed as "John Latea" and his mother as Martha Cook. The informant was Mrs. Curtis Lattea. He died of "coronary occulsion" and was buried at the Snyder Cemetery. (Gilmer County Deaths, Book No. 3, page 3L). His obituary says that he died of "a heart attack" Thursday, June 20 (1956) at his home in Glenville". He was "survived by his mother, Mrs. Martha Lattea, Revenna, OH, three daughters, Mrs. Martha Peggs, Glenville, Mary Jo and Virginia Ellen, at home, three sons, Russell and Clifford, at home, Lewis of "Bargetown, KY", two sisters, Mrs. Addie Ables, Diamond, OH, and Mrs. Mary Woolard, Revenna, OH, 3grandchildren and 1 brother, Robert of Newton Falls, OH, and 1 sister, deceased. Ida Lattea later married Dewey E. Nestor, age 66 in Gilmer County, WV. Ida was 59 years old, the daughter of Mary Mowery and Joe Clevenger. Ida and Dewey were married on April 4, 1964. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 8, page 216)
Children of Lewis and Ida:
51 MARTHA BELLE (6) Lattea b. June 26, 1930 at Glenville, WV (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 101) father - "Lewis Evert Lattea" Informant - Becky Murphy, midwife m. Roy R. Peggs, son of Sheridan and Belle Peggs on June 29, 1946 (Gilmer Co. Marriages Book No. 5, page 495)
52 JOHN RUSSELL (6) Lattea b. March 26, 1932 at Withers, Gilmer Co., WV (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 101) father - "Louis C. Lattea"
53 LEWIS ABRAHAM (6) Lattea b. April 13, 1935 at Withers, Gilmer Co, WV (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 101A)father - "Curtis Lattea"
54 CLIFFORD L. (6) Lattea b. June 9, 1937 at Withers, Gilmer Co., WV (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 101B) father - "Louis C. Lattea"
55 MARY JO (6) Lattea b. January 7, 1941 in Glenville, WV Married - Rolen Willis Carr on Oct. 29, 1958. Rolen was 30 years old and Mary was 17. (Gilmer Co. Marriages, Book No. 7, page 375) Mary had one son, 361 LEO CARL (7) Lattea, before she married. He was born Sept. 28, 1957 at Glenville (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 6, page L2) Father not listed on birth certificate. Leo Carl Lattea died on June 13, 1984 at Burnsville Lake, Braxton County, WV in a drowning accident. He was buried at the Snyder Cemetery. (Gilmer Co. Deaths, Book No. 3, page 14-L) His father was listed as Leo Carl Jackson. OBITUARY: Mary Jo Lattea Carr (Source: The Kinston (North Carolina) Free Press: 18 Nov. 2014. PINK HILL -- Mary Joe Lattea Carr, 73, of 1537 Mary Tate Road, died Sunday, Nov. 16, 2014, at home. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 20, at the Ham Family Cemetery in Pink Hill. The family will receive friends one hour prior to the service at the cemetery. Survivors include her daughters, Connie Burns of La Grange, Brenda Ham of Pink Hill, and Sherry Carr and Terry Davis, both of West Virginia; sons, Rolen Carr, Rodney Carr, David Carr and Russell Carr, all of West Virginia; 21 grandchildren; and 31 great-grandchildren. Arrangements are by Garner Funeral Home.
56 VIRGIE ELLEN (6) Lattea b. February 3, 1946 (Gilmer Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 101) Married - Areld Wilmoth on June 3, 1963 (Gilmer Co. Marriages, Book No. 8, page 158)
John F. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Robert Lee Lattea was born December 18, 1925 in Gilmer County, West Virginia. He married Nancy Jean Gravel. In 1986 they were residing in Warren, OH.
NEWTON FALLS - Robert Lee Lattea, 85, died Sunday, April 17, 2011, at his residence. He was born Dec. 18, 1925, in Troy, W.Va., the son of John and Martha Cook Lattea. Bob retired from Yellow Freight Co. Robert was a World War II?U.S. Army veteran. He is survived by his son, Luckey L. Lattea of Newton Falls; his daughters Linda L. Champ and Lois L. Tenney, both of Warren Township, Laura L. Verbosky and Loretta L. Host, both of Newton Falls, and Susan E. Clendenin of Warren; 17 grandchildren; 22 great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. Preceding him in death were his wife, Nancy J. Grauel Lattea; a son, John E.; and three sisters. Friends may call from 6 to 8 p.m. today at the Borowski Memorial Home, where services will take place at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Burial will follow services at Pine Knoll Cemetery.
57 LUCKEY LEE (6) Lattea
58 JOHN ELWOOD (6) Lattea -
59 LINDA (6) Lattea
60 LOIS LAVONE (6) Lattea - twin
61 LAURA LAVERNE (6) Lattea - twin
62 LORETTA L. (6) Lattea
63 ROBIN (6) Lattea
64 SUSAN (6) Lattea
(There was a John E. Lattea died June 19, 1971 in Ravenna, Portage Co., OH., age 21, married. Could this be a son to John Elwood Lattea???) Also found on the internet was a John Luther Lattea, Sr., b. Nov. 25, 1997 in WV, d. Sept. 10, 1989 in OH, Mother was a Starcher, Father a Lattea. SS#233-60-9852.
Also Chera D. Lattea Bennett, b. Sept. 2, 1972 in WV, d. March 20, 1997 in Ohio in the hospital Emergency Room at 7:30 p.m., along with her son Chance C. Lattea (age 5), who was born June 1, 1991 in WV. (evidently auto accident)
Lewis Abraham (5), John F. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). married Janice Jean Romp (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 11, page 16) on August 27, 1984. Lewis was 27 years old, born on January 27, 1957 at Sutton, West Virginia. He had been divorced once and was residing in Cleveland, Ohio. Janice was 31 years of age, born on August 6, 1953 at Sumpter, S.C. She been married 3 previous times and was a resident of Cleveland, Ohio.
George William (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). b. May 23, 1899 at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2A, page 203) "Harlen Lattea". Father - G. W. Lattea, age 27, farmer, Mother - Mary Lattea (Walton) Born in Doddridge Co., WV J. E. Matheny, MD, Vadis, WV; d. Jan. 6, 1940 in Parkersburg, Wood County, WV. Married Ruby Mabel Gregory on Dec. 1, 1923 in Garrett County, MD. Mack and his father-in-law, Worthy Evan Gregory were both killed instantly by a drunk driver on the evening of Jan. 6, 1940 as they were walking to the grocery store. Mack's oldest son, George was with them, but escaped injury by jumping over a guardrail to safety. George was 15 years old. Mack Lattea is buried at the Bethel Cemetery in Washington Bottom, Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia. After Mack's death, Ruby Mabel later married Ardell William Hughes, and they had one child, Darlene Faith Hughes.
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The Piqua Daily Call, Piqua, Ohio - Monday, January 8, 1940 |
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79 GEORGE WORTHY (6) LATTEA; b. March 24, 1925 at Glenville, Gilmer County, West Virginia (Gilmer County Births, Book 3, page 101A). Living in Parkersburg, WV in 1985.
80 ARTIE HARLEN (6) LATTEA; b. Jan. 20, 1927 in Randolph County, West Virginia; d. May 9, 1991 in Cleveland, Ohio; d. May 9, 19091; Minister in Lore City, Ohio, in 1985.
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The Tribune, Cochocton, OH - Saturday, May 11, 1991 |
81 FRED DONALD "Freddie" (6) LATTEA; b. Nov. 24, 1936 in Randolph County, West Virginia; d. June 21, 2010 in Zanesville, Muskingum Co., OH. Buried in the Irish Ridge Cemetery, Guernsey County, Ohio.
Lattea, Freddie D. Lattea Source:; June, 2010 FREDDIE D. LATTEA - 1936-2010 Freddie D. Lattea, 73, of Cambridge, died Monday (June 21, 2010) at Genesis-Good Samaritan Medical Center, Zanesville. He was born Nov. 24, 1936, in Parkersburg, W.Va., son of the late Mack Lattea and Ruby (Gregory) Lattea. Mr. Lattea was a U.S. Army veteran. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a son, Stephen Lattea; and three brothers, George, Artie and Genous Lattea. He is survived by three sons, Gene (Mari) Lattea, Mack (Stephanie) Lattea, and John (Mary-Kay) Lattea; and eight grandchildren, Sean, Alex, Ian, Izzy, Mya, Rocco, Sara and Paige. Family and friends may call from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday at Thorn-Black Funeral Home, Cambridge, where services will follow at 1 p.m. Burial will be in the Irish Ridge Cemetery. Personal condolences may be sent to the family at
82 GENEOUS/JEANOUS CARL (6) LATTEA; b. May 15, 1934 in Randolph County, West Virginia. Living in Kimbolton, Ohio, in 1985; d. Jan. 13, 1995 in Phoenix, Arizona; m. Mary Willis. Upon calling Geneous, he informed me that his Aunt Ruth died about age 3 or 4 from articulosis. He stated that his mother was a cook. He says that family members recall that George William Lattea was very strong, and that at age 90 he lifted a barrel of oil over onto a porch of a general store from a wagon.
![]() The Tribune - Coshocton, OH - Mon. Jan 16, 1995 |
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83 MARJORIE LEO (6) LATTEA; b. Sept. 28, 1938 in Randolph County, West Virginia; d. October 21, 2011 in Marietta, Washington County, Ohio; buried in the Evergreen Cemetery North, Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia.
84 EVA JEAN (6) LATTEA; married a White.
85 EMLOUS BURON (6) LATTEA; b. Oct. 15, 1939 in Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia.
The Times Recorder, Zanesville, OH Oct. 10, 1982
Mack Harlen (5), George William (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). b. March 24, 1925 at Glenville, Gilmer County, West Virginia (Gilmer County Births, Book 3, page 101A); d. July 12, 2008 in Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia; m. 1) Muriel Stotler abt. 1946 in Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia, and 2) Ellen Jean Wilson. Buried in the Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia.
Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). William Henry Latta was born on May 10, 1873 in Lewis County, West Virginia. William Henry Lattea married Dora Alma Sprouse, daughter of Rebecka Ann and Henry Sprouse on September 28, 1894. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 7, page 321) He was 22 years of age and she was 19. They were married by J. N. Smith. Their marriage record states that she was born in Ritchie Co., WV 1900 Census - Lewis Co., WV HH 243/243 Freemans Creek District. William Henry Lattea worked in the oil fields as a young man. He worked in the town of Fink (later known as "Fink's Creek) and in Slab Town. Fink was a small town that grew up on Fink Run for a short time as a result of the oil in the area. It had a school, dance hall, hotel and houses for the workers in the oil fields. William Henry and a man named Jim Jones had a preacher come over the hill from Straight Run Church to preach on Sundays at Fink. Slab Town was located on Fink and was also an oil town. William Henry pumped wells at Slab Town. The children of Slab Town went to school on Buck Run, around Churchville. There was a school at Slab Town for a couple of years in an old store. The teachers were Ark Hudkins and then Bertha Linder. There were about 18-20 children in Slab Town. Dora Alma Lattea died on February 23, 1935 at Hurst, Lewis Co., WV of sugar diabetes. She was 59 years of age. (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 5, page 107). William married twice more during his lifetime, but never had any other children. He married Alice May Hinzman Gooden, daughter of John Hinzman and Martha Ellen Teter, on November 21, 1936. He was 64 years of age and she was 64. He was a retired pumper. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 21, page 60). Alice died on January 10, 1940 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 5, page 110) at the age of 67 of "pulmonary embolism". Will later met and married Lolie Pearl Woodson, on November 2, 1940. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 22, page 466) Will was 68 years old and she was 43. This was her third marriage. This marriage record states that William was born in Upshur County, WV. Will and Lola met at the Weston State Mental Hospital, where they both worked. They later moved to Buckhannon, Upshur County, WV where Will lived until his death in 1944. He was buried at the McCutcheon Cemetery on Straight Run, Lewis Co., WV beside his first wife, Dora.
Children of Will and Dora:
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98 VERDE MAY (6) Lattea b. February 2, 1902 at Hurst, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 223) Filed on May 11, 1942 by W. H. Lattea, father - oil well pumper; m. Guy Mark West on Nov. 16, 1926 (Lewis Co. Marriages Book No. 17, page 406) Verde and Guy had 2 daughters. d. Verde died on October 29, 1997 in Holbrook Nursing Home, Buckhannon, WV.
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Verde Lattea West |
99 REBECCA SERENA (6) Lattea b. March 31, 1903 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 232) Records her name as "Rebeca Lattia" Informant - father (farmer) d. April 8, 1903 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 1, page 275) "Rebeca S. Lattia" and gave her birth as March 30, 1903.
100 BEULAH PEARL (6) Lattea b. July 20, 1905 at Hurst, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 3, page 11) Filed by W. H. Latta (father - oil well pumper) on 5/11/42 m. Okey "Oak" Glen Lunsford on Nov. 13, 1933 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 19, page 437) they had one daughter, Wilma d. Feb. 23, 1980 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 243) of cancer
101 BONNIE LEON (6) Lattea b. June 21, 1910 at Fink, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 3, page 81) Informant - W. H. Lattea (father) m. John B. Lunsford, brother to Oak Lunsford who married her sister, Beulah Pearl. John and Bonnie had 3 children, 1 of which died at birth. d. Oct. 17, 1982 of heart disease and sugar diabetes (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 249)
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Bonnie Lattea (picture courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox) |
102 ROY GUY (6) Roy "Guy" Lattea, son of William Henry Lattea and Dora Alma Sprouse Lattea, was born on May 31, 1908(Lewis County Births, Book No. 3, page 56) at Hurst, Lewis County, West Virginia. The record of his birth was filed by his father, William Henry Lattea on May 11, 1942 . His father worked for the South Penn as a pumper. Guy married Lucy Merle Means, daughter of Scott Means and Mae Young Means, on September 11, 1929. They told their parents that they were going to the fair, but they went to Oakland, Maryland and got married. Guy died on March 30, 1997. He and his wife are buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Jane Lew, Lewis Co., WV.
Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1).
Charles Emory Lattea was born on April 8, 1877 in Lewis County, West Virginia on Walnut Fork (Straight Run), (Lewis County Births, Book No. 1, at page 210) J. W. Shackleford, uncle - informant. Charles married Sarah Elizabeth Slider on March 24, 1901. She was born May 16, 1876 in Calhoun Co., West Virginia, and died on December 17, 1962 at Hurst, Lewis Co., West Virginia. Charles died on March 21, 1955 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 7, at page 244) at Hurst of heart disease. He was 77 years old. They are both buried at the McCutcheon Cemetery on Straight Run.
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Children of Charles and Sarah:
111 HANNAH COLUMBIA (6) Lattea b. January 14, 1902 on Jesses Run, Calhoun County, WV. She never married. When anyone in the family had a baby, she would go and stay with them to help out. d. February 9, 1998 in Shepherdstown, Jefferson County, West Virginia.
112 HOMER (6) Lattea b. July 31, 1903 on Jesses Run, Calhoun Co., WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book 2, page 126 - listed as "Hubert") d. June 6, 1986 in West Hyattesville, Prince George's County, Maryland.
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Homer Lattea. Picture courtesy of Verde Lattea West. |
113 ZONA JANE (6) Lattea b. October 9, 1905 on Jesses Run, Calhoun Co., WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book 4, page 181 - listed as "Lattie, Jona J.") m. Homer Westfall Sprouse, son of Henry and Rebecca Sprouse on Nov. 1, 1926 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 17, page 401) Homer was born on August 19, 1877 and was 49 years old and Jane was 21 years old. They had three daughters, Zona Marie, Minnie Madeline and Alice Elizabeth. Homer died on October 20, 1943. Jane married Clifford Rohr on September 15, 1953.
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114 MINNIE BELLE (6) Lattea b. March 24, 1907 on Jesses Run, Calhoun Co., WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book 4, page 181) m. Romie F. Mace on Sept. 20, 1922. They had 9 children. Romie was born on April 18, 1901 and died in August of 1954. Belle died on Sept. 25, 1983. They were both buried at the Washington Cemetery, Washington, PA.
115 LONA MAE (6) Lattea b. Sept. 15, 1904 in Calhoun County, WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book 3, page 184) d. Nov. 12, 2000 in Grantsville, Calhoun County, West Virginia. Married Harlan Starcher They had 9 children: Ruby Starcher Powell, Ruth Almeda (Starcher) Kelley, Reda Violet (Starcher) Warnick, Lena Eldwin (Starcher) Franks, Darrell Lee Starcher, Emogene (Starcher) Poling, Harlan "Junior" Starcher, Janet Lenora (Starcher) Whited, and Leo Richard Starcher.
116 ELIZABETH (6) Lattea b. December 11, 1911 on Jesses Run, Calhoun Co., WV m. Hazlett "Harry" Clayton Hendershot on Sept. 19, 1933. Harry was born on Feb. 15, 1907. d. January 6, 1966 in Takoma Park, MD. They had one daughter, Elizabeth Lucetta "Betty Lue" Hendershot, b. Sept. 16, 1934 in Grafton, Tyler Co., WV
117 CLEO (6) Lattea b. April 7, 1916 on Jesses Run, Calhoun Co., WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book 4, page 187)
118 CLYDE (6) Lattea b. Sept. 3, 1918 on Jesses Run, Calhoun Co., WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book 4, page 191 - listed as Lattie, not named - 00/00/1918) d. Jan. 8, 1944 in WWII. He was a United States Army Staff Sergeant; Air Corps., enlisted April 8, 1942; tail gunner on a B-24 Liberator for 10 months in the Pacific; he saw several battles. He had 275 hours of combat flying and was given the Distinguished Flying Cross. He had returned to the US and was instructing in VA. He lost his life in a plane crash over the James River from Langley Field, VA. His co-pilot bailed out, but Clyde went down with the plane. His body was returned to Lewis Co., WV where he was buried at the McCutcheon Cemetery on Straight Run.
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Clyde Lattea, photo courtesy of Mackie Stout, grandson of Zona Jane Lattea |
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Clyde Lattea, photo courtesy of Mackie Stout, grandson of Zona Jane Lattea |
Grave of Sgt. Clyde Lattea - picture courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox |
Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Anna Myrtle Lattea was born December 30, 1882 in Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 41). Myrtle's birth was first recorded as IVA MAUDE LATTEA, but was corrected by Court Order on November 15, 1957. Myrtle died on April 22, 1967 at Linn, Gilmer County, West Virginia. Myrtle had dark brown hair and was very small built. She weighed just under 100 lbs. Anna "Myrtle" married Hedgeman Lowther, son of John Henry Lowther and Emily Adaline Spurgeon Lowther, on April 20, 1914. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 14, page 6) "Hedge" was working along the road near Myrtle's house one day on Straight Run with a gas company and saw Myrtle walking along to the store. Hedge was born Aug. 8, 1893 in Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 200) and died on Dec. 1, 1967 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 9, page 249) Hedge and Myrtle had 6 children, Henry Cauthern, Argel Brent, Everett Nathelport, Worothy Leonard, Columbia Adaline, and Thelma Mae.
Children of Myrtle Lattea:
96 *ARCHIE HOBERT (6) LATTEA b. January 8, 1902 at Hurst, Lewis Co., WV d. November 21, 1960 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 8, page 240) father - Luther Cook (Luther Cook was a cousin to Anna Myrtle)
97 *ARTHUR CLIFFORD (6) LATTEA b. October 13, 1905 on Straight Run, Lewis Co., WV d. March 14, 1991.
Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Oldest son of Nathaniel C. and Columbia Serene Shackleford Lattea, was born Oct. 5, 1869 in Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginia, but his birth was recorded in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 1, page 140).George married Wiona "Oney" Davis, daughter of Nathan Davis and Mary Wyatt Davis, of Doddridge County, West Virginia, on July 11, 1887. They were both 17 years of age. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 5, page 136) Oney was born on May 14, 1870 on Long Run, Doddridge County, West Virginia. Oney was living with and working for a family by the name of Woofter on Straight Run in Lewis County, when she met George. Oney died May 16, 1950. George married Bessie Gad. George died April 23, 1955.
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George and Oney Lattea | George and second wife, Bessie Gad. |
Children of George and Oney:
159 IVY MYRTLE (6) Lattea b. Jan. 20, 1889 in Lewis County, WV; died Dec. 14, 1956. She had two children before she married, Lily and Walter. She gave them up to the West Virginia Children's home. "Lily" was adopted by a Dr. J. R. McCollum of Ritchie County, and renamed Katherine Louise. She was 18 months old. Her brother Walter got sick and died in the children's home. Katherine died on March 16, 1997. She and her son had traced her family back to Ivy Myrtle Lattea and had met family members before her death.
Louise McCullom Pitts - July 1989
Her son did not find out anything about her brother Walter until after her death. Walter was buried in Charleston, WV. Ivy married James Taylor Prunty on Jan. 7, 1909. Taylor died and Ivy later married Austin Miller Moore. He died on Oct. 22, 1961. Ivy died on Dec. 17, 1956 in Harrison County, WV and is buried at the Cherry Camp cemetery, Bristol, WV (Harrison County Deaths, Book No. 19, page 164G)
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Austin Moore and Ivy Lattea Moore with child, Willard. - picture courtesy of Daisy Lattea. |
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Austin Moore and Ivy Lattea Moore - picture courtesy of Daisy Lattea |
160 WILLIAM NATHAN LATTEA (6) b. December 20, 1892 on Finks Creek in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 132) Recorded "Latta"; informant - Louise Grimm d. May 22, 1983 at Camden, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 250)
161 PETER LATTEA (6) b. Oct. 28, 1894 on Straight Run in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 151) Recorded "Latta"; informant - G.W. Latta, father d. Nov. 11, 1967 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 25, page 147C)
162 CHARLES ELSWORTH LATTEA (6) b. August 7, 1896 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 166) Recorded: "Chas. Lattea" d. Aug. 7, 1896 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 1, page 219) "stillborn"; informant - father There is a record in Lewis Co. Birth Book No. 2A, page 85 that states that Chas. Lattea was born on Aug. 15, 1896. Recorded by J. E. Mattheny, MD of Vadis, WV.
163 CHARLES WARNER LATTEA (6) b. August 20, 1898 on Freeman's Creek in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 188) d. Jan. 13, 1976 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 235)
164 JAMES EARL LATTEA (6) b. June 1, 1900 at Vadis, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 3A, page 6) Hannah Wiseman of Vadis was listed as "medical attendant" d. May 30, 1978 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 78, page 233) Buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church cemetery, Salem, Harrison Co., WV
165 PHILIP SHERDIAN LATTEA (6) b. May 14, 1902 in Calhoun Co., WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book No. 2, page 124) d. November 29, 1974 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 74, page 462) Buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church cemetery, Salem, Harrison Co., WV
166 ICY MAY LATTEA (6) b. March 8, 1905 in Calhoun County, WV (Calhoun Co. Delayed Births, Book No. 4, page 181) m. Okey "Oak" Herman Nicholson, son of Albert and Ellen Nicholson, on March 23, 1922 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 16, page 213) He was 21 years old and she was 17. They had 3 children. Oak later shot himself. He died March 7, 1948 at New Milton, Doddridge County, West Virginia. Their children were Leoney M., Lewis Herman, and James Melvin Nicholson and Kenneth. Icy married Ocie Smith. Icy died on March 25, 1976
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Oak Nicholson and Icy Lattea
Nicholson on their wedding day (were they leaving on the railroad
handrail car? - ha.)
Picture courtesy of Daisy Lattea |
167 NORAH VIRGINIA LATTEA (6) b. July 11, 1907 in Calhoun County, WV m. Edward Branson "Dan" Ray, son of Edward Ray and Drusilla Ray (brother to Daisy Ray, who married Norah's brother, James Earl) on January 18, 1924. (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 38, page 87). Dan was 22 and Norah was 18. They had 7 children. Norah died June 16, 1956 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 19, page 214B)
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1946 City Directory for Salem, WV shows Edward Ray as a glass worker, and wife Nora living at the rear of 184 Liberty Street. |
Lewis K (5) John F. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). married Evelyn Bell Singleton, daughter of John and Addie Singleton, on September 4, 1954. Lewis was 19 years old, born on April 13, 1935, and Evelyn was 16 years old, born on September 2, 1938. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 7, page 109)
ALL the other records show born Nov 20. She may have lied on the marriage document, saying she was born on the 2nd of Sep so she would be age 16 when married – which she wasn’t.
Children of Lewis & Evelyn:
65 SANDRA BELLE LATTEA (7) b. March 31, 1955 in Glenville (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 6, page L1) m. Howard L. King, son of Lawrence King and Ernestine Bolene King, on April 13, 1971 at Baldwin, Gilmer County, West Virginia. Sandra was 16 years old, single. Howard was 21 years old and single. He was born on August 7, 1949 at Millstone, Calhoun County, West Virginia. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 9, page 93)
66 LEWIS ABRAHAM LATTEA, JR.(7) b. January 27, 1957 at Sutton, Braxton County, West Virginia
67 SALLY SUE LATTEA (7) b. January 4, 1960 in Gilmer Co. (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 6, page L4) m. Donald Lee Peggs, son of Cecil Taft Peggs and Octova Curtis Peggs, on May 15, 1976. Sally was 16 years old and single. Donald was 37 years old and divorced. Donald was born on April 8, 1939 at Sand Fork, Gilmer County, West Virginia. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 9, page 451)
68 LINDA MAE LATTEA (7) B. November 9, 196l at Glenville, Gilmer County, West Virginia; f. - Lewis Abraham Lattea, coal miner, age 26 (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 6, page L4)
69 JOHNIE LEE LATTEA (7) b. September 21, 1964 at Glenville; f. - Lewis Abraham Lattea, age 28 (Gilmer County Births, Book No. 6, page 6L)
70 ROBERT DARRELL LATTEA (7) b. February 2, 1967 at Gen. Ost. Hosp., Weston (Lewis County Births, Book No. 9, page 244) Father - 31, labor, coal mines Mother - 29
71 MICHEL LINN LATTEA (7) b. February 20, 1970 at the Stonewall Jackson Hospital, Weston (Lewis County Births, Book No. 10, page 232) Father's occ: ADC
72 JAMES CURTIS LATTEA (7) b. September 8, 1971 (Lewis County Births, Book No. 10, page 236) Father - Dept. of Highways of Gilmer County Informant - Chas. T. Lively, MD
Lewis Kirt (5), John F. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1) Clifford L. Lattea, son of Lewis Kirt Lattea, married Sharlet A. Langford, daughter of Jearl Langford and Floda Ellen Jenkins Langford, on June 13, 1966 at Shock, Gilmer County, West Virginia. Clifford was 28 years of age and single, and Sharlet was 19 years of age and single. Sharlet was born on July 13, 1946 at Morgantown, West Virginia. (Gilmer County Marriages, Book No. 8, page 338)
73 KATHY DARLINE LATTEA (7) b. August 29, 1966 in Braxton County, WV. Kathy married Rolen Willis Carr (her first cousin), son of Rolen Willis Carr and Mary Jo Lattea. (Gilmer Co. Marriages, Book No. 11, page 54).
Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Archie Hobert Lattea married Ocie Starcher, daughter of Sophronia and Nathan Starcher, on Oct. 13, 1923 in Calhoun County, West Virginia. Ocie was born on March 5, 1904 in Calhoun County, West Virginia. She died on May 20, 1979 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV. She was buried at the Rock Grove Cemetery. (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 242). Archie Hobert Lattea died on Nov. 21, 1960 and was buried at the Rock Grove Cemetery. (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 8, page 240). He was listed as being 58 and a laborer. His father was listed as Luther Cook. (Luther Cook was a first cousin to his mother, Myrtle). The informant was Ocie Lattea.
Children of Archie and Ocie:
127 ONIE MARY LATTEA (7) b. Jan. 25, 1926 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 145) m. Arthur Brooks Lunsford, son of Arthur "Pinkey" Lunsford and Margaret Starcher Lunsford, on March 28, 1947 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 25, page 147) Arthur had a brother, William Paul, who married Sylvia Pauline Lattea, Onie's sister. Onie "Mary" and Arthur had 5 children, Francis Kay, Arthur, Jr., Patricia Ann, Karen Sue and Vivian Lee.
128 SYLVIA PAULINE LATTEA (7) b. June 16, 1928 at Baldwin, Gilmer Co., WV m. William Paul Lunsford, son of A. P. and Margaret Jane Starcher Lunsford on April 24, 1947. She was 18 and he was 28 years old. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 25, page 165) William Paul Lunsford died on Dec. 13, 1984 (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 253) They had 9 children, Charles Ray, Daniel Lee, Michael Paul, Donnie Joe, David John, Steven Mark, Beverly Ann, Bernard Dale and William Alexander. Pauline married Lee Shackleford on July 4, 1986.
129 ARCHIE EUGENE (7) Lattea b. July 27, 1930 at Troy, Gilmer Co., WV
130 NATHAN PAUL (7) Lattea b. Jan. 1, 1933 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 114)
131 JOSEPH DELANA (7) Lattea b. July 17, 1936 at Camden, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 112)
132 JOHN LUTHER (7) Lattea b. September 10, 1939 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 113)
133 ROBERT GAIL (7) Lattea b. March 1, 1942 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 178)
134 ROY LEON (7) Lattea b. June 23, 1944 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 184) d. July 9, 1987 (suicide)
Roy Leon Lattea -
Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Arthur Clifford Lattea was born on October 13, 1905, on Straight Run, Lewis County, West Virginia. When Clifford was young, he did not get along well with his step-father, Hedge Lowther. Clifford left home when he was 17 or 18 years old. Clifford met Mary Brown, a widow, one summer when he was hired to cut hay on her farm. Mary's husband, John Brown, had died and left her with four (4) young children. Clifford decided to stay on and help Mary and eventually they married. Clifford married Mary Etta Burkhammer Brown, widow, on June 11, 1928, in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Marriage Records, Book No. 18, page 141). It was listed on the marriage record that a Charles Lattea was his father.
Children of Clifford and Mary:
150 *PEARL PAULINE LATTEA (7) b. October 2, 1928 at Alum Bridge Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 146) Father - farmer D. D. Chapman, MD
151 ARTHUR LEO "Leo" LATTEA (7) b. February 23, 1934 at Alum Bridge Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 111) at 11:30 a.m. Father - farmer Dr. D. D. Chapman, MD of Vadis.
152 AGNES C. LATTEA (7) b. May 15, 1936 at Alum Bridge Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 112) at 9:00 a.m. Father - laborer Dr. Chas. B. Rohr, MD m. Dana Curtis in 1954. They had 3 children, Dana, Jr., Thomas and Roger. She later married a Sidwell. She resides in Wadsworth, OH.
Clifford would never allow Mary or any of the children, including their own three, to talk to his mother, Myrtle. According to Mary Lattea Lunsford, daughter of Archie Lattea, Mary was a good woman and a hard worker. When Clifford's mother, Myrtle died, Clifford took Mary to the funeral, but he didn't go inside. He stayed out in the parking lot until the service was over and then took Mary home. Mary's daughter, Marie, took care of Mary when she got older. Marie lived in Lorain, Ohio. When Mary's mind started to go bad, Marie could no longer take care of her because she worked. Mary's son, Leo, offered to take care of her, but she would have to travel to Houston, Texas, where he lived and she was unable to make the trip, so Mary was placed in the Lorain Nursing Home close to Marie. Mary Etta Brown Lattea died at the age of 89, at Lorain, Ohio, at 1:30 p.m., Sunday, June 8, 1986 in the Lorain Manor Nursing Home following an extended illness. She was brought back to Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia, for burial. Funeral services were held at the Carmel United Methodist Church at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, WV, with the Rev. Darrell Shue, officiating. Internment followed in the Woofter Cemetery.
Clifford resided in Camden, Lewis County, West Virginia, before his death. His grandson, Richard LeRoy Lattea, lived in a trailer on Clifford's property so that he could check on him.
At one time, Clifford lived in a brown shingle house on Alum Fork, Lewis County, West Virginia. In 1980, Clifford was robbed and beaten with a board by four young people, a 14 year old girl, a 17 year old girl, 18 year old Stewart Mitchell, of Jane Lew, and 24 year old George Stewart of Jane Lew. They stole $8,152.00 in cash, a penknife collection and two pistols from him. Clifford was beaten on a weekend and not found until Tuesday of the following week when a gas man found him on February 17, 1980. Clifford was taken to the WVU Medical Center and treated for a fractured skull, both jaws broken, fractured ribs and other injuries. The four youths were caught, the oldest girl in Colorado. See article. According to Mary Lattea Lunsford, niece of Clifford, he was quite a ladies' man when he was young. A record was found in the Lewis County Courthouse for a daughter born to Alvina May Smith. The birth was recorded as follows:
344 ANNA LORSTEIN LATTEA (7) b. March 20, 1927 at Alum Bridge Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 146) Mother - Alvina May Smith (21) Father - Arthur Clifford Lattea (21) Legitimate - "no" - 1st child of mother. Alvina May Smith went by May Smith. She was the sister of Blanche Smith Lattea, wife of William Nathan Lattea.
William Henry (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Roy "Guy" Lattea, son of William Henry Lattea and Dora Alma Sprouse Lattea, was born on May 31, 1908(Lewis County Births, Book No. 3, page 56) at Hurst, Lewis County, West Virginia. The record of his birth was filed by his father, William Henry Lattea on May 11, 1942 . His father worked for the South Penn as a pumper. Guy married Lucy Merle Means, daughter of Scott Means and Mae Young Means, on September 11, 1929. They told their parents that they were going to the fair, but they went to Oakland, Maryland and got married. Guy died on March 30, 1997. He and his wife are buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, Jane Lew, Lewis Co., WV.
Roy and Lucy Lattea
at a family reunion.
Children of Guy and Lucy:
103 ROY GUY LATTEA, JR. (7) b. May 31, 1930 at Hurst, Lewis County, WV
104 ROBERT KENT LATTEA (7) b. September 15, 1931 at Vadis, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis County Births, Book No. 5, page 109) Birth recorded only as "Infant Lattea", but his service record shows that he was that "infant".
105 WILLIAM JOSEPH LATTEA (7) b. February 14, 1936 at Hurst, Lewis County, WV
Roy Guy (6) William Henry (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Roy Guy Lattea, Jr. married Wilma Rinehart, daughter of Royal and Goldie Burkhammer Rinehart. Roy and his brother, William Joseph Lattea, married sisters. William Joseph married Wilma's sister, Wanna Naomi Rinehart. Roy Guy Lattea, Jr. served in the Armed Forces of the United States in the United States Army. (Lewis County Armed Forces, Book No. 12, page 346) He entered the service at Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia on January 10, 1952 and on September 17, 1953 he transferred to ERC at the 101st Airborne Division at Camp Breckinridge, Kentucky. He was listed as having brown hair and blue eyes. He finished up his career as a CPL(T).
Roy Guy (6) William Henry (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Robert Kent Lattea, son of Roy Guy and Lucy Lattea married Naomi Jean Davisson, daughter of Roy C. Davisson and Alma King Davisson (deceased) on June 30, 1956 in Weston, Lewis County, WV. (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 28 page 362). They were married by the Rev. U. E. Wills. Robert Kent Lattea served in the United States Armed Services during WWII in the United States Army. (Lewis County Armed Forces, Book No. 12, page 506) He entered the Army at Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia and transferred into the United States Air Force on May 13, 1954 as a CPL(T). His medals include: Occupation Medal (Germany), National Defense Service Medal, Good Conduct Medal (June 11, 1952 - May 13, 1954). Robert was discharged from the Reserves on June 10,1960 as Cpl. (Lewis County Armed Forces, Book No. 14, page 469). Children of Robert Kent and Naomi Jean:
106 JAMES ROBERT LATTEA (8) b. April 5, 1958 at Weston, Lewis County, WV (Lewis County Births, Book No. 8, page 231)
107 SARA CATHERINE LATTEA (8) b. August 10, 1965 at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, Weston, Lewis County, WV (Lewis County Births, Book No. 9, page 239)
Obituary: Naomi Jean Davisson Lattea, 74, of Belmont, W.Va., in an instant, went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Monday, Aug. 10, 2009. She was born June 4, 1935, in Lewis County, W.Va., to the late Roy C. and Alma King Davisson. She was an active member of the First Baptist Church of Belmont, member of the Stones Tax Service Bowling League and a member of the Pioneer Community CEO's. She is survived by her husband of 53 years, Robert K. Lattea of Belmont; one son, James Lattea of Richmond, Va.; one daughter, Sara Hyre and her husband, William, of Belmont; two grandchildren, Benjamin K. Hyre and Heather E. Hyre, both of Belmont; two sisters, Anna Groah and her husband, Eugene, Susan Singleton and her husband, Dale, both of Camden, W.Va.; two brothers, Ancil Davisson and his wife, Mary, of Alum Creek, W.Va., and Danny J. Davisson and his wife, Thelma, of Jane Lew, W.Va.; and many nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her mom, Freda Davis Davisson; two brothers, Duane Davisson of Weston, W.Va., and Aubrey Davisson of Alum Bridge, W.Va.; and one sister, Shirley Balentine of Kansas. Services will be 4 p.m. Friday at the First Baptist Church of Belmont, 301 Clark Street, Belmont, with Pastor Kelly Snyder officiating. Interment will be in Pleasants Memorial Estates, Eureka, W.Va. Calling hours will be from 4-8 p.m. today at Ingram Funeral Home, St. Marys, W.Va., and from 3-4 p.m. Friday at the church.
Roy Guy (6) William Henry (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). William Joseph Lattea was born February 14, 1936 at Hurst, Lewis County, WV. (Lewis County Births, Book No. 5, page 111). His father was listed as a "pipeline employee." The informant was Robert White, MD of Hurst. William married Wanna Naomi Rinehart, daughter of Royal and Goldie Burkhammer Rinehart, on November 27, 1955 at Troy, Gilmer County, West Virginia. They were married by the Rev. Paul Conley. Children:
108 ROY CARL LATTEA (8) b. April 30, 1959 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book 8, page 231).
109 ELDEN JOSEPH LATTEA (8) b. October 2, 1960 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book 8, page 238).
110 JOANN LATTEA (8) b. September 21, 1966 at Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 9, page 243); m. Earl Junior Warner, 18, son of Rosalle Warner, on January 21, 1984 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 39, page 101.
367 DONALD DEAN LATTEA (8) b. ___________; d. March 14, 2005 in Cleveland, Ohio. See Obituary.
Clarksburg Exponent-Telegram -
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
DONALD DEAN LATTEA WESTON - Donald Dean Lattea, formerly of Roanoke, passed away on March 14, 2005, following a long illness of cancer at the Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Lattea resided in LaGrange, Ohio, with his wife of 22 years. Surviving are his wife, Carol Wilmer (Williston) Lattea; five stepchildren and their spouses, Gary and Teresa (Casto) Williston, Kelvin Greg (Willy) and Diana (Villers) Williston, Roy and Brenda Sue (Williston) Lattea, Steven and Sharon Carol (Williston) Hagood and David and Shelva Denise (Williston) Bradley. He was preceded in death by a stepdaughter, Shanda Lynn Williston; paternal grandparents, Guy and Lucy Lattea, and maternal grandparents, Loyal and Goldie Rinehart. Donald is survived by his parents, William Joseph Lattea and Wanna Naomi Lattea; and two brothers, Roy Carl Lattea of Roanoke, West Virginia, and Elden Joseph Lattea of Elyria, Ohio, and one sister, Jo Ann Funovitz of Mannington, West Virginia. In addition, Donald is a step-grandfather to sixteen grandchildren, Trena Marie Williston, Trent Matthew Williston, Stephen Charles Williston, Shannon Dale Williston, Kenneth Lee Williston, Tracy Lynn Williston-Casada, Michael Joseph Lattea, Crystal Michelle Lattea-Williams, Kevin Lee Lattea, Joshua Kyle Lattea, Derek Allen Bradley, Dustin Jordan Bradley, Heather Nicole Hagood and Haleigh Marie Hagood. In addition, Donald has three step-great-grandchildren, Ryan Michael Casada, Alexis Renee Casada and Ian Donald Dakota Williams, and was expecting a fourth step-great-grandchild this summer. also surviving are one niece, Kimberly Pointing, and five nephews, Jessie Lattea, Todd Lattea, Greg Funovitz, Daniel Funovitz and Andrew Funovitz. Don's constant companion and special friend while on the truck or at home was "Tommy", his black and white feline friend. Mr. Lattea had been an over-the-road tractor-trailer driver for seventeen years and had been working with Marten Transport since 1991. He became owner of Lattea Trucking in 1995. During his tenure at Marten, he received several safety and performance awards, including the prestigious Truckload Carrier Association's Highway Angel Award. Donald was born in Mansfield, Ohio. He attended Lewis County schools, after which he joined the United States Army. After moving to Ohio, he was a partner in K.D.K. Insulation and Drywall company with Kelvin Greg Williston and Aubrey Kenneth Williston. The company was dissolved in 1982. Don was an avid hunter, and loved being outdoors. Don's favorite time of the year was deer season with his family in West Virginia on the family farm at Roanoke. His hobbies were riding his 4-wheeler and motorcycling. Don's most prized possessions in his eyes were his loved one, friends and co-workers. Don's childhood dream was to be a trucker, and he was a very respected member of Marten Transport. He was a teacher in the way he showed the younger generation of his family what it was to be a honest, loyal and trustworthy man. Boyle Funeral Home of Weston is in charge of arrangements. Friends may make memorial tributes in the form of flowers or a donation to the American Cancer Society. Visitation will be on Thursday, March 17, 2005, from 3-7 p.m. A special service will follow at 7 p.m. Following the service, the body will be cremated. At a later date a private family celebration of life and scattering of ashes will be done on the family farm at Roanoke. Boyle Funeral Home, Weston. |
George Washington (5) Nathan (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). William Nathan Lattea was born on December 20, 1892 on Finks Creek, Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births Book No. 2, page 132). His birth was recorded "Latta". The informant was a Louise Grimm. His father was listed as a farmer. Died May 22, 1983 at Camden, Lewis Co., West Virginia. On January 26, 1915, at the age of 22, he married Blanche G. Smith, daughter of Sarah A. and James Smith (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 14, page 127). They were married by P. D. Strader. Blanche was born on September 15, 1897 and was 17 years old. Bill was employed by a gas company. Blanche G. Smith was born on September 15, 1897 in Lewis Co., West Virginia, and died on June 5, 1984 at Camden, Lewis Co., WV. They are both buried in the Rock Grove Cemetery, Gilmer County, West Virginia.
Children of Bill and Blanche:
168 GENEVIEVE GERTRUDE LATTEA (7) b. March 29, 1916 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 3, page 162) Informant - W. H. Greene; m. Hazel Harvey Davisson, son of Frank and Elizabeth Blake Davisson on Oct. 13, 1934 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 20, page 136) They had 3 children, Margaret, Harvey and Lucille.
169 JAMES RALPH LATTEA (7) b. May 10, 1919 at Camden, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 142) Father - roustabout for gas co.
170 CLARENCE WILLIAM "Little Bill" LATTEA (7) b. October 11, 1921 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV; d. April 28, 1991. Buried at the Rock Grove Cemetery, Gilmer County, West Virginia.
171 ANNA ONA LATTEA (7) b. May 30, 1924 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 144) Father - truck driver; m. William F. Pumphrey on Sept. 14, 1945. They had 3 children, Regina Frances Pumphrey, William Nathan Pumphrey and Thomas Lee Pumphrey.
172 ELLENORE VIRGINIA LATTEA (7) b. November 10, 1926 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 145) Father - laborer; m. Rev. Kenneth Earl Anderson. He was born in 1921, and died in 2006. Ellenore died on March 18, 2016. They are both buried in Greenlawn Memorial Park, Akron, Summit County, Ohio.
173 ELIZABETH GERTRUDE LATTEA (7) b. June 16, 1929 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page ____) Father - laborer, Informant - Dr. Chas. B. Rohr; m. Galbrath
174 DAVID JUNIOR LATTEA (7) b. July 5, 1932 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 110) Father - oil field worker, Informant - Robert White, MD of Hurst
175 REGINA GERTRUDE LATTEA (7) b. April 9, 1935 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 111) Father - gas company employee, Informant - D. D. Chapman, MD.; m. Hill. She died on August 29, 1981, and is buried in the Round Oak Baptist Church Cemetery, Corbin, Caroline County, Virginia.
Bill and Blanche lived at Camden, Lewis Co., WV for many years. William Nathan Lattea died on May 22, 1983, at the Stonewall Jackson Hospital, Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 250). He was retired from the Hope Gas Company. Blanche Lattea died on June 5, 1984 at Rt. 2, Camden, Lewis Co., WV. (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 252). She was buried at the Rock Grove Baptist Church cemetery.
William Joseph (7), Roy Guy (6) William Henry (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Roy Carl Lattea married Brenda Sue Williston, daughter of Kenneth and Carol Wimer Williston of Roanoke, Lewis County, WV, on April 23, 1978 at Weston. (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 36, page 386)
William Joseph (7), Roy Guy (6) William Henry (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Elden Joseph Lattea married Shanda Lynn Williston, daughter of Aubrey Kenneth Williston and Zamie Carol Wimer Williston, on July 26, 1980. (Lewis County Marriages, Book No. 37, page 35) Elden and his brother, Roy married sisters.
Charles Emory (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Homer Lattea, son of Charles Emory Lattea and Sarah Elizabeth Slider Lattea, was born on July 31, 1903 on Jesses Run, Calhoun County, West Virginia. He married Mary Merle Yoke of Doddridge Co., WV on December 5, 1923 (Doddridge Co. Marriages, Book No. 11, page 279) Merle was the daughter of Tranville and Liverna Yoke. Merle's brother, John H. Yoke, married Homer's youngest sister, Charlotte Lattea. Homer and Merle were married by the Rev. I.D.S. Cross, minister of the U.B. Church of West Union, WV. Mary was born on September 8, 1903 near West Union, Doddridge Co., WV. Homer died at the age of 82 at West Hyattsville, Maryland, on Friday, June 6, 1986. His wife, Mary Yoke Lattea, preceded him in death in April of 1986. He has been a resident of West Hyattsville, Maryland since 1954.
Children of Homer and Mary:
119. *FRANCIS LENORA LATTEA (7) b. November 11, 1924 in West Union, Doddridge Co., WV; m. Wayne Mitchell Edge on October 27, 1956 in Hyattsville, MD. Francis had one daughter, 343 *Janie Lynn (8) Lattea prior to her marriage, born October 8, 1951 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Delayed Birth Book page 30I-2) Francis was listed as living at 418 Tuna St., Clarksburg, WV and was 26 years old. The birth was filed on May 2, 1952. Francis and Wayne had one child, Marie Suzanne Edge, born April 30, 1957 in Cheverly, Prince George Co., Maryland.
120 CHARLES LEE "Bud" LATTEA (7) (recorded "Lottie") b. July 28, 1926 (Harrison Co., WV Births, Book No. 15, page 119)
121 WILLIAM EUGENE "Bill" LATTEA (7) b. June 8, 1935 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV; His father was listed as a mechanic, age 31 and his mother was listed as being 31. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 17, page 148E) He died August 17, 2012 in Severn, Maryland. He married Charlotte Lightner, and Aurelia Fay Lattea.
Charles Emory (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Cleo Lattea was born on April 7, 1917 on Jesses Run, Calhoun County, West Virginia. Died January 4, 1991 in Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginia. He married Madelo Lambert in July of 1943. They divorced in March of 1944. On April 7, 1944, Cleo married Lois Ruth Bailey. Lois was born on December 10, 1925 and died on October 3, 2013. They are buried at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens, Clarksburg, WV. Cleo served in the United States Army. He served in the Air Corp., Message Center, Sgt. (signal core), SC, 15th Sig Co Serv, GP, Sep-8 Feb. 46, as sep. con., Camp Atterbury, Ind. He resided at Hurst, West Virginia, and was listed as having brown hair and brown eyes, 5' 10", 132 lbs., an auto mech., served 8 Apr. 42 to 8 Feb. 46, entered at Ft. Hayes, OH. He was a carbine sharpshooter. Decorations included: Asiatic - Pacific theater ribbon W/1, Bronze Star, Philippine Liberation Ribbon, American theater ribbon, Good Conduct Ribbon, Victory Medal (Lewis Co. Armed Forces, Book No. 6, page 267). Cleo and his brother, Leo, were good musicians. They played the guitar at family gatherings.
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Cleo Lattea and Clarence Edward "Doc" Lamb, who married Madalene Sprouse, daughter of Zona Jane Lattea Sprouse. |
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Cleo Lattea, August 1942 Photo courtesy of Mackie Stout, grandson of Cleo's sister, Zona Jane Lattea Sprouse |
Children of Cleo and Lois: 125 SHARON ELAINE LATTEA (7) b. March 6, 1947 at Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 23, page 148F) m. George Anthony Cicoff on Sept. 14, 1968. They have 1 son, Mark Anthony, born April, 1973. 126 KEVIN NEIL LATTEA (7) b. August 17, 1958 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 29, page 148C)
Homer (6) Charles Emory (5) Nathan C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Charles Lee "Bud" Lattea, son of Homer Lattea and Mary Merle Yoke Lattea, was born on July 28, 1929 in Harrison County, West Virginia (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 15, page 119). Charles' last name was recorded "Lottie". He married Gloria Hortense Hackworth on March 3, 1951 in Washington, D.C. Gloria was born July 28, 1927 in Lynchburg, VA, the daughter of Emmett R. Hackworth and Hortense Baucom Hackworth.
Children: 362 KATHLEEN (8) b. January 30, 1954 in Washington, DC. Married Douglas A. Hays on June 4, 1977 in Washington, DC. They have one son, Evan Lattea Hays, born March 20, 1984. 363 KAREN LEE (8) b. August 20, 1958 in Takoma Park, MD. Married Michael Peter Verchot on September 26, 1981 in Washington, DC.
Cleo (6), Charles Emory (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Kevin Neil Lattea was b. August 17, 1958 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 29, page 148C) m. Catherine Elizabeth Jillson, daughter of Erwin L. Jillson and Ruth A. Houle, on Sept. 12, 1981.
Children of Kevin and Catherine: 364 JEFFRY (8) born in 1986 at Fairmont, Marion Co., WV, and 367 NICHOLAS GREGORY (8) born in 1987 at Fairmont, Marion Co., WV.
Archie Eugene (7), Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Archie Eugene Lattea, Jr. was born on December 19, 1949 at Camden, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 7, page 232). He married Rebecca Ruth Tanner, daughter of Clark and Emma Price Tanner on Sept. 23, 1972. (Lewis Co. Marriages Book No. 34, page 155)
Children of Archie and Rebecca: 142 MELISSA ELLEN LATTEA (9) b. Sept. 1, 1973 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 10, page 239) 143 MICHAEL EUGENE LATTEA (9) b. Oct. 22, 1974 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 10, page 241)
George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Peter Lattea was born on October 28, 1894 on Straight Run, Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 151). He married Bertha Alta Nicholson, daughter of L. Deb Nicholson and Mary A. Nicholson, on August 16, 1915. Alta was born on August 27, 1900. Alta's mother, Mary Nicholson, was said to be part Indian. Pete worked for Deb Nicholson, who had a saw mill on Straight Run. Pete died on November 11, 1967 of "acute dissection and aortic arch aneurysm". He was buried at the Indian Fork Cemetery in Doddridge County, West Virginia (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 25, page 147C). Alta died on November 16, 1963 and was buried at the Indian Fork Cemetery. (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 23, page 148-O). On March 18, 1965, Pete Lattea married Mona Dodrill Lambert in Randolph County, West Virginia. (See marriage license below)
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Children of Pete and Alta:
198 Mary Virginia (Lattea) Lamb was born1,2,3,4,5,6 on 17 Jul 1916 in Clearwater, Doddridge Co., West Virginia. She died7,8,9 on 11 Mar 2011 in Last Residence: Salem, Harrison Co., West Virginia. She was buried10,11 on 14 Mar 2011 in Union Mission Cemetery, New Milton, Doddridge Co., WV. Mary married12 Luther Newton Lamb son of Jasper N. Lamb and Martha (Dennison) Lamb on 13 Oct 1932. Luther was born13,14,15,16,17 on 20 Mar 1899 in Little Cove, Gilmer Co., West Virginia. He died18,19,20 on 10 May 1987 in Last Residence: Salem, Harrison Co., West Virginia. He was buried21 in Union Mission Cemetery, New Milton, Doddridge Co., WV.
Luther and Mary had the following children:
2 M i. Dewie D. Lamb was born22,23 on 23 Jul 1933 in Doddridge Co., West Virginia.
Dewie married24 Anna Sue (Davis) Lamb daughter of Glenn Davis and Pauline (Ash) Davis on 8 Jan 1958 in Salem, Harrison Co., West Virginia. Anna was born25,26,27 on 8 Mar 1936 in Doddridge Co., West Virginia. She died28 on 11 Oct 1995. She was buried29 in Big Isaac Cemetery, Doddridge Co., West Virginia.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2 about Anna Lamb
Name: Anna Lamb
Birth Date: 8 Mar 1937
Address: PO Box 129, Grafton, WV, 26354-0129
FINDAGRAVE [shows her stone; full dates]
Anna Sue Davis Lamb
Birth: Mar. 8, 1937
Doddridge County
West Virginia, USA
Death: Oct. 11, 1995
Daughter of Glenn Davis & Pauline Ash Davis
Married Dewie Lamb Jan. 8, 1958 Salem, Harrison County, WV
Family links:
Glen Davis (1910 - 1973)
Pauline Ash Davis (1916 - 1996)
Big Isaac Cemetery
Doddridge County
West Virginia, USA
Created by: Barbara Nicholson
3 F ii. Virginia L. (Lamb) Ferguson was born30 in 1935 in West Virginia.
Virginia married Tom Ferguson .
4 M iii. Bernard Wayne Lamb was born31,32,33,34 on 13 Jul 1937 in Miletus, Doddridge Co., West Virginia.
West Virginia, Births Index, 1853-1969 about Bernard Wayne Lamb
Name: Bernard Wayne Lamb
Birth Date: 13 Jul 1937
Birth Place: Miletus, Doddridge, West Virginia
Birth County: Doddridge
Gender: Male
Father's Name: Luther Newton Lamb
Father's Birth Place: Gilmer County
Mother's name: Mary Virginia Lattea
Mother's Age: 20
Mother's Birth Place: Dodd. County
FHL Film Number: 838203
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1 about Bernard W Lamb
Name: Bernard W Lamb
Birth Date: 13 Jul 1937
Address: RR 3 PO Box 66, Salem, WV, 26426-9209 (1992)
Bernard married35 Evelyn "June" (Evans) Lamb daughter of Dorsey Evans and Virginia ( ? ) Evans on 1 Feb 1958 in New Milton, Doddridge Co., West Virginia. Evelyn was born36 on 13 Sep 1940 in Harrison Co., West Virginia.
5 M iv. Denver Guy Lamb was born37,38,39 on 22 Jul 1939 in Doddridge Co., West Virginia.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1 about Denver B Lamb
Name: Denver B Lamb ------------ [should beDenver Guy Lamb; same birthdate and
parents on the West Virginia Marriage Records.]
Birth Date: 22 Jul 1939
Address: RR 3 PO Box 43, Salem, WV, 26426-9206 (1986)
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1 about Denver B Lamb
Name: Denver B Lamb
Birth Date: 22 Aug 1962
Phone Number: 659-3217
Address: RR 1 POB 116a, Pennsboro, WV, 26415 (1993)
[RR 2 PO Box 24, Pennsboro, WV, 26415-9402 (1988)]
[16 Liberty St, Salem, WV, 26426-1247 (1995)]
Kentucky, Marriage Index, 1973-1999 about Denver B Lamb
Name: Denver B Lamb
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 32
Estimated Birth Year: 1963
Marriage Date: 17 Mar 1995
Marital Status: Last marriage ended by divorce
Previous Marital Status: Never married
State: Kentucky
Spouse: Melissa A Hazel
Spouse Age: 27
Spouse Race: White
Spouse Marital Status: Never married
Volume Number: 008
Certificate Number: 03839
Marriage License County: Boyd
Volume Year: 1995
correction for;2014
Listed DENVER GUY LAMB on the marrriage records at the West Virginia Culture site,
in the USPRI, and as Denver in his mother's obituary:
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 1 about Denver B Lamb
22 Jul 1939
and mother's obit
Lamb, Mary V. Lamb, nee Lattea
Source:; 12 Mar 2011
Surviving is one daughter, Virginia Ferguson and husband Tom, Urichsville, OH,
three sons, Dewie D. Lamb, Buckhannon, Bernard W. Lamb and wife June, Denver G.
Lamb and wife Deanna, all of Salem. . .
Denver married Deanna Jane (Greene) Lamb daughter of Brant Greene and Pansy L. (Hyde) Greene. Deanna was born40,41 on 3 Sep 1944/1945 in Doddridge Co., West Virginia.
U.S. Public Records Index, Volume 2 about Deanna J Lamb
Name: Deanna J Lamb
Birth Date: 3 Sep 1945
Address: RR 3 Box, Salem, WV, 26426
1. CENSUS, on line through, 1920,1930 New Milton, Doddridge, WV.
2. CENSUS, 1940: Greenbrier, Doddridge, West Virginia.
3. West Virginia Births Index, 1853-1969.
6. obituary,, 12 Mar 2011.
9. obituary,, 12 Mar 2011.
11. obituary,, 12 Mar 2011.
12. obituary,, 12 Mar 2011.
13. CENSUS, 1940: Greenbrier, Doddridge, West Virginia.
14. West Virginia Births Index, 1853-1969.
17. WORLD WAR I Draft Registration cards.
20. obituary,, 12 Mar 2011.Mentioned in Mary's obit.
22. CENSUS, 1940: Greenbrier, Doddridge, West Virginia.
23. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records), record found at county clerk records;
24. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).
25. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).
30. CENSUS, 1940: Greenbrier, Doddridge, West Virginia.
31. CENSUS, 1940: Greenbrier, Doddridge, West Virginia.
32. West Virginia Births Index, 1853-1969.
34. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).
35. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).
36. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).
37. CENSUS, 1940: Greenbrier, Doddridge, West Virginia.
38. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).
40. WEST VIRGINIA MARRIAGES (on internet--WVCulture Vital Records).gives 1944, might be fudging it a year.
Obituary: Lamb, Mary V. Lamb, nee Lattea
Source:; 12 Mar 2011
(July 17, 1916 - March 11, 2011)
West Union -- Mary V. Lamb, 94 Rt. 3 Salem “Big Isaac Community” departed this life on Thursday, March 11, 2011. She was born on July 17, 1916 a daughter of the late Pete and Bertha Alta Nicholson Lattea. On October 13, 1932 she married Luther N. Lamb who preceded her in death on May 10, 1987.
Surviving is one daughter, Virginia Ferguson and husband Tom, Urichsville, OH, three sons, Dewie D. Lamb, Buckhannon, Bernard W. Lamb and wife June, Denver G. Lamb and wife Deanna, all of Salem, nineteen grandchildren, several great grandchildren and several great great grandchildren, three sisters, Betty Eileen Adams, Juanita Davis, both of Salem, Helen Louise Davis and husband Bill, Buckhannon, one brother, Boyd F. Lattea, Clarksburg, and several nieces and nephews. One-step daughter, Glenia Heard, one-step son, Arlie “Glen” Lamb, five sisters and four brothers and three grandchildren preceded her in death.
Mrs. Lamb was protestant by faith. She was a loving mother and grandmother and will be sadly missed by her family and friends.
Funeral services will be held in the Spurgeon Funeral Home 212 Front St. West Union, on Monday, March 14, 2011 at 1:00PM with Pastor Dave Cumpston presiding. Interment will follow in the Union Mission Cemetery, New Milton. The family will receive friends in the funeral home chapel on Sunday, March 13, 2011 from 5-8PM and after 9AM on Monday until time of service. On line condolences may be offered to the family at Spurgeon Funeral Home is privileged to serve the Lamb family.
199 WAVEALINE ONA, aka ONEY WAVELINE LATTEA (7) b. May 5, 1918 at Avon, Doddridge Co., WV d. November 4, 1921 of burns. Her parents were butchering hogs and had hot oil on the fire and the oil got too hot and blew up and she was standing too close to the fire and suffered burns. She lived about 3 days. (Dodd. Co. Deaths, Book No. 2, page 91)
200 NELLIE PEARL LATTEA (7) b. November 6, 1919 at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 2, page 50) Nellie was an albino. She married James Willis Gum. They had three children, Willis Harold, Dexter and Jackie Wayford Gum. She later married Clarence James. He died June 19, 1973 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 87, page 123) She is buried at the Indian Fork Baptist Church Cemetery, Doddridge Co., WV.
201 JAMES CLYDE LATTEA (7) (TWIN) b. January 7, 1922 at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 104) James was an albino. d. November 24, 2003.
Clarksburg Exponent Telegram, Clarksburg, WV, November 26, 2003
NUTTER FORT - James C. Lattea, 81, of East View died Monday evening, November
24, 2003, in the United Hospital Center. He was born in Doddridge County
on January 7, 1922, a son of the late Pete and Alta Bertha (Nicholson) Lattea.
He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Lena Pearl (Nicholson) Lattea, whom he
married January 5, 1944. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his
daughter, Betty Jo Hill, East View, 13 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren and
2 great-great grandchildren. Two brothers, Junior Lattea, Salem, and Boyd F.
"Babe" Lattea, East View; 4 sisters, Mary Lamb and Betty Adams, both of
Kincheloe, Juanita Davis, Doddridge County, and Helen Davis, Buckhannon; and
several nieces and nephyews complete the family. In addition to his
parents, Jim was preceded in death by 3 children, Lucy Lattea, James Lattea and
Harold Lattea; a great-grandson, Philip Stewart; and 4 brothers and 5 sisters.
Jim was a timber and sawmill worker, retiring from Woodson Pallet in 1983. He
also did small-engine repair, and enjoyed playing cards, especially "Set Back."
Friends may call at the Gemondo Funeral Home, 201 Edison Street, Nutter Fort, on
Wednesday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Services will be held at the funeral home on
Friday morning at 11 a.m. with Pastor Charles Madaus presiding. Burial will
follow in the Union Mission Cemetery, New Milton. A Gemondo Funeral Home
202 *TINA PAULINE LATTEA, aka "Tiney" (7) (TWIN) b. January 7, 1922, at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 104) Tina was an albino. She had three children before she married, namely:
339 *ROBERT CALVIN LATTEA (8) b. February 11, 1941 at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 102B and page 104B). Robert C. “Rob” Lattea, 70 of Rt. 2 Bristol departed this life on Thursday, January 26, 2012 in his residence. He was born on February 11, 1941 at Coldwater, Doddridge County a son of the late Oakey Sandy and Tina Pauline Lattea Stewart. Surviving is his wife, Mary George Lattea, one daughter, Roberta Stevens, Salem, four sons, Mark, Jody, Jim and Randal Lattea, all of Salem, one sister, Connie Ash and husband Roger, NC, five grandchildren. One sister, Kay Holt preceded him in death. Mr. Lattea had worked as a Steeple Jack and Glass Worker. He attended the Salem Church of God. Rob was a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Memorial services will be conducted in the Salem Church of God, State St. Salem on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 11:00AM with Pastor Mike Cox and Pastor Kevin Bender presiding. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to People’s Hospice, 327 Medical Park Dr. Bridgeport, WV 26330-9952. Expressions of sympathy may be extended to the family at Harbert Funeral Home is privileged to serve the Lattea family.
340 *CONNIE LATTEA (no birth record found)
341 *CARIN KAY LATTEA, born Feb. 15, 1943 in Dodd. County, WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 102). Connie married Roger Ash. Tina married Joseph Nisbett Ross on June 5, 1943 (Harrison Co. Marriages Book No. 59, page 290) She later married a Joe Stewart. d. __________________, 19__
Pauline "Tiny"
Lattea Stewart - July 1989
203 GEORGE EDWARD (7) Lattea b. March 28, 1924 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Delay Births, page 30-R) d. September 1, 1984
204 JUNIOR LEWIS (7) Lattea b. January 16, 1926 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 13, page 143) Died December 26, 2003.
205 HARVEY DENZEL (7) Lattea b. January 26, 1928 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 14, page 136) Died June 14, 1988 in Buckhannon, WV.
206 BOYD FRANKLIN (7) Lattea (recorded "Lotta") b. November 13, 1929 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 15, page 122) Died July 3, 2011.
Boyd Franklin Lattea Source: The Clarksburg [West Virginia] Exponent Telegram; Wednesday, July 6, 2011 SALEM — Boyd Franklin Lattea, 82, of East View area, Clarksburg, died Sunday, July 3, 2011, at Ruby Memorial Hospital following an extended illness. He was born in Harrison County on November 13, 1929, one of 16 children of the late Pete and Bertha Lattea. He was affectionally known as "Babe" by his surviving sisters, Juanita Davis and Betty Davis of Salem and Helen Davis of Buckhannon and a sister-in-law, Betty Jo Hill of East View. He was preceded in death by six sisters, Mary Lamb, Nellie James, Tiny Pauline Stewart, Louise R. Howell, and infants Gertrude and Waveline; six brothers, James C. Lattea, Harvey D. Lattea, Junior L. Lattea, Charles H. Lattea, George Lattea, and infant, Robert Virgil Lattea. He was married to Lucy Noreen Thomas Lattea who preceded him in death as well as his stepdaughter, Charlotte Sugars. Surviving is his stepson, David Lee Radcliff whom he raised from age 5 and loved as his own. Together, they loved stock car races and Boyd also enjoyed playing cards and bowling for the Federation for the Blind. Also surviving is June Powell, whom he considered a daughter-in-law, two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Boyd was employed by Bill Woodson Pallet Co. for many years and was always a hard worker who loved staying busy. He was Baptist by faith. Friends may call at Greathouse Funeral Home in Salem on Wednesday, July 6, 2011, from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Rev. Robert Merrit will preside at the funeral service Thursday, July 7, 2011, at 2 p.m. Interment will follow at Union Mission Cemetery in Doddridge County. Online condolences may be sent to www.greathousefuneralhome,
Lattea - July 1989
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Brothers, James, George and Boyd
Lattea enjoy talking with their cousin Clarence Lattea (son of Sherd
Lattea - kneeling in front) at a family reunion in 1985
Picture courtesy of Sue Lattea Cox |
207 CHARLES HENRY (7) Lattea b. September 6, 1931 in Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 120) Died December 14, 2000. Buried in the Indian Fork Cemetery.
208 ROBERT VIRGIL (7) Lattea b. July 17, 1933 in Doddridge Co., WV d. November 30, 1936 at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., WV of meningitis. (Doddridge Co. Deaths, Book No. 4, page 118)
209 BETTY ILENE LATTEA (7) b. July 31, 1935 at Coldwater in Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 122) m. Elmer Clifford Mayle, son of Clifford Mayle and Jettie Louise Martin Mayle, on October 11, 1951 He was born on September 27, 1929 in Doddridge Co. (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 70, page 494) They had 4 children, Elmer Dewayne, Bertha Louise,Timothy Gregg and Christenia Marie. Betty and Elmer divorced in 1987 and she later remarried.
Betty Ilene Adams, 79, of Salem passed away Thursday, September 25, 2014 at
Genesis Salem Center. She was born July 31, 1935 in Doddridge County; the
daughter of the late Pete and Bertha Alta Nicholson Lattea.
Betty is survived by two sons Elmer Dewayne and Linda Mayle of Clarksburg,
Timothy Gregg Mayle and his Partner Marie Pedrick of Sarasota, FL; one daughter,
Christenia Meredith of Salem; nine grandchildren, Marcia Mayle of Salem,
Michelle Anderson of Woodway, TX, Jessica Fateh of Sugarland, TX, Diania Nutter
of Clarksburg, Russell Wallace of Fairmont, Clifford Mayle of Salem, Anthony
Mayle of Clarksburg, WV, Natasha Bowyer of Salem, Jeff Rymer of Salem; two
sisters, Juanita Davis of Salem, Helen L. Davis Buckhannon; also survived by
several great grandchildren and nieces and nephews too numerous to mention;
special pet, loving Chihuahua, Honey. She was preceded in death by her parents,
two husbands, Elmer C Mayle and Carl R. Adams, one daughter, Bertha Louise Mayle
and several brothers and sisters.
Family will receive friends at Greathouse Funeral Home, 1999 W. Main Street,
Salem, Sunday, September 28, 2014 from 3:00-7:00PM; funeral will be Monday,
September 29, 2014 at 11:00AM with Reverend Ronald Miller. Entombment will
follow in Floral Hills Memorial Gardens.
210 LUCY REBECCA "Mick" (7) Lattea b. December 9, 1936 in New Milton, Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 123) She was an albino. m. Harold Lee Howell, son of Howard C. and Pauline Howell, on December 3, 1958 (Doddridge Co. Marriages, Book No. 17, page 355). He was born on July 29, 1934. They had 9 children.
Rebecca "Mick" Lattea Howell - July 1989
211 JUANITA RUTH "Needie" (7) Lattea b. November 3, 1938 at Coldwater in Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 101) m. Raymond Elwood Davis, son of Orlando Davis and Bulah Agnes Matheney Davis, on August 17, 1956. (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 75, page 485)
Juanita Ruth "Needie" Lattea Davis
212 *HELEN LOUISE LATTEA (7) b. November 14, 1939 in Salem, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 19, page 148H) m. William Bruce Davis, son of John Norman Davis and Nina Bell Koch Davis, on July 26, 1958 (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 77, page 423) He was born on August 24, 1930 in Harrison Co, WV. Children of Helen: 338 *BRUCE ALLEN LATTEA (8) b. December 7, 1956 in Harrison Co., WV. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 28, page 148F) Father - unlisted
213 GERTRUDE LORANE LATTEA (7) b. May 6, 1941 (stillborn)
George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Charles Warner Lattea, son of George Washington Lattea and Oney Davis Lattea, was born on August 20, 1898 at Freeman's Creek, Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 2, page188). He married Bessie Belle Snyder, daughter of William Snyder and Dora Snyder, on March 24,1920 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 15, page 382). He was 21 years of age and listed as a "tool dresser", and she was 19 years old. Bessie was born on November 26, 1899 in Lewis Co., WV. Charles died on January 13, 1976 at the age of 77 and was buried at the Rock Grove Cemetery, Lewis County, WV. (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 11, page 235).
Marriage License Birth Record
World War I Draft Card, Lewis Co., WV
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Charles Warner Lattea Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney |
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Bessie Belle Snyder Lattea Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
Children of Charles and Bessie:
278 OPAL VIRGINIA LATTEA (7) b. March 4, 1920 at Churchville, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 147) m. Jack Madill Spicer, son of Ervin and Etta Parsons Spicer on August 20, 1942 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 23, page 264) Jack Madill Spicer was born June 16, 1921. They had 2 sons, Jack Wayne Spicer and George William Spicer.
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Opal Virginia Lattea Spicer - 1956 Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
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Opal's husband, Jack Madill Spicer Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
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Opal and Jack's son, Jack Wayne Spicer. Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
279 GEORGE WILLIAM LATTEA (7) b. May 8, 1921 at Fink, Lewis Co., WV d. Sept. 17, 1945. He served in India during WWII, as a private in the 1332nd Army Air Force Base Unit. After the war was over and before he could be sent home, an army truck in which he was riding went off a bridge into a river and he drowned. He is buried in Hawaii.
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George William Lattea Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
280 SARAH KATHRYN LATTEA (7) b. February 16, 1923 at Fink, Lewis Co., WV; m. Louis Hoffman on August 15, 1943 in Baltimore, MD. They had 3 sons, Charles Steven, Randy and Kenneth. Kathryn and Louis divorced and she later married Rome Carrig in Baltimore, MD. They had 1 daughter, Pamela Lynn Carrig.
She and rome are deceased:
281 CHARLES WARNER LATTEA, JR. (7) b. February 9, 1926 at Benson, Lewis Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 13, page 143) d. February 14, 1926 and was buried at Benson at the Morris Cemetery. He was not in good health at birth. (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 8, page 142)
282 ZELMA IRENE LATTEA (7) b. February 5, 1930 at Freeman's Creek, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 109) m. Bill Cherney on February 25, 1950 in Baltimore, MD. Bill was born on Sept. 17, 1928. They had 3 children, Michael Joseph Cherney, Deborah Lynn and Beth Ann.
283 BETTY FRANCES LATTEA (7) b. March 27, 1932 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 110) m. Fred Fluharty in 1951. He was from Fairmont, Marion Co., WV He was born April 4, 1921. They had 1 son, William Mac Fluharty.
284 NAOMI JUNE LATTEA (7) b. July 19, 1935 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV; m. Billy V. Perry on February 25, 1955. He was born on July 21, 1934. They had 2 daughters, Joni Lynn and Melissa June.
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Naomi June Lattea Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
285 EVERETT LEE LATTEA (7) b. February 17, 1937 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 112)d. June 17, 1960 in an auto accident in Gilmer Co., WV. He was buried at Rock Cave, Lewis Co., WV
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Everett Lee Lattea Picture courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
286 CLAYTON EUGENE "Bill" LATTEA (7) b. July 11, 1939 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 113) m. Dortha Mary Brown on May 26, 1961. Mary was born April 9, 1945 in Lewis Co., the daughter of James W. and Pearl Malcomb Brown. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 30, page 295)
287 GLENDA SUE LATTEA (7) b. April 7, 1941 at Tanner, Gilmer Co., WV; m. Lynn Moneypenny, son of Burl and Mary Cox Moneypenny on January 16, 1960 at Troy, Gilmer Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 29, page 436) He was born on October 11, 1939. They had 2 daughters, Molly Sue and Shari Lynn. Sue and Lynn divorced in 1974 and Sue later married Thomas Conlon on August 3, 1981. Tom died on December 4, 1989 in Ohio of cancer.
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Courtesy of Mike Cherney. |
George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). James Earl "Earl" Lattea, son of George Washington Lattea and Oney Davis Lattea, was born on June 1, 1900 in Lewis County, West Virginia. He married Tinson "Tinsie" Rebecca West, daughter of Lewis Waitman "Fleet" West and Lieuvernia West, on July 16, 1921, in Lewis County, West Virginia. They were married by I.D.S. Cross. Earl was 21 years old and Tinsie was 16. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 16, page 108) Earl and Tinsie went to school together, and Earl worked with Fleet West. Everyone in the community attended dances together. Tinsie was born on January 20, 1907 in Lewis County, WV. Tinsie died on February 6, 1925, of "acute nephritis of child birth". (Lewis County Deaths, Book No. 4, page 113). Dr. D. D. Chapman was the doctor. O. O. Romine was the informant on the death certificate. Tinsie was buried at Freemansburg, Lewis County, West Virginia. Their daughter was raised by Tinsie's mother on Alum Fork at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, West Virginia, only a short distance from Fink. Leo was raised by Earl and his second wife, Daisy Mondell Ray. Daisy was seeing Earl's brother, Philip Sherd, and had a baby boy by him that she named James. Sherd left town to get a job and promised to come back and marry her. When he didn't come back, Earl married Daisy. Earl and Daisy were married on November 2, 1925 in Lewis County, West Virginia. They drove to Weston in a car with no heater. Daisy and Earl took the baby, James, with them when they got married. They were married in the back seat of the car, wrapped up in blankets because of the cold.
When Earl was young, he and his brothers and sisters walked 5 miles to school and 5 miles back each day when they lived at Walnut Fork. They attended school at Fink.
Earl and Tinsie lived in Slab Town on Fink Creek in Lewis County. Slab Town was an oil town that grew up during the oil boom in Lewis County and was operated by the West Penn Oil Company. After the birth of their first child, Leo Lattea, Tinsie lost another child. The doctor told Tinsie she should not have any more children and that it would be dangerous to her health. But four years later, Tinsie and Earl had a daughter, Alice, on January 25, 1925. Tinsie developed a fever after their daughter was born and died 12 days later.
Earl died on May 30, 1978 of "pneumonia". (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 78, page 233). He had been sick for some time and died at United Hospital Center in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV. He was buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Salem, Doddridge Co., WV. Daisy died on August 17, 2003 at 2:00 p.m., at the age of 97. She was buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery also.
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James Earl and Daisy Lattea | James Earl Lattea and his son, Edmond |
![]() Earl and Daisy Lattea. Picture taken at Benson, WV where they were living with Earl's parents at the time. - picture courtesy of Daisy Lattea. |
![]() Daisy Lattea, Spring - 2003 |
Children of Earl and Tinsie:
293 LEO THURMAN LATTEA (7) b. September 25, 1921 at Freemansburg, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 143) father - farmer; d. Feb. 23, 2011; married twice. First to Mary Grace Haas; they later divorced, and then to Isabell Fockler. One daughter, Renee A. Lattea by first wife, and five foster daughters with second wife.
Obituary: “Together Again” YOUNGSTOWN – Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. at the Higgins-Reardon Funeral Homes, Austintown Chapel for Leo T. Lattea, 89, who passed away Wednesday at his home. Leo was born Sept. 25, 1921, in Freemansburg, W.Va., the son of James Earl and Linson (West) Lattea. Leo served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He was a millwright for Youngstown Sheet and Tube for 37 years. He was always proud of being a veteran and was proud to have served his country. Leo enjoyed fishing and car races. His wife the former Isabell Fockler, whom he married Dec. 19, 1959, passed away Feb. 25, 2007. Leo leaves his six daughters, Renee A. Lattea of Akron, Sheila Hunn of Queens Creek, Ariz., Ruth Aaron of Youngstown, Catherine (Kenneth) Skarnik of Grand Island, Neb., Karen (Walter) Jamison of Queens Creek and Linda Shaffer of North Platte, Neb.; two sisters, Alice Davis of West Virginia and Eileen Pettit of Texas; three brothers, Branson Lattea of Wyoming, Virgil (Lenora) Lattea of Maryland and Edmund (Barbara) of West Virginia; eight grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Leo was preceded in death by his parents; his wife; a sister, Kathleen Burns; and two brothers, Edward and Burlin Lattea. Family and friends may call Monday from noon to 1 p.m. at the funeral home.
___ EDITH P. LATTEA (7) b. 1923; d. 1923.
294 ALICE VIRGINIA LATTEA (7) b. January 25, 1925 at Fink, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 145); d. April 17, 2014; m. Orlando "Junior" Davis on April 1, 1944 in Weston, Lewis Co., WV. They had 4 children, Roger Lee, Linda Lou, Richard Allen and Robert Lynn.
Obituary: Alice Virginia Lattea Davis, 89 of Salem departed this life on Thursday, April 17, 2014 in the United Hospital Center, Bridgeport. She was born on January 25, 1925 in Lewis County a daughter of the late Earl and Tinson West Lattea. On April 1, 1944 she married Orlando Davis Jr. who preceded her in death on December 1996. Surviving is one daughter Linda L. Davis and husband David, Salem, two sons, Roger L. Davis, Jane Lew, Robert L. Davis, Shirley, eight grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, one great great granddaughter, one half sister, Eileen Petitt, TX, two half brothers, Edmond Lattea, Salem, Branson Lattea, WY, several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by one son, Richard A. Davis, three great grandchildren, one half sister, Kathleen Burns, three half brothers, Edward, Virgil and Berlin Lattea. Mrs. Davis was a former employee of First National Bank, Salem, Monongahela Power, and was a Foster Grandmother for Playground Palace, Salem. Funeral services will be conducted in the Harbert Funeral Home 287 W. Main St. Salem on Tuesday, April 22, 2014 at 1:00PM with Pastor Dan Cope presiding. Interment will follow in the K of P Memorial Park, Salem. The family will receive friends in the funeral home chapel on Monday, April 21, 2014 from 2-4 & 6-8 PM and after 9AM Tuesday until time of service
Children of Earl and Daisy:
295 BRANSON WILLIAM LATTEA (7) (recorded "Lottea") b. November 27, 1926 on Sawyers Run, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 13, page 143)
296 KATHLEEN MARGARINE LATTEA (7) b. August 5, 1928 at Kincheloe, Lewis Co., WV (Harrison Co. Delayed Births, Page 30N); d. March 11, 2009; m. Eldred Smith on June 25, 1946. They had 5 children, Thomas Norman Smith, Judith Ann Smith, Frances Kay Smith, Terry Wayne Smith and June Marie Smith. They later divorced. m. Florian Pulver on October 13, 1957. They had 2 children, Cathie Lillian Pulver and Pamela Lee Pulver. They later divorced. m. Martin Davey Burns on August 4, 1971.
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297 EDWARD LATTEA (7) (recorded "Lottea") b. May 20, 1930 at Industrial, Salem, Harrison Co., WV at 10:20 a.m. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 15, page 126) d. August 31, 2001 in Arizona. Buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Doddridge County, West Virginia.
Arizona Republic, Sept 2, 2001
298 EDMOND LATTEA (7) (recorded "Lottea") b. May 20, 1930 at Industrial, Salem, Harrison Co., WV at 10:45 a.m. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 15, page 126)
299 BURLIN EARL LATTEA (7) b. October 22, 1932 at Industrial, in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 16, page 90) d. June 28, 2000. Buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Doddridge County, West Virginia)
300 VIRGIL JENNINGS LATTEA (7) b. January 7, 1934 at Industrial, Harrison Co., WV. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 17, page 148C)
301 EILEEN IRITA LATTEA (7) b. October 26, 1940 at Industrial, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 20, page 148C) m. David Stutler (he went by David Lowther because a Lowther family raised him) on March 22, 1958 in Richmond, Virginia. David Stutler was a cousin to Virgil Lattea's wife, Lenora. Lenora's mother was a Stutler. Eileen and Dave had 4 children, Joseph Poole Lowther, Jeffrey Allen Lowther (who later changed his name to "Stutler"), Valerie Renee and Dennis Lee. (Dennis Lowther died at 7:40 P.M. on August 30, 2004 at St Lukes Hospital, Houston , Tx. His body was cremated and his ashes put in the water where he liked to fish.) Eileen and Dave later divorced. Eileen married Harold "Red" Eugene Pettit on Sept. 24, 1971 in Wavo Loredo, Mexico. They had one daughter, Susan Marie Pettit.
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Daisy Mondell Ray Lattea and
children after Earl's funeral, 1978.
Top row: Burlin, Virgil, Edward Middle row: Edmond, Alice, Kathleen, Eileen Bottom row: Branson, Daisy, Leo |
George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1).
Philip Sherdian "Sherd" Lattea, son of George Washington Lattea and Oney Davis Lattea, was born on May 14, 1902, at Lewis Co., WV. He married Gertrude Ethel Arbogast, daughter of Calvin and Onie Arbogast, on July 3, 1926, at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 17, page 336). Sherd was listed as a "laborer". They were married by the Edwin H. Cross. Sherd was 24 years of age and "Gertie" was 25. Gertrude was born in Doddridge County, WV in 1901. They later separated, and Gertie lived with her son, Bernard Lattea and his wife, Virginia, in Ravenswood, Jackson County, West Virginia for many years. Virginia became sick with cancer, and Gertie went to Mills, Wyoming when she was in her early 90's and lived with her other son, Clarence, until her death on Dec. 22, 2001 at the age of 101 from a heart attack. She was cremated. While living on Sawyers Run, Sherd and his brother, Earl, worked in the McIntyre Bucket Mines (near Reynoldsville, Harrison County, WV). They were working the coal mines around 1934-35. The mines were opened and operated by a Mr. Upchurch. Mr. Upchurch had a son who worked in the mines when he was in his early teens. He helped Sherd and Earl drive mules in the mine. The Upchurchs lived on Long Run, near Salem. Sherd lived in a little one-story house at Summit Park, near Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV until his death. He died on November 29, 1974 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 74, page 462). He is buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery on Patterson Run, Salem, WV.
Children of Sherd and Gertie:
328 CLARENCE PHIL LATTEA (7) b. March 10, 1927 at Central Station, near Clarksburg (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 14, page 132) His name was recorded "Clarence Philip Lattea" but was corrected September 11, 1944 Delayed Birth Book, page 30-V, and signed by Daisy Lattea.
329 BERNARD EUGENE LATTEA (7) b. January 23, 1929 on Alum Fork, at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 146)
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Homer (6), Charles Emory (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Charles Lee Lattea, son of Homer Lattea and Mary Merle Yoke Lattea, was born July 28, 1926 (Harrison Co., WV Births, Book No. 15, page 119) Charles last name was recorded "Lottie". He married Gloria Hortense Hackworth on March 3, 1951 in Washington, DC. Gloria was born on February 16, 1927 in Lynchburg, VA, the daughter on Emmett R. Hackworth and Hortense Baucom Hackworth.
Children of Bud and Gloria: 122 KATHLEEN MARIE LATTEA (8) 123 KAREN LEE LATTEA (8)121 WILLIAM EUGENE "BILL" (7) LATTEA
Homer (6), Charles Emory (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). William Eugene Lattea, son of Homer Lattea and Mary Merle Yoke Lattea, was born on June 8, 1935 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 17, page 148E) He married Charlotte Lightner on October 9, 1958 in Silver Spring, MD. They were married by the Rev. Milton Rogers. Charlotte was born on March 14, 1929 at Altonna, PA. She died on October 11, 1974 in Glen Bernie, MD.
Children of Bill and Charlotte: 124 WILLIAM EUGENE LATTEA, II (8) born in Wichita Falls, Wichita County, Texas. 368 CHARLOTTE LEIGH LATTEA (9)William married JoAnn Zuck Meyer, daughter of Alvin and Ruth Zuck, of Pasadena, CA on August 8, 1975. They were married by the Rev. Gassman. JoAnn was born on Nov. 14, 1955. William was 40 years old and JoAnn was 20 years old. William later married Aurelia Fay Mace Richards Wilmoth, daughter of Alva and Sylvia Mace. Aurelia was born on October 16, 1935.
Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Archie Eugene Lattea married Nellie Gertrude Hamrick. She was born in Webster Springs, WV. Archie was listed as being a carpenter, timberman and glassworker on his children's birth records.
Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Nathan Paul Lattea married Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Riffle. Children:
144 NATHAN HAROLD "Butch" LATTEA (8) b. Sept. 23, 1955 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 7, page 248A) "Butch" served in the Armed Services. He was listed as a Pv. 1, E-1, discharged on Sept. 5, 1974 (Lewis Co. Armed Services, Book No. 16, page 204)
Nathan divorced Mary Jo and later married Bessie Marie Smith on December 14, 1963 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 31, page 48). License had "Do Not Publish" marked at the top. She was 52 and Nathan was 30 years old. She was born July 14, 1911, the daughter of Sam Smith and Maggie Bennett Smith, both deceased.
Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Joseph Delana Lattea married Patricia Sandy. Patricia died on Nov. 5, 1977. Joseph latter married Theresa Virginia Smith Riffle, daughter of William Smith and Hattie Douglas Smith on Nov. 5, 1981 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 38, page 179) Theresa was born on Jan. 13, 1941 in Lewis Co., WV
Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). John Luther Lattea married Sharon Ackerman. He served in the Armed Services during WWII. He was listed as being an Airman Basic AF and was discharged Jan. 7, 1958 (Lewis Co. Armed Services, Book No. 14, page 363).Children of John and Sharon:
149 JOHN LUTHER LATTEA, JR. "J.J." (8) b. ____________, 1970.
Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Robert Gail Lattea married Mary Josephine "Mary Jo" Riffle Lattea, ex-wife of his brother, Nathan Paul, on August 23, 1963 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 30, page 506) Mary Jo was born on Oct. 15, 1936 at Wolf Fork, WV, the daughter of Charles Thomas Riffle and Ethel Jeffries Riffle. Robert Gail was listed as a glassworker on his children's birth certificates.
Children of Robert and Mary Jo: 145 MARY ANN LATTEA (8) 146 ROBERT DALE LATTEA (8)Robert divorced Mary Jo and later married Judith Ann Burkhammer Gum, daughter of James Burkhammer and Rita Stalnaker Burkhammer, on Jan. 1, 1981 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 37, page 496). She was 37 years of age and Robert was 38. Robert and Judith were divorced in 1986 and Robert married Denna Kay Lunsford on July 4, 1986. Robert was 44 and Denna was 28 years of age. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 40, page 86)
Archie Hobart (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Roy Leon Lattea married Pearl Ann Chevront, daughter of Edward A. and Anne Grogg Cheuvront, onJan. 14, 1966 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 31, page 414) Pearl was born on Dec. 4, 1948 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV. Roy and Pearl later divorced and Roy later married Effie Regina "Jeanie" Gum, daughter of Martin Donaldson and Delphia Ables Donaldson, on Aug. 5, 1981 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 38, page 128) Roy was 37 and Jeanie was 28. She was born on Jan. 29, 1953 in Lewis Co., WV.
Children of Roy and Pearl:
Children of Roy and Jeanie:
Arthur Clifford (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Pearl had several children before she married. Pearl married Mr. Carpenter. She later married Mr. Ewing and now resides at 1080 S. Airport Rd., Lot 112, Kissimmee, FL 32741.
Children of Pearl Pauline Lattea: 153 *CLYDE WILFORD (8) Lattea b. June 12, 1944 at Alum Bridge, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 180) Father - not given 154 *RICHARD LEROY (8) Lattea b. Nov. 7, 1946 at Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 182) Father - not given 155 *"INFANT" (8) Lattea b. 1948 d. 1948 (Patricia Carpenter b.1949 or 1950)
Arthur Clifford (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Arthur Leo Lattea resides in Houston, Texas. He suffered a slight stroke in July of 1985. Children of Arthur:
William Nathan (6) George Washington (5) Nathan (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). James Ralph Lattea was born on May 10, 1919 at Camden, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 142). He married Shirley J. Lough Henline, daughter of George G. and Cora Golden Lough of Weston, Lewis Co., WV on March 25, 1941 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 22, page 509). Ralph was 21 years old and Shirley was 22. She was born on April 26, 1918 in Lewis County, WV. Shirley had two children, Thelma and Billard D. Henline, from a previous marriage. James Ralph Lattea served in the United States Army from Sept. 19, 1942 (when he enlisted at Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV) until June 22, 1945 (when his unit was demobilized at Ft. Geo. G. Meade, MD). (Lewis Co. Armed Forces Book No. 4, page 167). Ralph was a PFC, Inf. Co. H, 20th Bn 473rd Inf. He was from Linn, Gilmer County, WV when he enlisted, and had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'8" and weighed 145 lbs. He was a farm hand. While in the service he was a Fire Control Instrument operator, field artillery, and was awarded the Good Conduct Metal, G011 Hq. AAA (AW) and European African Middle Eastern Service Medal. He served in the Army during WWII. Ralph and Shirley divorced and Ralph married Emma Peggs, daughter of Gay Nay and Okey Peggs. Emma died on August 3, 1958 in Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 8, page 233) at the age of 27 of "uremia, toxemia of pregnancy" and is buried at the Rock Grove Cemetery. She was born on April 26, 1931 in Lewis Co., WV. After Emma's death, Ralph remarried his first wife, Shirley. James "Ralph" died on November 19, 1986 in Harrison Co., WV of leukemia. He was a member of the Holy Temple Church on Sawyers Run, Harrison Co., WV. He was retired from the Central West Virginia Vault Co. Shirley died on October 30, 1987.
Children of James "Ralph" and Shirley:
176 JAMES GORDON LATTEA (8) b. July 31, 1941 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 184) Mother - Jesse Shirley Henline James Ralph Lattea served in the United States Army from Sept. 19, 1942 (when he enlisted at Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV) until June 22, 1945 (when his unit was demobilized at Ft. Geo. G. Meade, MD). (Lewis Co. Armed Forces Book No. 4, page 167). Ralph was a PFC, Inf. Co. H, 20th Bn 473rd Inf. He was from Linn, Gilmer County, WV when he enlisted, and had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'8" and weighed 145 lbs. He was a farm hand. While in the service he was a Fire Control Instrument operator, field artillery, and was awarded the Good Conduct Metal, G011 Hq. AAA (AW) and European African Middle Eastern Service Medal. He served in the Army during WWII. Ralph and Shirley divorced and Ralph married Emma Peggs, daughter of Gay Nay and Okey Peggs. Emma died on August 3, 1958 in Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Deaths, Book No. 8, page 233) at the age of 27 of "uremia, toxemia of pregnancy" and is buried at the Rock Grove Cemetery. She was born on April 26, 1931 in Lewis Co., WV. After Emma's death, Ralph remarried his first wife, Shirley. James "Ralph" died on November 19, 1986 in Harrison Co., WV of leukemia. He was a member of the Holy Temple Church on Sawyers Run, Harrison Co., WV. He was retired from the Central West Virginia Vault Co. Shirley died on October 30, 1987.
Children of Ralph and Emma:
177 GERTRUDE GAYE "Trudy" LATTEA (8) b. June 10, 1956 in Baltimore, MD; m. Marcus Kenna Ferrell, son of Dolphia Ferrell and Annalene I. Patton Ferrell on Nov. 19, 1972 (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 90, page 627) They were married at Buckhannon, Upshur Co., WV.
William Nathan (6) George Washington (5) Nathan (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Clarence William "Little Bill" Lattea was born October 11, 1921 at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 143). He married Elizabeth Bell Lough on November 9, 1940 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 22, page 472). Elizabeth was the daughter of George and Cora Golden Lough. She was born on July 10, 1920 in Upshur County, West Virginia. Elizabeth's sister, Shirley J. Lough, married Bill's brother, James Ralph Lattea.
Children of Bill and Elizabeth: 184 CLARENCE WILLIAM LATTEA, JR. (8) b. August 24, 1941 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co. West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 178) 185 GEORGE WILLIAM LATTEA (8) b. January 2, 1943 in Lewis Co. WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 179) 186 DANA RALPH LATTEA(8) b. June 9, 1944 in Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 180) Elizabeth Bell “Lizzie” Lattea, nee Lough Source: The Gilmer [West Virginia] Free Press; Jan 2011 Elizabeth Bell “Lizzie” Lattea, age 90, of 1574 Churchville Road, Camden, WV, died at 5:10 PM Thursday, January 20, 2011 at Crestview Manor, Jane Lew, WV, following an extended illness. She was born July 10, 1920 in Gilmer County, WV, a daughter of the late George Gordon Lough and Cora Cynthia Golden Lough. On November 09, 1940 she married Clarence William Lattea who preceded her in death April 28, 1992. Surviving are three sons and daughters in law Clarence Junior Lattea and wife Rosa Lea of Churchville with whom she made her home. George William Lattea and wife Rosemary of Jacksons Mill and Dana Ralph Lattea and wife Catherine of Alum Bridge. Grandchildren William Frank Lattea, Lisa and Jerry Helmick, Pamela “Susie” and Ed Henline, William Raymond Lattea, Joey Lattea, Jim and Barbara Lattea, Catherine Cynthia and Kevin Metz, Dana Lee and Juanita Lattea, Kevin and Genevieve Lattea and Berry and Pam Lattea. Serveral [sic--several] great grandchildren and stepgreat grandchildren. One Grandchild deceased. She was the last surviving member of her immediate family being preceded in death by three sisters Emma and Mary Lough and Shirley Lattea. Two brothers George C. and Dana G. Lough. Mrs. Lattea was a Methodist by faith and was a homemaker. She was an avid fisherman, loved to camp and travel. Friends called at the Boyle Funeral Home 322 Main Ave, Weston, Saturday from 4:00 to 8:00 PM. Funeral services were held at 2:00 PM Sunday from the Boyle Funeral Home Chapel with the Reverend Martin Wine officiating. Interment will follow in the Rock Grove Cemetery. Boyle Funeral Home of Weston.
Clarence William (7), William Nathan (6), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Clarence William Lattea, Jr., was born August 24, 1941 at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 178). He married Rosalea Virginia Burkhammer, daughter of F. C. and Pauline V. Davisson Burkhammer on February 21, 1961 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 30, page 111). Rosalea was born June 3, 1943.
Children: 187 WILLIAM FRANKLIN LATTEA (9) 188 LISA JUNE LATTEA (9) 189 KEVIN DANIEL (9) b. December 4, 1964 (his mother states that he was born on the 21st) at Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 9, page 237); d. April 6, 1967 (his uncle, George William Lattea, accidentally backed over him in the driveway) 190 PAMELA SUE LATTEA (9)185 GEORGE WILLIAM (8) LATTEA
Clarence William (7), William Nathan (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). George William Lattea was born January 2, 1943 in Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 179). He married Rosemary Goldsmith, daughter of Raymond Cecil and Bessie Riffle Goldsmith, on February 5, 1967 (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 32, page 67). Rosemary was born October 23, 1950 in Lewis Co., WV.
Clarence William (7), William Nathan (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Dana Ralph Lattea was born June 9, 1944 at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 180). He married Catherine May Linger.
Clarence William, Jr. (8) Clarence William (7), William Nathan (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). William Franklin Lattea was born June 29, 1961 at Weston, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Births Book 8, page 241). He married Peggy Lynn Gay, daughter of Gerald and Idabelle Mick Gay on March 14, 1980 at Pricetown, Lewis County, WV (Lewis Co. Marriages Book 37, page 308). Peggy was born on Sept. 7, 1961 at Weston, Lewis Co., WV.
Ashley Danielle Lattea, 39, a loving and dedicated woman of Jane Lew, passed away on Friday, July 12, 2024.
Ashley was born in Clarksburg on December 20, 1984, a daughter of Frank Lattea and the late Peggy Lynn Gay Riffle. In addition to her mother, Ashley was preceded in death by her paternal grandmother, Elizabeth "Lizzy" Lattea and husband, Bill.
Ashley graduating from Lewis County High School in 2003. She was a woman of unyielding strength, a beacon of support, and a source of joy for all who had the privilege of knowing her.
For over a decade, Ashley worked in the healthcare sector, dedicating her life to the service of others as a caregiver and housekeeper. Her unwavering dedication was exemplified in her role as housekeeper for William R. Sharpe and as caregiver to Harper Elizabeth Lattea. She was known for her caring nature, her ability to make people feel special, and her relentless dedication to her work. Her hobbies included fishing and camping at Bergoo, activities that brought her peace and joy. As Helen Keller once said, "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." And Ashley did just that, touching hearts and lives with her unwavering love and dedication.
Ashley was a woman who believed that time spent with loved ones was the most valuable thing in life. She was the embodiment of love, a testament to the strength and resilience of the human spirit. She is survived by her father, Frank Lattea; three children: Brionna Danielle Varner, Emily Paige Wiant, Harper Elizabeth Lattea; companion, Michael Moore; four siblings: Daniel Lattea and wife, Morgan, of Jane Lew, Katie Teets and husband, Dylan, of Kingwood, MiKayla Oliver and husband, John, of Jane Lew, Kaleb Lattea of Camden; three children of the heart: Michael Moore of Fairmont, Austin Moore, and Sage Moore of Glendale; paternal grandparents: Rose and Junior Lattea of Camden; sister of the heart, Andrea Moore of Glendale; two nieces: Lydia and Lilian Lattea; and two nephews: Levi and Liam Lattea.
Ashley’s request for Cremation has been honored at Pat Boyle Funeral Home’s On-Site Crematory. A Family and Friends Gathering will be held at Pat Boyle Funeral Home and Cremation Service located at 144 Hackers Creek Rd. in Jane Lew from 5-7 p.m on Wednesday, July 17, 2024.
Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). James Clyde Lattea was born on January 7, 1922 at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., West Virginia (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 104). He had a twin sister, Tina. They were both albinos. James was a timberman and was very good with a chain saw. Cline Stansberry of West Union, WV remembers him winning the West Virginia Chainsaw Championship at one time. James married Lena Pearl Nicholson Thomas, daughter of Phil Carl Nicholson and Julia Gallien Nicholson, on January 5, 1944 in Harrison County, West Virginia (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 60, page 124). Lena was born on October 11, 1918 at Coldwater, Doddridge County, West Virginia. Lena had three children from a previous marriage, who James adopted.
Children of James and Lena: 214 LUCY NORENE (Thomas) LATTEA (8) b. Aug. 11, 1936 in Doddridge Co., WV 215 HAROLD WAYNE (Thomas) LATTEA (8) b. July 2, 1939 at Coldwater, Doddridge Co., WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 50 - by Order of Vital Statistics, 9/5/80) 216 BETTY JO (Thomas) LATTEA (8) b. February 4, 1942 in Harrison Co., WV m. James Allen Gowers (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 80, page 449) She later married James Stewart Hill in Feb. of 1971 and they divorced in 1981. 217 JAMES FRANKLIN LATTEA (8) b. March 6, 1945 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 22, page 148D) m. Nancy Sue Jewell on December 5, 1970 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 89, page 614) d. Jan. 18, 2003 at Camden-Clark Memorial Hospital, Parkersburg, WV. Obituary: Parkersburg News & Sentinel. He was 57 years of age and worked for the City of Parkersburg Sanitation Department and formerly worked for Dry Wall Services of Belpre. He enjoyed his family and friends and dirt track racing.
Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). George Edward Lattea was born on March 28, 1924 (Harrison Co. Delayed Births, page 30-R). George married and had seven children. George and Helen lived on Sawyers Run, near Salem in Harrison County, West Virginia for many years. George was injured while working for Eureka Pipeline and lost one of his legs. He was in the hospital for over 6 months. George died on September 1, 1984 of cancer.
Helen A. Lattea, nee Davis Source:; 30 Apr 2013 (March 2, 1921 - April 28, 2013) Helen A. Lattea, 92 of Salem departed this life on Sunday, April 28, 2013 in Ruby Memorial Hospital, Morgantown. She was born on March 2, 1921 in Salem a daughter of the late Orlando and Beulah Matheny Davis. On March 29, 1943 she married George Edward Lattea who preceded her in death on September 1, 1984. Surviving are two daughters, Charlotte Jean Powell and husband William, Salem, Dixie Lee Mossor and husband John, Pennsboro, five sons, Daril Lee Lattea and wife June, Salem, Robert Lattea and wife Donna, Salem, Richard Lattea and wife Jean, Salem, Larry Lattea and wife Gail, Tacoma, WA, Michael Lattea and companion Debbie, Laurel Valley, twelve grandchildren and several great and great great grandchildren, one sister, Gay Ware, Wintersville, OH, one brother, Everett Davis, Salem and several nieces and nephews. One grandson, Daril Edward Lattea, three sisters, Madeline Freeman, Betty Combs, May Freeman, four brothers, Raymond, Wilbert, Orlando and Taylor Davis preceded her in death. Mrs. Lattea enjoyed embroidering for her grandchildren and working in her flower garden. She was a member of Hurst Chapel United Methodist Church. Helen was a loving mother and grandmother and will be sadly missed by her family and friends. Funeral services will be conducted in the Harbert Funeral Home 287 W. Main St. Salem on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 11:00AM with Pastor John Kopshina and Pastor Chad Kopshina presiding. Interment will follow in the K of P Memorial Park, Salem. The family will receive friends in the funeral home chapel on Wednesday May 1, 2013 from 4-8PM. Expressions of sympathy may be extended to the family at Harbert Funeral Home is privileged to serve the Lattea family.Children of George and Helen: 228 CHARLOTTE JEAN "Jeannie" LATTEA (8) 229 DARIL LEE LATTEA (8) 230 ROBERT GARY LATTEA (8) 231 RICHARD WAYNE LATTEA(8) 232 DIXIE LEE LATTEA (8) 233 LARRY EUGENE LATTEA (8) 234 GEORGE MICHAEL "Mike" LATTEA (8)
Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Junior Lewis Lattea was born on January 16, 1926. Died December 26, 2003. He married Ruby Fay Harper, daughter of Edward and Anna Harper on December 29, 1945 at Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia. Faye was born on October 27, 1927 at Parkersburg, WV. They are both now deceased.
Junior Lewis Lattea Source: The Clarksburg [West Virginia] Exponent Telegram; Dec 2003 SALEM -- Junior Lewis Lattea, 77, of Sawyers Run Community, died 4:30 p.m. Friday, December 26, 2003, at Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center, following a brief illness. He was born January 16, 1926, at Coldwater, Doddridge County, the son of the late Pete and Bertha Alta Nicholson Lattea. His wife, Ruby Fay Harper Lattea, who he married December 29, 1946, died March 1997. Surviving are five sons, Robert Lee Lattea and wife, Sharon, of Bristol, Kenneth Roger Lattea and wife, Donna, of Parkersburg, John Henry Lattea and Delbert Allen Lattea and companion, Barb, Ronald Patrick Lattea and companion, Dawn Freeman, all of Salem; four daughters, Anna Alta Derrow and companion, David Arnett, Mrs. Roy (Cora) Arnett, both of Thornville, Ohio, Barbara S. Lattea, Parkersburg and Mrs. James (Melissa) Norton, Romney; one brother, Boyd Lattea of East View; four sisters, Mrs. Luther (Mary) Lamb, Mrs. Raymond (Juanita) Davis, Mrs. Bill (Helen) Davis and Betty Adams all of Salem. Also seventeen grandchildren and twenty-two great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two sons, William Lewis Lattea and Donald Franklin Lattea and by several brothers and sisters. He was a Baptist by faith, a veteran of U.S. Navy, serving during the Korean conflict. For thirty-six years, Junior Lattea was a laborer for Eureka/Pennzoil pipeline. Friends may call at the Greathouse Funeral Home, Salem, Monday, from 9 a.m. until the funeral hour at 1 p.m. Rev. Harley Jeffries Jr. will preside. Interment in the Indian Fork Cemetery at Coldwater. A Greathouse Service.
Junior and Faye
Lattea - picture courtesy of Daisy Lattea
Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Harvey Denzil Lattea, son of Peter and Bertha Alta Lattea, was born on January 26, 1928 at Bristol, Harrison Co., WV. He married Lenora Elizabeth Starkey, daughter of Ralph Starkey and Flossie Davis Starkey, on May 7, 1946 (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 63, page 185). Lenora was born on October 11, 1926. Lenora died on April 11, 1969 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 69, page 182). She was buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Patterson Road, Salem, WV.
Children of Harvey and Lenora:
Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Boyd Franklin Lattea, son of Peter Lattea and Alta Bertha Lattea was born on November 13, 1929. He was an albino. He married Lucy Norene Thomas, step-daughter of James Clyde Lattea and daughter of Lena Pearl Thomas Lattea, on May 30, 1972 in Maryland. Lucy was born on August 11, 1936. Lucy had two children before her marriage, Charlotte and David.
Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Charles Henry Lattea, son of Peter and Bertha Alta Lattea, was born on September 6, 1931 at Coldwater, Doddridge County, West Virginia (Doddridge County Births, Book No. 4, page 120). He died in Harrison County, West Virginia, in 19___, survived by his wife and children:
Dorothy Leota Lattea, nee Chipps Source: The Exponent Telegraph, Clarksburg, West Virginia; Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2005 SALEM — Dorothy Leota Lattea, 77, formerly of Bristol, died Monday, November 28, 2005, at Clarksburg Continuous Care Center where she had made her home for the last year. She was born in Doddridge County on July 27, 1928, a daughter of the late Virgil S. and Blanche V. Dawson Chipps. On June 4, 1950, she married Charles “Charlie” Lattea, who preceded her in death on December 14, 2000. Surviving are three daughters, Vickie Zannino and her husband, Rockey, of Quiet Dell, Laura Cleavenger and her husband, Clifford, of Bristol and Charlene Crutchfield and her husband, Daryl, of Meadowbrook; one son, Greg Lattea of Salem; and 10 grandchildren, Heather Zannino, Brian Zannino, Courtney Cecil, Dorothy “D.J.” Lattea, Stacey Postus, Christopher Lattea, Ryan Lattea, Aaron Lattea, Brandon Lattea and Paul Underwood; eight great-grandchildren, Holden Frazier, Alexandria Talkington, Braden Zannino, Cameron Zannino, Ashton Cecil, Abigail Postus, Justice Underwood and Jade Underwood; four brothers, Willard “Wick” Chipps of Mishawaka, Ind., Bill Chipps, Indianapolis, Ind., Gene Chipps, Erie, W.Va., and Charles “Chuck” Chipps, Salem; a sister-in-law, Nancy Chipps, Mogadore, Ohio; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband she was preceded in death by two sons, Charles “Andy” Lattea and Daniel Wayne Lattea; two sisters, Anna Belle Chipps and Joan Chipps; nine brothers, Garland, Lloyd, Jack, Ed, Kenneth, Dale, John, Jim and Dale Chipps. Mrs. Lattea was a homemaker and was a Methodist by faith. The funeral service will be held at the convenience of the family. Harbert Funeral Home is privileged to serve the Lattea family.Children of Charles and Dorothy: 265 VICKIE MARIE LATTEA (8) 266 LAURA JO LATTEA (8) 267 CHARLENE LATTEA (8) 268 CHARLES ANDREW LATTEA (8) 269 DANIEL WAYNE LATTEA (8) b. December 1, 1960 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 30, page 148D d. May 20, 1980 when he walked into oncoming traffic on U.S. Rt. 50 and was hit by a tractor trailer. He died of head injuries at 3:30 a.m. (Doddridge Co. Deaths, Book No. 6, page 101 and Harrison Co. Deaths, Book No. 80, page 234) He is buried at the Indian Fork Cemetery in Doddridge Co., WV 270 GREGORY ALAN LATTEA (8)
Charles Warner (6), George Washington (5), Nathaniel C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Clayton Eugene Lattea, son of Charles Warner Lattea and Bessie Belle Snyder Lattea, was born on July 11, 1939 in Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 5, page 113). Clayton was born near Berlin, Lewis Co., WV. He was called "Bill" by his cousin, Bill Lattea" and the name stuck. Bill spent time in the Army. He met Dortha Mary "Mary" Brown in Weston, Lewis Co., WV and they were married May 26, 1961. Mary was born on April 9, 1945 in Lewis Co., WV, the daughter of James W. and Pearl Malcomb Brown. Mary was 17 years of age and Bill was 22. She had the consent of her parents. They were married by L. M. Wilfong at his residence (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 30, page 295).
Children of Bill and Mary: 288 CLAYTON EUGENE "Billy" LATTEA, JR. (8) 289 CHARLES LEE LATTEA (8) 290 GREGORY WAYNE "Gregg" LATTEA (8) 291 EDDIE DALE LATTEA (8) Eddie had a son, MICHAEL LATTEA, of Charleston, West Virginia, who was killed in a stabbing in Kanawha County, West Virginia on March 18, 2003. Charleston Daily Mail: March 18, 2003 - 18 year old Michael Latta died of stabbing in the chest outside of a Sissonville convenient store (Go-Mart). His father Eddie Lattea was also stabbed and taken to Charleston Area Medical Center's General Hospital but checked himself out against medical advice. Michael had gotten into a confrontation with another man in front of the Go-Mart and the man stabbed him. When his father came to his rescue, he was also stabbed. 292 SHANNON MICHELLE LATTEA (8) b. February 22, 1970 at the Stonewall Jackson Hospital in Weston, Lewis Co., WV (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 10, page 232)
James Earl (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Leo Thurman Lattea, son of James Earl Lattea and Tinson Rebecca West Lattea, was born on September 25, 1921 at Freemansburg, Lewis County, West Virginia. He was drafted into the Army during World War II. Leo married Mary Grace Hass Walker in the 1940s. Grace liked to dance and was taking ballet classes in Akron, Ohio when she was a girl. She and Leo lived in Akron where he worked in the steel mills. Grace died in Akron, Ohio and Leo later married Ann _________ in Youngstown, OH. They later divorced and Leo met and married Isabelle ________________.
Children of Leo and Grace:
302 RENA ALDORA (8) Lattea b. Never married, runs a nursing home in Akron, OH.
James Earl (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Branson William "Bunt" Lattea, son of James Earl Lattea and Daisy Mondell Ray Lattea, was born on November 21, 1926 on Sawyers Run, Salem, Harrison County, West Virginia, at thehome of Daisy's parents. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 13, page 143). He served in WWII in the United States Army. Married Marie Grace Miller, in Union County, South Dakota on March 6, 1972. They had lived in Casper, Wyoming since 1951. "Bunt" and Marie had no children.
Hole Star Tribune - Obituaries
MARIE GRACE LATTEA - Services for Casper resident Marie Grace Lattea, 77, will be conducted at 2 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, in the chapel of Oregon Trail State Veterans' Cemetery in Evansville by Pastor David J. Taylor of the Church of God of Prophecy. Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m., today, June 7, and 9 a.m. to noon Wednesday, June 8, at Newcomer Family Funeral Home and Crematory. She died June 3, 2005, at Wyoming Medical Center. Born Sept. 18, 1927, in Pittsburgh, she had lived in Casper since 1951. For many years, she was a cook at the Ramada Inn; and, most recently, was a greeter at Wal-Mart. She enjoyed going camping; loved being with people; and was a member of the congregation of Church of God of Prophecy. Survivors include her husband of 54 years, Branson Lattea of Casper; and foster sister, Kay Wrst of Evans City, PA. Memorials may be made to the Church of God of Prophecy, 2000 S. Washington St., Casper, WY 82601.
James Earl (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). (See end notes for more information) Edward Lattea, son of James Earl Lattea and Daisy Mondell Ray Lattea, was born on May 20, 1930 at Industrial, Salem, Harrison County, West Virginia (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 15, page 126). He has a twin brother, still living. Edward and his first wife did not have any children, and they divorced. Edward moved to Casper, Wyoming, where one of his brothers was living. He met and married his second wife. Edward and his fourth wife, Emma, were living in Arizona, where Edward died on August 30, 2001. He was brought back to West Virginia and buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery in Doddridge County, WV.
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Edward Lattea | Edward Lattea |
Children of Edward and Joan:
303 ARNOLD EUGENE LATTEA (8) 304 PATRICK EDWARD LATTEA (8) 305 DORIS LATTEA (8) 306 REBECCA LATTEA (8) 307 DENNIS LATTEA (8) b. March 17, 19___ d. November 15, 1976 in Casper, WY, when he fell out of a pickup truck.Edward and Joan divorced on October 13, 1966 (Casper Divorced, Case #29185) and Edward later married Rita Richardson. They later moved to St. John, Arizona.
Children of Edward and Rita:
308 RENEE LATTEA (8) b. 309 ANNETTE LATTEA (8) b.Edward and Rita divorced and Edward later married Emma __________.
James Earl (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1) (See end notes for more information) Edmond Lattea, son of James Earl Lattea and Daisy Mondell Ray Lattea, was born on May 20, 1930 at Industrial, Salem, Harrison County, West Virginia (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 15, page 126). He has a twin brother, Edward Lattea. Edmond married Barbara Ann Ball, daughter of Clyde Gay Ball, who had been killed in the coal mines when Barbara was 4 years old, and Fairie Collins Ball. They were married on September 3, 1955 at the West Union Christian Church in West Union, WV. (Doddridge Co. Marriages, Book No. 17, page 147) They were married by the Rev. Thomas Lowell Neff. Edmond was 25 years old and Barbara was 21. Her brother, Tom Ball, was best man. Barbara was born at Independence, Preston County, WV on August 1, 1934.
James Earl (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Burlin Earl Lattea, son of James Earl Lattea and Daisy Mondell Ray Lattea, was born on October 22, 1932 at Industrial, in Harrison County, West Virginia (Harrison County Births, Book No. 16, page 90). He died on June 28, 2000 in Harrison Co., WV of a cancerous brain tumor. Married: 1) Carmen Reyes Morales on October 6, 1954; 2) Wanda Jean "Jackie" Stout on April 17, 1965; 3) Eleanor Denise Foster Bennett, 07/06/1970, Las Vegas, NV; 4) Rose Booth Smith on July 2, 1978 in Harrison Co., WV.
BURLIN EARL LATTEA, 67, of Salem, West Virginia, died at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, June 28, 2000, following a brief illness (he had a cancerous brain tumor). He was born on October 22, 1932, on Sawyers Run, Salem, Harrison County, West Virginia, a son of Daisy Ray Lattea, now living, and the late James Earl Lattea. He married Carmen Reyes Morales on October 6, 1954; Wanda Jean Stout on April 17, 1965; Denise Bennett in 1969; and Rose Booth Smith on July 2, 1978. He is survived by a fiancee and caregiver, Rhonda Sendling; one son, Stephen David Lattea of Phoenix, AZ; three daughters, Mrs. Larry (Vickie) Blake, Horner, WV, Donna Lattea Moore and Linda Lattea Weaver, both of Weston, WV; five brothers, Branson Lattea and wife Marie, of Casper, WY, Virgil Lattea and wife Lenora, of Cumberland, MD, Edmond Lattea and wife Barbara, of Salem, WV, Edward Lattea and wife Emma, of Salem, WV, Leo Lattea and wife Isabelle, of Youngstown, OH; three sisters, Kathleen Burns, Ohio, Mrs. Harold (Eileen) Pettit, Houston, TX, and Alice Davis, Industrial, WV; and five grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three sons, Robert, Mark and William Lattea. Mr. Lattea was a retired self employed carpenter and a veteran of the U. S. Navy. Friends may call at the Greathouse Funeral Home, Salem, from 2-9 p.m. today (June 30). Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday with the Rev. Paul Flanigan presiding. Interment will be in the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery.
Burlin Earl Lattea
Burlin Earl Lattea
Children of Burlin and Carmen:
317 ROBERT MICHAEL LATTEA (8) b. May 29, 1956 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 28, page 148B) father's occupation: Lang & Criss Robert weighed 4 lb. and 11 oz.; d. March 24, 1970 in Arizona mountain climbing. Obituary: (Arizona Republic, March 27, 1970- Robert Lattea, CLIFTON — Rosary for Robert Michael Lattea, 13, who died Tuesday in a fall while climbing at Clifton Peak Mountain, will be at 8:15 p.m. today at Lewallen Mortuary in Morenci. Graveside services will be at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Catholic Cemetery in East Plantsite here. Born in Clarksburg, W. Va., Robert came to Clifton in 1958 and moved to Phoenix in 1962. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Carmen Stout, and his stepfather, Levon Stout, both of Phoenix; his father, Burlin Lattea of Salem, W. Va.; one brother, Steven David Lattea of Phoenix; two sisters, Anna Marie and Carol Louise Stout, both of Phoenix; and his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geronimo Morales of Clifton and Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lattea of West Virginia.
Arizona Republic, March 27, 1970
318 MARK ANTHONY LATTEA (8) b. August 18, 1957 (Mother's family Bible says August 15, 1957) (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 28, page 148I) d. August 18, 1957 and is buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church near Salem in a grave near Burlin's grandparents. Daisy had grave markers put on his and his brother, William's graves.
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Daisy Lattea with grandson, Mark Anthony Lattea, on day he was brought home from the hospital. (Family said 5 days old, but he died at 3 days old) |
319 WILLIAM PAUL (8) Lattea b. April 15, 1958 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 29, page 148A) Father's occupation: timberman d. April 15, 1958 and is buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church near Salem in an unmarked grave near Burlin's grandparents. Mark Anthony Lattea and William Paul Lattea did not live very long after they were born. They are both buried at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church Cemetery, Doddridge County, West Virginia.
Burlin and Carmen divorced and Burlin married Wanda Jean "Jackie" Stout, daughter of Oath Henry Stout and Blanche Marie Smith Stout, on April 17, 1965. (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book No. 83, page 489). Burlin was 32 and Jackie was 23. They were married at the home of the Rev. Haymond Plaugher on Patterson Street, Salem, WV.
Children of Burlin and Jackie:
320 DONNA LYNN LATTEA (8) 321 VICKI JOANN LATTEA (8) 322 LINDA SUE LATTEA (8)Burlin and Jackie divorced and Burlin moved to Mills, Wyoming (near Casper) where he met and married Denise Bennett in 1969. They were married in Las Vegas, Nevada. They divorced on January 2, 1975 (Casper Divorces Case #39580) and Burlin moved back to Weston, Lewis County, WV. He met Rose Booth Smith, daughter of Phyllis Booth, and they married on July 2, 1978 at the home of Burlin's brother, Edmond, in Salem, Harrison Co., WV. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 36, page 220). Rose was born on June 28, 1951 at Wilsonburg, Harrison Co., WV. They later divorced.
James Earl (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Virgil Jennings Lattea, son of James Earl Lattea and Daisy Mondell Ray Lattea, was born on January 7, 1935 at Industrial, in Harrison County, West Virginia. (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 17, page 148C). His father was listed as a coal miner at the time. Virgil died on July 20, 2011 in Oldstown, Maryland. As a young man, Virgil worked the family saw mill in West Virginia. Virgil and his brother Burlin joined the Navy together during the Korean War. Virgil served in the Navy during the Korean War and was stationed in San Diego, CA aboard the USS Dixie in the 8014th. The ship was a destroyer/tender. When Virgil joined the Navy, he asked to be on the same ship as his brother, Burlin. The Navy okayed the request with Burlin and sent Virgil to San Diego also. Virgil married Gertrude Lenora McClain in Winchester, Virginia on January 16, 1954. Lenora was born on March 16, 1939. They lived in San Diego while Virgil was in the Navy. They then moved to Harrison County, West Virginia, where their first child, Kathy, was born on November 17, 1956. Lenora was in the hospital just a few days after Virgil's brother, Edmond and his wife, Barbara had their first child, Cathy, born on November 15th. When the brothers saw each other in the hall, they talked about their daughters and found out that they had the same first name, only different spellings.
Obituary: SALEM — Virgil “VJ” Jennings Lattea, of Oldtown, passed away at his home surrounded by his loving family on July 20, 2011. He was 76. Virgil was born at home on January 7, 1935, on Sawyer Run, Industrial, WV. He was the son of James and Daisy Lattea. Virgil was preceded in death by his parents; a sister, Kathleen Burns; and three brothers, Edward, Burlin and Leo Lattea; and sister-in-law, Marie. He is survived by two sisters, Alice Davis of WV, and Eileen Pettit of Texas; and two brothers and a sister-in-law, Branson of Wyoming and Edmond and his wife Barbara of Salem, WV. As a young man, Virgil worked the family sawmill in West Virginia. He then joined the U.S. Navy with his brother, where they served on the USS Dixie Ad14 during the Korean War. He was proud of being a veteran and was always proud to have served his country. Virgil then brought his family to Cumberland, Md., and began work on the B&O Railroad Carpenters and Track Gang during the 1960s, where he traveled and was away from his family. So, he decided to start work as a millwright at the Celanese Fiber Plant and welder until it closed in 1983. Virgil’s hobbies included shooting pool, raising and hunting with beagles, fishing, gardening, cooking and canning tomatoes from his garden. He loved a great game of billiards, as well as beekeeping, a family tradition carried on from his father for many years. He was an avid fisherman since boyhood and loved to tell stories about his fishing trips and the big one that got away. He was a troop leader for Boy Scout Troop 79 and was always willing to help others. Virgil leaves behind his beautiful wife and love of his life, Lenora (McClain) Lattea, whom he married January 21, 1950; three daughters, Kathy Deurr, Springfield, WV, Monica Langford and husband Charles, Lost Creek, WV, and Kimberly Plummer, Cumberland; two sons, Thomas Lattea, Oldtown, and Randy Lattea, Pa.; 15 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Friends and family will be received at the Scarpelli Funeral Home, P.A., 108 Virginia Ave., Cumberland, on Friday from 6-9 p.m. Funeral services will be conducted at the Harbert Funeral Home in Salem, WV, on Sunday at 2 p.m., with Rev. Art Tucker Jr. officiating. Friends will be received at the funeral home from noon-2 p.m. Interment will be in K. of P. Memorial Park, Salem, WV. Military Honors will be accorded at the cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Hospice of donor’s choice. Live in this life with peace and joy which far outweighs the alternatives. Virgil no longer lives with pain every day in this life. Although he will be missed, he felt God’s peace and looked forward to being with Daisy, his mother, and Heavenly Father as promised.
Philip Sherdian (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Clarence Phil Lattea was born on March 10, 1927 in Harrison County, West Virginia (Harrison Co. Births, Book No. 14, page 132). He married Olive Beatrice "Toots" Coleman, daughter of Ray and Samentha Coleman, on November 3, 1951. (Doddridge Co. Marriages, Book No. 16, page 371). Clarence was 24 years old and Toots was 16.
Children of Clarence and Toots:
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A memorial service for David A. Lattea, 60, will be held at 10:00 am Saturday, July 14, 2012 at Paradise Valley Christian Church, 188 Valley Dr. with AI Allen and Larry Berlin officiating. Dave passed away on June 29, 2012, surrounded by his family, following a long battle with Lou Gehrig’s disease. He was a long time resident and businessman in Casper, running Ed’s Auto Wrecking for many years. He loved to fish, bowl, collect coins and be with his family. He was preceded in death by his grandparents and his father, Clarence Lattea. He is survived by his wife, Brenda of 36 years and three children: Theresa, Michelle and Edwin. Also survived by mother, Beatrice of Casper; his brother, Gary of Englewood, CO; his sister, Phyllis Swenson (husband Richard) of Colorado Springs, CO; and brother, Tim of Casper; two nieces; two nephews; 10 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Memorial contributions may be made to Paradise Valley Christian Church at 188 Valley Dr., Casper, WY 82604 in behalf of Dave. |
Pearl Pauline (7), Arthur Clifford (6), Anna Myrtle (5), Nathan C. (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Richard LeRoy Lattea married Nancy Lou Hopkins, daughter of LeRoy Hopkins and Freda Long Hopkins, on October 12, 1968 at Alum Bridge, Lewis Co., WV. They were married by the Rev. Clifford N. West at Carmel United Methodist Church at Alum Bridge. Nancy was a resident of Camden and was born on September 10, 1948 at Rossiter, PA. (Lewis Co. Marriages, Book No. 32, page 362).
Children of Richard and Nancy:
Richard LeRoy Lattea served in the Armed Services in Vietnam. He was a PVT E-1, RA 13-852-679 (Army) Sp5 - transferred to United States Air Force, entered in Weston, March 17, 1965 - 3 years. Decorations: 5 medals. Discharged March 16, 1971 (Lewis Co. Armed Services, Book No. 15, page 253).
James Ralph (7), William Nathan (6), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). James Gordon Lattea, son of James Ralph Lattea and Shirley Lough Henline Lattea, married Lydia Kathryn Linkswallow of Camden, Lewis County, West Virginia, on August 23, 1975. (Harrison Co. Marriages, Book 92, page 230). Lydia was single, 28 years old and the daughter of Charley and Kathleen Bunnell Linkswallow. James was 34 and divorced, although no record has been found of his first wife. Lydia was born on August 12, 1947 in Clarksburg, Harrison County, West Virginia. Jim and Lydia lived on Turtle Tree Fork, Doddridge Co., WV.
Children of James and Lydia:
183 GEORGE EUGENE "Georgie" LATTEA (9)
James Clyde (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Harold Wayne Thomas was born on July 2, 1939 at Coldwater, Doddridge County, WV (Doddridge Co. Births, Book No. 6, page 50 - by Order of Vital Statistics, 9/5/80). His mother married James Clyde Lattea on Jan. 5, 1944, and he was adopted. Harold married Cecilia Frances DeFazio.
George Edward (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Daril Lee Lattea was born on Oct. 16, 1945 at Salem, Harrison County, WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book 22, page 148G). Daril married Carole June Law.
George Edward (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Robert Gary Lattea was born on April 16, 1947 at Salem, Harrison County, WV (Harrison Co. Births Book 23, page 148G). He married Donna Jean Marvin.
George Edward (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Richard Wayne Lattea was born on September 8, 1948 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book 24, page 148B). He married Shirley Jean "Jeannie" Law, daughter of George E. and Joy May Pratt Law, and sister of Carole June Law Lattea, who married Richard's brother, Daril. Richard and Jeannie were married Jan. 24, 1970 (Doddridge Co. Marriages Book 18, page 493). Jeannie was born Oct. 3, 1950.
George Edward (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Larry Eugene Lattea was born on Feb. 4, 1951 in Clarksburg, Harrison County, WV (Harrison Co. Births Book 25, page 148$). He married Gail Gutymee.
244 DANNY LATTEA (9) b. ________.
245 BETH LATTEA (9) b. _________.
George Edward (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). George Michael Lattea was born on May 24, 1952 in Harrison County, WV (Harrison Co. Births Book 26, page 148A). He married Barbara Kay Davis Goldsmith on August 13, 1983 in Harrison Co., WV. (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 96, page 200.
George Edward (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). William Lewis Lattea was born on Feb. 5, 1947. He married Karen Lee McCune on April 20, 1966 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV. She was born on July 21, 1943. She had one daughter, Tammy Lynn McCune, before her marriage to William.
Junior Lewis (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Robert Lee Lattea was born on Jan. 8, 1948 in Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV. He married Sharon Leona Murphy, daughter of Herbert Franklin Murphy and Thelma Aris Smith Murphy, on March 16, 1966. He was 18 years old and she was 16. They both had the consent of their parents "in writing." (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 84, page 428). Sharon was born Jan. 12, 1950 in Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV. They later divorced, but remarried. (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 98, page 610).
Lattea, Robert Lee Lattea Source: www.harbertfuneralhome; 25 Jul 2010 (January 8, 1848 - July 23, 2010) Robert Lee Lattea, 62, of route 2, Salem departed this life on Friday, July 23, 2010 in the United Hospital Center. He was born on January 8, 1948 in Parkersburg a son of the late Junior and Ruby Fay Lattea. On March 16, 1966 he married Sharon L. Murphy Lattea who survives. Also surviving are two daughters, Sherry Lewis and husband George, Salem, Jennifer Clutter and husband Jason, Salem, two sons, Robert Lively and companion, Carol Graham, Salem, Roman Lattea and companion, Aleta Riffle, Clarksburg, grandchildren, Leslie Lewis, Sharon “Chipper” Lewis, Logan and Macie Clutter, step grandchildren, Kayleigh, Ashton and Nathan Graham, Anna and Kylie Riffle, four sisters, Anna Derow, Salem, Barbara Lattea Swiger, Parkersburg, Cora Arnett, Thornville, Missy Norton, Salem, four brothers, Roger Lattea, Waverly, John, Ronnie and Delbert Lattea, all of Salem and several nieces and nephews. Mr. Lattea had been employed by Harvey Industries as a truck driver and had worked for Flanagan Ford and B & R Construction as a mechanic. Robert enjoyed hunting, fishing, camping, racing and all outdoor activities. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Funeral services will be held on Monday, July 26, 2010 in the Harbert Funeral Home, 287 W. Main St., Salem at 11:00 AM with Pastor Harley Jeffries presiding. Interment will follow in the Indian Fork Cemetery. The family will receive visitors in the funeral home chapel on Sunday, July 25, 2010 from 4-8PM. On line condolences may be offered to the family at www.harbertfuneralhome. Harbert Funeral Home is privileged to serve the Lattea Family.
Junior Lewis (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Kenneth Roger Lattea was born on April 5, 1949 at the St. Joseph's Hospital, Parkersburg, Wood Co., WV. He married Donna Jo "Susie" Carson, daughter of Josephus Ross Carson and Mabel Faye Chipps Carson, on Feb. 22, 1969 in Salem, Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 89, page 33). Donna was born July 14, 1952 at New Martinsville, Wetzel Co., WV.
Charles Henry (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Charles Andrew "Andy" Lattea was born on July 27, 1958, in Harrison County, West Virginia. (Harrison Co. Births Book 32, page 148C). He suffered a heart attack in ____, and shortly after died while on a treadmill of a heart attack. Married Katrinka Yvonne Starkey on February 28, 1977. They later divorced. Andy later married Brenda Underwood. Andy's parents raised his children by his first marriage.
Children with Katrinka:
Children with Brenda:
Charles Henry (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Gregory Alan Lattea, was born July 23, 1965 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births, Book 32, page 148E). He married Lesley Robin Beck, daughter of Kermit M. Beck and Clidelene Barnes Beck, on March 16, 1985 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 97, page 46). Leslie was born Feb. 24, 1966 in New Martinsville, WV.
Gregory Allen (8) Helen Louise (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Jeffrey Lattea was born ____________. He married Debbie ____________.
Philip Sherdian (6) George Washington (5) Nathaniel C. (4) George Madison (3) John (2) John (1). Bernard Eugene Lattea was born on January 23, 1929 on Alum Fork at Alum Bridge, Lewis County, West Virginia (Lewis Co. Births, Book No. 4, page 146). He married 1) Virginia Lee McCann on July 7, 1948 in Buckhannon, Upshur County, West Virginia. She was born on June 17, 1927. They resided on Douglas Avenue in Ravenswood, West Virginia. Virginia died in _____; 2) Lois "Louie" ___________in Salem, West Virginia; and 3) _____________ in Salem, West Virginia.
OBITUARY: Virginia Lee Lattea, age 73, of Ravenswood, WV, Jackson County, died October 28, 2000 due to complications of multiple myeloma at St. Joseph's Hospital, Parkersburg, WV. She was born on June 17, 1927, in Ten Mile, WV, a daughter of the late Charles and Pearl Zickafoose McCann. She was a Homemaker and a member of the North United Methodist Church, Ravenswood, WV. She is survived by her husband, Bernard Lattea, Ravenswood, WV; 3 daughters, Linda (Jim) Scritchfield, Ravenswood, WV; Debbie Cox, Springfield, VA; and Beverly(John)Nesselroade, Wilmington, NC; a son, Larry (Saundra) Lattea, Ravenswood, WV; grandchildren, Michelle, Christian, Jeffrey, Andrew, Rachel, Ryan, Leah, Sarah and Erin; and great-grandchildren, Adam and Riley. Services were held on Monday, October 30, 2000, at 11:00 a.m. at Roush Funeral Home, Ravenswood, with Rev. Michael Curtis officiating. Burial followed at Ravenswood Cemetery. Visitation was held on Sunday, October 29, 2000, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the funeral home.
Children of Bernard and Virginia:
Bernard Eugene (7) Philip Sherdian (6) George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Larry Eugene Lattea was born Dec. 24, 1951. He married Saundra Corcovilos on June 3, 1973. They live in Ravenswood, Jackson Co., WV.
Helen Louise (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Bruce Allen Lattea, son of Helen Louise Lattea, was born on December 7, 1956 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Births Book 28, page 148F). Bruce married Debbie __________.
277 JEFFREY LATTEA (9) b. ___________.
Tina Pauline (7), Peter (6), George Washington (5), Nathan (4), George Madison (3), John (2), John (1). Robert Calvin Lattea was born on Feb. 11, 1941 at Coldwater, Doddridge County, WV (Doddridge Co. Births Book No. 5, page 102B and 104B). His mother, Tina Pauline Lattea, was 19 years old and unmarried. Dr. Ben Morris delivered him. Robert married Mary Louise George, daughter of Worthy W. George and Peal Baker George, on January 20, 1962 in Harrison Co., WV (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 81, page 5). They later divorced and Robert married Wanda Pearl Murphy, daughter of Herbert Murphy and Thelma Smith Murphy, on July 28, 1970. (Harrison Co. Marriages Book 89, page 510). She was born Feb. 12, 1943. They had one daughter born before their marriage.
Lattea, Robert Calvin "Rob" Lattea Source:; 27 Jan 2012 (February 11, 1941 - January 26, 2012) Robert C. “Rob” Lattea, 70 of Rt. 2 Bristol departed this life on Thursday, January 26, 2012 in his residence. He was born on February 11, 1941 at Coldwater, Doddridge County a son of the late Oakey Sandy and Tina Pauline Lattea Stewart. Surviving is his wife, Mary George Lattea, one daughter, Roberta Stevens, Salem, four sons, Mark, Jody, Jim and Randal Lattea, all of Salem, one sister, Connie Ash and husband Roger, NC, five grandchildren. One sister, Kay Holt preceded him in death. Mr. Lattea had worked as a Steeple Jack and Glass Worker. He attended the Salem Church of God. Rob was a loving husband, father and grandfather and will be sadly missed by his family and friends. Memorial services will be conducted in the Salem Church of God, State St. Salem on Saturday, February 4, 2012 at 11:00AM with Pastor Mike Cox and Pastor Kevin Bender presiding. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to People’s Hospice, 327 Medical Park Dr. Bridgeport, WV 26330-9952. Expressions of sympathy may be extended to the family at Harbert Funeral Home is privileged to serve the Lattea family.Children with Mary Louise:
Children with Wanda: