Branch Captain: Kimberly Latta,
............................................................................................................................................. LAST NUMBER USED: 117
was born about 1732 in Unknown. He died about 1804 in Orange County North
Carolina, USA. He married (1)
Notes for James Latta:
James & John Latta ( brothers ) and Early
settlers of Orange County North Carolina.
If you will bear with me I have omitted
most of John’s Information as my Branch # 31 and Branch # 6 currently evolve
from James Latta. His son John Latta Jr moved his entire family to Maury, Co.
Tennessee. John Latta Sr. is the patriarch of Branch #7 & # 15
I am not sure of the brothers origin, but
this will give some idea.
"To the Right Honorable Earl of
Granville, Viscount Carteret and Baron Carteret of Hawns in the County of
Bedford in ye Kingdom of Great Brittan; one of the Lords of His Majesty’s Most
Honorable Privy Council and Knight of the Most Nobel Order of the Garter, act.
The Petition of His Majesties Most Dutiful & Loyal Subjects, Protestant
Dissenters, and your Lordships most Dutiful Tenants, Inhabitants of Rowan
County, an Infant Settlement on ye Back frontiers of the Province of North
Carolina, on behalf of themselves and their brethren in ye joining frontier
Counties of Anson and Orange, a few of whom are the subscribers." The
Petitioners go on to say, "We are originally your liege people. Mostly
originally from the North of Ireland, trained and brought up under Presbyterian
Church Government, and we and our forefathers have resided sometime in ye
Northern Province of Pennsylvania, Jersey and New York, where we were exempted
from paying, or supporting, any clergy save our own, and we come here encouraged
by gracious proposals to Protestant Dissenters published in your Lordships name
and by your agents, Mssr. Mosley & Halton, whereby we hoped to enjoy like
freedom" (such as they had in Penn., Jersey and New York). They were complaining
about being taxed to support the Church of England, when they were already
supporting their own Protestant churches. They were petitioning to be relieved
of such taxes. The petition was signed by John Latta and James Latta and many
other Orange County residents. (copy in possession of Larry D Draughon; Branch
County Records, Vol VII, Granville Proprietary Land Office, --- Miscelaneous
Records, edited by William D. Bennett, Oaky Grove Press, Raleigh, NC. Page 59
read, Petitions to Earl Granville and the King. We don't know just when [the
petition] was written but one of the men who signed the Petition died in 1758,
and another one died in 1759. and Lord Granville died in 1763, and at his death,
the Powers of Attorney stopped and no one was authorized to sell any more land.
So, it could have been written in 1764."
We know that James Latta was in Orange Co.
NC as early as 1754 and his brother John Latta by 1758. In most likelihood they
came to North Carolina together from one of the provinces mentioned above.
James Latta recorded stock mark Oct 1754
Orange County Court
I have
James Latta in 1755 Tax book of Orange Co NCLand
conveyed from John Earl Granville to James Latta 1756
Reappointment of constable 1756 James Lattay (Latta)
"Petitions to Earl Granville and the King" in 1758 signed by John
Latta and James LattaJames
Latta appointed overseer of road 1761
James Latta conveyed to brother John
Latta 147 acres 23 Aug 1763.
In Orange Co., NC. Deed Book 15, p.84 John
Latta, Sr. sells to his son, John Latta, Jr., on May 19, 1815, three tracts of
land for only five shillings. One of the tracts was on a branch of Quarter
Creek, consisting of 147 acres, ".....which tract of land was conveyed to the
said JOHN LATTA, SR. by his BROTHER, JAMES LATTA, by deed, bearing date of
August 2, 1763..." This confirms that John and James were brothers.
James Latta appointed overseer of road
In 1774 Orange Co., was divided into 16
districts. The 14th District, St. James, included Thomas Gibson´s land just
above but not including George Gibson´s land. The 15th District, St. Mary, was
adjacent to and south of the 14th District. The dividing line between the 14th
and 15th crossed the Flatt River and ran across the dividing line between George
and Thomas Gibson´s land. The 15th District was defined as follows:
Begins at the Granville line where it
crosses the Nap of Reed running West including Arthur Magnum, George Gibson,
Charles Moore & Robert McCornwell on the South, thence South, including Robert
McConwell, William Rigs, George Rigs, John Latta, James Latta, John Douglas,
John Woods, Nathaniel Lewis, John Scarlet, John Piper, Thomas Trammel & John
Hart on the East, thence East including John Hart (through William Reeds
plantation him not included) to Wake County line just North of Robert
Abercrombie's plantation, him not included. The 15th District is in
present day Durham Co. (established 1881). The 14th District is in present
day Person Co. (established 1791).
Orange NC Land Entry #711 06 Oct 1778,
John McCley enters a claim to 255ac land lying in Orange Co., on the branches of
Buck Quarter, a branch of Eno, bounded on the South by lands of Wm. Pinkston,
Saml Clenney, & Timothy Cain, on the east by Wm. Clenney, on the north by John
Grey & Wm. Montgomery and on the west by Jas. Latta & Thos. Holden, Sr. tracts.
1779 James, John and Thomas Latta tax
rolls Orange Co. This is the first time Thomas Latta appears on the tax
rolls. Thomas Latta (son of James Latta being of age to be on census).
This rules out the possibility of James & John Latta having a brother Thomas
Latta residing in Orange Co., NC.
Orange NC Court of Pleas & Quarter
Sessions Feb 1780 John Cate bound in 5000 pds for appearance at next court.
Timothy Cain in 500 pds bond for his appearance, Ordered William Dunagan,
William Ray, George Newton, George Horner, Timothy Caine, John Douglas, William
Whitehead, Stephen Wilson, John Latta, James Latta, William Pinkerton, and J???
Cate apptd jury to view road going by William Jacksons and make report to next
court. Court adjourned. present: William Caine, John Butler, John
Steel, Orange NC Deed Book 04-153.
"Affidavit of John Latty (Latta) and
Others" - September 7, 1780 John Latty (Latta), James Latty (Latta), William
Montgomery, John Douglas, John Woods and William Cain make Oath before me,
William Courtney, one of the State's Justices assigned to keep peace for the
county of Orange, That the Corps of Light Horse under the command of Colonel
Armong have billeted themselves on said deponents; and without regard to the
laws of humanity or the sacred rights of the citizen, have wantonly and cruelly
destroyed and by violence wrested from the said deponents their property
inasmuch as they have taken possession of their dwelling houses, barns and other
houses, together with the furniture and grain in them, and converted the same to
their own use, and have also pulled down their fences and turned the horses into
the corn fields of the said deponents; and arbitrarily and forcibly taken from
them sheep, etc. And the said deponents farther depose that they have,
with the rest of their fellow citizens contributed their quotas of grain and
other provisions to the support of the army stationed at Hillsborough.
Sworn to before me this 7th day of Sept., 1780. Wm. P. Courtney, J. P. (Signed
by: James Latta, William Montgomery, John Douglas, William Cain and John Wood).
February Court 1783: Thomas Lattie and
John Lattie were among those appointed to lay out a road from the Caswel line,
near Taps Mill, etc. I am assuming youth for the work required. (Thomas Latta &
John Latta sons of James Sr.)
Orange NC Court of Pleas & Quarter
Sessions Nov. 1785 Deed: John Douglas to James Latta proved by Wm. Caine.
1785 James Latta, Sr. and three sons
listed 1785 tax list St. Marys district, James Latta, Jr. and the three sons of
James: Thomas, James, Jr., and John, Jr. (John, Jr. is listed as "Junior" to
distinguish him from his uncle, John Latta, Sr., because John Sr.'s son, John,
was born in 1779, so he would only be age six. This was the common
practice in those days and they often used "Sr." & "Jr." to
distinguish between
people and it was not always father and son).
Orange NC Deed Book 04-153 30 Oct 1787
William Ray & wife Mary to John Cain, 140 pds, 200ac on Little River at the
mouth of a branch. s/William Ray, Mary (x) Ray. wit/James Latta, Jurat: John
NC Deed Book 04-15430 Oct
1787 Stephen Wilson & wife Sarah, to JOHN CAIN, 30pds, 63ac on Little
River adj. William Ray, McCulloch. wit/ James Latta. Jurat:Robert
(x) Horner.1787
(2) James Latta, (2) John Latta & Thomas Latta Orange Co NC1790
(2) James Latta, (2) John Latta & Thomas Latta Orange Co NCThese
are the first times James Latta Jr (son of John Sr.) and John Latta
Jr. ( son of James Sr.) appear on tax rolls. Page
1298. State Records, N. C. Clark XXVI Tax list for St. Mary's
District, 1790.No.
Carolina Orange Co., Hillsboro District. White and Black polls. Acres.James
Latta, Sr. 0,1 91 over 50 yrs of ageJames
Latta, Jr. 1,0 190Thomas
Latta, 1,0 931800
CENSUS Orange Co NCJames
Latta 00001-00001 This is James the patriarch age 68James
Latta Jr 20110-20010 This is the son of James the patriarch ( his
age 37)John
Latta 01201-12101 This is John the patriarch age 66John
Latta 10210-31110 This is John B Latta (son of James the
patriarch) as none of his children were 21 at this timeThomas
Latta 31210-02010 This is the son of James the patriarch ( his
age 44)Thomas
Latta Jr 10010-41010 This is the son of John the patriarch and
would have been 32 yrs at this time1804
James Latta to Thomas LattaKnow
all men by these presents that I, James Latta Senior, Have made
constituted and appointed and by these presents do constitute make and
appoint my trusty Son, Thomas Latta my true and lawful attorney for
me, and in my name and stead, and to my use, to ask demand levy sue
for and receive, all such sums of money, owning payable and belonging
to me, any manner or means whatsoever, by James Latta junior (my Son)
giving and granting unto my said attorney by these presents my full
and whole powers, strength and authority, in and about the premises,
to have use and take all lawful ways and means, in my name for the
recovery thereof and upon the receipt of any such debts, dues, or sums
of money as aforesaid, acquaintances or other sufficient discharges
for me and in my name to make seal and deliver, a sufficient receipt
to all intents and purposes as I myself might or could do, as if I was
personally present. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this Sixteenth day of August in the year of our Lord Eighteen
hundred and four.James
(his mark) Latta Sr. Orange County August Term 1804.1804
James Latta died. date and place uncertain.The
population in backcountry North Carolina grew from a few hundred in
the 1740s to 39,000 European-Americans and 3,000 African-Americans by
1767. (Kars Marjoleine, Breaking Loose Together, The Regulator
Rebellion in Pre-Revolutionary North Carolina, Chapel Hill: University
of North Carolina Press, 2002, p. 16.) In 1750, the assembly created
Anson County, which spanned the entire western Piedmont. In 1752
Orange County was erected, located between Rowan to the west and
Granville to the east.
"Settlement and Early History" by Ruth Blackwelder. The
great migration from Pennsylvania to Piedmont Carolina came in the
middle of the eighteenth century. Scotch-Irish and German immigrants,
finding the price of land too high for them in Pennsylvania, journeyed
southward along the "Great Wagon Road" through the Shenandoah valley
to Carolina
Hillsborough was an earlier Piedmont colonial town where court was
held, and was the scene of some pre-Revolutionary War tensions. In the
late 1760s, tensions between Piedmont farmers and coastal
planters welled up in the Regulator movement, which had its epicenter
in Hillsborough. Several thousand people from North Carolina, mainly
from Orange County, Anson County, and Granville County in the western
region, were extremely dissatisfied with the wealthy North Carolina
officials whom they considered cruel, arbitrary, tyrannical and
corrupt. With specie scarce, many inland farmers found themselves
unable to pay their taxes and resented the consequent seizure of their
property. Local sheriffs sometimes kept taxes for their own gain and
sometimes charged twice for the same tax. At times, sheriffs would
intentionally remove records of their tax collection in order to
further tax citizens. The most heavily affected areas were said to be
that of Rowan, Anson, Orange, Granville, and Cumberland counties. It
was a struggle of mostly lower class citizens, who made up the
majority of the population of North Carolina, and the wealthy ruling
class, who composed about 5% of the population, yet maintained almost
total control of the government. It is estimated that out of the 8,000
people living in Orange County at the time, some six or seven thousand
of them were in support of the Regulators.
Governor William Tryon's conspicuous consumption in the construction
of a new governor's mansion at New Bern fuelled the movement's
resentment. As the western districts were under-represented in the
colonial legislature, it was difficult for the farmers to obtain
redress by legislative means. Ultimately, the frustrated farmers took
to arms and closed the court in Hillsborough, dragging those they saw
as corrupt officials through the streets and cracking the church bell.
Tryon sent troops from his militia to the region and defeated the
Regulators at the Battle of Alamance in May 1771. Several trials were
held after the war, resulting in the hanging of six Regulators at
Hillsborough on June 19, 1771.
CorrespondenceI have
been researching the Lattas for about 13 years now and still have not
been able to sort out the southern branches. I am a descendant on
what is sometimes called "branch 7." I have reviewed the information
that you sent and have a few comments. I
believe Thomas Latta who married Polly Moore was known as "Thomas B.
Latta" and eventually moved to Graves County, Kentucky. Further, I
believe 2 Thomas Latta did not marry Janey Scarlett, but rather
married Sussanh Jackson. Relatedly, while it is often stated that the
father of John B. Latta was John Latta, I believe his father was James
Latta the original Latta settler in Orange County, NC. As I am sure
you know, the Latta patriarch in Orange County known as John Latta was
the brother of James the original settler. John, the brother did have
a son named John, but not "John B." John, the son of John the
patriarch, married a Cabe and died as a young man, leaving his
children under the guardianship of his father John, the patriarch.Joshua
(Wayland F. Dunaway, Scotch Irish in Colonial Pennsylvania, Chapel
Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1944, p. 10.) Only about
4,000 Scotch-Irish had emigrated from Northern Ireland to America
between 1700 and 1730. More than 60,000 arrived between 1730 and 1770.
By the time of the American Revolution, 100,000 had relocated to
America. (Jon Butler. Becoming America: The Revolution before 1776.
Harvard College, 2000, pp. 23-25.) The majority was comprised of
agricultural workers and general laborers. Only a few were skilled.
(Ibid., p. 24.) They made up the largest European ethnic minority in
America by 1776. (Ibid., p. 25.)]
James Latta and UNKNOWN had the following children:2
THOMAS (2) born about 1755. He married Sussanah
Jackson in North Carolina, USA. She was born about 1760 in North
Carolina, USA.3
JOHN (2) b. 05 May 1759 in Orange Co., NC (source LDS). He died
in 1827 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Mary Jackson,
daughter of James Jackson and Elizabeth Pearson, about 1779 in Orange
County, North Carolina, USA. She was born 11 Jan 1761 in North
Carolina, USA. She died on 18 Aug 1828 in Maury Co., Tennessee,
JAMES (2) b. about 1763. He married Nancy Allen on 24 Aug
MARTHA (2) b. in 1768 in Orange County, North Carolina, USA.
She died before 1830 in Orange County, North Carolina, USA. She
married John Robinson in Orange County, North Carolina, USA. He
was born about 1760 in Orange County, North Carolina, USA.
NOTES for Martha Latta: Martha Latta, born abt. 1760 (source: (1)
Robert H. Latta Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books Room,
CS71.L36) She married John Robinson. Source: Robert H. Latta
Collection, Library of Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36.
Attached are photographs of a 3-page letter written by William Cleo Latta in
response to Robert H. Latta's 1915 query. The letter has been in my family
since my grandfather's time. He was Lynn Latta, son of Lynn Latta, son of
Benjamin Franklyn Latta. It is unsigned and I do not know whether it is an
original or a copy of the original document that WC sent to RH. My original is
clearly an early photocopy.
(1) Born about 1755. He married Sussanah Jackson, daughter of
James Jackson and Susannah Pearson, in North
Carolina, USA. She was born about 1760 in North Carolina, USA.
(Source: Robert H. Latta Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books
Room, CS71.L36)Notes
for Thomas Latta:I do
not think Thomas Latta (brother of John B. Latta) married Janey
Scarlett. I am a descendant of Stephen Scarlett, father of Janey
Scarlett. Three daughters of Stephen Scarlett married Lattas. I
believe the Thomas Latta mentioned above married Susannah Jackson and
one of their sons named Thomas Latta married Janey Scarlett.Josh
Co. (NC) Deed Book 4, P. 424,
25 April 1791 - Thomas
Latta of Orange, planter, to John Latta of same, seventy pounds, 93
acres, on waters of Mountain Cr., begin at a stake a cor. of John
Latta Junior on the line of a tract of land formerly belonging to
William Johnston, along sd. line S 36 ch. to a red oak which the
Thomas Latta deed called a black oak now dead, S40E 16 ch. to a post
oak, N23E 50 ch. along James Walker's line to a spanish oak another
cor. of John Latta, w 33 ch. to the beginning being the dividing line
between John Latta & Thomas Latta one of a tract from James Wilkinson
to Charles Abercromby 11 February 1773, Abercromby to Thomas Burford
21 April 1778, Burford to Jean Latta 5 February 1783, Jean Latta to
Thomas Latta 27 January 1784; signed: Thomas Latta; witness: James
Walker, James Walker Junior; proved May 1791 Term by James Walker
Orange County Records, Vol. IV, Deed Book 4 abstracts, edited by
William D. Bennett, C.G., published Raleigh, NC, 1990, ppgs.73-74.
Children of Thomas Latta and Susannah Jackson are:6
ELIZABETH (3) She married Mr. Harris (Source: Robert H. Latta
Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36)).7
MARY "Polly" (3) She married Richard Crabtree April 04, 1809 in
Orange County, North Carolina (Source: Marriage Bond. Orange County,
North Carolina.); died Bef. 1860 in Orange County, North Carolina.Notes
for Richard Crabtree:In
LATTA v. RUSS, 53 N.C. 111 (1860) the probate or Richard Crabtree was
at issue. Named parties were William W. Latta, administrator versus
Charles E. Russ, administrator. Parthenia the widow of Richard died
during probate. The following heirs are named: (1) Thomas J.
Latta and wife; (2) William Crabtree; (3) Moses Crabtree; (4) William
Hpkins and wife; (5) Clement Crabtree, a minor; (6) John Crabtree, a
minor; (7) Richard Crabtree, a minor; (8) Arthur Crabtree, a minor;
(9) Kemp Crabtree, a minor; (10) Lucy Ann Crabtree, a minor.8
ROBERT (4) b. abt. 1760 in Orange County, North Carolina
(Source: Robert H. Latta Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books
Room, CS71.L36); died in Orange County, North Carolina (Source: Robert
H. Latta Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36).
He married Anna _________________. Died at
the home of his son, James. Both he and wife buried in Orange
County, NC. Burial:
Orange County, North Carolina (Source: Robert H. Latta Collection
(Library of Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36)9
THOMAS (5) born Abt. 1785 in Orange County, North Carolina
(Source: Robert H. Latta Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books
Room, CS71.L36)) (Source: Brøderbund WFT Vol. 1, Ed. 1, Tree #0795,
Date of Import: Mar 30, 1997). He married (1) Nancy Cain. He married
(2) Jane Scarlett August 28, 1810 in Orange County, North Carolina
(Source: Robert H. Latta Collection (Library of Congress, Rare Books
Room, CS71.L36)); born Abt. 1781 in Orange County, North Carolina
(Source: LDS IGI Index: Film # 451179, Ordinance #42391).Notes
for Thomas Latta: Robert H. Latta collection states that child, Mary,
is by second wife.More
about Thomas Latta: Notes for Nancy Cain:She was
born about 1760 in North Carolina.Notes
for Thomas Latta: Notes for Nancy Cain: Previously married to Mr. Cain
and had 1 child, Sarah at the time of marriage to Thomas Latta, Jr.Notes
for Jane Scarlett: Birth also noted ca. 1789.10
SOLOMON (6) b. June 26, 1793 in Orange County, North
Carolina (Source: Thomas Jackson Latta Bible); died 1834 in
Chesterfield County, North Carolina (Source: Thomas Jackson Latta
Bible) He married Elizabeth Wilson August 10, 1814 in Orange County,
North Carolina (Source: Thomas Jackson Latta Bible. Robert Latta
Collection, Library of Congress); born April 19, 1791 in Orange
County, North Carolina; died February 15, 1854. Died 1834 while
on a trip to Florida, and was buried there. Burial:
Chesterfield County, North Carolina (Source: Robert H. Latta
Collection, Library of Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36).
3 JOHN (2) LATTA James (1). John B. Latta (James2, Unknown1) was born May 05, 1759 in Orange County,
North Carolina (Source: Robert H. Latta Collection (Library of
Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36)), and died September 15, 1827 in
Maury County, Tennessee (Source: Robert H. Latta Collection (Library
of Congress, Rare Books Room, CS71.L36)). He married Mary Jackson,
daughter of James Jackson and Susannah Pearson, about 1779 in Orange
County, North Carolina. She was born January
11, 1761 in North Carolina (Source: DAR Application: #476234), and
died August 18, 1828 in Maury County, Tennessee (Source: DAR
Application: #476234).
She died on 18 Aug 1828 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. John
born 1779 on Orange Co. NC during the Revolutionary War and grew up on
his fathers plantation. 1814
DEED of convenience to John Latta from William Polk for two hundred and
twenty two and three fourths acres of land in Maury Co TN. "John
B. Latta probably died in 1829 after the date of his will. The
reference to 1827 was probably a typographical error in the Robert H.
Latta Collection or a source upon which Robert H. Latta relied." --
JJA, June 28, 2000." I
would agree with the 1827 date as his estate inventory is dated 18
Sept 1827; the will was probated in 1829." John Moore Dec 2009John
born in N.C. May 5, 1764; d. September 15, 1827. Went from Orange
Co., N.C. to Maury Co., Tenn. before 1810. Mrs. Emily Prowell, grand
daughter of James Latta Sparkman, said he married Mary Jackson, and
was born January 11, 1761 and died August 18, 1828. As Rebecca's son
was named John Jackson, it looks as if he had been named after Mary
Jackson, the mother of Rebecca.
Mrs. Emily Powell, daughter of
Jane Latta Sparkman,
writes from Leiper's Fork, Tenn. March 1, 1916, (she was then 84 years
of age), . All of John Latta's daughters are dead, and all of their
children except Rebecca's son, Samuel Sparkman and his wife, and Jane's
daughter, Emily Powell. I never knew anything of an Aunt Martha. I
think there must be some mistake in the history of John Latta given
you by Dr. William Latta and Jesse Mitchell. For they have him born
five years later than my chronology, and I feel sure he married Mary
Jackson, for I have a piece of all fancy work she did with her name on
it. I do not think I had an Aunt Martha to marry a Mitchell as late
as 1846. My mother, (Jane Latta Sparkman), was the only unmarried
daughter when my grand father died about 1827 and she married in 1828
or 1829.WILL..
In the name of God Amen. I John Latta late of Maury County state of
Tennessee being in sound mind and memory and willing to the mortality
of my body do make and ordain this my last will and testament, I first
of all I resurrect my sole to God who gave it my body to the earth who
gave it to be buried in a (series of unreadable words) like manner at
the discretion of my and forsaking such worldly (series of unreadable
words) or goods when which it had pleasured God to bless me. I give
bequeath and distribute in the following parameters this after my
funeral expense and debts paid and I bequeath to my
daughter Jane
our horse his shoes and saddle
and bridle one chair four sheets two beds and featherbed one pot and
six plates six (series of unreadable words) and six knives and forks
One negro girl named Charity, and of the said negro girl Charity
amount to more than her equal share Jane is to pay back and if the
said negro does not amount to her equal part then it is to be made up
to Jane & equal with the rest. The other property before mentioned not
to be valued in her part only the negro. I give and bequeath to my
daughter Rebecca wife of Seth
one negro girl named Chorlett
said if last negro Chorlett dect net amount to her part besides what
they had already got. Rebecca to be made equal to the rest but if said
negro Chorlett should amount to more than share then Rebecca to pay
back. I give and bequeath to
Shadrack Chandler ten
dollars and to the heirs of the body of
Elizabeth Chandler my daughter.
I give and bequeath one M??? to be equally divided between them but
after Shadracks death if Elizabeth his wife is not provided for then
Elizabeth to be supported by rest that then during her natural life or
widowhood. I give and bequeath to
Moses Latta
one hundred dollars to
his brother John Latta
twenty five dollars. And pay
with it that my son Moses Latta and my son John Latta and my
daughter Mary Robinson
and my
daughter Sarah Moore
give an equal part of all my
property besides what they already got. Save my land & three negros
Charity & Buck David & Milley May be valued and sold or properly dist
and my heirs can agree. only the two first named negros Charity and
Chorlett valued & I also will that my
son Thos Latta
& that Alex
Moore (husband of Sarah)
& John
Moore (brother of Alex)
be the sole executors of this my
will and testament in who set my hand the 11th of August 1829.Moses
Latta Sign
This account was written by Mary
Ann Moore Sparkman (daughter of John Moore and Mary Rogers)
, born 10 November 1820, died 4 September 1901. This was found in an
attic in a little wooden box, and was submitted to Historic Maury by
MiIlie Adkison.My
Grandfathers father name was
Jim Moore
and he married
Cathrine Robertson
and Great Grandfather he died on
his way from North Carolina up near Franklin Williamson County,
Tennessee. Grandfathers name was
Jim Moore.
I don't know who he married he was a Widorer when he came hear his
wife died in North Carolina. Grandfathers children name was Aunt
she married
Benjamin Polk at
fathers house. Aunt Peggy she died in Texas. Aunt Mollie
she married Thomas Lottie
she died in Kentucky Purchas.
Betsy she married Joe McColister,
she died in Kentucky Purchas. Aunt
Sallie she married Jackson Fitzgerald and she
died in Texas and he had two sisters and two brother Jim and one of
the Marthas and one of the Jims got burned in my Grandfathers house
then the other Martha she died and the other
Jim got killed in the battle at New Orlines he was
fighting under old Ander Jackson then uncle
Alex he married Sallie Lottie
and he and his wife both died on
redford creek and burried at lasting hope.(This
letter proves the strong ties between the Latta and Moore family from
Orange County NC and later of Maury County TN with Thomas
and Sarah Latta married to Mollie and Alex Moore.
James Latta (son of John) and the Martha his wife was Martha Patsey
Moore I have the documents proving James and Thomas Latta served in
war 1812 at New Orleans.)John
Columbia TN Nov 20th 1978 letter from Clarence LattaWilliam
had two daughters, Louisa and
Louisa married John Latta, Matilda married Moses Latta who was
my great grand father. The first John Latta came to Maury & Williamson
Co in the late 1700's. He had one son James Latta who died on the way
from North or South Carolina. James left two sons who were raised by
their grandfather. Moses was my great grandfather and Moses Jr was my
grandfather. Sims was my father and my name is Clarence. I am 78 years
old; very hard of hearing. My wife is a
and a direct decendent of
Mary Latta sister of James Latta.
1820 Census of Maury Co TN supplies a wealth of information on the
linking of families of the Thomas Latta, John Latta, William Huthingson,
Schadrick Chandler, Benjamin Polk, Catherine Moore, William McKee,
William CraigEmail
from on May 27, 2008: Branch 31. Interesting
footnote that may be of assistance to black researchers. Read the will
of John Latta on your site today, and he bequeathed a negro girl name
Charlotte (with horrible spelling) to his daughter Rebecca Sparkman
(wife of Seth). Well, Charlotte's birth is recorded in the family
Bible of Seth Sparkman's father William. Notes
for Mary Jackson:records
show a Mary Jackson born circa 1760 as a daughter of JamesJackson
and Elizabeth Pearson. James' brother and Elizabeth's sister are myline
(three Jackson brothers married three Pearson sisters).I have
no information on this Mary, but the Jacksons and Pearsons were
Quakers in Orange County and the Lattas were a prominent family there.
Children of John Latta and Mary Jackson: 11
JAMES(3) was born
about 1781 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. He died in 1815 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He married Martha Patsey Moore, daughter of Moore, on 27 Jun 1804 in
Orange, North Carolina, USA. She was born in North Carolina, USA. 12 THOMAS
was born on 23 Nov 1782 in Orange, North
Carolina, USA. He died in 1848 in Hickman, Kentucky, USA. He married Mary Millie
Moore, daughter of Captain James Moore and Catherine Robinson, on 04 Oct 1803 in
Orange, North Carolina, USA. She was born on 27 Sep 1782 in Orange, North
Carolina, USA. She died on 28 Jun 1858 in Hickman, Kentucky, USA 13
(3) was born in 1783
in North Carolina, USA. He died before 1850 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married
She was born in 1782 in North Carolina, USA. 14
was born on 04 Mar 1787 in Orange, North
Carolina, USA. She died on 16 Oct 1835 in Tennessee, USA. She married John
Robinson, son of Charles Robinson and Elizabeth Moore, on 08 Dec 1813 in
Tennessee, USA. He was born on 15 Nov 1779 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. He
died on 31 Aug 1867 in Tennessee, USA.
John Robinson and Mary Latta had the following children: i.
was born on 30 Jan 1815 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1846. She married
Nicholas T Robinson, son of David Robinson and Sarah Rubottom, on 11 Feb 1841 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 08 Jan 1822 in Williamson, Tennessee,
USA. He died on 18 Dec 1894 in Washington, Arkansas, USA. ii.
was born on 16 Apr 1817 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 06 Sep 1892 in Tennessee.
She married Matthew Patton Sparkman on 27 Dec 1837 in Williamson, Tennessee,
USA. He was born on 26 Mar 1817. He died on 04 Feb 1864 iii.
was born on 08 Jan 1823 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MARY
He married (2) ELIZABETH
was born on 22 Sep 1826 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 25 Jan 1897 in Williamson
County, Tennessee, Indiana, United States. She married Shadrack Jackson
Robinson, son of Michael Robinson and Nancy Chandler, on 31 Oct 1850 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 22 Nov 1825 in Tennessee, USA. He
died on 23 Mar 1879 v.
was born on 27 Jun 1832 in Williamson County, Tennessee, USA. He died on 20 Mar
1912 in Williamson County, Tennessee, USA. He married (1) ELIZABETH
She was born in 1840 in Tennessee, USAMARY ANN4ROBINSON
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 16 Apr 1817 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 06 Sep 1892 in
Tennessee. She married Matthew Patton Sparkman on 27 Dec 1837 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. He was born on 26 Mar 1817. He died on 04 Feb 1864
Matthew Patton Sparkman and Mary Ann Robinson had the following childrenFRANCIS CALVIN5SPARKMAN
was born on 01 Jul 1859 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died on 16 May 1922JOHN H. SPARKMAN
was born on 17 Oct 1838. She died on 30 Nov 1859REBECCA JANE SPARKMAN
was born on 20 Mar 1841. She died on 12 Mar 1918ELIZA MOLLY SPARKMAN
was born on 24 Dec 1842. She died on 23 Jun 1890WILLIAM P. SPARKMAN
was born on 14 Jan 1847 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died on 30 Apr 1866SARAH ELIZABETH SPARKMAN
was born on 21 Nov 1849. She died on 26 Jul 1870JAMES M. SPARKMAN
was born on 10 Oct 1854 in Tennessee, USASOPHRONIA
was born on 25 Dec 1861. She died on 18 Jun 1882WILLIAM A. MORROW SPARKMAN
was born on 03 Aug 1863. He died on 15 Nov SARAH JANE4ROBINSON
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 22 Sep 1826 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 25 Jan 1897 in
Williamson County, Tennessee, Indiana, United States. She married Shadrack
Jackson Robinson, son of Michael Robinson and Nancy Chandler, on 31 Oct 1850 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 22 Nov 1825 in Tennessee, USA. He
died on 23 Mar 1879Shadrack Jackson Robinson and Sarah Jane Robinson had the following childrenMATTHEW CARROLL5ROBINSON
was born on 14 Apr 1864. He died on 26 Apr 1940MARY EROBINSON
was born on 04 Feb 1852 in Tennessee, USA JULIA ANN ROBINSON
was born on 03 Oct 1854. She died on 06 Dec 1929 in Williamson, Tennessee, USAJAMES JACKSON ROBINSON
was born on 14 Feb 1868WILLIAM AROBINSON
was born on 02 Nov 1859CHARLES MARION4ROBINSON
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 27 Jun 1832 in Williamson County, Tennessee, USA. He died on
20 Mar 1912 in Williamson County, Tennessee, USA. He married (1) ELIZABETH HASSELL.
She was born in 1840 in Tennessee, USACharles Marion Robinson and Elizabeth Hassell had the following childREBECCA J5ROBINSON
was born in 1860 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA15
ELIZABETH (3) was born about 1790 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. She
married Shadrack Chandler on 27 Feb 1810 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. He was
born about 1780 in North Carolina, USA. He died before 1840 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA.Notes for Elizabeth Latta:m. Shadrack Chandler on Feb.
27, 1810 in Orange County NC. (Bondsman: Jas. Latta her brother)
Children: Rebecca, Amelia, Sarah, John, Shelby, and James.Notes for Shadrack Chandler:Traveled to Tennessee probably
with John & James Latta shortly after 1810.Children of Elizabeth Latta
and Shadrack Chandler:
was born in 1810 in North Carolina, USANotes for Rebecca Chandler:It appears that Rebecca did
not marry or have children
was born in 1824 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA.Notes for Sarah Chandler:appears to be single in 1870
was born in 1813 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) SUSAN
She was born in 1816 in Tennessee, USA iv.
was born in 1817 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married (1) LONARIE
She was born about 1820 in Tennessee, USA v.
was born in 1826 in Tennessee, USA vi.
was born in Tennessee, USAJOHN4CHANDLER
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born in 1813 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) SUSAN CROSBY.
She was born in 1816 in Tennessee, USAJohn Chandler and Susan Crosby had the following childrenCAROLINE5CHANDLER
was born in 1840 in Maury, Tennessee, USANANCY CHANDLER
was born in 1842 in Maury, Tennessee, USAGEORGE WCHANDLER
was born in 1858 in Maury, Tennessee, USAJAMES J4CHANDLER
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born in 1826 in Tennessee, USAJames J Chandler had the following childJAMES5CHANDLER
was born in 1852 in Tennessee, USA16
SALLY (3) was born on 26 Oct 1794 in Orange, North Carolina,
USA. She died after 1850 in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. She married Alexander
Moore, son of Captain James Moore and Catherine Robinson, in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He was born on 10 Oct 1789 in Anson, North Carolina, USA. He died on 29 Jun
1851 in Rutherford, Tennessee, USANotes for Sally Latta:b. Oct. 20, 1794 (Maury
County Cousins, page 365)
in Williamson Co., Tenn.; m. Alexander Moore of Maury Co., Tenn.
Alexander Moore was born October 10, 1789. (Maury
County Cousins,
page 365) Alexander Moore's sister, Mary Millie Moore, married Thomas
Latta, Sarah's brother. Children: James and John.Alexander Moore and Sally
Latta had the following children: i.
was born in 1817 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) ANGELINE
She was born in 1825 in Tennessee, USA. He married (2) ANGELINE
daughter of William McKee and Jane Jameson, on 12 Oct 1848 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She was born on 15 Aug 1825 in Maury, Tennessee, USA.
was born in 1815 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Mary B Bunch on
01 Feb 1848 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1825 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. JOHN
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born in 1817 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1)
She was born in 1825 in Tennessee, USA. He married (2) ANGELINE
daughter of William McKee and Jane Jameson, on 12 Oct 1848 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She was born on 15 Aug 1825 in Maury, Tennessee, USAJohn L. Moore and Angeline McKee had the following childrenSARAH J5MOORE
was born in 1849 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married Thomas M Smith
on 18 Jan 1866 in Maury, Tennessee, USAWILLIAM
was born in 1855 in Tennessee, USAJOHN L. MOORE
was born in Oct 1855 in Tennessee, USA. He married Roxie F Moore,
daughter of James J Moore and Mary B Bunch, on 23 Dec 1880 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She was born in Jan 1858 in Tennessee, USAJohn L. Moore and Roxie F Moore had the following childrenTHOMAS6MOORE
was born in 1884 in Tennessee, USACLIFFORD
was born in 1885 in Tennessee, USASIMNAE LEE MOORE
was born in 1895 in Tennessee, USA. She married A E Brewer on 17 Apr
1921 in Maury, Tennessee, USAJAMES J4MOORE
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born in 1815 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Mary B
Bunch on 01 Feb 1848 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1825 in
Maury, Tennessee, USAJames J Moore and Mary B Bunch had the following childrenROXIE F5MOORE
was born in Jan 1858 in Tennessee, USA. She married John L. Moore, son
of John L. Moore and Angeline McKee, on 23 Dec 1880 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He was born in Oct 1855 in Tennessee, USAJohn L. Moore and Roxie F Moore had the following childrenTHOMAS6MOORE
was born in 1884 in Tennessee, USACLIFFORD
was born in 1885 in Tennessee, USASIMNAE LEE MOORE
was born in 1895 in Tennessee, USA. She married A E Brewer on 17 Apr
1921 in Maury, Tennessee, USABENJAMIN
was born in 1861 in Tennessee, USA. He married Annie Lee Akin on 23
Aug 1888 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1870 in Tennessee,
USABenjamin F Moore and Annie Lee Akin had the following childrenJAMES C6MOORE
was born in 1892 in Tennessee, USAMILDRED
was born in 1903 in Tennessee, USAKATIE EMOORE
was born in 1907 in Tennessee, USAMUSA DAMOORE
was born in 1856 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married Wm A Thompson
on 08 Dec 1870 in Haywood, Tennessee, USA. He was born about 1852 in
Tennessee, USA
REBECCA (3) was born on 24 Feb 1797 in Orange, North Carolina, USA.
She died on 20 Apr 1883 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She married Seth
Sparkman, son of William Reid Sparkman and Rosanna Williams, on 09 Jul 1822 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 15 Jan 1797 in Nashville, Davidson,
Tennessee, USA. He died on 08 Oct 1884 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA.Notes for Rebecca Latta:b. 24 Feb. 1797, Orange Co.,
NC; d. 20 Apr. 1883, Boston, Williamson Co., TN; bur. Sparkman
Cemetery, Williamson Co., TN (see tombstone picture below) ; m. Seth
Sparkman, son of William Sparkman and Rosanna Williams, of Boston,
Williamson Co., Tenn. July 9, 1822. She lived near Franklin, Maury
Co., Tenn. Children: Mary, William, John, Seth, Samuel, James, and
Nathan. Daughter, Mary Sparkman Alexander buried in the Alexander
Cemetery, Maury County, TN.
Williamson County, TN Land Records:
WILLIAM SPARKMAN and SETH SPARKMAN witness deed 19 Apr. 1819 from
GEORGE ROPER to STEPHEN PIGG; $150 for 50 acres on the head waters of
Lick Creek lying on both sides of the Natchez Road where PIGG lives.
Entered 15 June 1819. Deed Book F, pg. 53
Seth Sparkman and Rebecca Latta had the following children i.
was born about 1824 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 15 Apr 1900 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. She married John Campbell Alexander, son of Abdon Independence
ALEXANDER and Eliza Eugenia CAMPBELL, on 16 Dec 1845. He was born on 07 Jan 1824
in Carters Creek, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 05 Dec 1892 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA
John Campbell Alexander and Mary W Sparkman had the following childrenSALLIE5ALEXANDERMARY C. ALEXANDER
was born about 1863 in Tennessee, USACAROLYN HUNTLY ALEXANDER
was born on 09 Mar 1858 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 28 Jul 1949CORAH HALEXANDER
was born about 1858 in Tennessee, USAENOLA EALEXANDER
was born in 1855 in Carters Creek, Maury, Tennessee, USALAURA LENORA ALEXANDER
was born on 14 Nov 1852 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 13 May 1923ROSS ALEXANDER
was born in 1848 in Carters Creek, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 21 Aug 1923SARAH REBECCA ALEXANDER
was born in 1846 in Carters Creek, Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 28 Apr
1927 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA ii.
was born about 1826 in Tennessee, USA. He married Lucinda Wakefield on 06 Dec
1849 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1838 in Tennessee, USAWilliam Latta Sparkman and Lucinda Wakefield had the following childrenCYNTHIA PAULINE JOSEPHINE5SPARKMAN
was born in 1851 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1935 in Williamson, Tennessee,
was born in 1850 in Tennessee, USAJOSEPH SETH SPARKMAN
was born in 1854 in Tennessee, USACHARLES M.A. SPARKMAN
was born in 1856 in Tennessee, USAHENRY B. SPARKMAN
was born in 1857 in Tennessee, USAWILLIAM J.B. SPARKMAN
was born in Jul 1859 in Tennessee, USA iii.
was born on 24 Oct 1827 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1899 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. He married (1) ELIZABETH
She was born on 24 Mar 1836 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 27 Mar 1901 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA
John Jackson Sparkman and Elizabeth J. "Betsy" Burns had the following childrenMARY5SPARKMAN
was born on 14 Nov 1861 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 05 Feb 1864 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USAJOHN LEE SPARKMAN
was born on 05 Apr 1868 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 05 Sep 1875 in Williamson,
was born in 1858 in Tennessee, USA iv.
was born on 27 Nov 1830 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died on 12 Jun 1890 in
Scrapbook. He married Lucy M Cummings on 27 Sep 1866 in Williamson, Tennessee,
USA. She was born in 1846 in Tennessee.Seth Colden Sparkman and Lucy M Cummings had the following childrenERNEST5SPARKMAN
was born on 09 May 1868 in Williamson, Tennessee, USALENA SPARKMAN
was born on 23 Dec 1870 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA v.
was born on 16 Aug 1836 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 28 Jun 1893 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MARIETTA
He married (2) LAURA
She was born in 1850 in Tennessee, USA.James Thomas Sparkman and Marietta Dabney had the following childDABNEY D5SPARKMAN
was born on 30 Dec 1860 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 15 Oct 1890 in Maury,
Tennessee, USAJames Thomas Sparkman and Laura King had the following childrenDABNEY SPARKMAN
was born in 1861 in Tennessee, USALOTTA SPARKMAN
was born in 1865 in Tennessee, USA vi.
was born in 1841 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 08 Jul 1873. He married Emily J
Roundtree on 03 Jun 1862 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA vii.
was born in 1841 in Tennessee, USA. She died date Unknown. She married Robert
Jackson Morrow on 23 Oct 1861 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born in 1838
in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died date Unknown in Williamson, Tennessee, USARobert Jackson Morrow and
Rebecca Jane Sparkman had the following children:JOHN P.5MORROW
was born in 1876 in Tennessee, USA. He died date Unknown in Franklin,
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He married May McMinn in Williamson,
was born in 1867 in Tennessee, USA. She died date UnknownANNA MORROW
was born in Tennessee, USA. She died date UnknownRILEY MORROW
was born in Tennessee, USA. He died date Unknown18
JANE (3) was born in 1803 in Orange County, North Carolina, USA.
She died in 1850 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She married Charles Robinson
Sparkman on 21 Mar 1828 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 08 Jul
1804 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 06 Feb 1856 in Green City, Hickory, Missouri,
USA.Notes for Jane
b. 1803, Orange
Co., NC; d. 1850, Williamson Co., TN; bur. (believed) Sparkman Cemetery,
Williamson Co., TN; m. Charles Robinson Sparkman, son of William Sparkman and
Rosanna Williams, of Boston, Tenn. Lived in Williamson Co., Tenn. Children:
Mary, Emily, Thomas, Jane, and Margaret.
Charles Robinson Sparkman and Jane Latta had the following children i.
was born on 01 Jan 1830 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 13 Jul 1853 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA ii.
was born on 04 Feb 1832 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 02 Jan 1929 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) THOMAS
He was born on 12 Dec 1838 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 12 Jul 1903 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USAThomas Washington Prowell and Emily Sparkman had the following childrenMARY J. P.5PROWELL
was born on 07 Dec 1860 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 20 Jun 1862 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USALUCY O. PROWELL
was born on 18 Jun 1866 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 25 Mar 1952 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA iii.
was born on 07 May 1833 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 19 Jan 1897 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MARGARET
She was born on 14 Nov 1833. She died on 21 Jun 1908 in Williamson, Tennessee,
William Thomas Sparkman and Margaret Frances Trimble had the following childrenWILLIAM ROBINSON5SPARKMAN
was born on 10 Nov 1861 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1952 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He married Edna Lucreta Taylor on 09 Apr 1892 in
Lewis, Tennessee, USA. She was born on 02 Mar 1869 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She
died on 21 Apr 1950 William Robinson Sparkman and Edna Lucreta Taylor had the following children LIZZIE
was born on 14 Mar 1895 GEORGE
was born on 08 Nov 1900 MARY
was born on 20 Nov 1898JAMES ALEXANDER SPARKMAN
was born on 04 Jan 1864 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 31 Aug 1918 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA iv.
was born on 22 Aug 1835 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 17 Feb 1906 in
Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She married John Wood, son of John Wood and Lucreita
Richmond, on 05 May 1878 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 04 Mar
1818. He died on 16 Aug 1889 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA v.
was born on 10 Jan 1837 in Tennessee, USAIn John
Latta's estate settlement, Alexander Moore states that John Latta, Sr. had
guardianship of Moses Latta and John Latta, minor sons of James Latta,
deceased. (See document below regarding money received for minor children's
care in 1819) Martha was
probably James' wife, as she was buying household items. Shadrick
Chandler's John Latta's son-in-law, is listed as a buyer, and the Thomas Lata
listed is probably John's son.Last Will & Testament of John Latta, Sr. of Maury Co., TN - Bk D, page
328 - Written 8/11/1827 (he died 9/16/1827)
4 JAMES (2) LATTAJames
(1) was born about 1763. He married Nancy Allen on 24 Aug. 1790. James
and Nancy moved from Orange Co., North Carolina to Limestone Co., Alabama around
1825, Even though James held land grants in both Limestone Co. and Madison Co.,
as early as 1816. They lived in Limestone Co. from about 1825 to 1831, where
Nancy probably died. He turned over his property to his two daughters and moved
to Madison Co. James briefly married Marsilla Ray, about 1836. The marriage only
lasted a couple of years because in a land transaction in 1838 they refer to
each other as "the late wife" and "former husband". Marsilla signed the
transaction so she was still alive. They must have been separated or divorced.
In the 1850 census of Madison Co., Alabama James was living with Elias and Fanny
Wilbern (relationship not known). James' son Walter, and his family, remained in
Limestone Co. until 1859-60, when they moved to Blount Co., Alabama. The
whereabouts of John, Jacob, Sarah, and Mary are unknown at this time; however,
Sarah and Mary are known to have remained in Limestone Co. until 1833 where they
sold land their father bequeathed them. At this time Sarah signed as "Sarah
Criss" and her husband , John Criss also signed. John Latta and his wife
Elizabeth sold land in 1833, and Jacob Latta bought some land in 1840, all in
Limestone Co. (This information was written by Cindy Steine, a descendent of
John Pierce Latta. Phone 256-772-1524).Notes
for James Latta:Orance
NC Will Book D-178Will of
Jacob Senior Allen: 13 Jan 1806/Nov Ct. 1806Son:
Jacob Allen, land on s side of Eno RiverSon:
William Allen, land on n side of Eno RiverDau:
Sally Allen, Betsy Allen, Hannah Allen, Nancy Latta, Cynthia ScarlettExr: Son
in law James Latat, son Jacob AllenWit:
William Cain Sr., John Kelley Sr., Cuthbert (x) Burton.Deed
1812 Orange Co., NC James Latta, Jr. sells to Cleaton Lynch, 100 acres on
Ellibees Cr.Signed
James Latta, Jr. Wit: Howard Wheeler and Jacob Latta.Deed
1814 John Glenn to Solomon Wood 88 acres. Wit: James Latta and Jacob LattaDeed
1816 James Latta and wife Nancy sold interests to William Cain the younger.Notes
for Nancy Allen:Orange
NC Will Book D-178Will of
Jacob Senior Allen: 13 Jan 1806 / Nov Ct 1806Son:
Jacob Allen, land on s side of Eno RiverSon:
William Allen, land on n side of Eno RiverDau:
Sally Allen, Betsy Allen, Hannah Allen, Nancy Latta,Cynthia
Son in law James Latta, son Jacob AllenWit:
WILLIAM CAIN SR, John Kelley Sr, Cuthbert (x) Burton.
Children of James Latta and Nancy Allen:19
WALTERALLEN (3) b. 1804; died Sept 30, 1889 in
Blount Co., AL. Married Elizabeth Ann Speers in 1838. 20
JOHN (3)21
JACOB (3)22
SARAH (3) married John Criss.23
MARY E. (3)
John (2) James (1). was born
about 1781 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. He died in 1815 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He married Martha Patsey Moore, daughter of Moore, on 27 Jun 1804 in
Orange, North Carolina, USA. She was born in North Carolina, USA. Notes
for James Latta:James
moved with his family, his parents family and his brothers family from
Orange County (St. Mary's Parish). NC to Maury Co. TN in 1810 and his
son John was born enroute.Orange
County Deed Book 14??, p. 400, Nov. 3, 1812James
Latta (of John), sells to James Latta, Jr., 192 acres on Ellibees Cr.Signed:
James Latta (of John). Witnessed by John Latta (of John) & John Latta
(of Thomas). Proved Februrary Ter, 1813, by John Latta.
December 16, 1811 New Madrid earthquake began and continued until
February 1812 chimneys crumbled, glass panes broke and cracks formed
in buildings in Maury CountyJames
Latta and brother Thomas Latta served in Capt. John Jackson's Co. of
Inf., 1 Reg't Tennessee Militia from Nov 14th 1814 to May 13th 1815. I
do believe their is some truth in the account offered by his grandson,
Sims, said that "James was returning from the Revolutionary War ( this
has proven to be the war of 1812 ) when he died". "He died 1815 when
Andrew Jackson brought his men back from New Orleans over the Natchez
Trace to Columbia for dismissal." John Moore.James
Latta is declared dead on the 3d Monday of May 1815 in Maury County
Court; John Latta is appointed Administrator for the estate.
On the
23d of May 1815 John Latta gives Thomas Latta power of attorney to
collect any monies owing to Estate of James Latta deceased for his
service in Capt. John Jackson's company for the term of six months.James
left two young sons (John and Moses) and wife Martha Moore Latta.
James's father John is appointed guardian.Much
has been made of the fact that the Battle of New Orleans was fought
after the Treaty of Ghent was signed (24 December 1814). However, the
treaty had not yet been ratified and a British victory could have
complicated the peace agreement. The enormity of the victory was a
huge boost to the morale of the United States, giving the impression
that America had won the War of 1812, when, in fact, it could be said
that the war ended in a draw. As for
Jackson and his Tennesseans, they lingered in the camps at New Orleans
until March 1815. Ironically, hundreds of Tennesseans who survived the
rigors of battle succumbed to the deadly illnesses that permeated the
camps of New Orleans after the battle. Jackson was proclaimed a
national hero and embarked on a political career that eventually took
him to the White House in 1828. James
Latta's estate sale was on 16 June 1815 in Maury Co and he is said to
have been a resident of the county when he died. After
his death, Martha married William Huchison on Nov. 23, 1819 (Maury
County Marriages). Martha and William Hutchinson had a daughter named
Mary "Polly" Hutchison who married Tilman Morris in the 1840s.LATTA
DESIGNATION: 1st Regiment West Tennessee MilitiaDATES:
November 1814 - May 1815MEN
MOSTLY FROM: Davidson, Bedford, Franklin, Lincoln, Maury, Warren, and
Giles Counties
CAPTAINS: John Barnhart, Daniel M. Bradford, Barbe Collins, John Cunningham,
Lewis Dillahunty, Alexander Hill, Bird S. Hurt, John Jackson, Thomas Marks,
William Mullen, Andrew Patterson, William Sitton, Obidiah WallerNotes
for Martha Patsey Moore:Martha
Moore married James Latta in Orange Co NC in 1804 and they moved to
Maury Co TN prior to 1814. They had two sons both born in NC. Martha
married William Hutchingson in Maury County after the death of James
LattaIn James
Hutchison's 1822 Am. Rev. War Pension Appl. & 1836 will includes children's
names. They are: 1)Sarah HUTCHISON m. Mr. RAIL after 1810. Widow w/ offspring by
1822 2) William HUTCHISON m. Mrs. Martha MOORE LATTA (widow of James LATTA who
had 2 sons Moses and John LATTA). William & Martha had two daughters. One named
Mary "Polly" HUTCHISON & m. Tilmon MORRIS in 1840's. 3) Elizabeth HUTCHISON m.
James MORRIS in 1820's and 4) James Hulen HUTCHISON a.k.a. Jr. who married
Martha Patterson "Patsey" CRAWFORD in Maury County between 1825-1830.
Children of James Latta and Martha Patsey Moore:24
was born in 1806 in North Carolina, USA.
He died on 27 Dec 1872 in Concord, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Matilda
Craig, daughter of William Craig and Jennet Campbell, on 25 Sep 1827 in
Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1807 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 02 Mar 1893
in Maury, Tennessee, USA 25
was born in 1810 in Cherokee, North
Carolina, USA. He married Louisa Craig, daughter of William Craig and Sophie
Unknown, on 19 Oct 1834 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born on 18 Apr 1814 in
Carters Creek, Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 20 Feb 1873 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA.
John (2) James (1).
was born on 23 Nov 1782 in Orange, North
Carolina, USA. He died in 1848 in Hickman, Kentucky, USA. He married Mary "Millie"
Moore, daughter of Captain James Moore and Catherine Robinson, on 04 Oct 1803 in
Orange, North Carolina, USA. She was born on 27 Sep 1782 in Orange, North
Carolina, USA. She died on 28 Jun 1858 in Hickman, Kentucky, USA.Notes
for Thomas Latta:Thomas
Latta was the first of our Lattas to come to Williamson/Maury County,
Tennessee and probably traveled with his wife and her parents family
(James Moore) about 1805. His father John Latta and brother James
Latta would follow 1810/1813. Thomas and brother James fought at the
Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. James Latta and brother
Thomas Latta served in Capt. John Jackson's Co. of Inf., 1 Reg't
Tennessee Militia from Nov 14th 1814 to May 13th 1815. He is living
with his family near his father in Maury County, Tennessee for the
1820 census. He is in Maury Co. until his fathers will settlement in
1829. He is with his family in Clinton, Hickman, KY for the 1830 and
1840 census.Married
Mary "Millie" Moore, daughter of Catherine Robinson and John Moore.
Catherine Robinson was born in Orange County, NC. Catherine Robinson
Moore and John Moore both died in Williamson Co., TN. Mary "Millie"
Moore was born in 1783 in Orange County NC.
Williamson County, Tennessee Land Records: WILLIAM SPARKMAN deed to
JAMES WALDRIP 22 Jan. 1805; $40 for 30 acres on Leepers Fork adjacent
SPARKMAN. JOHN MOORE and THOMAS LATTA, witness. Entered 23 Aug. 1805.
Deed Book A1, pg. 661.
Williamson County, Tennessee Court Records: Inventory Book I, Page
156; Jan. Court, 1807. Inventory of the Property of CATHERINE MOORE,
dec'd.; ( this is his wife's mother) estate sale 27 Nov. 1806; buyers
MOORE, Admr.
November 23, 1782; d. August 13, 1848; buried in the Pleasant Hill
Cemetery, Graves County, KY; m. Mary Ann Moore, daughter of James and
Catherine Moore, on Oct. 4, 1803 in Orange Co. NC.m. Mary
Ann Moore, daughter of James and Catherine Moore, on Oct. 4, 1803 in Orange Co.
NC. She was born September 27, 1782 and died June 28, 1858. She is also buried
in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Thomas Latta came into western Kentucky (Hickman
County) early. He and wife Mary are buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery located
near the Graves, Hickman County line. They have many descendants in the area of
Graves, Fulton and Hickman counties in the purchase area. He moved to Graves
Co., Ky. with his family, buying and selling land. Both are Buried at Pleasant
Hill Cemetery in Graves Co., KY. I have heard my father say that Thomas fought
under General Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans January 8, 1815. They moved
to Hickman Co, Ky. about 1829. All children born in Maury Co., TennNotes
for Mary "Millie" Moore:
This account was written by Mary Ann Moore
Sparkman, born 10 November
1820, died 4 September 1901. This was found in
an attic in a little wooden
box, and was submitted to Historic Maury by
MiIlie Adkison"My
Grandfathers father name was Jim Moore and he married Cathrine
Robertson and Great Grandfather he died on his way from North Carolina
up near Franklin Williamson County, Tennessee. Grandfathers name was
Jim Moore. I don't know who he married he was a Widorer when he came
hear his wife died in North Carolina. Grandfathers children name was
Aunt Peggy, she married Benjamin Polk at fathers house. Aunt Peggy
she died in Texas. Aunt Mollie she married Thomas Lottie she died in
Kentucky Purchas. Aunt Betsy she married Joe McColister, she died in
Kentucky Purchas. Aunt Sallie she married Jackson Fitzgerald and she
died in Texas and he had two sisters and two brother Jim and one of
the Marthas and one of the Jims got burned in my Grandfathers house
then the other Martha she died and the other Jim got killed in the
battle at New Orlines he was fighting under old Ander Jackson then
uncle Alex he married Sallie. Lottie and he and his wife both died on
redford creek and buried at lasting hope.Uncle
Roberson Moore he lived with father until he married and he married
Nancy Miller and he died down in West and his Wife died on redford
creek and was burried at the Miller graveyard. They all lived with
father untill they married off and Grandfather he frozed to death on
carters creek in Williamson County, Tennessee. He had been to old
Billie Simpsons and the houses was so far apart in that time and it
was snowing and he could not find his way and could not find the way
back in January 1805. My father name was John Moore he was born Nov.
7, 1788 and he married Nancy Rodgers and they had 11 children."
Children of Thomas Latta and Mary "Millie" Moore:26
ELIZABETH (4) was born on 04 May 1805 in Williamson, Tennessee,
USA. She died on 06 Mar 1887 in Kentucky, USA. Buried in an
unmarked grave in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Graves County, KY; m.
Hardy Cain. Children: Aaron Shelby, Thomas Wright, Jane, Catherine,
and Francis Marion.27
JANE (4) was born on 24 Feb 1809 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. d. August 10, 1866 (57 yrs, 5 mos, 16 das)
in Graves County, KY; buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Graves County,
KY; m. Sinnet Laffon, son of Mark and Sarah Laffon, on Nov. 19, 1829
in Hickman County, KY. No children28
CATHERINE (4) b. November 5, 1813; d. Nov. 22, 1875; buried in the
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Graves County, KY; m. James Boone in Graves
Co., Ky. on May 6, 1841. Children: Louise E. b. July 7, 1847; d.
1873; m. Dr. Wedington in 1869. William M
Children: Louise E. b. July 7, 1847; d. 1873; m. Dr. Wedington in
1869. William M. b. May 22, 1851; d. 1903; m. Blanche Clanton in
1870. Jane Ann b. May 22, 1851; m. Thomas Lovelace in 1889. Andrew
A. b. April 8, 1854; m. San Seay in 1875. 29
JAMES ALEXANDER (4) was born in 1807 Williamson, Tennessee, USA;
died 1860. Married Nancy Butler.118
JOHN (4) b. 1811; d. 1872; married Mary Aydelott.119
WILLIAM HARVEY (4) b. 1816; d. 1896; married Pernetta
THOMAS HENDERSON (4) b. 1818; d. 1896; married Pernina
ALEXANDER ROBERTSON (4) b. 1821; d. 1908; married Mary A.
SELINA "Clina" (4) b. 1823; d. 1858Notes
for James Latta:Hickman
County, KY - Deed 11-23-1829William
Beard to James Latta, both of Hickman Co, KY. For consideration of
$130 said Beard sells unto said Latta 160 acres of land being the NEQ
SECT 3 T1 R2 West.Wit
Benjamin Farmer Signed William BeardThomas
Latta Chloe (X) Beard
13 JOHN J. (3) LATTA
John (2) James (1).
was born in 1783 in North Carolina, USA.
He died before 1850 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married (1) ELIZABETH
She was born in 1782 in North Carolina, USA.
for John J Latta:James'
wife's name is also given as Elizabeth Wood of N.C. Another writer
gives the names of the children of Mary Jackson as all but Wiley,
Calvin, Nancy, Caroline and Martha. It is said of Elizabeth Wood Latta
that one of her sons had a daughter named Emily and one son died
returning from the army. Martha's husband, Jesse Mitchell, said that
three of sons and three daughters lived in Williamson Co., Tenn. prior
to 1852.
Children of John J. Latta and Elizabeth
was born in Apr 1812 in North Carolina,
USA. He married (1) ARMINTA
daughter of John Mitchell and Mary Polly Edwards, in 1842 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. She was born in 1820 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 18 Nov 1875 in Mt.
Vernon, IL Jefferson Co.31
ROBERT C. (4) was born in 1820 in Tennessee, USA32
SARAH (4) was born in 1823 in Tennessee, USA.33
MARTHA ANN (4) was born in 1824 in Tennessee, USA. She married Jessee
Mitchell about 1846. He was born in Feb 1828 in Rutherford, Tennessee, USA. He
died date Unknown in Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas, USAJessee Mitchell and Martha Ann Latta had the following children
was born on 11 Feb 1850 in Mt. Vernon, IL or Maury Co.,TN. He died on 21 Nov
1931 in Van Buren, Crawford, Arkansas, USA.
ii. MARY
was born in 1847
was born in 184934
JANE (4) was born in 1825 in Tennessee, USA35
CYNTHIA (4) was born in 1828 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1879 in
Marshall, Mississippi, USA. She married Ebenezer Kilpatrick in 1858 in Shelby,
Tennessee, USA. He was born about 1787 in Iredell, North Carolina, USA. He died
on 01 Oct 1861 in Marshall, Mississippi, USAEbenezer Kilpatrick and Cynthia Latta had the following child i. JAMES
was born in Jan 1859 in Mississippi, USA. He married (1) JINNIE
She was born in Jan 1871 in Mississippi, USAJames Latta Kilpatrick and Jinnie J Kilpatrick had the following childrenLULA L6KILPATRICK
was born in Jul 1892 in Mississippi, USAOLLIE OKILPATRICK
was born in Oct 1893 in Mississippi, USAANNA HKILPATRICK
was born in Feb 1898 in Mississippi, USA36
REBECCA (4) was born in 1830 in Tennessee, USA
(2) James (1) Walter Allen Latta was born in 1804; died September 30,
1889 in Blount Co., AL. He married Elizabeth Ann Speers in 1838 in
Limestone Co., AL.
JACOB ALLEN (4) b. Aug 29, 1839; died Jan. 17, 1904 in Bount Co.,
AL. Married Margaret Hartgrave. Served in the 12th AL Calvary
ROBERT THOMAS (4) b. Jan. 15, 1841; died 1921 in Johnson Co., Missouri.
Married Sarah Margaret Means. Robert served with Co. C, 28th Alabama
(Confederate) and was a prisoner of war at least 3 times: Dec. 29, 1862 at
Murfreesboro, TN, Nov. 25, 1863 at Missionary Ridge, TN, and was hospitalized
as a prison on Apr. 6, 1865 in Petersburg, VA.114 JAMES
B. (4) born in 1845 in Limestone Co., AL. Moved with his family to
Blount Co, AL in 1860. He enlisted in the Confederate Army at Murphree's
Crossroads, Bount Co., AL in 1862 with is brother, Jacob Allen Latta.
They both served in the 12th AL Calvary, Co. B. James died on Sept. 1,
1864. 115
MARTHA ANN (4) married James H. Horton on May 12, 1872 in Blount Co.,
SARAH M. (4) born in 1847; died on Feb. 27, 1916. She was the
second wife of Ezekiel Polk Berry, who she married on March 15, 1908 in
Marshall Co., AL.
Guntersville Advertiser - March 7, 1916
PERMELIA F. (4) married William H. Whitworth on August 12, 1886
in Blount Co., AL. 118
JOHN PIERCE (4) b. Feb. 22, 1852; died Jan. 17, 1926. Married
Lucinda Hendricks on December 6, 1887 in Blount Co., AL.
The Southern Democrat - Jan. 28, 1926.
MARY ELIZABETH (4) b. 1855; died Oct. 17, 1937. Married William
Henderson on Sept. 19, 1875 in Blount Co., AL.
The Montgomery Advertiser - Oct. 18, 1937
CATHERINE D. (4) born Aug. 12, 1858; died Jan. 11, 1938; second
wife of Dr. James Hollie, who she married on May 7, 1905. 121
WALTER ALLEN (4) born Jan. 9, 1861; died Dec. 4, 1909; married Nora E.
Little on Sept. 2, 1897 in Blount Co., AL.122
NANCY R. (4) b. Oct. 17, 1866; died Feb. 14, 1950; married Elbert
Cornelius on March 6, 1884 in Blount Co., AL.The
Cullman Tribune, Feb. 16, 1950
James (3) John (2) James (1).
was born in 1806
in North Carolina, USA. He died on 27 Dec 1872 in Concord, Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He married Matilda Craig, daughter of William Craig and Jennet Campbell, on
25 Sep 1827 in Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1807 in Tennessee, USA. She died
on 02 Mar 1893 in Maury, Tennessee, USA
Notes for Moses
Moses and brother
John Latta moved to Maury Co. TN with their family probably prior to 1810 from
North Carolina. Their father died in 1815 returning from the battle of New
Orleans. They received an inheritance from his estate that provided for them
until they turned 18. Their mother remarried to William Hutchinson and they are
residing with them in 1820. At some point they resided with their grandfather
John Latta and are mentioned in his will. There are many records regarding
payments for their care. John Latta is deceased in 1827 and passes
administration of the estate to Moses when he turned 21 to administer for
brother John as he is still a minor.
Brothers Moses and
John. They will marry sisters Matilda and Louise Craig in Maury Co. TN. Moses
and Matilda married in 1827 and the purchased 100 acres from John Jamison in
1829. Their farm is located near Santa Fe in the county. Their first child
William was killed in1864 fighting for the confederacy. They raise seven
children. In his obit he is described as honest and respected by all the
1820 census- Moses
and brother John are residing with step father William Hutchinson and their
mother in Maury County
Moses - on 28 Oct.
1829 Maury Co. court minutes - indicted for disturbing public worship.
Moses Latta
purchased 100 acres on a branch of Carters Creek known as Sycamore from John
Jamison on 14 Oct 1829 in Maury Co TN
1830 - 8 Dec.
Samuel Craig buys 72 acres on Knob Creek from Moses Latta for $650 (the part of
William Craig left for Matilda Graig Latta)
1837 Maury Co.
tax list Dist. 19 - Jno F. Craig, Robert Craig, Robt. Campbell, Jr., Samuel
Craig, Moses Latta.
1840 - Apr.
Samuel W. Craig dies. John Latta appt. guardian of minor children, Robt.
Campbell admin. of estate.
1840 - 20 May
Estate sale of Samuel Craig - purchasers include widow Susan, Robt. Campbell,
Jackson Craig (Wm. Jackson), John Shadden; estate holds notes on John F. Craig,
John & Moses Latta. Jackson Craig buys 2 sows and 2 pigs.
1850 - 17 Sept.
Land Grant #21819 for 2 ac
Obit... Mr Moses
Latta was found frozen to death on the morning of the 27th of December, 1872,
near his house. He had left Santa Fe on the evening of the 26th under the
influence of whisky. He had two bottles with him. He was seen within a half mile
of his house about sundown; his wife waited for him until late and supposing he
had stopped for the night with a neighbor retired; and rising early found his
horse in the yard. She went to the barn about two hundred yards and there found
the dead body of her husband. Mr Latta was over sixty years of age... he was
honest and respected by all the neighbors-- His only fault was an occasional
over indulgence in intoxicating drinks. He leaves several children of
respectability in the neighborhood. He is uncle of our present Sherriff, Simms
Notes for Matilda
Obits... Mrs
Matilda Latta died Thursday afternoon this 2nd at the residence of her
grandaughter Mrs Dennis Hicks, near Concord in this county. She was eighty six
years old and her feebleness coupled with the effects of le grippe which
attacked her last year caused her death. Her body was laid to rest at Concord
Church on Friday. She was the widow of Moses Latta who died many years ago. She
leaves numerous descendents. Her only living son Mr Moses Latta; Mrs Joe Siston
of Nashville and Mrs Hutchinson are her daughters. She had been a long member of
the Methodist Church and the memory of her good deeds lives after her
1880 Census Place
District 18, Maury, Tennessee
Self M Male W 35 TN Wk-Farm TN TN
Sallie JONES
Wife M Female W 29 TN Keep House TN TN
Lena JONES Dau
S Female W 6 TN TN TN
Robt. JONES Son
S Male W 3 TN TN TN
Matilda LATTA
Other W Female W 75 TN TN TN
Nov. 10, 1893 - The Herald and Mail, Columbia, TN
Children of Moses Latta and Matilda Craig:
37 WILLIAM J. (5).
was born in 1833 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1864 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Mary
E Akin on 21 Dec 1856 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1832 in
Tennessee, USA
38 MARY E.
(5) was born in 1835 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She married Robert Mckee on 10 Oct 1866 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. He was born in 1815 in Tennessee, USA.Robert Mckee and Mary E Latta had the following childJ6MCKEE
was born in 1868 in Maury, Tennessee, USA
(5) was born in 1838 in Tennessee,
USA. She married (1) CARROLL
He was born in 1834 in Tennessee, USACarroll Pinkney Saunders and Mariah C Latta had the following childrenELIZA POLK6SAUNDERS
was born on 17 Sep 1861 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 20 Oct 1945GEORGE WSAUNDERS
was born in Jul 1858 in Maury, Tennessee, USAALFRED MSAUNDERS
was born in 1873 in Maury, Tennessee, USAOPINKNEY SAUNDERS
was born in 1868 in Maury, Tennessee, USA 40 JOHN
was born about 1838 in Tennessee, USA 41
(5) was born about 1840 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She married Louis
J. Hutchison on 11 Jan1862 in Maury County, TN. Louis J. Hutchison was born abt
1815 in TN. Children of Nancy H. Latta and Louis J. Hutchison were as follows:
Miles W. Hutchison, born abt 1863 in TN; Rosetta Hutchison, born abt 1866 in TN;
Orleans Hutchison, born abt 1868 in TN; Lelia Hutchison, born abt 1872 in TN;
Nana Louiza Hutchison, born abt 1875 in TN; James M. Hutchison, born abt 1879 in
Maury, TNLouis J Hutchison and Nancy H Latta had the following childrenMILES6HUTCHISON
was born in 1863 in Tennessee, USAROSETTA HUTCHISON
was born in 1866 in Tennessee, USAORLEANS HUTCHISON
was born in 1868 in Tennessee, USALELA HUTCHISON
was born in 1872 in Maury, Tennessee, USANANA HUTCHISON
was born in 1875 in Maury, Tennessee, USAJAMES HUTCHISON
was born in 1879 in Maury, Tennessee, USA 42
was born on 11 Apr
1844 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died in 1880 (AR, USA). She married Ansel
Kimsey Standridge on 09 Sep 1867 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 11 Sep
1842 in Habersham, Georgia, USA. He died on 02 Apr 1927 in Oklahoma, USAAnsel Kimsey Standridge and Eliza Adaline Latta had the following childrenNANCY MARIAH ELIZABETH6STANDRIDGE
was born on 06 Dec 1882 in Tennessee, USALAVIS CHEVY STANDRIDGE
was born on 25 Jun 1878 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 27 Jan 1880ALFRED ESTANDRIDGE
was born about 1874 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 28 Mar 1915 in Turlock,
Stanislaus, California, USAJAMES W. STANDRIDGE
was born on 18 Feb 1871WILLIAM JOSEPH STANDRIDGE
was born on 25 May 1869 in Hampshire, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 20 Jan
1955 in Midland Cem., OK43 MOSES
(5) was born about 1847 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died about 1915 in
Crockett, Tennessee, USA. He married Talitha Ann E Watson, daughter of Stephen
Watson and Ellender McCollum, on 21 Oct 1868 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She
was born in Apr 1853 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She died after 1920 in Dyer,
Tennessee, USA
James (3) John
(2) James (1). Born 1810 in
Orange County NC.; m. Louisa Craig, daughter of William Craig, of Tenn. He lived
at Columbia, Tenn. He formerly lived in N.C. and in 1837 with his family in a
covered wagon, went to Texas, not liking it there he returned to Tenn. Eleven
children all born in Maury Co., Tenn. and those that are dead died there. He
died in 1873. In 1813 brought to Tenn. in a covered wagon
1840 - Apr. Samuel
W. Craig dies. John Latta appt. guardian of minor children, Robt. Campbell
admin. of estate.
1840 - 20 May
Estate sale of Samuel Craig - purchasers include widow Susan, Robt. Campbell,
Jackson Craig (Wm. Jackson), John Shadden; estate holds notes on John F. Craig,
John & Moses Latta. Jackson Craig buys 2 sows and 2 pigs.
1842 - Jan.-Feb.
James. M. White vs. Wm. J. Craig & John Latta - Fi fa - no property found to
satisfy execution - fi fa levied on bay horse of Wm. J. Craig. Debt of $20.50
plus court costs of $4.25 satisfied 11 May 1842. Tucker & Hodge vs. William J.
Craig & John Latta - Fi fa - no property found to satisfy execution - deft. pd.
$8.08 on 3 May 1842. Total debt $20.50 plus $4.25 costs.
1843 - 15 Mar. W.
D. Davis, sheriff, levied fi fa on bay horse of Wm. J. Craig (see above case).
1843 - 11 May
Debt of Wm. J. Craig & John Latta to Tucker & Hodge satisfied in full.
John served as
sheriff and jailer of Maury Co TN
Notes for Louisa
half sister to
Matilda Craig
Children of John Latta and Louisa Craig:
(5) was born on 30 Dec
1835 in Giles, Tennessee, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1877 in Columbia, Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He married Mary Sina Braden on 15 Jul 1863. She was born on 17
Dec 1843 in Giles, Tennessee, USA. She died in 1937 45
(5) was born on 27 Sep
1837 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married William Marion Ham on 11 Sep 1859 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA
Notes for Sophia Latta:b. September 27, 1837; d. soon after the
Civil War. Married William Marion Ham on September 11, 1859. Had two
children, John Davis, b. June 9, 1860; d. June 8, 1861. Sophia Ann b.
May 17, 1862; m. Abb. Adkinson August 30, 1885. When his wife died
William Ham m. his wife's sister, Susan.
William Marion Ham and Sophia Latta had the following childrenJOHN DAVIS6HAM
was born on 09 Jun 1860 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 08 Jun 1861 in Tennessee,
was born on 17 May 1862 in Tennessee, USA. She married Adkinson on 30 Aug 1885
in Tennessee, USA. He was born in Tennessee, USA
JAMES (5) was born on 08 Mar 1839 in Tennessee,
USA. He died on 22 Aug 1855 in Tennessee, USA 47
(5) was born on 06 Apr
1840 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 24 Sep 1934 in Maury, Tennessee, USA.
He married Mary Cordelia Hackney on 11 Nov 1860 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She
was born in 1844 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1920 in Tennessee, USA 48
MARTHA J. (5) was born on 08 Jan 1842 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She died on 18 Jan 1891 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married
Thomas J Stewart on 02 Dec 1866 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He was born in 1840 in
Tennessee, USA
Notes for Martha J Latta:b. January 8, 1842; d. January
18, 1891; m. Thomas J. StewartDecember 2, 1866. Children:
Walter (m. Ida Edwards), Blanche (m. William Colquit), Allison
Templeton, Stewart "Allie" (m. Mary Ethlene Lanius in 1919). Allie
lived in Carrollton, Dallas County, Texas. All born in Maury Co.Thomas J Stewart and Martha J Latta had the following childrenWALTER G6STEWART
was born about 1868 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) IDA
was born in 1870 in Tennessee, USA. She married (1) WILLIAM
was born in 1878 in Maury, Tennessee, USASTEWART
was born in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MARY
JOHN (5) was born on 14 Apr 1844 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He died on 12 Nov 1912 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Anna
Narcissa Cherry. She was born in 1848 in Tennessee, USA 50
(5) was born on 30 May
1846 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) WILLIAM
He was born about 1837 in Tennessee, USA
Notes for Susan Latta:b. May 30, 1846; d. about
1889; m. William Marion Ham (or Hann) February 27, 1866. Children:
Minnie Mazie m. William Burnett. Three children. Mattie Louise m.
Harran E. Famsey. William Wallace m. Jane McClelland. Four children.
Walter MackWilliam M Ham and Susan Latta had the following childrenSOPHIA6HAM
was born in 1862MINNIE HAM
was born in 1865MATTIE HAM
was born in 1874WILLIS HAM
was born in 1878
(5) was born on 11 Sep
1848 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 09 Sep 1857 in Maury, Tennessee, USA 52
(5) was born on 31 Aug
1850 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 09 Aug 1855 in Maury, Tennessee, USA 53
(5) was born on 20 Dec
1853 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 30 Aug 1855 in Maury, Tennessee, USA 54
(5) was born on 12 Jul 1855 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She died on 11 Sep 1861 in Maury, Tennessee, USA
John (3) John (2) James (1). was born in Apr 1812 in North
Carolina, USA. He married (1) Arminta Minta Mitchell, daughter of John Mitchell
and Mary Polly Edwards, in 1842 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1820
in Tennessee, USA. She died on 18 Nov 1875 in Mt. Vernon, IL Jefferson Co.
Notes for Calvin
Born in N.C. in
1812 or 1813. He was a carpenter and bridge builder by trade. Married Arminta "Minta"
Mitchell, daughter of John and Mary Mitchell, in Maury Co., Tenn in 1842. He
moved to southern Illinois in 1852 and lived near Salem, Marion Co. Then went to
Jefferson Co., Ills. in 1852, P.O. address Mt. Vernon, Ills. Eleven children.
The six eldest were born in Maury Co., Tenn. The other five in Jefferson Co.,
Ills. Calvin and his son, William James Latta's biography can be found at:
Children of Calvin:
was born about 1861
in Illinois, USA 56
was born about 1859 in Illinois, USA Children of Calvin and Arminta Minta Mitchell:
(5).was born in Nov
1844 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 21 Aug 1929 in Jefferson, Illinois, USA. He
married (1) ANNA
(5) was born on 25
Feb 1847 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1883 in Morganfield, Union, Kentucky,
USA. She married George G Hopgood on 16 Jun 1874 in Morganfield, Union,
Kentucky, USA. He was born on 21 May 1835 in Union, Kentucky, USA. He died on 25
Feb 1910 in Morganfield, Union, Kentucky, USA.George G Hopgood and Cynthia Rowena Latta had the following childrenMATILDA L6HOPGOOD
was born in Jan 1880 in Union, Kentucky, USA. She died in 1951 in
Evansville, Vanderburgh, Indiana, USA. She married BENJAMIN F.
GHORMLEY in 1897. He was born in May 1877 in Kentucky, USAWILLIAM CALVIN HOPGOOD
was born on 13 Sep 1877 in Union, Kentucky, USA 59 WILLIAM JAMES (5)
was born on 23 Mar
1847 in Tennessee, USA. He married Sarah E. Ryder on 30 Oct 1881 in Chetopa,
Labette, Kansas, USA. She was born on 25 Mar 1858.
Notes for William
James Latta:
W. J. LATTA, D. D.
S., one of the foremost dentists of Chetopa, Labette county, Kansas, was born
near Columbia, Tennessee, in 1847, and is a son of Calvin and Arminta (Mitchell)
Latta. Calvin Latta was born in North Carolina in 1812, and is a carpenter and
bridge builder by trade. He lived in North Carolina until he was twelve years
old. In 1852 Mr. Latta removed to Jefferson county, Illinois, where he bought a
farm. He was engaged in general farming, - in which he was assisted by his sons;
- and also followed his trade. His wife died in that county, aged fifty-seven
years. Mr. Latta still lives there. Their children were: Mary E. (Spawr)
(Johnson), who has been twice widowed; John M.; W. J.; C. R. J. C., of Kentucky;
Martha J. (Johnson), who lives in Southern Illinois; Jerome B. P., of Hunt
county, Texas; Harriet C. (Hopgood), of Kentucky; Tennessee K., deceased;
Gertrude (Benson), deceased; and Mrs. E. B.
of Kentucky;
Tennessee K., deceased; Gertrude (Benson), deceased; and Mrs. E. B. Whitlow, who
lives in Southern Illinois.
Dr. W. J. Latta
attended the common schools in his vicinity and assisted on his father's farm
until he reached the age of twenty-one years. Always ambitious to secure a good
education, he quit business and went to Eureka, Illinois, and then to college at
Morganfield, Kentucky. He then learned his father's trade, but finding the
duties too arduous for his constitution, in October, 1868, he began the study of
dentistry at Ashley, Illinois, with a brother-in-law. At that time there were
but two dental colleges in the United States, and students pursued their courses
mainly with preceptors. Dr. Latta studied and practiced with his preceptor, and
was located at different places in Southern Illinois for a period of eight
years. In 1876 he went to Texas, and practiced in Dallas county for four years.
He then located in Chetopa, June 19, 1880. He opened his office in August of
that year, and since that time has attended to a large and lucrative practice.
Dr. Latta has a thorough knowledge of dentistry, and, inheriting a mechanical
nature from his father, the choice of his profession was a wise one. He is a
painstaking worker, conscientious and faithful, and has the confidence and
respect of all who come in contact with him.
Dr. Latta was
married, in Labette county, to Miss S. E. Riter, who was born in Central
Illinois. She came to Cherokee, Kansas, at the age of twelve years, and before
her marriage taught vocal and instrumental music. She studied with Mrs. Handley,
a very successful teacher in St. Louis. Mrs. Latta now has a class in music in
Chetopa. She is highly accomplished, and moves in the best social circles of
Chetopa. Dr. and Mrs. Latta had one child which died in infancy.
Dr. Latta was a
Democrat early in life, but changed to the Greenback ticket in Texas, and is now
a strong Prohibition Populist. He served as police judge two years in Chetopa.
He has always been an active worker in the Christian church, of which Rev. W. F.
Guy is the present pastor. Dr. Latta owns his own home in Chetopa. He has been
very successful and is well and widely known.
(5) was born on 26
Jan 1851 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MIRA
She was born about 1866 in Illinois, USA
(5) was born in
1853 in Tennessee, USA
was born about
1856 in Illinois, USA. She married (1) BENJAMIN
She married (2) JAMES
on 07 Jul 1875 in Gallatin, Illinois, USA. He was born on 06 May 1855 in Union,
Kentucky, USA. He died on 14 Jul 1893 in Union, Kentucky, USAJAMES W. HOPGOOD and Harriet Delilah Latta had the following childrenEFFIE KATE6HOPGOOD
was born on 01 Dec 1881 in Union, Kentucky, USA. She died on 22 Jul 1974 in
Lebanon, Marion, Kentucky, USAIDA MAY HOPGOOD
was born in May 1878 in Union, Kentucky, USANELSON U. HOPGOOD
was born in Aug 1889 in Union, Kentucky, USA. He died on 03 May 1912 in
Evansville, Washington, Arkansas, USAVAN HARRISON HOPGOOD
was born on 14 Feb 1880 in Union, Kentucky, USA. He died in Feb 1965 in
Evansville, Washington, Arkansas, USAWILLIAM MCGARVY HOPGOOD
was born on 06 Sep 1876 in Union, Kentucky, USA. He died on 27 Oct 1876 in
Union, Kentucky, USA
TENNESSEE KNOVLINE (5) was born in 1858 in Tennessee, USA. She died in
Oct 1860 in Craighead, Arkansas, USA
GERTRUDE (5) was born in 1860 in Tennessee, USA.
EUGENIA BELLZORA (5) was born in 1863 in Tennessee, USA. She married (1)
Moses (4) James (3) John (2)
James (1). was
born in 1833 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1864 in Maury, Tennessee, USA.
He married Mary E Akin on 21 Dec 1856 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She was
born in 1832 in Tennessee, USA
Notes for William
J Latta:
" There were two
William Latta's that served and William J Latta Son of Moses and wife of Mary E
Akin was killed in 1864, I have the information on William J Latta's marriage
and death." John Moore
One served in the
3rd Tn Inf., the other in lst Tenn Inf. No records were found matching this
search criteria. (Civil War Soldiers and Sailors). John Latta's son William for
burial info for him. I am also detaching Mary E Akin as his spouse and will try
and find correct spouse for him.
He was born abt.
1833 about two miles from Santa Fe, Maury Co., Tenn. Died at Carter Creek near
Spring Hill, Maury Co., Tenn. in 1865. Married Mary Eliza Akin, daughter of John
Akin and Elizabeth Adeline Craig, on Dec. 21, 1856 in Williamson, TN. She was
born at Carter Creek Pike in Williamson Co., Tenn. abt. 1832 and died at Carter
Creek in 1891. Was a member of the Christian Church. William was a Methodist and
lived near Santa Fe. After his death she married Robert McKee on October 10,
1866 in Williamson, TN. They had a daughter, Julie, born in 1868.
William J Latta and Mary E Akin had the following children 97
was born on 02 Oct 1857 in Maury County, TN. He died on 21 Apr
1922 in Martin, Weakley County, TN. He married (1) FANNY
She was born in Apr 1855 in Tennessee, USA98
JOHN (6) was born in 1860 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He died in 1862 in Maury, Tennessee, USA
Moses (4) James (3) John (2)
James (1)
was born about 1847 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died about 1915 in Crockett,
Tennessee, USA. He married Talitha Ann E Watson, daughter of Stephen Watson and
Ellender McCollum, on 21 Oct 1868 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She was born in
Apr 1853 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. She died after 1920 in Dyer, Tennessee,
Notes for Moses
Moses Latta was a
farmer and logger.
A story told by
Clarence Latta grandson of Moses Latta to his son Shirley Latta and retold to
me. It appears that Moses once spent some time in jail for stealing a mule but
the story is not as straight forward as it appears. I have not tried to verify
the story from court records but will relate the story as told.
It seems it was
the custom of the times for people to put their green stock out to those that
had none to allow them to be broke and trained into useful animals. A Mr. Pope
arranged for Moses to train his mule and in exchange for this Moses would have
the use of it for a specified amount of time. Apparently Mr. Pope felt Moses was
abusing the mule so he went and took it from him. Moses feeling that he was
entitled to use the mule for a longer period went and retrieved the mule. Mr
Pope then appeared with the sheriff and hauled Moses off to jail. Moses and
Talitha or Florida as she is then appeared with the sheriff and hauled Moses off
to jail. Moses and Talitha or Florida as she is called at this time moved to
Crockett County, Tennessee and are somewhere near William and Etta Latta Jacobs.
He traded his life as a tenant farmer for a life as logger.
Listed as Moses
Lattie with wife Florida in 1900 census Williamson Co TN. They have been married
for 30 years.
Listed as Mose
with wife Florida and grandson Mose in 1910 census of Crockett Co TN
Florida is listed
as widow in 1920 census, she is living with her daughter Hulda's family in Dyer
Notes for Talitha
Ann E Watson:
Talitha was a tall
stately woman. She died of an overdose of strychnine which was a common remedy
for certain ailments of the time. I am certain Talitha and Florida are same
person as they are listed as being married 30 years in the 1900 census
Moses Latta and Talitha Ann E Watson had the following children84 MAGGIE (6)
was born in 1869 in Tennessee,
USA. She died in 1955 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married Maud
Taylor, son of James M Taylor and Avalin Watson, on 08 Mar 1888 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. He was born in Mar 1866 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died in
1936 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA.Maud Taylor and Maggie Latta
had the following child:WILLIE MAUD TAYLOR - was
born in Jun 1891 in Tennessee, USA. She married (1) CLINT WARREN.
He was born in 1884 in Tennessee, USA.Clint Warren and Willie Maude Taylor had the following childrenALBERT8WARREN
was born in 1909 in Tennessee, USALUTHER WARREN
was born in 1913 in Tennessee, USA85 ETTA L. (6)
was born on 15 Jan 1872 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 20 Dec 1957 in Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee,
USA. She married (1) WILLIAM
son of John L Jacobs and Sarah J Beasley, on 05 Oct 1889 in Williamson,
Tennessee, USA. He was born on 28 Oct 1867 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on
05 Feb 1949 in Trimble, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She married (2) DAN
on 03 Dec 1908 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He was born in 1839 in Tennessee, USA.
She married (3) GEORGE
before 1920. He was born in 1859 in Tennessee, USA.Notes for Etta L Latta:Etta Latta married William Jacobs and had five
children in Maury Co TN. Shortly after moving to Dyer County in 1904 she
divorced William (reason unknown). She married a Mr D R Fields in 1906 and later
married a Mr George Young. They are listed together in the 1920 &1930 census of
Dyer Co. TN. It is rumored there was a fourth marriage but she died bearing the
name of Young. She is buried in Fairfield cemetery in Dyersburg TN in a grave
that is not near to any of her recognized family. Marguerite Jacobs her
grandaughter said she and other grandchildren hated to see her visit as she was
very strict with them.
OBIT.. Dyersburg State Gazette:
Mrs Etta Young Dies Friday Night--------- Mrs. Etta Young, grandmother of
Marshall Wallace of Dyersburg, died at 6:30 o'clock last night at Donavent Rest
Home here. She was 86. Mrs. Young's body is lying in state at Halls until time
for the funeral services. Funeral rites will be held at two o'clock tomorrow
afternoon, Sunday, at the Pentecostal Church on Finley street. The Reverend
Lawrence Jones church pastor, and the Reverend Sam Graves of Trenton will
officiate. She is survived by three sons, Zeb Jacobs, Halls, Ross Jacobs,
Trimble and J.C. Jacobs, Finley and several grandchildren.
NOTE: Marshall Wallace is the only son of
Marshall C Wallace and Ella Jacobs daughter of Etta.Marriage lic. December 03 1908 .
Jacobs, Etta Fields, D. R. (m) W 32 Notes for William Thomas Jacobs:William Jacobs was raised on a farm on the
border of Maury and Williamson County TN. He married Etta Latta his neighbor
from the next farm. They had a daughter and four sons. They moved to Dyer County
TN in 1904 and they were divorced soon after. Etta remarried in 1906 and William
kept the children (probably a necessity to work the farm). He married Belle (Chandler)Thompson
in 1912 and she became known by the family as Mammie. He was a Seventh Day
Adventist and would spend the entire day each Saturday reading his Bible. He
enjoyed playing the fiddle although he had a limited repertoire of songs. He was
very hard of hearing in his later years. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and
trapping. He farmed in the Trimble TN area for many years, after the sons were
married he built a three room home for his son Jamison and family. They worked
the farm together with Belle doing the cooking for both families. Belle's
brother Bob lived with them after he lost his leg in a logging accident. When
the main house burned he bought a home in Trimble and turned his farm over to
his son Jamison to farm on shares. He was a very honest hard working person.
William purchased 72 Acres near Trimble, Dyer Co TN in 1909 and his family had
it until his death in 1949 when the boys sold it and divided the money.
Trimble is a small town settled
after the Civil War in northeast Dyer County sitting at the edge of two counties
- Dyer and Obion. The town of Trimble had its beginning in 1873, the result of
the building of a railroad from Paducah to Memphis which ended at a bluff near
the Dyer County line just across the Obion River Bottom. Here the bankrupt
railroad remained uncompleted for several years on five acres of land donated by
Jesse Pierce, the founder of Trimble. Finally, businessmen contributed money and
judge Lawrence S. Trimble of Paducah reorganized the company. Trimble has
changed very little during the years. Railroad growth help Trimble by have a
turn-around "Y" there. This was the end of the tracks. Trimble's main street
today faces the main line of the Illinois Central Gulf railroad. From 1873 to
present time, Trimble has remained true to its logo of being a diverse
community. Source: Dyer County Volume II - Past and Present
In Williamson Co TN until 1903 on tax rolls
of Dist 4Went to Dyer Co from Williamson Co in 1904
from poll tax info Dist 15Cert of death TN #49-02382William Thomas Jacobs and Etta L Latta had the following childrenEMMA LEE7JACOBS
was born on 13 Apr 1891 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 30 Jul 1932 in
Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) MARSHALL
son of Ernest Wallace and Maryet, on 26 Feb 1916 in Dyer, Tennessee,
USA. He was born on 11 Jul 1888 in Obion, Tennessee, USA. She married
on 06 Oct 1907 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born in 1890 in
was born on 30 Oct 1892 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died
on 18 Aug 1958 in Finley, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He married Bessie Spry
on 29 Aug 1911 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She was born on 17 Feb 1895 in
Tigrett, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She died on 07 Jun 1970 in Dyersburg,
was born on 12 Mar 1895 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died
on 27 Apr 1956 in Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He married Mabel
Thomas on 04 Sep 1924 in Dyer, Tennessee, USANotes for Martin Luther JacobsMartin Jacobs worked as a Tennessee State
Game Warden. He was married twice and had no childrenWWI VETJacobs Martin L. 22 Maury Co., TN 42 JAMISON
was born on 26 Feb 1896 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died on 03
May 1963 in Tennessee, USA. He married Erma Lillian Carroll, daughter
of Eli Demetra Carroll and Ella Hollister, on 25 Dec 1916 in Dyer,
Tennessee, USA. She was born on 27 May 1901 in Tennessee, USA. She
died on 03 Oct 1995 in Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USAATHA THOMAS JACOBS
was born on 01 Nov 1899 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 24 Oct 1905 in
Trimble, Dyer, Tennessee, USAROSS AJACOBS
was born on 08 Feb 1903 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died on 11
May 1958 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He married Lucille Glascow on 15 May
1924 in Gibson. She was born on 17 Feb 1906 in Tennessee, USANotes for George F YoungMr. YOUNG is an employee of Dodge Boat Co.
"Dyersburg State Gazette" March 1916Married Golden Tate 1916 Dyer CoEMMA LEE7JACOBS
(Etta L6
Latta, Moses5
Latta, Moses4
Latta, James3
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 13 Apr 1891 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 30 Jul
1932 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) MARSHALL
son of Ernest Wallace and Maryet, on 26 Feb 1916 in Dyer, Tennessee,
USA. He was born on 11 Jul 1888 in Obion, Tennessee, USA. She married
on 06 Oct 1907 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He was born in 1890 in
Tennessee, USANotes for Emma Lee Jacobs30 Jul 1932 Wallace Mrashall
(Mrs.) White TN 13 Apr 1891 30 Jul 1932
41y 3m 17d Residence .
31 Jul 1932 Holiness ChurchMarried Father Will Jacobs
TN Mother Miss Latta
TN Fairview Husband Mr.
Marshall Wallace
Notes for Marshall C WallaceListed as a rail road conducton on WWI draft
registrationMarshall C Wallace and Emma Lee Jacobs had the following childMARSHALL
was born in 1917Campbell Graves and Emma Lee Jacobs had the following childLELA8GRAVES
was born in 1908 in Tennessee, USAZEB ODEN7JACOBS
(Etta L6
Latta, Moses5
Latta, Moses4
Latta, James3
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 30 Oct 1892 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA.
He died on 18 Aug 1958 in Finley, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He married
Bessie Spry on 29 Aug 1911 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She was born on 17
Feb 1895 in Tigrett, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She died on 07 Jun 1970 in
Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USANotes for Zeb Oden JacobsZeb Oden Jacobs and Bessie Spry had the following childrenJT8JACOBS
was born on 23 Oct 1912 in Tennessee, USA. He died in 1939 in Dyer,
Tennessee, USA. He married Ruby Unknown in 1930 in Dyer, Tennessee,
USA. She was born in 1915 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1940 in Dyer,
was born in 1916. He died in Dec 1972 in Halls, Lauderdale, Tennessee,
was born on 23 May 1918 in Fulton, Kentucky, USADORTHY MAY JACOBS
was born in 1926BILLY JOE JACOBS
was born on 26 Jan 1931 in Tennessee, USA. He died in Oct 1998 in
Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USAJAMISON
(Etta L6
Latta, Moses5
Latta, Moses4
Latta, James3
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 26 Feb 1896 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died
on 03 May 1963 in Tennessee, USA. He married Erma Lillian Carroll,
daughter of Eli Demetra Carroll and Ella Hollister, on 25 Dec 1916 in
Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She was born on 27 May 1901 in Tennessee, USA.
She died on 03 Oct 1995 in Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USANotes for Jamison Carridine Jacobs
Jamison was born the son of
William T Jacobs and Etta Latta in Williamson Co TN (Middle Tennessee) 1897. He
moved with his fathers family and grandparents to Trimble, Dyer Co TN (western
Tennessee) about 1902. They were raised on a farm. He married Erma L Carroll in
1916 at age 19. They continued to work the farm with his father. Big Daddy as we
called him was a pleasant outgoing person who was a farmer that worked his
fathers farm as a share cropper in Trimble where he raised his family. The cash
crop was cotton and corn was raised to feed the work horses , mules and cattle.
They also raised pigs and chickens mostly for their own consumption.
The stock market crash of
October, 1929 is usually considered the start of that decade of hardship known
as the Great Depression. In Tennessee, however, the hard times had started
earlier, particularly for farmers. World War I had raised agricultural prices
and brought flush times, but with the coming of peace the export markets dried
up and prices plummeted. Added to stagnant farm markets was the longest and most
devastating drought on record. Low returns on farming drove many of the poorest
class of farmers completely off the land, as the old system of tenancy, landlord
stores, and scrip money began to collapse.
He also worked as a barge hand on
the Mississippi River during his earlier years. He worked in the Dyersburg
Cotton Mill and operated a septic pumping business. He suplimented the family
larder by hunting and fishing. He was prone to drink; forgoing it in his later
life. He enjoyed gardning and going down to the store where everyone hang out;
he played checkers, swapped tales and pocket knives
Excerpt of OBIT... Dyersburg State GazetteMr. Jacobs a well known and esteemed resident
of the Finley community and active in community affairs is survived by
his wife Mrs. Lillian Carroll Jacobs; two daughters, Mrs Melba Dean of
McCrory, Arkansas and Mrs Marguerite Taylor of Gary, Indiana; three
sons, William Jacobs of Saulk Village, Ray Jacobs of Saulk Village and
Cary Jacobs of Hammond, Indiana and twenty grandchildrenNotes for Erma Lillian Carroll
Erma Lillian Carroll was the
first of three daughters born to Eli Carroll and Ella Hollister in Dyer Co TN
1901. She married Jamison Jacobs 1918 at the age of 15. They had six children
together and had full lives.
Big mama told this story to my
sister about herself and it gives a little insight into her childhood. She said,
I was my dads helper in the field and Julie was my moms helper in the house. One
day I was planting peas in the field and was tired; when I got to the end of the
row there were still quiet a few peas left. Instead of heading down another row
I scattered them at the end of the row and covered them and went home. My dad
asked me if I finished planting the peas and I replied that I did. I swear that
later every pea at the end of the row came up and of coaarse my dad noticed. He
did give me a serious talking too and it is just an example of the fact that
there was no way I would ever get away with anything.
Big mama was what all of the
grand kids called her. She raised her family on a farm in Trimble TN while
working the fields along side of my grandfather, she later worked as a cook for
a barge on the Mississippi river and still later in the cotton mill in
Dyersburg. At one time or other she had a hand in helping raise most of her
grandkids. She made some of the best fried catfish and hushpuppies I have ever
tasted. Family get togethers always called for breaking out the iron kittle for
a fish fry. She played piano for the church. She lived a long full life.
Your grandmother, my great-aunt
Lillian was a wonderful lady. When we were young and went to visit my
grandmother in Dyersburg, we always visited Aunt Lillian. We would rather spend
time there than at Grannys. I can still see her sitting in her chair in the
living room or fixing us "buffalo fish" and hushpuppies in the kitchen. My
father was an only child, his name William Dallas Allen, Jr., and your
grandmother was very special to him as well as my mother and to all of us.
Daddy and Mom always kept in touch and visited her right up until she died.
There was no pretence to Aunt Lillian. You either accepted her as she was or
you didn't. You always knew where you stood with her. When Aunt Julia and
Granny were with her, she would let them go on and on until she would put them
in their place like the big sister she was. - Tina Maxwell
Jamison Carridine Jacobs and Erma Lillian Carroll had the following childrenPAUL8JACOBS
was born on 16 Dec 1917 in Trimble, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He died on
11 Mar 1949 in Germany. He married (1) IRENE
She was born on 07 Jul 1917 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 29 Jun 1989
in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, USAMELBA JACOBS
was born on 20 Jul 1920 in Trimble, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She died in
2008 in Beebe, White, Arkansas, USA. She married Raymond Dean, son of
Thomas Raymond Dean and Delia Stafford, on 15 Aug 1936 in Dyer,
Tennessee, USA. He was born on 15 Aug 1915 in Tennessee, USA. He died
in Aug 1970 in Searcy, White, Arkansas, USAMARGUERITE
was born on 07 Jan 1922 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She died on 20 Jan
2005 in Hobart, Lake, Indiana, USA. She married (1) WILSON
son of John Benjamin Moore and Mary Francis Rogers, on 09 Apr 1939 in
Obion, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 31 Jul 1918 in Trimble, Dyer,
Tennessee, USA. He died on 31 Jan 1987 in San Diego, San Diego,
California, USA (buried @ Des Arc). She married (2) JAMES
son of Elmer W Taylor and Vera L Taylor, in 1946 in Tennessee, USA. He
was born on 27 Mar 1919 in Tennessee, USA. He died in Mar 1975 in
Dyersburg, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. She married (3) EARL
son of Edward Robert Teitge and Olga Grubbe, in 1962 in Indiana, USA.
He was born on 02 Oct 1917 in Gary, Lake, Indiana, USA. He died on 09
Oct 2008 in Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, USACARY O. JACOBS
was born on 27 Feb 1924 in Trimble, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He died on
29 Dec 1996 in Berryville, Carroll, Arkansas, USA. He married (1) JEAN
She was born about 1928 in Tennessee, USAWILLIAM
was born on 31 Jul 1927 in Trimble, Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He died on
15 Jul 1972 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA. He married (1) VIRGINIA
She was born about 1930 in Tennessee, USA. She died in Chicago, Cook,
was born on 03 Dec 1933 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 04 Apr 1985 in
Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA. He married Mary E Rose, daughter of
Tollie Toy Rose and Emma Pauline Johnson, on 28 Jul 1951 in Hernando,
De Soto, Mississippi, USA. She was born on 12 Oct 1934 in Ashport,
Lauderdale, Tennessee, USAROSS A7JACOBS
(Etta L6
Latta, Moses5
Latta, Moses4
Latta, James3
Latta, John2
Latta, James1
Latta) was born on 08 Feb 1903 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. He died
on 11 May 1958 in Dyer, Tennessee, USA. He married Lucille Glascow on
15 May 1924 in Gibson. She was born on 17 Feb 1906 in Tennessee, USARoss A Jacobs and Lucille Glascow had the following childTOMMY8JACOBS
was born about 1925. He died in 1989 in Greenville, Washington,
Mississippi, USA86 SIMS AARON (6)
was born on 29 Jul 1874 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He married Mattie Ann Chappell, daughter of Henry Sam Pate
Chappell and Martha Jemima Smith, in 1895 in Maury County, Tennessee, USA. She
was born in Jan 1876 in Tennessee, USA87 WILLIAM STEVEN
(6) was born about 1876 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Donna Wright about 1895 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. She was born on 21 Jan 1881 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 19 Apr 1959 in
Tennessee, USA88
HULDA (6) was born in 1885 in Tennessee, USA. She married (1) FELIX
son of Alvin Gatlin and Nancy J James, on 27 Sep 1909 in Dyer County, Tennessee,
USA. He was born in 1843 in Tennessee, USA. She married (2) CECIL
on 22 Dec 1923 in Dyer, Tennessee, USAFelix H Gatlin and Hulda Latta had the following childrenEOYLEEN7GATLIN
was born in 1915 in Tennessee, USAMOSE GATLIN
was born on 15 Oct 1917 in Tennessee, USA. He died in Jan 1972 in
Tennessee, USA. He married Frances Boyd on 15 Mar 1941 in Gibson
John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1).
was born on 30 Dec 1835 in Giles, Tennessee, USA. He died on 09 Feb 1877 in
Columbia, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Mary Sina Braden on 15 Jul 1863. She
was born on 17 Dec 1843 in Giles, Tennessee, USA. She died in 1937.
The Herald and Mail (Columbia, TN) Fri, Apr 13, 1877
for William Albert Latta: b.
Dec. 30, 1835; d. Feb. 9, 1877. Confederate soldier. Buried at the
Rose Hill Cemetery, Columbia, TN (outside the confederate lot).
Cemetery record: 30 Dec 1835 - 9 Feb 1877. (C.S.A.; MCTC). Buried ROSE
HILL CEMETERY. There were two, one served in the 3rd Tn Inf., the
other in lst Tenn Inf. No records were found matching this search
criteria. (Civil War Soldiers and Sailors).Both
John & Moses Latta named their first born William and they were born only a
couple of years apart. " There were two William Latta's that served and William
J Latta, Son of Moses and wife of Mary E Akin was killed in 1864, I have the
information on William J Latta's marriage and death." - John Moore
is living with his parents John and Louisa Latta in Maury County Tennessee and
working as the assistant jailer in Columbia, Maury, TN.
William Albert Latta and Mary Sina Braden had the following children:
was born on 08 Dec 1865 in Giles, Tennessee, USA. He died on 17
Feb 1917 in El Paso, Texas, USA. He married Pansy Loomis on 09 May 1900 in San
Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. She was born on 08 Feb 1878 in
San Luis Obispo, California, USA. She died in 1961 in Virginia, USA
67 HETTIE GARDNER (6) was born on 07 Mar 1867 in Giles,
Tennessee, USA. She married William Thomas Edwards on 22 Dec 1887 in Columbia,
Maury, Tennessee, USA. He was born on 23 Nov 1866 in Wayland Springs, Lawrence,
Tennessee, USA. He died on 01 Aug 1932 in Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA
Notes for Hettie Gardner Lattab. in Giles Co., Tenn. near Pulaski March 7,
1867; m. William Thomas Edwards at Columbia, Tenn. December 22, 1887. He was
born at Wayland Springs, Tenn. November 23, 1866; d. at Nashville, Tenn. August
1, 1932. Was with telephone company for 47 years and retired as Dist. Plant
Chief at age of 65. Children: Walter Latta. Mary Louise b. at Nashville 1892; d.
October 8, 1916. Sadie Claire b. at Nashville November 17, 1894;m. Earl G.
Arnold of Pa. June 16, 1931William Thomas Edwards and Hettie Gardner Latta had the following childrenMARY LOUISE7EDWARDS
was born in 1892 in Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA. She died on 08 Oct 1916WALTER LATTA EDWARDS
was born on 10 Feb 1880 in Columbia, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 30 May
1960 in Davidson, Tennessee, USASADIE CLAIRE EDWARDS
was born on 17 Nov 1894 in Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA
68 JOHN OSCAR (6) was born in 1869 in Maury, Tennessee,
for John Oscar Latta:b.
Giles Co., Tenn. August 9, 1869; d. February 8, 1938 at Memphis, Tenn.
Was hotel clerk at Franklin, Tenn. later guard in the Federal Reserve
Bank. Single.
69 SIMS CRAIG (6) was
born on 11 Nov 1871 in Tennessee, USA. He married Annie Parker on 26 Feb 1897 in
Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA. 70 ADA LOUISE
(6) was born on 03 Jul 1874 in
Tennessee, USA. She married Frank J Mapel on 06 Sep 1900 in Nashville, Davidson,
Tennessee, USA.
Notes for Ada Louise LattaChildren. Walter Latta Edwards b. Columbia,
Tenn. February 10, 1889; m. Nancy Warren at Fayetteville, Tenn. April
28, 1910. Stationed at Old Hickory Powder Plantduring the World War. In 1939 in radio and
electric business at Nashville. Children ____. Ruth b. February 5,
1911, received her law degree at age of 23. Dorothy b. June 27, 1913;
m. William L. Patton of Nashville. Children: William L. Mary DelorisFrank J Mapel and Ada Louise Latta had the following childrenWILLIAM LATTA7MAPEL
was born on 24 Jul 1902 in Missouri, USA. He married Evelyn Raines on 14 Oct
was born on 27 Aug 1903 in Missouri, USA. He married Virginia E Pollak on 06 Sep
1926 in St Louis, Missouri, USA
47 SIMS CRAIG (5) LATTA John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1).
was born on 06
Apr 1840 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 24 Sep 1934 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He married Mary Cordelia Hackney on 11 Nov 1860 in Maury, Tennessee, USA.
She was born in 1844 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1920 in Tennessee, USA.
Nashville Banner - Sept
25, 1934
for Sims Craig Latta:
Confederate soldier. Buried at the Rose Hill Cemetery, Columbia, TN
(outside the confederate lot). Cemetery record: 6 Apr 1840 - 24 Sep
1934. Father. (95 yrs.). (Pvt. Co. E, Tenn. Cav., C.S.A., Cross.; MCTC).
Buried ROSE HILL CEMETERY. 6th (Wheeler's) Battalion, Tennessee
Cavalry, Co. E, Confederate side, rank in Pvt. rank out Pvt. (Civil
War Soldiers and Sailors)Born in
Maury Co., Tenn. April 6, 1840; d. at Columbia, Tenn. on Sept. 24,
1934. Married Mary Cordelia Hackney November 11, 1860. She was born
June 15, 1844 and died March 12, 1927. They are both buried in the
Rose Hill Cemetery, Columbia, Maury County, TN. General Sims Latta
said his father had made an historical record of the family in the
Carolinas. Named Sims after a friend of the family. Enlisted in Troop
"E" 1st Tenn. Cavalry, Confederate Army, and served the entire four
years. Came out a Sergeant. Also served in Cavalry, Confederate Army,
and served the entire four years. Came out a Sergeant. Also served in
the 6th (Wheeler's) Battalion, Tennessee Calvary, Co. E, Confederate
Army. After the war he served as policeman, constable, sheriff and
dept. U.S. Marshall. Farmer. Joined the Confederate Veteran
organization and in October 1930 was elected Brig. General.
Presbyterian. Never used profanity or touched tobacco, liquor of any
kind, tea nor coffee.
Sims C Latta and Mary Cordelia Hackney had the following children
(6) was
born on 18 Oct 1861 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) LEMUEL PHILLIPS
on 11 Nov 1880. He was born on 28 Nov 1855 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on
02 Aug 1922 in Washington, USA.
Notes for Ida Belle Latta. October 18, 1861; m. Lemuel Phillips
Padgett (member of Congress)November 11, 1880. Lemuel was the son of John
B. and Rebecca Padgett. He was born Nov. 28, 1865 and died August 2,
1922 in Washington, DC. He is buried at the Rose Hill Cemetery,
Columbia, TN. Children: Bessie L., John B., William L., and Lemuel
Phillips Padgett. In the Rose Hill Cemetery, there is: GARTNER, Josephine Latta, 1 Jun 1912 - 8 Jun
1914. (Dau. Noland G. Latta & Bessie Padgett.), Block 'D' Ida Belle Latta had the following childBESSIE P7GARTNER
was born in 1885 in Tennessee, USALemuel Phillips Padgett and Ida Belle Latta had the following childrenJOHN B7PADGETT
was born in Jul 1888 in Maury, Tennessee, USABESSIE LPADGETT
was born in Apr 1885 in Maury, Tennessee, USALEMUEL PHILLIPS
was born in Jun 1897 in Maury, Tennessee, USAWILLIAM
was born in Nov 1891 in Maury, Tennessee, USA
72 SIMMIE LEE (6) was born on 06 Nov 1863 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She married John F Johnson on 07 Jun 1882. He was born about
1860 in Tennessee, USA.
for Simmie Lee Latta:b.
November 6, 1863; m. John F. Johnson June 1, 1882. Six children.
Second husband, James T. Wilhoite, in 1900. One child. In 1916 she was
living at Franklin, Tenn
(6) was born on 07 May 1869 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Maggie H Vaughan on 06 Jun 1892. She was born
in Sep 1873 in Tennessee, USA. She died in 1956 in Tennessee, USA.
Notes for Edgar
Craig Latta:
b. May 7, 1869; m.
Margaret "Maggie" H. Vaughn June 6, 1892. She was born in 1871 and died in 1957.
She is buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery, Columbia, Maury County, TN. Married
twice. No children in 1906
(6) was born on 26 May 1872 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married Maye Sandusky on 22 Dec 1896 in St Louis,
Missouri, USA.
Notes for Herbert
Jones Latta:
b. May 26, 1872;
m. Maye Sandusky at St. Louis, Mo. December 22, 1896. Married twice.
(6) was
born on 20 Jun 1877 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MADA CARSON.
She was born in Alabama, USA.
John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1). was
born on 14 Apr 1844 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 12 Nov 1912 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He married Anna Narcissa Cherry. She was born in 1848 in
Tennessee, USA.
Notes for John
b. April 14, 1844;
d. Nov. 12, 1912. Confederate soldier. Buried at the Rose Hill Cemetery,
Columbia, TN (outside the confederate lot). Cemetery record: 1844 - 1912. C.S.A.
Cross. Was the son of John and Lousie Craig Latta. He was born on 14 Apr 1844 in
Maury County. His marriage to Anna Narcissa Cherry produced four sons and four
daughters. During the War Between the States he serve in Co. E., lst Tenn.
Infantry and later in Co. E., 6th Tenn Cavalry. He died in 1912. (MCTC). 6th
(Wheeler's) Battalion, Tennessee Cavalry, Co. E, Confederate side, rank in Pvt.
rank out Pvt. (Civil War Soldiers and Sailors)
When John Latta
was 20 years of age, he entered the Confederate Army. For 30 years he was a
chief law officer at Columbia, Tenn. The City of Columbia was chartered in 1807.
The name Columbia was given to the area carved from the territories of the
Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws and Chickasaw Indians. In 1899, John Latta was
appointed Town Marshal or Chief of Police. Latta also had the distinction of
appointment as the City of Columbia's first Fire Chief on May 29, 1901. John
Latta served as Police Chief from 1899-1904. Children all born and married in
Maury Co., Tenn.
Buried in
Greenwood Cemetery, Maury Co., TN
John Latta and Anna Narcissa Cherry had the following children: 76 BENJAMIN H. (6) was born on 03 Apr 1884 in Tennessee,
USA. He died on 26 Jan 1938. He married Frances Marion Ricketts on 24 Nov 1914 77 FRANK
(6) was born on 13 Oct
1881 in Maury County, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1920 in Maury County,
Tennessee, USA. He married Eliza M Mitchell on 12 Feb 1902 in Maury County,
Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1880 in Tennessee, USA. 78 MYRTLE
(6) was born on 29 Jun 1869 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA; died Oct. 5, 1932. Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery,
Maury Co., TN. Married James P. Boyd.
MAYME (6) was born on 09 Jun 1876 in Tennessee,
USA; died June 1, 1951. Buried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Maury Co., TN.
Married James E. Jackson. 80
(6) was born on 29 Aug
1879 in Maury, Tennessee, USA; died June 27, 1947. Married Thomas Emmett
Dugger. Buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery, Maury Co., TN. 81 IRENE
(6) was born on 11 May
1874 in Tennessee, USA; died Aug. 19, 1941. Married James Philip Gartner. 82 FRED
(6) was born on 08 Mar
1871 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 20 Oct 1944 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He
married Nancy Ellen Collier on 26 Mar 1891 in Maury, Tennessee, USA 83
(6) born Dec. 21, 1872 in
Tennessee, USA; died June 24, 1893. Buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Maury
Co., TN
Nov. 8, 1912 - The
Herald and Mail, Columbia, TN
Calvin (4),
John J. (3), John (2), James (1)
was born in Nov 1844 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 21 Aug 1929 in Jefferson,
Illinois, USA. He married (1)
John Monroe Latta and Anna Unknown had the following children:89 BESSIE (6)
was born in 1869 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA90 JOHN R. (6)
was born on 24 Jan 1879 in
Illinois, USA. He died on 23 Mar 1965 in Jefferson, Illinois, USA. He married
Lorena Katherine Waud on 27 Nov 1904 in Illinois, USA91 OTTO E. (6)
was born on 30 Jul 1881 in
Illinois, USA. He died in 1961 in Illinois, USA. He married Ethel Sylvia Waud on
15 Feb 1905 in Illinois, USA
Calvin (4),
John J. (3), John (2), James (1)
was born on 26 Jan 1851 in Tennessee, USA. He married (1) MIRA
She was born about 1866 in Illinois, USA.
Jerome Bonaparte Latta had the following children:92 ONAND (6)
was born in Jul 1889 in Illinois,
was born in Feb 1886 in Illinois,
USAJerome Bonaparte Latta and Mira
Latta had the following children:94 INFANT LATTY (6)
was born about 1880 in Illinois,
was born in Jan 1878 in Illinois,
was born about 1876 in Illinois,
William A. (5) John (4)
James (3) John (2) James (1). was born on 08 Dec 1865 in Giles,
Tennessee, USA. He died on 17 Feb 1917 in El Paso, Texas, USA. He married Pansy
Loomis on 09 May 1900 in San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo, California, USA. She
was born on 08 Feb 1878 in San Luis Obispo, California, USA. She died in 1961 in
Virginia, USA.
Notes for William Braden Latta:
Born Giles Co., Tenn. near Pulaski
December 8, 1865; d. at El Paso, Texas February 17, 1917; m. Pansy Loomis of San
Luis Obispo, Calif. at El Paso, Texas May 9, 1900. Real estate and Pansy Loomis
of San Luis Obispo, Calif. at El Paso, Texas May 9, 1900. Real estate and
investment business at El Paso. She was born February 8, 1878, died Alexandria,
VA, 1961, buried El Paso, TX. After his death, she married Mr. William G. Dunn.
Braden Latta and Pansy Loomis had the following children: 99 LAURA LOUISE
was born on 26 Feb 1901. She died in 1913 100 MARY
(7) was born on March 24, 1904.
101 PANSY (7) was born about 1905.102 WILLIAM BRADEN
JR. (7)
was born on 15 Oct 1914. He died on 22 Jun 2005. He married
Beatrice Lillian Thompson on 21 May 1944 in Palermo, Sicilia, Italy.
Sierra Vista Herald, Sierra Vista, AZ: Monday,
June 27, 2005
- Maj. Gen. W. B. Latta (U. S. Army retired)
Sunday, June 26, 2005
12:56 AM MDT
Oct. 25, 1914 - June
22, 2005
Another American patriot and public servant has
joined the Long Grey Line. A bright young man, when he enlisted in
the U. S. Army in 1933, he was assigned to tend the Signal Corps
pigeons. When he retired nearly 40 years later, he had commanded the
Army's worldwide, satellite based communications system.
Bill Latta was born in El Paso, Texas, on Oct.
25, 1914, and passed away at sunset on June 22, 2005, in Boise,
Idaho. He was the only son of W. B. Latta, a pioneering Texas
telegrapher and real estate developer, and Pansy Loomis Latta. His
father died when he was quite young and he was raised by another
stern Scot, William G. Davis.
Bill graduated from Los Angeles
High School in 1932, where he did well academically and become the
commander of the school's ROTC unit. The Depression, and the death
of his stepfather, compelled returning to the family home in El
Paso. There, he received a letter from Lt. Col. John J. Mudgett, his
high school ROTC instructor. It told him Army enlistees with a high
school degree could compete for appointments to West Point. A year
after his enlistment at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Pvt. Latta entered
the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. His class of 301
graduates, Class of 1938, was called "the last small, quality
When the U. S. Army was poised on the brink of
World War II, the stage was not set. After he attended Wire School
at Fort Monmouth, N.J., Lt. Latta was tasked to remain and create,
from scratch, the U. S. Army Signal Corps Officer Candidate School.
The Signal Corps OCS was the institution that grew the Signal Corps
from its total of 289 men to more than 30,000 over the course of the
war. It continued to train officers until the early 1990s when the
School was moved to Fort Gordon, Ga.
Serving as the aide to
Maj. Gen. Olmstead, the Army's chief signal officer, Bill asked
visiting Brig. Gen. George S. Patton what he was doing. Patton
replied, "Starting a tank battalion, want to come along?" With Gen.
Olmstead's blessing, he went to work for Gen. Patton. A mere 11
months after Pearl Harbor, in November 1942, Operation Torch, the
invasion of North Africa at Casablanca, the first dress rehearsal
for D-Day, began America's role in the war in earnest.
Communications were hampered by the lack of radio
trucks, which remained in the wells of ships standing off shore. Now
Capt. Latta was ordered by Patton to get them. Commandeering an LST,
he returned to the ships carrying the communications gear and
convinced both ship's captains to stop what they were unloading and
dig into the bowels of the ship to offload the radio trucks. Later
that evening, a German U-boat snuck into the harbor and sunk both
When Roosevelt and Churchill met at Casablanca, they
stayed at a hotel previously occupied by the German Army.
Anticipating its use by Allied forces, they left the hotel riddled
with listening devices. The Signal Corps/Bill's solution: pull out
every piece of wire found anywhere in the building and rewire the
entire hotel for electricity and communications Å in 3 days.
His second amphibious invasion was into Sicily in
1943. He had met a beautiful Army nurse, 2nd Lt. Beatrice Thompson,
whom everyone knew as Tommie, who had also come ashore at Casablanca
with the Ninth Evacuation Hospital. Together, they managed to
overcome the Army bureaucracy and they were married in Palermo,
Sicily, on May 21, 1944. Two months later, they shared their third
invasion, this time into the south of France.
At the
conclusion of the war, Col. Latta, signal officer for the XXI Corps,
decided to remain for a career. The Army accommodated him by
returning him his permanent rank of captain. He had made it back to
major when he was assigned to Harvard Business School. He considered
the B School to be his supreme intellectual challenge. In 1950, he
was awarded an MBA, one of two given "with distinction."
Additionally, he attended the Army's Command and General Staff
School and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces. He put in
substantial time at the Pentagon. It was a black day in his career
when he signed the orders removing horses from the curriculum at
West Point.
He had a nose for conflict. The Army got him to
five of the seven continents; he was shot at on three. It started in
Morocco, North Africa and continued into Sicily, France and Germany.
When he was assigned to the island of Taiwan, the Chinese began to
shell the off-shore islands of Quemoy and Matsu. When the Berlin
Wall went up in 1961, he returned to 7th Army to prepare for the
Soviet invasion of Europe. When assigned to NORAD, the Cuban Missile
Crisis was his first order of business. When visiting South Vietnam
on an inspection tour, he was shelled by the NVA.
He received
his second star upon returning to Fort Monmouth, this time as the
commanding general of the Army's Electronics Command. He was always
proud of his boss, Gen. Besson's, selection criteria: "I'd rather
have the SOB on my team than somebody else's." Under his guidance,
the Army invented, developed and distributed for use in combat one
of its most potent weapons, the night-vision technology that gave
the Army the ability to see in the dark and revolutionized America's
war-fighting tactics.
In 1969-1971, he was assigned to
command the Army's communications system from Fort Huachuca, Ariz.
His final assignment was as the chief of staff for the Central
Nations Treaty Organization, based in Ankara, Turkey.
He said
his vocation was the Army and his avocation was people. Tall, stern
and, literally, commanding, warm and fuzzy he was not. Nonetheless,
as the commander of major military installations, he saw his charge
to be one of problem solver. In one of his many recognitions and
awards, he was called "The Accomplisher." He understood the Army's
role and effect on its surrounding communities as supportive and
mutually beneficial, not confrontational. These beliefs resulted in
substantial, positive economic and social benefits to the Army and
the two large communities outside of his commands of Forts Monmouth
and Huachuca; Monmouth County, N.J. and Cochise County, Ariz.,
Gen. Latta was awarded the Army's Distinguished
Service Medal for his work directing the placement of the electronic
equipment that protects America from inside NORAD's Hardsite in
Cheyenne Mountain, Colo. He was awarded the Legion of Merit on four
separate occasions, beginning in World War II and ending at his
retirement. He never regretted declining a Purple Heart, figuring
getting hit by shrapnel from the Navy (ours) shouldn't count. He
proudly wore the service ribbons showing the 46 months he was at war
overseas at the start of his career.
Very early on, the
general recognized the importance of two emerging technologies,
transistors and the computer. Whether buying $20 million worth of
transistors in 1953, when no Army equipment used them, or writing "A
More Effective Army Through Electronic Data Processing" in 1957, the
Army, what we now call Silicon Valley, are better off for his
He and his wife chose Sierra Vista, Ariz., the
small town outside the gates of Fort Huachuca, as their place to
build a unique home with the sweat and assistance of his sons and
daughter. They lived there for almost 30 years. He was a lifelong
supporter of education. He insisted on it for his children. Bill
headed the Catalina (Arizona) Council of the Boy Scouts for five
years and was awarded Scouting's Silver Beaver. He was active in
community affairs in Sierra Vista for many years. He helped found,
design and build his house of worship, Faith Presbyterian Church. He
was an engineer and a builder. He was an accomplished photographer,
a master gardener, an orchardist and even raised orchids indoors. He
loved Coke and seafood. Using his beloved Macintosh computer, he ran
Latta Engineering Services, delivering CAD drawings to local
builders and architects, until he was 85 years old.
commenting on the differences between the civilian leadership during
World War II and Vietnam, he once wrote: "As I look back I was and
remain impressed by the few professionals that we had, but even more
by the citizens that turned into officers and soldiers in such a
short time. Å The only common ingredient was the citizen soldier, he
was and remains superb, he is courageous, innovative tenacious and
bursting with initiative. Given good leadership, or even fair
leadership, he learns very quickly and is the greatest."
Point's motto is "Duty, Honor, Country." Bill lived his life under
that standard and largely succeeded. He will be dearly missed by his
family and friends.
Compelled by declining health, Bill moved
to Boise to be near his son in 2002. At the 7th Annual All Service
Academies Ball this past holiday season, he was honored by Gov.
Kempthorne, Sen. Craig and the 200-plus attendees as the oldest
living graduate of any of the academies, but especially his beloved
West Point.
He resided at the Idaho State Veterans Home for
the past three years. The family takes this opportunity to thank and
praise the wonderful, attentive and kind staff of the Home for the
fine care and support they provided in his final years. Dr. Cliff
Tenley and the staff of St. Lukes Internal Medicine also are
commended for their understanding and compassion.
Gen. Latta
was a proud member of the Association of Graduates of West Point
(Beat Navy!), a member of the Harvard Business School Alumni
Association, the Military Officers of America Association, the
Association of the United States Army, the Armed Forces
Communications and Electronics Association, the National Defense
Industry Association, the American Legion and a life member of the
Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Gen. Latta was preceded in death by
his parents and his three sisters. He is survived by his wife of 61
years, Beatrice T. Latta. He also is survived by his two attorney
sons, Bill Jr. (Sheri) of Boise, and Bob (Jeanette) of Los Altos
Hills, Calif.; his college professor daughter, Dr. Laura Gaudet of
Chadron, Neb; a granddaughter, Christina Flanagan Latta of Boise and
Moscow, Idaho; and three grandsons, Andrew, William and Thomas Latta
of Los Altos Hills, Calif.
Hating funerals, he will be
interred in a graveside ceremony, with full military honors, at the
Southern Arizona Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Fort Huachuca, Ariz.
The ceremonies will occur at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 28, 2005.
A reception for family and friends will follow at a location to
be named at that time. No flowers, please.
Arrangements are
by Summers Funeral Homes in Boise, Idaho, and Jensen's Sierra Vista
Mortuary in Sierra Vista.
William A.
(5) John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1).was
born on 11 Nov 1871 in Tennessee, USA. He married Annie Parker on 26 Feb 1897 in
Nashville, Davidson, Tennessee, USA.Notes for Sims
Craig Latta:Born at Columbia, Tenn.
November 11, 1871; m. Annie Parker of Nashville, Tenn. February 26,
1897. In 1906 he was in the coal business at Memphis, Tenn. Afterwards
shipping clerk for Bell Telephone Co
Sims Craig Latta and
Annie Parker had the following children: 103
(7) was born in 1899 in
Tennessee, USA. He died in 1903 in Tennessee, USA
. 104
(7) was born on 27 Sep
1906 in Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USA. She married Frances Levis in 1931 in
Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee, USA
John (5) John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1)
was born on 03 Apr 1884 in
Tennessee, USA. He died on 26 Jan 1938. He married Frances Marion Ricketts on 24
Nov 1914.
Benjamin H. Latta and
Frances Marion Ricketts had the following children: 105 MARION BENINGTON (7)
was born on 26 Jul 1918 in
Tennessee, USA.
John (5) John (4) James (3) John (2)
James (1) was born
on 13 Oct 1881 in Maury County, Tennessee, USA. He died Nov. 19, 1914 in Maury County,
Tennessee, USA. He married Eliza M Mitchell on 12 Feb 1902 in Maury County,
Tennessee, USA. She was born in 1880 in Tennessee, USA.
Notes for Frank Latta:FRANK,
JR.(7) b. May 12, 1908; d.
May 12, 1908; buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery, Columbia, Maury County, TN. (LATTA,
Frank, Jr., 12 May 1908. "Son M/M Frank Latta.", Block "A")Frank Latta and Eliza M. Mitchell had
the following children: 106
MARYMITCHELL (7) was born in 1910 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. She married (1) ROBERT
107 JOHN
J. (7) was born in 1915 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. 108 WINONA ANN (7)
was born in 1912 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. She married (1) VICTOR
Friday, Nov. 20, 1914
- The Herald and Mail, Columbia, TN
Eliza Mitchell Latta - wife of Frank Latta from Find A Grave
John (5) John (4) James (3) John (2)
James (1) was born on 08
Mar 1871 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 20 Oct 1944 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He
married Nancy Ellen Collier on 26 Mar 1891 in Maury, Tennessee, USA.
March 20 1891 - The Herald and Mail - Columbia, Tn
Notes for Fred Latta:
Born March 8, 1871; d. Oct. 20, 1944;
buried in the Rose Hill Cemetery, Columbia, Maury County, TN; m. Nancy Ellen
"Ellie" Collier on March 26, 1891. She was born in 1871 in TN and died in 1948
TN; m. Nancy Ellen "Ellie" Collier on March 26, 1891. She was born in 1871 in TN
and died in 1948. In 1939 Fred was the State Comptroller at Columbia, Tennessee,
and at one time was mayor of Columbia.
Fred Latta and Nancy Ellen Collier had the following children: 75
(7) was born on 27 Nov
1894 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She died on 10 Jun 1920 in Maury, Tennessee, USA.
She married Richard C Wells in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He was born in Illinois,
was born on 28 May 1904 in
Maury County, Tennessee, USA. She married Hilton C Warren in 1937 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA
Moses (5) Moses (4) James (3) John (2) James (1) was born on 29 Jul 1874 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He married Mattie Ann Chappell, daughter of Henry Sam Pate
Chappell and Martha Jemima Smith, in 1895 in Maury County, Tennessee, USA. She
was born in Jan 1876 in Tennessee, USA
Sims Aaron Latta and Mattie Ann Chappell
had the following children: 121 MARY E. (7) was born on 12 Apr 1896 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. She died on 17 Mar 1923 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA. 122
was born in 1900 in
Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died in 1989 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married
Eddie Williams Sparkman on 08 May 1921 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born on
13 Sep 1899. She died in 1993. 123
(7) was born on 07 May
1907. He died on 07 Nov 1991 in Spring Hill, Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married
Velma Roth on 25 Dec 1935 in Williamson, Tennessee, USA.
Moses (5) Moses (4) James (3) John (2) James (1)
was born about 1876 in Maury, Tennessee,
USA. He married Donna Wright about 1895 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. She was born
on 21 Jan 1881 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 19 Apr 1959 in Tennessee, USA
William Steven Latta and Donna Wright had the following children: 124 MOSES W.
(7) was born on 27 Jan 1897 in Maury,
Tennessee, USA. He died on 22 Feb 1960 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He married (1)
She was born on 09 Feb 1899 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 28 Nov 1952 in
Tennessee, USA. 125 STEVE
(7) 126 CLIFF (7)
was born on 29 Jul 1900 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 28 Nov 1968 in Tennessee,
USA. He married (1) KATHERINE
She was born in 1904127
GERTRUDE (7) was
born on 01 Feb 1903 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 25 Nov 1968 in Tennessee,
USA. She married (1) EVERETT
He was born on 06 Aug 1902 in Tennessee, USA. He died on 23 Sep 1967 in
Tennessee, USA
90 JOHN R. (6) LATTA
John Monroe (5) Calvin (4) John J (3),
John (2), James(1) was born on 24 Jan 1879 in Illinois, USA. He died on 23 Mar
1965 in Jefferson, Illinois, USA. He married Lorena Katherine Waud on 27 Nov
1904 in Illinois, USA.
Notes for John R. Latta:
b. January 24, 1879 in Illinois; d.
March 23, 1965 in Jefferson Co., IL; m. Lorena Katherine Waud, daughter of
Robert George Waud and Mary Elizabeth Burton on Nov. 27, 1904 in Jefferson Co.,
IL. 1930 Census, Farrington, Jefferson Co., IL: John R. Latta, 51, b. IL,
father TN, mother IL, farmer, Lorena C. Latta, 46, wife, Irvie, 23, Keith, 20
John R. Latta and Lorena Katherine Waud had the following children: 111
(7) was born on 18 Mar
1907 in Illinois, USA. He died on 28 Jul 1969 in Illinois, USA 112 KEITH (7)
was born on 17 Jul 1910 in
Illinois, USA. He died in Apr 1983 in Illinois, USA
Notes for Keith Latta:
Obituary: Keith Latta,
72, of Bluford, died at 9:55 am Sunday, Apr l0, 1983. He was a retired farmer
and avid horseman. Mr Latta was born in Farrington Twnship, July 17, 1910, the
son of John R. and Lorena (Waud) Latta. On April 19, 1943 he married Maxine
Brookman, who survives. Mr. Latta was a long time member of Harmony Missionary
Church, where services will be held at 1:30 pm Wednesday with the Rev. Melvin
Chambliss officiating. Burial will follow in Harmony Cemetery. Friends may call
after 6 pm on Tuesday and until 11 am on Wednesday at the Bluford Funeral Home,
and from noon Wednesday until the Funeral Hour at the church. In addition to his
wife survivors include three daughters, Mrs Gale (Shirley) Breeze, and Mrs.
Robert (Sandy) Jackson, both of Bluford, and Mrs. Sharon Hails of Texico. seven
grandchildren. one gr gr grandchild, several nieces and nephews. Mr. Latta was
preceded in death by one brother, Irvie and his parents.
91 OTTO E. (6) LATTA
John Monroe (5) Calvin (4) John J (3),
John (2), James(1) was born on 30 Jul 1881 in Illinois, USA. He died in 1961 in
Illinois, USA. He married Ethel Sylvia Waud on 15 Feb 1905 in Illinois, USA
Otto E. Latta and Ethel Sylvia Waud had the following child: 113
(7) was
born on 15 Nov 1905 in Illinois, USA. He died in Jul 1985 in Illinois, USA.
Notes for Marvin H.
b. Nov. 15, 1905 in Mt.
Vernon, Jefferson Co., Illinois; d. July 1985 in Mt. Vernon, Jefferson b. Nov.
15, 1905 in Mt. Vernon, Jefferson Co., Illinois; d. July 1985 in Mt. Vernon,
Jefferson Co., IL; there is a Cora Belle Latta (1905-1947) buried beside of
Otto and Ethel Latta in the Bethel Cemetery (could this be Marvin's wife?)
William J. (5) Moses (4) James (3) John
(2) James (1)
was born on 02 Oct 1857 in Maury
County, TN. He died on 21 Apr 1922 in Martin, Weakley County, TN. He married (1)
She was born in Apr 1855 in Tennessee, USA.
James Henry Latta and Fannie A. Leonard had the
following children: 114 WILLIAM CHARLES
LATTA (7) was
born in Nov 1882 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 18 Nov 1962. He married
daughter of John J Thomas and Eliza Unknown, on 15 Apr 1903 in Weakley County,
TN. She was born about 1782 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 10 May 1929 in Union
City, Obion County, TN (Age: 48) 115 MINNIE GERTRUDE LATTA
(7) was born in Feb 1885 in Tennessee, USA.
She died in 1955. She married (1) MCDURMAN 116 GEORGE CUTHBERT LATTA
(7) was born in Dec 1887
in Graves, Kentucky, USA. He died in Feb 1963. He married (1) RUTH
James Henry (6) William J. (5) Moses (4) James (3)
John (2) James (1)
was born in Nov 1882 in Maury, Tennessee, USA. He died on 18 Nov
1962. He married (1) CORA
daughter of John J Thomas and Eliza Unknown, on 15 Apr 1903 in Weakley County,
TN. She was born about 1782 in Tennessee, USA. She died on 10 May 1929 in Union
City, Obion County, TN (Age: 48). Notes for William Charles Latta: born Nov 1882 in Maury,
TN. SS Index says b. Nov. 5, 1882 and died November 1962. He married Cora C.
THOMAS, born abt 1882 in TNWilliam Charles Latta and Cora C.
Thomas had the following children: 117 EUNICE (8)
was born in 1904 in Tennessee.
118 LORENA (8)
was born in 1911 in Tennessee. 119
was born in 1918 in Tennssee.
James Henry (6) William J. (5) Moses (4) James (3)
John (2) James (1)
was born in Dec 1887 in Graves, Kentucky, USA. He died in Feb
1963. He married (1) RUTH
HIGH Notes for George Cuthbert Latta: b. Dec 1887 near Pilot
Oak, Graves Co., KY. SS Index says born Dec. 11, 1888 and died Feb. 1963. He
married Ruth High, daughter of James HighGeorge Cuthbert Latta
and Ruth High had the following child: 120 WALTER (8)
was born in 1816 in
Tennessee, USA.
William B. (6) William A. (5) John
(4) James (3) John (2) James (1). b. October 25, 1915. Graduated U. S. M. A.,
B.S. Eng., 1938. Fought with Patton in WWII. Married U. S. Army Nurse Corps Lt.
Beatrice Lillian Thompson (b. Amsterdam, NY) May 21, 1944 in Palermo, Sicily.
Distinguished 40 year career in the U. S. Army, beginning as a private tending
pigeons and ending as the Commanding General of the Army’s satellite based
Strategic Communications Command. Retired to Sierra Vista, AZ in 1972; self
employed as Latta Engineering Services until age 85. He moved to Boise, ID in
2002 to live near his son and granddaughter.
LATTA, JR.(8) b. Boston MA, May 20, 1949.
LATTA (8) b. Valley Forge, PA, January 30, 1954
b. Boston, MA, August 24, 1950. Univ. of Texas, B. S., 1973, Antioch Coll., M.
Ed. 1976, University of Northern Colorado, Ph. D., Educational Psychology, 1995. Married/divorced
James Gaudet, 1976-91.
Assoc. Prof. Laura Latta Gaudet is the chair of the Dept. of Counseling, Psychology and Social Work at
Chadron State College, Chadron, NE.
William Braden (7) William B. (6)
William A. (5) John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1) b. Boston MA, May 20, 1949.
B. A., Colgate University 1971, J. D., Golden Gate Univ. School of Law, 1976.
Married Patricia A. Flanagan, Herkimer, NY December 12, 1977. She passed away
August 25, 2001. Bill Jr. has been an attorney in Boise, ID since 1977. Child: 84 CHRISTINA FLANAGAN
LATTA(9) b. February 25, 1981, Boise ID. Boise
State University, B. A.
English w/ High Honors, magna cum laude, 2003. Entering law school, Fall, 2004.
William B., Jr. (7) William B.
(6) William A. (5) John (4) James (3) John (2) James (1). b. Valley Forge, PA,
January 30, 1954. Stanford University, B. A. Economics, Phi Beta Kappa, 1976; J.
D., Stanford Law School 1979. Bob has been an attorney in Palo Alto, CA since
1979. Married Paula Mooring 1987, divorced 1993. Child: 87 ANDREW BRADEN
LATTA (9), b. June 22,1991, Stanford, CA. Robert Palmer Latta then married Debra Jeanette Dyal
on February 27, 1995, Los Altos, CA. b. Champaign-Urbana, Il, August 5, 1956, B. A.
Harvard/Radcliffe, 1978. Children: 88 WILLIAM GORDON
LATTA (9), b. Mountain View CA, November 25,
(9), b. Mountain View CA, November 25, 1995.
BRANCH.....................................NOTES BELOW
Information furnished by Mrs.
Mary S. Latta, care of Rev. F.J. Mapel, Platte City, Mo. William H. Latta of El Paso,
Texas. Sims Latta of Cilumbia, Tenn. James H. Latta of Martin, Tenn. Simmie Latta Wlhoite, daughter of Sims Latta,
Franklin, Tenn. Hettie Latta Edwards, Nashville, Tenn.
Additional Information on
William Braden Latta furnished by: W. B. Latta, Jr., Attorney at Law, P. O. Box 2192,
Boise ID 83701-2192 in 2003.
Latta, ***grave dug on 6 July 1856 for "Miss Latta's
child a pauper."
Latta, *** on 8 July 1856, coffin furnished by J. R. Lamb
for Miss Latta's child, a pauper.
Latta, *** on 25 Oct. 1856 County furnished coffin and
paid for burial of Mrs. Latta, a pauper.
Century Review, 1805-1905 of
Maury County, TN states on page 237 (google books) "W. J. Latta, born on
Duck River, 11 miles N.W. of Columbia, June 1878, is the son of W. W. and
E. A. (Dockery) Latta. His mother's parents, J. M. and Annie (Puckett)
Dockery, were among early settlers from S. C. to Maury Co. W. J., in 1903,
married Pauline, daughter of Rowann and Lou (Fields) Irwin. Mr. Latta owns
a 100a. farm, well adapted to the production of corn, wheat, oats, and stock
raising, to which he devotes his time.