Branch No. 32
May connect to Branches 8, 10 and 19.
In 1767, he moved to Bart Township in Lancaster Co., Pa. He died there about 1779, survived by his widow (who died prior to 1803) and nine children. Bart Township was once a part of Sadsbury Township, and was divided in 1744. Lieut. Gov. John Latta of Greensburg, PA, Branch 3, son of #10 Ephraim's widow by second marriage, states "Among Ephraim's old papers I find a letter from Squire Dunn dated November 7, 1820, stating that "as to the judgments on my docket in favor of Robert Latta there are but two." This letter was dated "Sandy Lake, Mercer Co." close to Crawford Co., PA. Dunn says that he understands that one of Robert's children is a minor. Rev. John Cuthbertson, a Scottish Presbyterian minister who came to American in 1751, had his home at Octoraro, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He traveled through York, Lancaster, Chester, and Philadelphia, preaching, and performing marriages and baptisms. Rev. Cuthbertson kept a diary of his travels beginning in 1751 when he landed at New Castle, Delaware. Rev. Cuthbertson noted in his diary on Nov. 12, 1779 "rode 8 miles to Mr. S____, with him to and from Robert Latta's burial." This record of the death of Robert Latta is probably the best record of his death. Any petitions in court would be to divide property, and if the family waited until the property was being divided, their recollection of the exact date of death might be clouded. From Orphan's court records, Lancaster Co PA. To the Honorable the Judges of the Orphans Court Sitting at Lancaster for the County of Lancaster the 26th day of July 1803. The Petition of Ephraim Latta of Bart Township Humbly Shewith: That Robert Latta father of your petitioner died intestate about the year 1784, leaving a widow who is since deceased and nine children. Moses the eldest who is since dead without issue, Samuel, James, Robert, William, John, Letitia who intermarried with Joseph McClane, Mary, and your petitioner. That the said Robert was seized at the time of his death of about two hundred and fifty acres of a Warranted estate in Bart Township-adjoining Lands of Samuel Downing, Patrick Henry and others. Your Petitioner prays of your Honors to appoint an inquest to view these lands and premises with the appurtenances and make partition thereof to and among the children of the said Robert Latta of this same can be divided without injury to and spoiling of the whole if not to notified & appraised the same will pray is Ephraim Latta. Lancaster County Taxes - PA Archives, 3rd Series 1771 Bart Twp., Lata, Rbt., 100, 2H, 2C 1772 Bart Twp., Leata, Rbt., 100, 0H, 1C 1773 Bart Twp., Lata, Robert, 100, 2H, 3C 1779 Bart Twp., Latta, Robert, 100 ac, 4H, 4C (also Rev. John Culbertson, 100 ac, 2H, 4C) 1782 Bart Twp., Latta, Ann, 200 ac, 2H, 2C (this gives us Robert's widow's name) History of Lancaster County - Ellis & Evans printed 1883 1784 Tax list shows "Widow Latta."![]() Lieut. Gov. John Latta says about 1784,"The above Ephraim Latta lived in close proximity to the Latta settlement in Chester Co., Pa., the native place of Rev. James W. Latta, Branch 8. There is a deed at the Court House which tells of Samuel Latta buying land in Bart Tp. of his "Uncle James". If this is the Rev. James Latta, then Robert of Bart Tp. and Rev. James Latta of Drumore, were brothers. Both townships were in the south section of the county, and in the same locality. All the above history was given me by Gov. John Latta, branch 15.
7 JOHN (2) lived in Elkton, Cecil Co., Md. not very far from Rock Church. He died March 10, 1806. No issue. Was a minister (probably the chaplain listed in the Lancaster County list of soldiers in the Revolutionary War) and in 1804 left Philadelphia, Pa. to go as chaplain of Commodore Barren's ship to the Mediterranean but was disappointed. In Liber F F #6, Folio 425, Orphan's Court, Cecil Co., Elkton, Md. is the will of John Latta, admitted to probate April 25, 1806 and in full as follows: "It is my Will and desire that my brother, Ephraim Latta, near Greensburg, Westmoreland Co., Pa. shall have my wearing apparel, and after my just debts are paid my sister Mary Latta shall have the residue of my property. (signed) JOHN LATTA. Witness present Marcellus Keene. March 2, 1806. Up to June 26, 1907 this is the only Latta mentioned whose estate took out letters of administration. See copies of Will below.
William Latta's estate papers recorded in Bedford County, PA.
Will of John Latta, Cecil County Wills, Book 6, page 425 - Probated April 25, 1806
At least one son:
3 MOSES (2) LATTA Robert (1). d. bef. 1803. Single. Moses Latta owned a large farm in South Huntingdon township, Westmoreland County, PA. Moses Latta, single, and William Latta, single, are found in the 1786 tax list for South Huntington, Westmoreland County, PA tax list. Their brother, Ephraim is also found, but listed in the "married" section, along with a William Latta, Jr. and William Latta (Branch 3?) Moses, and his brothers, Ephraim and William are found in the 1788 tax list for South Huntington township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Moses is found in the 1798 tax list as owning land which he was renting out. His brothers, Ephraim and William are also found living in the same township on the tax list.
4 SAMUEL (2) LATTA Robert (1) Samuel Latta was a cooper, and remained in Bart township until at least 1800, when he is found with his brother, John in the tax list. Samuel was later in business with brother Ephraim and died in Westmoreland Co. Single. No issue.
5 JAMES (2) LATTA Robert (1) James Latta was in Bart township, Lancaster County, in the 1786 tax list, 1790 census, and 1793 tax list. In the 1790 census, he is listed with a family. He has three sons and himself over 16, two sons under the age of 16, and two females (wife and his mother).
10 EPHRAIM (2) LATTA Robert (1). Ephraim Latta died in Westmoreland Co., Pa. about August 1, 1831. No issue. He owned a large farm near Pleasant Unity, six miles from Greensburg, Pa. adjoining land on Mungo's son John, branch 10, and also of Ephraim and Moses. He married Eliza Graham and after his death she married Moses Latta of Branch 10 about 1831 or 1832. Moses and Eliza were the parents of Branch 10 Gov. John Latta of Greensburg, Pa. Eliza was born in Greensburg August 1, 1795 and died March 3, 1870. Gov. John Latta, her son, says, "If my father was a cousin of Ephraim, as I understand from my mother, then the above 1 Robert (1) Latta must have been the brother of Moses and John, my grandfather and granduncle.
Ephraim is found in the 1783 tax list for South Huntington township, Westmoreland Co., PA with William Latta.