Branch No. 37
No Branch Captain. Volunteer needed.
May connect with Branch 27.
1 ____________ (1) LATTA
This Latta may be the grandfather of Thomas Moore Latta who served in the Revolutionary War as a captain and died in the Battle of Brandywine on Sept 11, 1777 near Chadd's Ford, PA. If this "Latta" grandfather was not the one who was killed at the Battle of Brandywine, then it would have been his maternal grandfather, the father of Martha Latta, whose maiden name is unknown.
______(1) Born _____Died 1818 in Wayne Township, Jefferson
Co., OH; married Martha __________ (possibly "Moore").
In the Pittsburgh Gazette on May 6, 1815, "Latta's Tavern" in Wayne
township, was listed as a gathering place by commissioners in the
article. (See below) In the "Early
Records of Jefferson County, OH 1788-1851" by Mary E. DiThomas,
it listed letters remaining at the post office in Steubenville
on July 25, 1807 - Thomas Latta. The book also stated
that four Lattas born in Ohio in the 1820s settled in
Grandview Township with Thomas Christy. Christy was a
lieutenant in Captain Thomas Latta's Co. in 1812. The
War of 1812 lists Capt. Thomas Latta's Co. from Jefferson
County, Ohio, in the war. The 1817 taxes for Wayne
township stated that Thomas Latta had 2 assessments in
Jefferson County, and 1 tax assessment in Guernsey County.
The "Western Herald," of Steubenville, OH on March 30, 1818
published an estate notice for the estate of Thomas Latta,
late of Wayne Township, deceased. Martha Latta and Josiah
Crawford, Administrators. Josiah Crawford is found in
the 1820 census for Wayne Twp, with his wife, Margaret
Clendonen Crawford, and several children. Martha Latta
later married Thomas Marshall on May 23, 1820 in Jefferson
County, Ohio. Thomas Hunt, pastor of Two Ridge and
Richmond Presbyterian Churches, performed the ceremony.
Thomas J. (2) ____ (1).
Born in Jefferson Co., Ohio in 1799; d. at Marshall, Clark Co., Ills.
September 10, 1852; m. Catherine Myers, daughter of Jacob Myers, who
came to America from near Strasburg, Alsace, France. She died at
Marshall, Ills. September 10, 1851. Thomas lived at Paris, Stark Co.,
Ohio and went to Ills. in the fall of 1851. Thomas M. Latta was
granted a tract of land in Illinois in 1852 shortly before his death. Thomas Latta
is listed in the 1820 and 1830 Census at Brown, Stark County,
Ohio. Thomas Moore Latta's death certificate states that he was born at
Gettysburg, PA. Note the 1850 Census for Paris, Stark
County, OH stated that he was born in Pennsylvania. If this is true, this branch would
probably be related to Branch 27. Catherine Latta died
within months of their trip to Illinois on September 9, 1851
of cholera, and Thomas died October 10, 1852. The children were
appointed guardians by the court.
Unknown Female (4) twin daughters b. February
1837; d. At birth
10 Unknown Female (4) twin daughters
b. February 1837; d. At birth.
HERMAN HARRISON (4) b. at Paris, Stark Co., Ohio July 13, 1838; d.
December 30, 1838.
4 THOMAS JEFFERSON (4) b. September 23,
1839 in Stark Co., OH.
5 JOHN WORLEY (4) b. Nov. 1, 1841.
BELLAMY (4) b. March, 1844.
12 OLIVE (4) b. at Paris, Ohio
September 2, 1846; d. March 20, 1934. Trained nurse. Married twice:
1) ____. Had one daughter, Mary Lee. 2) Andrew Craig at Marshall,
Ills. October 4, 1867 . He was born at Cincinnati, Ohio Nov. 25, 1837 .
Enlisted at Cincinnati as a private in co.1st. Reg. One Child, Jammie
Born: Aug. 20, ???? .
13 MARY CATHERINE (4) b. December 25,
1848 at Paris, Ohio.
Issue 51: Orphaned and Alone, by Sue Lattea Cox, V.P. Research - While looking into some history of Branch 37, I discovered that #3 Thomas Moore Latta lived in Stark County, Ohio. He was the son of Thomas J. Latta, who died in Wayne township, Jefferson County, Ohio, in 1818. The "Western Herald," a newspaper in Steubenville, Ohio, published on March 30, 1818, under their estate notices that Martha Latta and Josiah Crawford were administrators of the estate of Thomas Latta, late of Wayne township, deceased. Martha Latta would later marry Thomas Marshall on May 23, 1820 in Jefferson County, Ohio. They were married by Thomas Hunt, pastor of Two Ridge and Richmond Presbyterian Churches in Jefferson County.
According to the death certificate of his son, John Worley Latta, Thomas Moore Latta was born about 1799 in Gettysburg, PA. Thomas Moore Latta is found in the 1820 and 1830 census at Brown, Stark County, Ohio, and in 1840 and 1850 he is found in Paris, Stark County, Ohio. Thomas Moore Latta married Catherine Myers, daughter of Jacob Myers, who came to America from France. The 1850 census lists Thomas, age 48, and Catherine, age 33, with five children, Thomas, age 11, John, age 9, Albrat (Albert), age 7, Olive, age 5, and Mary, age 2. In late April, 1851, the Latta family moved from Ohio to Cumberland County, Illinois. On September 10, 1851, their mother, Catherine Latta passed away. No cause of death is found, however a cholera epidemic had hit Cumberland County, Illinois during that time, and those effected by cholera perished within three to four days of contacting it. Thomas Moore Latta is left a widower with four young children. The following year, Thomas Moore Latta passed away also, leaving the four children orphaned in Cumberland County, Illinois, far away from family members who might take them in. Guardians were appointed to the children, and in a "History of Cumberland County," John Worley Latta noted that his family came to Illinois in April 1851, and located in Marshall in August. Colery broke out in the neighborhood. His mother died September 9 of the same year. His father died October 10, 1852. "A gardian was put over us children and he bound me out for 3 1/2 years. I ran off and west to Pittsfield, Pike Co. Was there when Douglas and Lincoln canvassed the state in 1858. I joined the army 28th of July 1861. Was in the Battle of Shilo and Corninth, Miss. April 6 & 7 at Corinth, Oct. 4 and 5th, 1862 was in the battle at Brices Cross road June 10, 1864." John Worley Latta's brother, Thomas Jefferson Latta, was an active school teacher before and after the Civil War. Thomas enlisted in the Civil War in 1861 and served as a Sergeant in Co. B, 2nd Regiment, Light Artillery. He was wounded in the Battle of Guntown. He was run over by a heavy artillery wagon and left lying on the battlefield until a comrade came along and picked him up. In the battle of Shiloh, he rode a little white pony 150 miles in the retreat under General Grant. The "History of Cumberland County" also stated that the brother's grandfather, was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and was killed in the Battle of Brandywine. It doesn't state whether this was their paternal or maternal grandfather. Their father, Thomas Moore Latta, was a Captain in the War of 1812. A history of Jefferson County, Ohio, shows Capt. Thomas Latta's Company from Jefferson County serving in the War of 1812. Could this link this family to Branch 27?
1850 Census, Paris, Stark Co., OH Thomas Latta, 48, farmer, PA Catherine Latta, 33, Germany Thomas Latta, 11, b. OH John Latta, 9, b. OH Albrat Latta, 7, b. OH Olive Latta, 5, b. OH Mary Latta, 2, b. OH 1854 Cumberland Co., Illiniois Taxes, Township 10 North, Range 9, East Section Name Acres 28 Joh. W. Latta 40 and 80 28 Tho. M. Latta 40 29 Joh. W. Latta 40 & ?? 32 Joh. W. Latta 40 33 Joh. W. Latta 80 and 40 Clark Co., Illinois - 2nd Ill. Light Artillery, Battery B Latta, Jefferson, corporal, August 26, 1861, MO August 31, 1864 as Sergt. Latta, John W., private, August 26, 1861, mustered out August 31, 1864 Latta, Thomas J., recruit, discharged August 31, 1864 as Sgt.
4 THOMAS JEFFERSON (called "Jefferson") (4) LATTA
Thomas (3) Thomas J. (2) ____ (1). Born September 23, 1839 in
Stark Co., OH; d. January 12, 1925 in Greenup, Cumberland Co.,
IL. His death certificate stated that his father was
Thomas Moore Latta, born at Gettysburg, PA, and that his
mother was Catherine Myers, born in Alsace, France; m. Catherine Fogleman,
on November 26, 1871. The "Cumberland Democrat"
published on December 1, 1871, p. 3 that "Thomas J. Latta and
Miss Catherine Fogleman, both of Sumpter Township, were
married 20/26 Nov 1871 at the City Hotel by Rev. N. C. Green.
Catherine is buried at Terre Haute, Ind. He was buried in the
Quaker Cemetery called "Friends Grove", 3 1/2 miles N.W. of Greenup, Ills.
He served as Cpl. in Co. B, 2nd Reg. IL Light Artillery during
the Civil War. In the "History of Cumberland
County" on page 399, it states that John Franklin Freeman was
married to Mary Olive Latta, Oct. 18, 1899 by the Notary Pubic
Levi Ross in Toldeo, Ill. Mary Olive was born Oct. 16, 1881
and was the daughter of Thomas Jefferson Latta and Catharine (Fogleman)
Latta. Mary Olive's father, Thomas Jefferson Latta, was
the son of Thomas Moore and Catherine Latta. He was born
in Paris, Stark Co., Ohio Sept. 23, 1839 and died Jan. 12,
1925 and was buried in the Friends Grove Cemetery north of
Greenup. He spent the earlier part of his life in Ohio
and came with his parents to Ill., April 28 1851. He was
an active school teacher before and after the Civil War.
Thomas enlisted in the Civil War in 1861 and served as a
Sergeant in Co. B. 2nd Regiment, Light Artillery. He was
wounded in the Battle of Guntown. He was run over by a
heavy artillery wagon and left lying on the battlefield until
a comrade came along and picked him up. In the battle of
Shiloh, he rode a little white pony one hundred and fifty
miles in the retreat under General Grant. He also served
under General Rosecrane and Sturgess. Thomas'
grandfather was a Captain in the Revolutionary War and was
killed in the Battle of Brandywine. His father was a
Captain in the War of 1812. Thomas' mother was lost in
Napoleon's March from France to Moscow, Russia. Thomas
Jefferson married Catherie Fogleman Nov. 27, 1870 by Rev. N.
C. Green in Prairie City (now Toledo) Cumberland Co., Ill.
They had two children Sarah Elizabeth and Mary Olive.
Catherine ws born Jan. 5, 1849. She was the daughter of
Anderson and Elizabeth (Bowman) Fogleman. Anderson came
to Ill. from S. C. In those days it was believed that
some illnesses could be cured by bleeding the patient.
Anderson rendered these services. He used a small
instrument, called a bleeder. The instrument is now in
the possession of Mary Olive's family. Catherine died in
1885 and was buried in a cemetery in Terre Haute, Ind.
14 SARAH ELIZABETH "LIZZIE" (5) m. William
Kinkaid; d. in 1932.
b. Oct. 16, 1881; m. John Freeman Oct. 18, 1899.
Eleven children were born to John Franklin and Mary Olive
Freeman. Their names were Thomas Van Buren, Leonora
Elizabeth, Elmer Franklin, Luada Catherine, Lawrence Albert,
Charles Leslie, Evelyn Eliza, Everett Monroe, Olive Belle,
John Kenneth, and Russell Lowell.
1870 Census, Sumpter, Cumberland Co., IL John R. Moses, 31, b. OH, farmer Sarah J. Moses, 29, b. OH Rosilla Moses, 9, b. IL Aminnie Moses, 4, b. IL George E. Moses, 2, b. IL Ida May Moses, 7/12, b. IL Thomas J. Latta, 31, b. OH, works on farm 1880 Census, Sumpter, Cumberland Co., IL Thomas J. Latta, 40, b. OH, farmer Catharine Latta, 30, b. NC Sarah E. Latta, 7, b. IL Amanda Larue, 17, b. IL, other John A. Cook, 18, b. IL, other 1910 Census, Woodbury, Cumberland Co., IL William Kuncaid, 34, b. IN Lizzie Kuncaid, 36, b. IN Hary Kuncaid, 10, b. IL Mary Kuncaid, 7, b. IL Edgar Kuncaid, 5 b. IL Thomas Latta, 69, b. OH, father-in-law, widowed 1920 Census, Greenup,, Cumberland Co., IL John F. Freeman, 47, b. IL Mary O. Freeman, 38, b. IL Thomas V. Freeman, 19, b. IL Nora E. Freeman, 17, b. IL Elmer F. Freeman, 15, b. IL Kathleen L. Freeman, 12, b. IL Lawrence A. Freeman, 10, b. IL Charles W. Freeman, 6, b. IL Everett M. Freeman, 3, b. IL Evlyn L. Freeman, 3, b. IL Olive B. Freeman, 0, b. IL Thomas J. Latta, 80, b. OH, father-in-law
Thomas M. (3)
Thomas J. (2) ____ (1). Born November 1, 1841 in Clark Co.,
OH; d. February 15, 1940 in Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL at the
age of 98; m. Margaret Arthur,
daughter of Robert and Catherine (Myers) Arthur. She was born July
1847 and died September 1917. He served
in the Civil War as a pvt in Co. B of the 2nd Regiment of the
Illinois Light Artillery in the Union Army. The
"History of Cumberland County" on page 184, lists that John
Worley Latta was born at Paris, Ohio on Nov. 1, 1841, came to
Illinois in April 1851 and located 3 miles north west of
Greenup. Colery broke out in the neighborhood. "My
father and mother moved to Marshall in Aug. My mother
died Sept 9 same year. My father died 10th of Oct. 1852.
A Gardian was put over us children and he bound me out for 3
1/2 years. I ran off and west to Pittsfield, in 1858.
I joined the army 28th of July 1861. Was in the Battle
of Shilo & Corninth, Miss. April 6 & 7 at Corinth Oct.
4th and 5th 1862. Was in the battle at Brices Cross road June
10, 1864." An application for a military headstone for
John W. Latta listed him as a corp. in Co. B, 2nd Reg., IL St.
Artillery. Enlisted August 26, 1861 and discharged August 31,
16 CORA B. (5) b. September 2,
1869; m. Mr. Baumgartner. Lived Preston, Kan.
18 ALBERT H. (5) b. 1873; d. 1884 at 12 years of age and buried at
Greenup, Ills.
19 DOTTIE D. (5) b. at Greenup, Ills. September
30, 1873; m. Mr. Luce. Lived at Cunningham, Kan.
(5) b. at Greenup, Ill. January 5, 1887. Lived Silver City, N.M.
His WWI draft card stated that he was employed as a laborer in
the St. Louis Basket and Box Factory, and that he had blue
eyes and black hair. John Herman Latta died on May 13,
1949 in Los Angeles, California.
1870 Census, Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL John W. Latta, Jr., 29, b. OH, farmer Maggie Latta, 22, b. OH Carra B., 10/12, b. IL 1880 Census, Sumpter, Cumberland Co., IL John W. Latta, 38, b. OH Margaret S. Latta, 33, b. OH Cora B. Latta, 11, b. IL Robert A. Latta, 9, b. IL Albert H. Latta, 7, b. IL Dottie D. Latta, 5, b. IL 1900 Census, Sumpter, Cumberland Co., IL John W. Latta, 59, b. OH Margaret S. Latta, 53, b. OH Herman J., 13, b. IL 1930 Census, Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL John W. Latta, 88, b. OH, widowed Frank Blondee, 53, Germany, boarder
Villages of Cumberland Co., Illinois - GREENUP
"The greater part of the history of Greenup, up to the time it became the county seat of Cumberland, is pretty much the same old oft repeated story, of rough western pioneer villages, such as is so well known to many of the people of the West. From this time forward the village prospered. The national road brought new life with its increasing travel, and it grew to be a noted point to travelers far and near. There is no doubt but Greenup is well remembered by hundreds of persons who were on their way to the golden hills of California, in search of their hidden treasures, whose good fortune it was to partake of the hospitalities of Greenup, on their wearisome journey. Charles Conzet, Sr. is undoubtedly remembered as the landlord of the Greenup House. Doubtless meals obtained from his well loaded table, by the hungry traveler, thirty years ago, have helped to establish that reputation as a landlord which Uncle Charley so justly deserves. He came to this country from Philadelphia in 1848, and located 3 miles east of Greenup, where he pursued the occupation of a farmer for about 5 years. He then bought the Greenup House and entertained the public here for years. Closely connected with this house is a rather laughable anecdote, for an account of which we are under many many obligations to its hero, Mr. J. W. Latta. The incident to which we allude occurred a short time before Mr. Conzet became proprietor of the house, and during the time that Simon Lyons was running it. Mr. Lyons, it seems, was entertaining a temporary boarder, who was at the time a citizen of Missouri. This boarder was projecting a portable photographic office, which was to be carried on wheels. Some short words passed in a little unpleasantness in the bar-room, between the boarder and Mr. Harvey Green, who was then driving stage. Whereupon, Mr. Latta said "no gentleman or Christian will insult me, and a blackguard shall not." At this, Mr. Green informed him that he could not step out upon the porch and say that. Out they went. But when Mr. Harvey saw hands placed upon pistols, in casing pockets, performed a series of back steps, the other the while advancing, until Mr. Lyons cried out "Harvey! Harvey!" Whereupon the latter threw up the sponge and said "now you quit and I will." Of course, his prudence at this juncture was commended. And while joked for his bravery, in apology he said "I didn't know but the d*****d old flint lock might go off." Hence the origin of "flint lock" in this locality."
1860 Cumberland, IL Census, Cottonwood Twp, in the household of John Snodgrass is found John W. Latta, 49, of Ohio, teacher.
Cumberland Tribune, Greenup Newspaper, April 30, 1853 - WANTED: Six Thousand rails made immediately. Seventy-five cents per hundred. CASH. J. W. Latta.
Cumberland Democ., G. E. Mason, ed, Fri, 5 Jan. 1871, p.3 c. 3)
The Teacher's Institute, which convened in Prairie City last week, was well attended... Mr. John Latta was laboring under the conviction that the Institute was a hen-convention-met for the purpose of enfranchising the female "pertion" of creation--and the said John W. Latta, the Cock of the Walk, he persisted in talking about the sex, to the great delight of the ladies and his own satisfaction...John is an antiquated bachelor--his head was grown gray in the vain attempt to persuade the ladies that he would make a good an useful piece of furniture for some household--and having utterly failed in his attempt thus far--now wishes to immolate the peaked end of his life upon the alter of female suffrage--after the beauty and poetry has withered and gone! ...Mrs. Woods was rather server in her criticisms (although just) upon some of the members and auditors of the Institute, she rebuked Judge Decius and Bloomfield for remaining covered in the presence of the audience...Mr. Latta for turning his dignified back upon the audience...
1876 - Mr. Latta of Cumberland County recently spent several weeks at the Centennial and pronounced it a "big thing on ice". Newton Press, Oct. 12, 1876.
Mr. Latta of Cumberland County, called on us last week. Mr. L. had just returned from a visit to the Platte County, in Missouri. Feb. 17, 1876.
Thomas M. (3) Thomas J.
(2) ____ (1). Born March 8, 1844 in Stark County, Ohio; d.
March 5, 1927 in Charleston, Coles Co., IL; m. 1) Sarah Glasco,
and 2) Loretta "Rhetta" _____________. Lived Charleston, IL.
Served in Co. H, 59th
Illinois Infantry lists: Latta, Albert B., resident of Charleston,
recruit, August 23, 1861, mustered out Sept. 17, 1864. Wounded at Battle of Stone River, Tenn. Spent time in
hospitals in Nashville, Tenn.
Children with Sarah:
21 LULU (5) m.
John Merkle. Children: Myrtle, doctor at Paris, Ill. Edwin. In 1939
lived at Los Angles, Calif.
John W. (4) Thomas M.
(3) Thomas J. (2) ____ (1). Born September 19, 1871 at
Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL; d. Sept. 23, 1942 at Greenup, his
death certificate says that he was born in Wayne Co., Ohio
(but that would have been his father); m. Lida Bell Eggers,
daughter of William Eggers and Ellen Eggers. Lida died
Nov. 10, 1944 in Greenup.
1940 Census, Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL Earl Latta, 33, IL, stitcher shoe factory Lorena Latta, 32, IL Teddy, 2, IL, son Earlene, 2, IL, daughter
John Worley (4) Thomas M. (3)
Thomas J. (2) ____ (1). b. at Greenup, Ill. January 5, 1887. Lived Silver City, N.M.
His WWI draft card stated that he was employed as a laborer in
the St. Louis Basket and Box Factory, and that he had blue
eyes and black hair. John Herman Latta died on May 13,
1949 in Los Angeles, California. Herman Latta lived in
the Veterans Home in Sawtelle, California. He was
admitted October 26, 1930, at the age of 43. His
disabilities were listed as chronic constipation, internal
hemmorhoids, and neurasthenia. His records stated that
he served in the medical corp as a pvt, and that he enlisted
August 28, 1916 at Ft. Logan, CO. He listed his nearest
relative as Robert Latta, Toledo, IL. He is found listed
in two different census' in 1910, once in IL, and then in
Texas. He probably moved during that year from Illinois
to Texas.
1910 Census, Greenup, Cumberland Co., IL Margaret Latta, 62, b. OH Herman Latta, 23, b. IL Henry F. Phelps, 20, b. IL 1910 Census, Amarillo, Porter Co., TX Herman Latta, 23, b. IL, single, roomer (he is found on a long list of boarders at the boarding house of Joseph and Ida Harrison) 1930 Census, Los Angeles, CA John H. Latta, 43, single, b. IL, boarder in home of Marguerite Clarke and family, 60, b. Switzerland
Robert Andrew (5) John W. (4) Thomas M.
(3) Thomas J. (2) ____ (1).
b. Dec. 27, 1903 in IL; d. Sept 2, 1969 (death certificate
says 1969, although his wife's obituary says differently) in
Clarksburg, Harrison Co., WV. m. Flo Ann Wilson.
Buried in the Lost Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Lost Creek,
Harrison Co., WV.
Clarksburg, WV - Flo A. Latta, 91, of Lost Creek, WV,
passed away on Sunday, October 3, 2004, at her residence
following a brief illness. Mrs. Latta was a
retired cook for the Harrison County Board of Education,
serving at Lost Creek and South Harrison High Schools for 21
years, collectively. She was born on
March 27, 1913, in Bradford, Arkansas. She was the daughter of
the late Talbert John Wilson and Flo Edna Goff Wilson. She was
married to the late John W.
Latta, who passed on September 3, 1983. Surviving are one son,
John F. Latta, of Florida, and one daughter, Ruth Blackwell
and husband Tracy of Lost
Creek. She had 9 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren. Her
half-brother, Charles Wilson, resides in San Bernadino,
California, and one half-sister, Leona
Siler in Searcy, Arkansas. One daughter preceded her in death,
Peggy Snyder. Mrs. Latta was a member of the Lost Creek
United Methodist Church. She was
quite active in her community with the Lost Creek Senior
Citizen Center and the VFW Auxiliary. She was also a member of
the Lost Creek Volunteer Fire
Department Ladies Auxiliary and the Lost Creek Friendly
Homemakers. At the request of Mrs. Latta, she will be cremated
and there will be no public visitation.
However, a memorial service will be held at a later date at
the Lost Creek United Methodist Church. Interment of Mrs.
Latta's ashes will be at the 7th Day
Adventist Cemetery at Lost Creek Brick Church Cemetery.
36 JOHN FLOYD (7) b. August 4, 1935; d. Oct. 5, 2012 in Stuart, Florida.
37 AGNES RUTH (7) b. 1938; m. Loren Keith Glover in Harrison Co., WV on Dec. 15, 1956; also m. _____ Blackwell.
John William (6) Robert Andrew (5) John W. (4) Thomas M.
(3) Thomas J. (2) ____ (1).
b. August 4, 1935; d. Oct. 5, 2012 in Stuart, Florida.
m. Elva Mae Harrison on Sept. 27, 1958 in Harrison Co., WV;
also m. Joyce McComas.
Information furnished by Thomas J. Latta, as given to his
daughter by his Uncle John W. Latta in 1913. Also furnished by Paul
N. White, son-in-law of Robert Andrew Latta July 22,