Branch No. 7
BRANCH CAPTAIN: Lorraine Latta, 3268 1/2 Atwater Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90039,
This Branch may tie with Branches 8, 9, 15, 31, 33, and Note 3.
See History of the Allision Family from Ireland to Pennsylvania and to North Carolina.
In 1740, only a few white families were scattered along the Hyco, the Eno, and the Haw Rivers in the area that became Orange County, North Carolina. ("Orange County 1752-1952") In 1748 there were approximately 20 taxables, but by 1751...settlers were "flocking" in, mostly from Pennsylvania. In 1755 we find James Latta among early Orange County tax payers.
"To the Right Honorable Earl of
Granville, Viscount Carteret and Baron Carteret of Hawns in the County of
Bedford in ye Kingdom of Great Brittan; one of the Lords of His Majesty’s Most
Honorable Privy Council and Knight of the Most Nobel Order of the Garter, act.
The Petition of His Majesties Most Dutiful & Loyal Subjects, Protestant
Dissenters, and your Lordships most Dutiful Tenants, Inhabitants of Rowan
County, an Infant Settlement on ye Back frontiers of the Province of North
Carolina, on behalf of themselves and their brethren in ye joining frontier
Counties of Anson and Orange, a few of whom are the subscribers." The
Petitioners go on to say, "We are originally your liege people. Mostly
originally from the North of Ireland, trained and brought up under Presbyterian
Church Government, and we and our forefathers have resided sometime in ye
Northern Province of Pennsylvania, Jersey and New York, where we were exempted
from paying, or supporting, any clergy save our own, and we come here encouraged
by gracious proposals to Protestant Dissenters published in your Lordships name
and by your agents, Mssr. Mosley & Halton, whereby we hoped to enjoy like
freedom" (such as they had in Penn., Jersey and New York). They were complaining
about being taxed to support the Church of England, when they were already
supporting their own Protestant churches. They were petitioning to be relieved
of such taxes. The petition was signed by John Latta and James Latta and many
other Orange County residents. (copy in possession of Larry D Draughon; Branch
7 who states "This Petition was probably written before 1758,
because one of the men mentioned in the Petition died in 1759 and another died
in 1760 and John Earl Granville died in early 1763. At his death the powers of
attorney to his agents in N.C. became void and there was no one authorized to
sell any more of his lands.)
By 1799 we find James Latta, John Latta, and Thomas Latta. Whether John and Thomas were his brother or his sons, we have not determined. (See Note F for a connection of James Latta and Robert Davis to New Castle, Delaware)
Born:____ Died____. Married:________ Supposed to be one of five brothers who
came from Ireland. May be one of those mentioned in branches 8 and 31. He went
first to Pa. and about 1760 or 1775 went to Orange Co., N.C. Lived a short time
in Henry Co., N.C. It is said that Thomas could not speak a
word of English and could only be understood when he became
angry and cussed. Orange County Court Minutes of 1783,
"John and Thomas Lattie were appointed to lay out a road
from the Caswell line near Tap's Mill to cross Enoe River at
Charles and Robert Abercrombie's Mill." This road is
now NC Highway 501. In York County, PA, there is a Thomas
Latta listed as a Member
of Council, September 27,1774 (HISTORY: PA Archives: Second Series. Vol IX.:
Part II: Section 5: Provincial Officers for the Additional Counties. 1729-1776."
) There is a Thomas Latta buried in the New Hope
Presbyterian Church Cemetery, d. 1841, age 75.
2 SOLOMON (2) Born in Orange Co., N.C. June
26, 1793; d. at Cheraw, Chesterfield Co., S.C. 1834 when on a trip to Fla.
and was buried there.
3 ROBERT (2) Born
October 8, 1769 in Orange Co., N.C. Wife's
name not known. He died at the home of his son James.
4 THOMAS (2)
Born abt. 1785 in Orange Co., N.C.
285 MARY "POLLY" (2).
Born abt. 1788 in Orange Co., NC. Married Richard
Crabtree. (date of bond - April 4, 1809. Thomas
Latta-bondsman, Book 2,
Orange Co. NC Marriage Bonds D-J). Children: William M., m. Malissa (Melisey)
Dickey. Nov. 26, 1849 - bondsman W. W.
Latta. (Cousin William
Elizabeth m. Thomas Jackson
Latta. (Nov. 20, 1837 - Solomon
Latta - witness.); Sarah
m. William Wilson
(The last two were sons of Solomon
Latta. Moses m.
Latta, daughter of 4
Thomas Latta. Jackson m.
Mae Holsenbach; Richard m. Martha
Rhew; Susanna Susan m. Buck Hopkins.
ELIZABETH (2) m. Mr. Harris.
1820 Census, Orange County, NC (Index)
1820 L300
LATTA James M-33 082 300
1820 L300
LATTA James M-33 082 302
1820 L300
John H. M-33 082 316 NdRcd
1820 L300
LATTA Joseph M-33 082 422
1820 L300
Nancy M-33 082 400 NdRcd
1820 L300
LATTA Thomas M-33 082 332
1820 L300
Thomas M-33 082 342 NdRcd
1820 L300
LATTA Thomas M-33 082 342
1820 L300
Thomas Jun. M-33 082 310
1820 L300
LATTA Thomas Jun. M-33
082 310 NdRcd
1830 Census, Orange County, NC (Index) John is not listed.
1830 L300
LATTA Joseph M-19 123 268 SOUTH DISTRICT
1830 L300
LATTA Robert M-19 123 350
1830 L300
LATTA Robert M-19 123 350 NORTH DISTRICT
1830 L300
LATTA Sarah M-19 123 343
1830 L300
1830 L300
1830 L300
LATTA Thomas M-19 123 267
1830 L300
LATTA Thomas M-19 123 350 NORTH DISTRICT
Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. June 26, 1793; d. at
Cheraw, Chesterfield Co., S.C. 1834 when on a trip to Fla.
and was returned to Orange County, NC for burial at Little
River Presyterian Church. Married Elizabeth Wilson, daughter of Jane Wood and Thomas Wilson
(Thomas' parents were Robert Wilson and
Latta) on August
16, 1814 in Orange Co., N.C. (Tyree Garrard - witness, Book 2, Orange Co.
Marriages K-Q) NOTE: Robert Wilson was born in 1729, died 1806 in Orange Co.,
NC. He married Ann
about 1753 in Orange County, NC. Ann was born 1727 and died 1820 in Orange
County, NC, the daughter of James
Latta. Will of Ann (Latta)
Wilson and Thomas Wilson -
5 THOMAS JACKSON "Jackson" (3) Born May 15, 1815;
d. near Lake City, Fla in 1871.
6 WILLIAM WILSON (3) Born August 14,
1818; d. August 21, 1899.
7 ASAHEL MOORE (3) Born December
23, 1823 in
Orange Co., N.C.; d. May 11, 1877.
CALEB H. (3) b. February 25, 1828.
287 ROBERT (3).
****Robert Wilson, born 1729; died 1806 in Orange County, North Carolina. He
married Ann Latta
1757-1760 in Orange County, North Carolina. Ann
Latta, born 1727; died
1820 in Orange County, North Carolina. She was the daughter of James
Latta. Robert Wilson was
probably a member of the early Wilson family in North Carolina as the names
Robert and Caleb were in common use by Wilsons of 17th century NC. However
Robert resided in Orange County among many people who had come to NC from the
Philadelphia area in the period 1725 - 1750
Robert Wilson received
a grant of land in Orange County, North Carolina of 228 acres, on July 30, 1760,
filed in Book 12, page 57 of the Lord Granville Grants. An Archelius Wilson
patented land on the same day adjacent Robert so it is likely that he was a
brother. The file folder for Robert's grant in the North Carolina archives
contains the survey of this land performed in the name of Ann Latty which
provides the likely identity of his wife Ann. Robert died intestate however
Robert's children are identified in her will.
the name of God Amen I Ann Wilson farmer of the County of Orange State of
North Carolina being low in health but in sound mind & memory thanks be given
unto God calling into mind the mortality of my body knowing that is apointed for
all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will & testatment that is to
say principally first of all I give or recommend my soul into the hands of
Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in
christian burial at the descretion of my executors nothing doubting but at the
general resurrection I shall regain the same again by the mighty power of God &
as touching such worldly estate wherewith he had blessed me in this life I give
demise & dispose of the same on the following manner & form. First I give &
bequeath to my son John Wilson twenty dollars - I also I give & bequeath to my
granddaughter Polly that lives with me her choice of pewter plates six in number
two pewter dishes & one large basin & also I give & bequeath to my granddaughter
Bekey that lives with me one bed of furniture & two pewter dishes & five pewter
plates & one heifer called brenda - Also to my grandson Robert Wilkinsons one
cow - Also I give to my son Thomas Wilson one dollar - Also I give to my son
Caleb one dollars also I give to my son-in-law John Wilkinson five shillings -
Also I give to my son James Wilosn ten dollars - Also I give to my daughter
Elizabeth Wilson my stand of drawers & two beds of furniture & one cow & all the
pewter not before named & after my debts is paid & my property below named is
divided I allow the balance of all my property to my daughter Elizabeth Wilson.
Also I constitute make & ordain Thomas Wilson & Elizabeth Wilson the sole
executors of this my last will & testament & I do hereby utterly disallow revoke
& disannull all every other former testaments will legacies bequests & executors
by me in any wise before named wills & bequeaths ratifying & confirming this no
other to be my last will & testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand seal this twenty seventh day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred twenty signed sealed published pronounced & declared by the said
Ann Wilson as her last will & testament in the presence of us in hers & in the
presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names
witness - Joseph
Ann [X] Wilson; Caleb Wilson
In the name of God Amen, I Thomas Wilson of the County of Orange & State of No Carolina being of sound & perfect mind & memory (blessed be God) do this 22nd day o November one thousand eight hundred & twenty eight make & publish this my last will and Testament in manner & form following: viz, First I give & bequeath to my loving wife Jane Wilson the plantation whereon I now live also my negro man Gilbert forever and my negor woman Jinny the wife of said Gilbert, also here choice of one horse and two Milch Cows four sheep six Geese and such farming utensils as my Executors may deem necessary for her use on siad plantation and also such household furniture as she my said wife may think proper to keep after the legacies hereinafter named are paid, for and during the term of her natural life upon condition however that my said wife shall be at the expence of raising & supporting such children as the aforesaid negro woman Jinny may have after the making & publishing of this my last will - Secondly, I give & bequeath to my daughter nancy on negro girl known by the name of Coly & her increase on horse saddle & bridle, and also on bed with its necessary furniture it being the same which she now claims as hers, to here & her heirs forever - Thirdly, I give & bequeath to my daughter Fanny one negro girl by the name of Esther also one horse, saddle & Bridle & one bed with its necessary furniture it being the same whcih she now claims as hers, to her & her heirs forever - Fourthly I give to my son Anderson one horse, saddle & bridle to him & his Heirs forever - Fifthly I give & bequeath to my son Caleb One horse saddle & bridle to him & his heirs forever - Sizthly, I givve and bequesth to my son Anderson Wilson the tract of land whereon my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Solomon Latta now lives containing one hundred acres more or less, to have & to hold for him & his heirs forever, & alos one negro girl by the name of Ellen, also all the household & Kitchen furniture now in the possession of my said daughter Elizabeth. In trust nevertheless and to the intent & meaning that he my said son Anderson shall receive annually the rents, hires & profits of the said land and personal estate including said negro girl Ellen & her increase, and apply the same to the use & benefit of my said daughter Elizabeth as an annual support during her natural life - but the same viz, neither the land nor personal estate nor hires rents nor profits shall be subject to the payment of any of he debts or contracts of Solomon Latta the husband of my said daughter Elizabeth nor liable to be sold or assigned by him the sd. Latta under any pretence whatever. It is further my will and desire that my said son Anderson should apply a part of the profits of the said land and personal estate to the education & support of my said daughter Elizabeths children as in his discretion he may think right & proper and upon the further trust upon the death of my said daughter Elizabeth my said son Anderson is to convey and Assign the whole of the said tract of land the sd negro Ellen & her increase together with every other species of property herein mentioned & the profits then unexpended to the hild or children whcih my said daughter shall then leave living, and in the event that she should leve no child living it is my will that my said trustee shall ? to the best advantage all the real and personal estate ? to my sd daughter Elizabeth & divide the proceeds equally among all my children should they all be living, if not the children of such as are decd to represent teir parents - Deventhly I give and bequeath to my Grandson Jackson Latta one no horned & her increase, which said cow is now in the possession of my daughter Elizabeth - Eighthly, I give and bequeath to my grandson Asabel M. Latta all the stock of Hogs now in the possession of my daughter Elizabeth together with their increase. Ninthly, I give and bequeath to my grandson Caleb H. Latta one bay mare together with her increase, which said mare is known by the name of Loo and is now in possession of my daughter Elizabeth - Tenthly, It is further my will and desire that in addition to the devises already made to my daughter Nancy & Fanny and my sons sons Anderson & Caleb that they shall have such stock as I have given to my sons that have married and left me - Eleventhly It is further my will and desire that as soon as may be after the decease of my loving wife that my executors have the plantation whereon I now live the negro woman Jinny and all her children which have not been devised and also all the property of every description whcih maybe on hand at that time valued by good men chosen by my executors for that purpose and equally divided among all my children now living & the children of sons Charles & Robert the said chilcren of Charles & Robert being entitled to their fathers portion, except my daughter Elizabeth - or my excutors may if the men chosen think it best to do so, have the sd plantation, negroes and property or any part thereof sold & the proceeds thereof divided as above stated share & share alike excepting my daughtrer Elizabeth as above, I having already done a good a part by her as I am able to do - And I hereby make and ordain my sons Anderson Wilson & Caleb Wilson Executors of this my last will and Testatment. In witness whereof I the said Thomas Wilson have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed Published and declared By the said Thomas Wilson the Testator Thos. Wilson
as his last will & testament in the presence of us who were present at
the time of signing & sealing hereof Jas. Holeman and Richard Holeman.
Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. Wife's name not known. He died at the home
of his son James. There is a Robert
Latta who married a Nancy
Rily, June 29, 1827 in Orange County, NC. Witness Wm. Tilly. Would this be this
Robert? Both he and wife buried in Orange Co., N.C.
4 THOMAS (2)
Thomas (1).
Born in Orange Co., N.C.; d. after 1860; Married 1) Nancy Cain; and 2) Jane (Janey) Scarlett, daughter of Stephen and
Sarah Flintham Scarlett, August 28, 1810 in Orange Co., NC. (James
Latta - witness).
(Branch 33, #1 John
Latta married Sarah
Scarlett, also daughter of Stephen and Sarah Flintham Scarlett). Stephen
Scarlett in his Will dated August 1817 mentions his three daughters Jane, Mary
and Sarah. Jane and Mary married in this branch and Sarah in branch No.
33....Was her husband, John
Latta, related to this branch ?.
Nancy Cain was said to be a widow with one child, Sarah.
Children by Nancy Cain:
74 MARY (3).
JANE (3) m. James Allen Cole, Dec. 11, 1846. Children: Nannie m. Robert
Walker. Mary m. David Teasley. Thomas m. Martha James. James m. Nancy Cox.
Anthony m. Lisa Montgomery.
13 WILLIAM M (3) Died a short time after
the Civil War.
76 ANN (3) m. William Warren, Dec. 5, 1855. One child:
Elizabeth m. Mr. Proctor.
Children by Jane
HENDERSON (3) b. June 20, 1811; d. at Stem, N.C. August 28, 1895
12 GRANDISON (3) b. in NC abt. 1817. (1850 Granville Co., NC census says
"Grunderson, age 33, born NC)
72 CYNTHIA FRANCIS (3) b. May 1816.
Married William Crabtree, son of Stephen and Sallie Hailey
Crabtree. Bond: Sept. 27, 183__. Bondsman: Edward Crabtree. Six
children: 1) Jane. 2) Mahala called Haley m. Tip Bacon. 3) Elizabeth m. Frank
Roberts. Ten children. 4) Arch. m. Mary Walker. Six children. 5) Jackson m.
Caroline Jackson. Three children. 6) Cynthia Frances m. George W. Walker. Eight
children. 1860 Census of Orange
County,NC: William Crabtree, 51, Lucinda, 48, Mary
J., 26, Mahala, 33, Wesley, 17, Cynthia F., 14, Archie, 12,
Betsie A., 6, and Thomas Latta, 76 (her father).
73 MAHALA (3) m. Moses Crabtree,
son of Mary "Polly" Latta and Richard Crabtree on Sept 24,
1840 (he was her cousin). Children: William, Henry,
Zachariah, Harriet, Jane and Thomas W.
5 THOMAS JACKSON "Jackson" (3)
Solomon (2)
Thomas (1). Born May 15, 1815; d. near Lake City, Fla in 1871; m. Elizabeth
Crabtree, his cousin, daughter of Mary
Latta and Richard
Crabtree in Orange Co., N.C. November 23, 1836. She was born April 3, 1817 and
died January 1905. The New Bethel Methodist Church in Orange County, NC was
organized in 1859 by leaders John R. McMannan, Jonathan Nichols, William H.
Pass, William Carrington, William Harris, Robert N. Hall, and Jackson
Jackson went to Fla. after the Civil War and after his
death his family returned
to N.C.
Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born August 14, 1818; d. August 21,
1899; m. his cousin, Sarah Crabtree, daughter of Mary "Polly"
Latta and Richard
Crabtree December 16, 1844. William was 26 years old, and Sarah was 21. She was
born December 24, 1822 and died Aug. 13, 1890. They are both buried in the
Little River Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Orange Co., NC. He lived in Orange
Co., N.C.
b. June 20,
1858, d. March 10, 1917.
82 ELIZABETH (4) b. August 24, 1855; d.
November 27, 1922; m. John Mitchell in
Alamance Co., N.C;. about 1880. He
died November 6, 1927. Children: Seven girls, one boy.
83 EDWARD (4)
in 1933 lived at Roxboro, N.C.
![]() |
William W.
Latta (b. 14 Aug
1818 - d. 21 Aug 1899)
Aged 81 Yrs., 7 Ds. Footstone: W.W.L. Spouse: Sally Latta. Tombstone - Little River Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Orange County, NC |
![]() |
Sarah Crabtree
Latta (b. 24 Dec
1822 - d. 13 Aug 1890) Aged 67 Yrs., 7 Mos., 19 Ds.
Little River Presbyterian Cemetery |
Solomon (2)
Thomas (1). Born December 23, 1823 in Orange Co., N.C.; d.
May 11, 1877; m.
Emmeline HolsenbacK in 1844 in Orange Co., N.C. They are both buried at the Oakwood
Cemetery, Hickory, Catawba Co., NC.
(4) b. about 1844; d. about 1915; m. Spencer B. Freeman in 1863 in Person
Co., N.C. One son: Henry living at Siloam, Ga. in 1925. Second wife, Emma, lived
at Siloam, Ga. in 1925.
July 28, 1847; d.
December 20, 1923; m. Henry Allen Wise in 1871 in Orange Co., N.C.
Margaret and Henry buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory,
Catawba Co., NC. Seven children: Charles lived at Charlotte, N.C. Bertie.
William. Leslie in 1926 lived at Hickory, N.C.
303 JAMES (3) b. 1850 (may be twin to
Henry Clay)
18 HENRY CLAY (4) b. August 2,1850 in Person Co., North Carolina, USA;
d. Nov 3, 1893.
Feb. 5, 1853 in Person Co., North Carolina, USA.
20 JOHN LEE (4) b. August
10, 1861; buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Catawba Co., NC.
(4) born 1856; d. in Orange Co., N.C. in 1874; m. James A. Wise in Orange
Co., N.C. in 1873. In 1925 he was living at Hopeville, Ga. One child: Elizabeth.
87 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN (4) b. 1859; d. at Atlanta, Ga. in 1880. School
88 LENA (4) b. in Orange Co., N.C. in 1865; d. in 1885; m.
John M. Wyatt of Raleigh, N.C. in Hickory Co., N.C. in 1884.
Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born February 25, 1828 in Orange
County, NC; m. 1) Martha A. Wilson, daughter of Josiah Wilson. She was born in
1835; 2) Sarah ____________ in 1876. Caleb left N.C. before the Civil War and went to Missouri,
then to Eureka
Springs, Arkansas. In 1929 several of his descendants were living in Missouri.
9 JAMES (3)
Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born April 2, 1785 in Orange County, NC; died in Smith
Mills, Henderson County, KY; Married Mary Polly Scarlett, daughter of Stephen
and Sarah Jackson Scarlett in Orange Co., N.C. Bond: October 18,1804. Bondsman:
Jno. Piper, Book Z, Orange Co. Marriages Bonds K-Q. Both born in N.C. and both
buried near Smith Mills, Henderson Co., Ky. Left N.C. about 1822 and all except
William and Anderson settled in Henderson Co., Ky. All children but Sarah born
in Orange Co., N.C.
September 25, 1805 in Orange Co., N.C.; d. October 30, 1892. Buried at
Cartersville, Ga.
22 ANDERSON AUGUST (4) b. in Orange Co., N.C.
December 29, 1806; d. at Memphis, Tenn. April 14, 1839.
(4) b. March 14, 1808; d. single.
90 MALINDA (4) b. March 14, 1809; m.
Samuel Davis. Children: Harrison d. 1915. Margaret. Ellen Melton. Lucy
Culver in 1917 lived near Smith Mills, Ky.
91 DICENIA (4) b. September
25, 1811 in Orange Co., N.C. On August 7, 1841 she lived at Smith Mills, Ky.
Married George R. Floyd. Children: James C. Elizabeth. James C. married
Virginia L. Davis and their daughter, Georgia, married Joseph Ballard. In 1938
she lived at 501 Powell Street, Henderson, Ky.
23 HAYWARD F. (4) b. in
Orange Co., N.C. August 17, 1812; d. at Morgansfield, Union Co., Ky. February
22, 1878.
24 PIERSON L. (4) b. July 15, 1814; d. January 16, 1888.
(Buried Smith Mills Cemetery - tombstone says b. June 15, 1811; d. Jan. 15,
25 SCARLETT (4) (Male) b. in Orange Co., N.C. June 18, 1819; d.
Dec. 30, 1896 at Smith Mills, Ky. Buried in the Smith Mills Cemetery, Henderson
Co., KY. (Tombstone says he was born June 10, 1819 and died December 30, 1896)
92 MINERVA ANN (4) b. June 15, 1817; m. Pressley Pritchett. One
93 SARAH CAROLINE (4) b. July 20, 1820; d. August 23, 1889
in Smith Mills, Henderson County, Kentucky; buried at the Smith Mills Cemetery;
m. David Uttley November 17, 1842. She was 16 and he was 22. They had six
children - two boys and four girls.
10 JOHN (3)
Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born :______ Died:______ Buried:_______
26 Unknown (4)
Thomas (2)
Thomas (1). Born June 20, 1811; d. at Stem, N.C. August 28, 1895. Lived in
Person Co., N.C. Will probated at Oxford, N.C. Married Ann Rhew, daughter of
Thomas and Sarah Hopkins Rhew November 6, 1834. Witness: W. Nelson. Henderson
lived in Orange Co., N.C. and went to Granville, N.C. after his marriage. Lived
on a farm 2 miles east of Stem where he died.
Nine children:
HENRY CLAY (4). born in Ireland abt. 1842. Enlisted in the Confederate Army
February 1, 1862 in Co. S, 46th Regt. in Granville, N.C. Promoted to Corporal
then sergeant, then 2d Lieut. Wounded at Battle of Fredericksburg December 1862
and killed in 1864. Single.
95 HORACE/HAVESON? (4) served in the
Confederate Army and died in the war. Single.
in Ireland abt. 1838. Served in the Confederate Army. Single.
HOPKINS (4) b. about 1836; d. in 1897; m. Jesse Oakley, Jr. on Dec. 31, 1855
in Granville, NC. Lived in Person Co., N.C. Two children: Henry m. Sarah ____.
Martha m. Henry Bowling. 1870 Mt. Tirzah Township, Person Co., NC Census,
page 28, line 35-37: Sarah V. Oakley, 34, female, Martha A. Oakley, 13, female,
Henry E. Oakley, 12, male. Sarah also went by Sallie. Sarah was still alive as
of the 1880 census records for Person County, NC. 1880 Mount Tirzah Census,
page 18, Dist. 2, Enum. 203: Oakley, Rebecca W., F, 65, (framer) This is
Henry's aunt, Oakley, Sallie W., F, 44 (housekeeper), Oakley, Henry W., M, 21,
98 LUENA/LOUCINA (4) b. abt. 1846 in
Ireland; d. at Durham, N.C. May 10, 1831. Twin with Louise. Married
McKenzie P. Roberts. Children: Jonah S. b. September 17, 1874. Sarah Alice b.
May 6, 1876. Tempie Anna b. February 5, 1878. Eugene G. b. March 30, 1861. Mary
Jane b. August 15, 1884. Luena G. b. September 18, 1886.
(4) b. abt. 1846 in Ireland; twin to Luena; m. Mr.
Cash. Two children: Atlas Cash m. Myrtle
Latta (not related). In
1936 lived at Rocky Mount, N.C. Loretta Cash m. C. Walters at Oxford, N.C.
100 MARY JANE (4) b. in 1844 in Ireland; d. November 4, 1911. Single.
Tombstone at Stem, N.C. reads Mary Jane
(4) b. July 9, 1852; d. September 16, 1915; m. Mr. Edwards in 1896. No
27 ALLEN (4).
Newsletter Story - Issue 46
Second Lieutenant Henry Clay Latta was "mortally wounded" and died on November 10, 1864 according to the "Morning Report" of General Hospital #4, Richmond, Virginia. (See Exhibit I) Notwithstanding, Exhibit II indicates that he was "killed, October 17, 1864." Still, Exhibit III shows that "he died on or about November 10-12, 1864, of wounds." Whenever Henry Clay Latta actually died, he was 22 years old as can be determined by Exhibit IV - showing that he was 19 when he volunteered for service on February 1, 1862, as a "private."
Henry Clay Latta (or Henry C. Latta or H. C. Lata, as his name alternately appears in various Confederate States of America (CSA) documents, was 5'10" tall, single, and a farmer when he volunteered. His likeness is shown in Photograph A. According to a secondary source, David K. Latta, there were 15 members of Latta Branch 7 who served in the CSA, but Henry Clay Latta is the only one known to have an existing photo. Underneath Photograph A is this citation: "In memory/Second Lieutenant/Henry C. Latta." The photo (taken March 28, 2007) is of a memorial paving brick in the then newly constructed walkway in the Confederate Section of Oakwood Cemetery, located in Raleigh, North Carolina. It is highly appropriate for Henry Clay Latta to be recognized in this manner since it is not known where he is buried though it appears certain that he died in a Richmond, Virginia hospital (Exhibit 1). Moreover, even though North Carolina was the last state to join the CSA, it provided more troops than any other state, with correspondingly more causalities.
While not a casualty of the war per se, Henry Clay Latta's older brother, Simpson Latta, was discharged on May 26, 1862 for reasons of "debilities and peritonitis chronic," according to a book entitled "The Bloody Sixth" The Sixth North Carolina Regiment Confederate States of America." This history was written by Richard W. Iobst, with "Roster of the Troops" by Louis H. Manaris (see p. 311 for Simpson Latta). In this book, there is a narrative about the Reactivated Regiment written by Wade Lucas. One interesting aspect about Simpson's name is that the "family list" of children shows his name to be "G. Simpson" but his military record shows his name to be "Simpson J. Latta," and as being a part of the 6th NC Infantry, as does also the book above. The same "family list" of children also includes the name of Henry Clay Latta, Simpson's younger brother. "The Bloody Sixth" book provides the following information about Simpson Latta: born in Orange County, NC, where he resided as a farmer and enlisted as a private at age 22, on May 1, 1861. It is likely that Simpson Latta influenced his brother to join the Cause, because Henry Clay Latta enlisted about 3 months before his brother's discharge.
Henry Clay Latta was born in Orange County, NC, but resided in Granville County, NC, when he joined the "Tar River Rebels" as a private in Company E. The company was enlisted in Granville County in February-March, 1862. It was mustered in at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, NC. This is where Company E was assigned to the 46th Regiment, NC Troops. The company functioned thereafter as a part of the 46th Regiment, and its exploits for the remainder of the war were reported as part of the regimental history (see Exhibit III). The 46th Regiment, NC Troops, Company E, was made of A. P. Hill's 3rd Corps, Henry Heth's Division, and John Cook's Brigade, which is where Henry Clay Latta was a part of the Battle of Hatchess Run on October 27, 1864, and where it was reported that he was "mortally wounded" as a 2nd Lieutenant. (See Exhibits I, II and III.)
While Henry Clay Latta was mustered in for duty as a private, he quickly rose through the ranks, being promoted to Corporal sometime prior to February 1, 1862 (see Exhibits III and IV, plus his "Roll of Honor" service card), and then promoted to Sergeant between November-December 1862 (Exhibits III and IV). He was present or accounted for until wounded in the face on December 13, 1862 in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where Henry Clay Latta "acted with distinguished gallantry and refused to leave the field" (see Exhibit III, as well as Exhibits V, VI and VII. Note: this latter Exhibit VII shows the name to be "Lattie," but all other facts are consistent with the primary documents for Henry Clay Latta.) He was able to return to duty in January-February, 1863. Exhibit III shows that Henry Clay Latta was appointed 2nd Lieutenant on March 30, 1863, however other documents show that he was "elected" (see Exhibit VIII) or "promoted" (see Exhibit IX) on February 11, 1863. Both of these exhibits show the promotion to 2nd Lieutenant on February 11, 1863 instead of the March 30, 1863 date shown on Exhibit III. According to the records, Henry Clay Latta was present and accounted for until he was wounded again in action on June 15, 1864. He returned to duty July-August 1864. He was again present and accounted for until he was wounded in the back, likely the cause of his eventual death, at Burgess' Mill, Virginia, on October 27, 1864 (Exhibit III.)
Henry Clay Latta's father was named Henderson Latta. While photograph B, date unknown, shows his likeness, Henderson Latta was born on June 20, 1811 in Orange County, NC. He died on August 28, 1895 and was buried in Stem, NC, located in Granville County. Henderson Latta's will dated February 7, 1894 was probated by his youngest son, and Henry Clay Latta's youngest brother, Allen Latta.
As can be ascertained by the dates of the birth of Henderson Latta, he was 50 years old at the beginning of the war and lived through and until nearly 30 years after the War ended. What he saw or did during this time is not known. What is known is that he married Ann Rhew from Stem, North Carolina, on November 6, 1834 and they had 9 children. Their names and year of birth are recorded as follows: Sarah Hopkins, 1836; G. Simpson (believed to be Simpson J.), 1836; Harrison R., 1840; Henry Clay, 1842; Mary June, 1846; Luena (or Lucinda), 1848; Louisa, 1848; Allen, 1850; Ann, about 1854.
Henry Clay Latta's youngest brother, Allen, was born February 26, 1850; and died on January 28, 1911. His wife, Emily Sneed Ragland, was born on September 6, 1850 and died on March 28, 1911. One might question why Allen did not serve alongside his brothers; however the best likely answer is that he was only 15 as the the war ended.
Allen Latta was married in 1873 and had 12 children during the next 18 years. He and his wife had their first child on July 4, 1875 and named him Henry Clay Latta, almost surely in memory of his older brother who died during the war. The names and birth dates of Allen's children are recorded as follows (Photograph C:) Henry Clay, July 4, 1875; Annie Elizabeth, June 1, 1876; Alice Blanche, June 1, 1877; Joseph Lucious, 1878; Alex Allen, October 24, 1879; Thomas, possibly 1880; John Irvin, June 3, 1881; Eunice Standgrove, July 22, 1883; Hazel Clyde, October 31, 1884; Mary Emma, September 19, 1887; Viola Henderson, December 21, 1891; Wade Simpson, about 1893.
The death dates are unknown for all of the preceding except for Alex Allen Latta (known as A. A. Latta), the grandfather of E. Michael Latta and great grandfather of Stanley M. Latat (the authors of this article). A.A. lived with his oldest son, Carlyle Alexander Latta and his wife Anna Blanche Gordon Latta during the last 12 years of his life. A. A. Latta died on March 12, 1962 and is buried next to his wife Pauline Overton at Corinth Baptist Church in Granville County, NC. During the marriage of A. A. and Pauline Latta, they had ten children.
In summary, it appears from all accounts that Henry Clay Latta was a soldier's solider - in volunteering for duty and in doing his duty. Wounded at least three times and placed on the Confederate Roll of Honor, with recognition for "outstanding men who displayed courage and good conduct on the field of battle," were likely reasons why he rose through the ranks so quickly during the 2.5 year span of service. While a 2nd Lieutenant, he was paid $80 a month, and Exhibit X shows his legible signature along with his troop information. For his efforts, he lost his life; however at the cost of his life, Henry Clay Latta protected the South and his family - both that he surely loved.
This article was prepared by E. Michael Latta and his son, Stanley M. Latta, based upon family records as well as microfilm copies of actual records residing in the North Carolina State Archives. both men are life members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and also of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars. If errors or omissions are found, please contact
12 GRANDISON (also seen as
Granderson) (3)
Thomas (2)
Thomas (1). Born ____; m. 1) Martha Ann Reaves on Dec. 11,
1840 in Wake Co., NC; 2) Nancy Caroline Reaves on December 10, 1845 at
Grandville, N.C. Left there after the Civil War and thought to have gone west.
There is a Granderson and Grandison
Latta listed in
Williamson County, Illinois.
102 A.D. (4).
"Noted Crimes and Criminals" - abstract from the Egyptian Republican
"In 1867 Horace Sims stabbed John Latta in the thigh while in a fight with him at Sims' Mills, on the Saline (River). Latta bled to death from the wound, and Sims was tried and aquitted on the ground of self-defense, he being on the under side when the cutting was done."
(Is this the John F. Latta listed in the census above?)
13 WILLIAM (3)
Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Died a short time after the Civil War;
m. Elizabeth (Margaret) Hicks in Orange Co., N.C. January 31, 1856. Book 2,
Orange Co., NC Marriages. Witness: William Warren. Lived at Roxboro, N.C.
HENRY THOMAS (4) b. Dec. 23, 1856; d. August 21, 1906.
29 JACKSON (4)
b. Oct. 15, 1857.
30 DAVID ALLEN (4) b. Sept. 28,
1858; d. Sept. 5, 1907.
31 JAMES WILLIAM (4) b. abt. 1863; d. abt. 1903.
103 ELIZABETH (4) b. April 20, 1865; d.
1900; m. John Garrard. Three children: Sherrod, Thomas,
and Rosa.
Thomas J. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born in Jackson Co., N.C.
July 2, 1847; d. December 1893; m. Rachel Hannah Jackson, daughter of Able
and Elizabeth Ellis Jackson, November 16, 1867. Book 2, Orange Co., NC
Marriage Bonds K-Q. She died at the Old Ladies Home, Raleigh, N.C.
104 LULA E. (5) b. 1869; m. Andrew Bobette.
T. (5) b. 1873; m. Annie Cater.
106 VIRGINIA LUCY "JENNIE" (5) b. 1880; m. John McBroom
on Apr. 22, 1900 at Little River, Orange Co., NC. One daughter: Lurley.
![]() |
Charley T.
Latta, son of
Rachel Latta,
born Oct. 20, 1874 - d. Oct. 11, ____)
Cedar Grove United Methodist Church Cemetery, Cedar Grove, NC (NW Orange County) |
Thomas J.
(3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born May 5, 1851; d. February 1922
in Goldsboro, Wayne Co., NC, occupation-mariner; m. Mary
Frances Stagg. She was born August 7, 1857; d. March 13, 1917.
FRANCES MYRTLE (5) b. July 7, 1881; d. January 21, 1901.
JACKSON (5) b. Oct. 1, 1883; d. Dec. 24, 1961.
b. January 22, 1890; m. John Jenkos Evans. He was
born February 24, 1892.
Children: Thurston. Virginia. Margaret. John.
109 EUGENE (5) b. July
17, 1893; d. May 12, 1894.
110 WILLIAM LEE (5) b. May 14, 1895; d.
August 29, 1896.
Thomas J. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born July 29, 1863; d.
August 12, 1931; m. Mary "Mollie" Ellen Walker,
daughter of George Washington Walker and Cynthia Frances
Crabtree Walker, on October 13, 1893. She was born
December 2, 1868 and died Sept. 24, 1965. Granddaughter of 4 Thomas
111 ELIZABETH "Lizzie" (5) b. December 5, 1895;
buried at Hillsborough Town Cemetery, Hillsborough, Orange
Co., NC; m. 1) Charles C. Cole on July 1, 1919. He was born
in 1882 and died in 1957; and 2) Ewell Cornelius Liner
(1893-1988) Lizzie buried at New Sharon United Methodist
Church Cemetery, Orange Co., NC.
112 ROXIE BELLE (5) b. August 8, 1897; d. August 30, 1922. Single.
Buried at New Sharon United Methodist Church Cemetery,
Orange Co., NC.
WILLIAM CALEB (5) b. 1899; d. 1958.
113 EUGENE WASHINGTON (5) b. August 9, 1901.
Lived at Greensboro, N.C.
114 MARY VIRGINIA (5) b. December 14, 1904;
m. Alfred B. Wester August 1,
1927. Lived at 2220 Circle Drive, Raleigh, N.C.
in 1935.
William W.
(3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). b. June 20, 1858; d. March 10, 1917; m. Elizabeth
Gates on November 24, 1880. She was born August 30, ____. He is buried at the
New Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, New River, NC. (See photo below)
115 WILLIAM ELMORE (5) b. November 13, 1881; d. March
13, 1956; buried in the Maplewood Cemetery, Durham Co., NC. Single.
JAMES RICHARDS (5) b. November 21, 1883; m. Cora Bennett.
ERVIN (5) b. October 28, 1875; m. Eugene Vickers. Seven children; John
Thomas, Charles Wesley, Joseph Edward, Frank Lee, Samuel Carver, Madaline and
Elizabeth Vickers.
37 JOHN THOMAS (5) b. December 20, 1887; m. Onnie
38 CHARLES WESLEY (5) b. Feb. 14, 1890; d. Apr. 29, 1937; m.
Annie Wilson abt. 1916.
39 JOSEPH EDWARD (5) b. May 22, 1892; d. Jan.
40 FRANK LEE (5) b. Feb. 18, 1897; d. April 19, 1985 (SS Index);
m. Estelle Cothern.
![]() |
New Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, New River, NC |
Asahel M.
(3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born in Person Co., N.C. on
August 2, 1850; d. Nov. 3, 1893. Went to
Hickory, N.C. in 1877; m. 1) Martha Monk,
daughter of James and Mary Monk of Orange Co., N.C. in 1872
)She was born August 16, 1854 and died July 11, 1879), and
2) Anna
Cobb in 1880, in Hickory, Catawba, N.C. H.C. Anna C.
Latta was born Feb. 12, 1859 and died Sept. 13, 1891.
Henry C. Latta and his wives,
Martha A. Latta and Anna
C. Latta are buried at
the Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory, NC.
Children by
first wife Martha Monk:
120 ROSCOE (5) b. about 1874.
FLORA HANNAH (5) b. Apr. 4,
1874; d. Mar. 16, 1930 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co., NC; m.
C. O. Wise.
Children by second wife Anna Cobb:
JOSIE DEANS (5) b. about 1882.
123 MAUDE (5)
b. about 1883.
124 HUBERT JOSEPH (5) b. 1884 in Hickory, N.C.;
d. July 14, 1938 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC. His death
certificate lists him as widowed, and a saleman. He is buried in
the Cross Creek Cemetery. In 1929 lived at
Fayetteville, N.C., Box 6. (There is a "Bishop" Hubert O.
Latta (b. 29 Jul 1909 -
d. 3 Oct 1980) buried in the Whitted Family Cemetery in Hillsborough, NC. Could
this be his son????
125 HENRY C. (5)
b. Jan. 21, 1888 in Hickory, NC;
d. Aug. 30, 1933 in Raleigh, Wake Co., NC; m. Louise Price.
Buried in Oakwood Cemetery.
126 ____ (5)
about 1889.
127 MARY CHARLES (5) b. March 7, 1879.
128 LENA LEE (5) b. May
6, 1880; m. Murray Allen.
129 MAUDE MIDDLETON (5) b. October 5, 1881;
m. Archibald Hunter Arrington. In 1935 lives at 809 No. Person St., Raleigh.
Son: Archibald Jr.
41 ALBERT WHITEHEAD (5) b. February 17,
(5) b. April 12, 1886.
131 ROBERT STRANGE (5) b. April 13, 1889.
The North Carolian, Raleigh, NC July 9, 1903
Asahel M. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. August 10, 1861;
m. Anna Hortense Bridges of Granville Co., N.C. at Hickory in 1883. She was
born July 3, 1865. Died May 13, 1933. He left Orange Co. in 1876 and in 1935
lived at Hickory, N.C. John Lee
and Anna H.
Latta are both buried at
the Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory, NC. (Owned
Pump Co.)
42 HENRY ARCHER "Archie" (5).
b. Feb. 21, 1884; d. June 20, 1962.
134 CHESTER MOORE (5) b. Chester, S.C. July 28,
1867; d. September 37, 1908. Single. Buried at the Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory,
James (3)
Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born September 25, 1805 in Orange Co., N.C.; d.
October 30, 1892. Buried at Cartersville, Ga. Married twice. First to Sarah C.
Ridley, daughter of Dr. Joseph Ridley, November 9, 1935. She lived only a short
time after the birth of her daughter Sarah. Second wife: Mary Margaret Pickett,
daughter of Dr. Jasper and Abigail Pickett, November 11, 1845. Both marriages in
Oxford, Granville Co., N.C. Mary Pickett was born in Elizabeth City, N.C. in
1821 and died July 25, 1899, and buried at Cartersville, Ga. An assignment of
business in trust is recorded at Fayetteville, N.C.
Children by first
wife, Sarah C. Ridley:
135 SARAH (5) educated at St. Mary's
Episcopal School, Raleigh, N.C. She married Charles Alexander, son of Judge
Alexander, of Danville, Va. Three children.
Children by second wife, Mary
Margaret Pickett:
43 WILLIAM PICKETT (5) b. Sept. 17, 1846 in
Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; d. July 11, 1922 in Smith Mills, Henderson
Co., KY. (Vol. 32, Certificate 15515)
44 GEORGE GRAY (5) b. in
Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; d. July 6, 1910 in Hot Springs, AK.
MARY SCARLETT (5). She lived and died in 1928 at Cartersville, Ga.
The Courant American, Cartersville, Georgia; transcribed from the microfilm reel June 1892-June 1895, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA, by
James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. December 29, 1806; d.
at Memphis, Tenn. April 14, 1839; m. Sarah W. Reaves (born 1813) November 21,
1833. Moved to Tipton Co., Tenn. and lived between Boliver and Somerville and
also in New Castle and Ayres, Tenn.
137 MARY JANE (5) b. December 8, 1836; m. Willis G. Reaves
November 8, 1854. He was born March 16, 1829 and died February 3, 1881 at
Bartlett, Tenn. She died November 20, 1867. Children: Walter S. b. February 7,
1856; d. July 28, 1856. Sallie Fanny b. August 21, 1858; d. January 31, 1861.
(William name dropped) Arthur b. March 19, 1862. Willis Marion b. November 6,
1867; d. June 21, 1868. He lived at Hood River, Oregon.
(3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. August 17, 1812; d. at
Morgansfield, Union Co., Ky. February 22, 1878; m. Miss Silver (or Polly Brink)
and he married
Mary Lou Varn September 9, 1842.
WILLIAM (5) b. abt. 1846 in Kentucky.
139 NANCY ANN (5)
b. 1848; d. Jan 5, 1924 in Union Co., KY.
140 JOHN C. (5) b. abt. 1846 in Kentucky; d. single.
M. JANE (5) b. 1851; m. Parvin
Quiers. Lived in Union Co., Ky. in 1917.
142 MARGARET (5) b.
abt. 1853 in Kentucky; m. Mr. Bourland. She died in Union Co., Ky.
b. abt. 1855 in Kentucky; m. Frank
Smith. Lived in Union Co., Ky. in 1917.
1850 Census, Union Co., KY Haywood Latty, 38, b. NC, farmer Mary Latty, 36, b. KY Wm Latty, 7, b. KY J. C. Latty, 6, b. KY Nancy Latty, 3, b. KY M. J. Latty, female, 1, b. KY A. Berry, 16, b. KY; laborer 1850 Slave Schedule Haywood Latty, 1 black female, 21 1 black male, 2 1870 Census, Union Co., KY Haywood Latta, 57, b. NC Mary Latta, 57, b. KY William Latta, 24, b. KY John Latta, 24, b. KY Ann Latta, 22, b. KY Jane Latta, 19, b. KY Margaret Latta, 17, b. KY Mary Latta 15, b. KY Samuel Hancock, 10, b. Missouri
24 PIERSON L. (4)
James (3)
Robert (2) Thomas (1). Pierson was born on Friday, July 15, 1814 in Orange
County, NC. He married Mary Rush Higgins on Thursday, May 4, 1837 in Henderson,
Henderson County, KY. Pierson died on Sunday, January 15, 1888 in Smith Mills,
Henderson Co., KY, at the age of 73 years and 6 months. His body was interred
after Jan. 15, 1888 in Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY.
(Tombstone says that he was born June 15, 1811 and died Jan. 15, 1888) Pierson
Malinda were listed as
a neighbor of
Davis on the 1850 Census, on June 1, 1850 in Household No.
611, District #2, Henderson Co., Kentucky. Pierson (age 35) was listed as the
head of a family with his wife Mary on the 1850 Census,
on June 1, 1850 in Household No. 612, District #2, Henderson Co., Kentucky.
Pierson L.
Latta was
employed as a Farmer as of June 1, 1860 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., Kentucky,
USA. Pierson (age 45) was listed as the head of a family with his wife
Mary on the 1860 Census, on June 1, 1860 in Household
No. 397, Cairo, Henderson Co., Kentucky, USA. He is listed as Surety at the
marriage of
Susan Scarlett
Thursday, October 22, 1863 in Henderson Co, Kentucky. Pierson L.
Latta was employed as a
Merchant as of June 1, 1870 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., Kentucky, USA.
Pierson (age 55) was listed as the head of a family with his wife
Mary on the 1870 Census, on June 1, 1870 in Household
No. 59, Smith Mills, Henderson Co., Kentucky. Pierson and Susan
were listed as a neighbor of Phillip
Kirk on the 1870 Census, on June 1, 1870 in Household No. 60, Smith
Mills, Henderson Co., Kentucky. Pierson L.
Latta was employed as a
Farmer as of June 1, 1880 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., Kentucky, USA. Pierson
(age 65) was listed as the head of a family with his wife Mary
on the 1880 Census, on June 1, 1880 in Household No. 314, Smith Mills, Henderson
Co., Kentucky.
1860 Henderson Co., KY Census
Latta, Pierson, 45, M,
farmer, NC
Mary, 38, F, IL
Susan S., 17, F, KY
John, 13, M, KY
Ellen, 11, F, KY
Robert, 9, M, KY
Catherine, 7, F, KY
James, 5, M, KY
Margaret, 3, KY
Elizabeth, 1, F, KY
James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. June
18, 1819; d. Dec. 30, 1896 at Smith Mills, Ky. Buried in the Smith Mills
Cemetery, Henderson Co., KY. (Tombstone says he was born June 10, 1819 and died
December 30, 1896) Married twice: (1) Margaret Higgins on March 19,
1846, (2) Mrs. Mary Utley (see
also as Mary E. Hicks) on Feb. 10, 1859 in Henderson Co., KY. She was born
September 8, 1812; d. Feb. 4, 1890 in Smith Hills, Henderson Co., KY. She is
also buried in the Smith Mills Cemetery.
Children by second wife :
47 PHENIUS THELBERT (5) b. May, 1867 in
Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; d. May 14, 1925. Mother listed on
death certificate as "Mary Hicks." Buried in the Smith Mills
Cemetery, Henderson Co., KY.
48 ROBERT LEE (5) b. Dec. 18, 1865 in
Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; d. Feb. 14, 1934. Buried in the Smith Mills
Cemetery, Henderson Co., KY.
2, 1870 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY. Albert S.
Latta died in Union,
KY on Oct. 4, 1944 at the age of 73 (Vol. 7, Certificate 03085).
158 MARY
ELIZABETH (5) b. May 3, 1862; d. Dec. 27, 1927; m. 1) Henry Sewell,
2) Mr. Dossett (1862-1947) Buried at Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills, Ky.
159 MARGARET L. (5) b. in 1859 or 1860 at Smith Mills, Henderson
Co., KY; m. Robert Haskins. Three girls, one boy. Lived near Smith Mills, Ky. In
1938 lived at Waverly, Ky.
1860 Henderson
Co., KY Census (lived next to the Utley family)
Latta, Scarlett, 41, M,
farmer, NC
Latta, Mary
E., 33, F, KY
William, 13, M, KY
Virginia, 10, F, KY
Thomas, 8, M, KY
Marion, 6, M, KY (b. Dec. 14, 1854)
Alice, 4, F, KY
Margaret, 1, F, KY
26 JOHN C. (4) LATTA
John (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born in Alamance Co., N.C.
about 1805; d. in April 1867; m. Priscilla E. Shaw, daughter of David Shaw of
Scotland November 11, 1834 at Cumberland, N.C. She was born in
Scotland and died October 15, 1849. She was buried in the St. James
Church Cemetery, but her body was moved to the Oakdale Cemetery,
Wilmington, NC on May 10, 1869. John
went to Fayetteville, N.C. later in life where he built a beautiful colonial
house overlooking the creek and park. He was a prosperous merchant there and an
Elder in the Fayetteville First Presbyterian Church, February 18, 1844. In
Fayetteville he made an assignment of a business interest in trust to his
cousin, William Scarlett Latta. He went with his son, John Robert Latta, to
Wilmington, N.C. in 1845. A more handful formed the original membership of the
Wilmington Second Presbyterian Church. The record says conspicuous among them
were John C. Latta and John R. Latta.
(5) b. Sept. 11, 1835 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co., NC; d. June 30,
1898 in Wilmington, New Hanover Co., NC.
b. August 1839 in New Hanover Co., NC; d. Nov. 10, 1918 in Raleigh,
Wake County, NC.
292 ADAM GILCHRIST (5) b. abt. 1844 at
Fayetteville, N.C.; d. Dec. 21, 1915 in Brooklyn, Queens, NY; Named for Presbyterian minister. Was pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church at Fayetteville, N.C. in 1841-1860. Enlisted
in the Confederate Army July 1, 1863, Co. G, 51st Infantry, NC.
(5) named after minister; d. of yellow fever at Savanna, Ga. in 1872.
Minister. Single.
294 WILLIAM (5) d. in infancy.
295 HELEN M.
(5) b. abt. 1845 in NC; single in 1880 and lived with brother Adam; in 1904 lived at Wilmington, N.C.
b. abt. 1855 in NC; d. Feb. 13, 1894; buried in the Oakdale Cemetery,
Wilmington, NC.
297 MARIA CALDWELL (5) b. abt. 1847 in NC; d. December 15,
1899; single, taught school in Wilmington; buried in the Oakdale
Cemetery, Wilmington, NC.
1880 Census, Wilmington, New Hanover Co., NC A. C. Latta, 32, NC, single, dealer in novel stores Helen M. Latta, 35, b. NC, keeps house, single, sister Mariah C. Latta, 33, b. NC, teaches school, single, sister Priscilla E. Latta, 25, b. NC, at home, single, sister David S. Latta, 41, b. NC, widowed, brother Jno. Dunham, 68, b. NC, other
27 ALLEN (4)
Henderson (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). b. September 6, 1850 at Granville
Co., NC; d. March 29, 1911 at Granville Co., NC; m. Emma Sneed Ragland in Granville Co., N.C. in 1873.
Lived at Durham, N.C. after he married, then moved to Granville, N.C.
They are both buried at the Corinth Baptist Church Cemetery, Oxford,
Granville, NC.
52 JOSEPH LUCIUS (5) b. August 10, 1878;
d. September 14, 1963.
53 WADE SIMEON (5) b. May 19, 1886;
d. October 1948.
54 ALEXANDER ALLEN (5) b. October 24, 1879; d. March 12, 1962.
160 HENRY CLAY (5) b. July 4, 1875;
eldest child.
161 ANNIE ELIZA (5) b. Feb. 10, 1876; d. April
3, 1955; buried in Peaces Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery, Granville,
NC; m. John Alexander Tunstall on
December, 1904. Children: Emily & Mattie.
162 ALICE BLANCHE (5) b. June
25, 1877; d. Oct. 6, 1942; buried at Blandford Cemetery, Petersburg,
VA; m. Paul D. Birchett in March 1907. Lived at Church Road, Va.
163 JOHN IRVIN (5)
b. June 30, 1881; d. March 3, 1904. Buried in Corinth Baptist Church
Cemetery, Oxford, Granville, NC.
22, 1883; d. Sept. 24, 1975 in Fayetteville, Cumberland Co, NC; buried
in Elmwood Cemetery, Oxford, Granville, NC; m. Alexander B. Overton on February 19, 1905. Lived at Oxford, N.C.
165 HAZEL CLYDE (5) b. October 31, 1884; d. Nov. 19, 1958;
buried at Corinth Baptist Church Cemetery, Oxford, Granville, NC; m. Phillip C. Blackley November
14, 1906. In 1937 she lived at Oxford, N.C. Route 2. Children: Elmo M. b.
December 31, 1810. Milton C. b. February 6, 1914. Joseph L. b. May 14, 1920.
Irvin C. b. October 1, 1902. Edcar D. b. August 15, 1912.
(5) b. September 19, 1886; d. Nov. 19, 1958; buried at the Maplewood
Cemetery, Durham, NC; m. 1) James Mordecia Howell on December 10, 1913,
and 2) William Elmore Latta, son of William Caleb Latta and Elizabeth
Emaline Gates Latta.
167 VIOLA HENDERSON (5) b. December 21,
1891; d. May 19, 1970; buried at Corinth Baptist Church Cemetery,
Oxford, Granville, NC; m. Erick H. Floyd on December 10, 1913 at the same time her sister Emma
married. Lived at Kittrell, N.C.
William (3)
Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born December 23, 1856; d. August 21, 1906; m. Artelia
Frances Horton. Farmer. They are both buried at the Rose of
Sharon Baptist Church Cemetery, Durham, Durham County, NC.
29 JACKSON (4)
William (3)
Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born October 15, 1857; m. Julia Garrett. There is a Julie
Emma Latta, wife of J.A.
Latta (b. Jun 3 1869 - d.
Aug 9 1895) buried in the Pleasant Green United Methodist Church Cemetery in
Eno, Orange County, NC.
December 14, 1890; d. Oct. 17, 1924; buried at Pleasant Green United
Methodist Church, Orange Co, NC.
JACKSON (5) b. Feb. 1, 1893.
171 LESSIE (5) b. 1886; m. Joseph Pritchett June
1923. Children: John Hackney b. June 1, 1925, Atlas Earl b. October 1926.
They lived at Spencer, N.C.
William (3)
Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born in Orange Co., N.C. September 28, 1858; d. in
Durham, N.C. September 5, 1907 at the age of 49 years. He is buried in the
Maplewood Cemetery, Durham, NC. He married Lula Mangum in Durham. She was born
in Durham Co., N.C. August 14, 1869 and died in Durham, N.C. July 22, 1911. She
is also buried in the Maplewood Cemetery. Her tombstone reads "Mrs. D.A.
Latta. (b. - d. 5 Sept
1907). Luther
Latta says
that Celestia
Branch No.? Family 3, Married Sid (Joseph Sid Mangum) Mangum, a Brother to his
mother's father, Fi??l Mangum. Mrs. Minnie L Yearby of Durham, NC. Said that
David Latta was a cousin
of her mother.
There is also a "Patty Mangum Latta" (d. 12 Dec 1917) buried in the Maplewood Cemetery in Durham, NC.
William (3)
Thomas (2) Thomas (1) b. abt. 1863; d. abt. 1903; m. Lula Burchett.
316 LONNIE THOMAS (5) b. April 17, 1894; d. October 8, 1979, age 85, in Salisbury, Rowan, NC; m. Lydia Rogers; buried in the Greenlaw Cemetery.
Caleb W.
(4) Thomas (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born October 2, 1883; D.
December 24, 1961 in Durham; m. Martha Cash,
sister of his brother's wife. Buried in Maplewood Cemetery.
Edward was a roofing worker. Resided at Rt. King Rd., Durham,
178 HAYWARD BOONE (6) b. December 29,
1910; d. Feb. 16, 1968; m. Carrie Myrick; buried at the Maplewood
179 HENRY J. (6) b. 1912. Henry J. Latta's Military
Service enlistment for WWII stated that he was born in 1912, had three
years of high school education, was single, and worked for roofers and
181 MARY (6) b. abt. 1920;
twin with Martha.
182 MARTHA (6) b. abt. 1920; m. William
Crichton. The 1940 Census for Ward 4, Durham, NC states William
Crichton, 21, b. NY, Martha Crichton, 19, b. NC, and Henry Latta, 26,
b. NC, brother-in-law.
1920 Census, Durham, Durham Co., NC Eddie J. Latta, 36, b. NC Martha E. Latta, 39, b. NC Haywood B. Latta, 9, b. NC Henery J. Latta, 7, b. NC Cale W. Latta, 69, b. NC Rachell H. Latta, 84, b. NC 1930 Census, Durham, Durham Co., NC Ed J. Latta, 46, b. NC Matha E. Latta, 50, b. NC Haywood B. Latta, 19, b. NC Henry J. Latta, 17, b. NC Mary W. Latta, 10, b. NC Mary F. Latta, 10, b. NC
Caleb W. (4)
Thomas J. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born April 3, 1886; m. Jennie Cash,
sister to his brother Edward's wife, on April 30, 1908 in Raleigh,
Wake County, North Carolina. Lived in Orlando, Florida.
b. abt. 1910 in North Carolina; m. Anna M. _____________, divorced in
1952; m. Arlene R. __________ in July 1958, divorced in December 1958.
184 RUTH MADONNA (6) b. abt. 1912 in North Carolina.
(also seen as Worth T.) (6) b. Jan. 5, 1913 in North Carolina; d.
Jan. 6, 1994 in Fairview, Buncombe Co., NC; occupation sales; m. Peggy
Baumann. Buried in the Shepherds Cemetery, Hendersonville, NC.
Resided at #4 Liama Vista, Black Mountain, NC.
1930 Census, Orlando, Orange Co., FL John T. Latta, 43, b. NC Jennie E. Latta, 42, b. NC Marion C. Latta, 20, son, b. NC Ruth M. Latta, 18, b. NC Worth T. Latta, 17, b. NC 1935 Census, Orlando, FL J. M. Latta, 46, roofing contractor Jennie M. Latta, 45 Marion R. Latta, 24, restaurant Ruth M. Latta, 22 Donell W. Latta, 21, bookkeeper 1940 Census, Orlando, Orange Co., FL John M. Latta, 53, b. NC Jennie Latta, 51, b. NC Marion R. Latta, 30,son, b. NC Ruth M. Latta, 27, b. NC 1945 Census, Orlando, FL Worth Latta, 30, b. NC Marion Latta, 32, b. NC; aircraft
Renor (4) Thomas J. 93) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born February 23, 1899;
d. 1958; m. Pearl
Smith of Danville, Va. on December 8, 1921. They are buried at
Alamance Memorial Park, Burlington, Alamance Co., NC.
CALEB JR. (6) b. October 22, 1922; d. Jan. 4, 1990 in Burlington, Alamance
Co., NC (SS Index). Buried at Alamance Memorial Park,
Burlington, Alamance Co., NC.
187 CORRINNE BELLE (6) b. March 23, 1925.
MARY VIRGINIA (6) b. April 1, 1930. Lived at Burlington, N.C.
Renor (4)
Thomas J. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born October 15, 1909 at Little River
Township, Orange Co., NC; d. November 1985 at Mebane, Alamance Co., NC (both
dates from SS Index); m. Lake Virginia Prytle, daughter of Charles
Summers Pyrtle and Grace Ellen Ivey Pyrtle, on April 19, 1930. She was
born May 6,1912 and died May 24, 1968. They are both buried in
the Alamance Memorial Park Cemetery, Burlington, Alamance County,
North Carolina. In the book "Like A
Family, the Making of a Southern Cotton Mill World", page 258
discusses recreation. It notes "If anything outside the mill dictated worker's
times of recreation, it was radio programming. In 1930, workers in Gastonia
petitioned for a change in hours. They wanted to start work fifteen minutes
earlier so that they could get home before 6:00 p.m., when "Amos and Andy" came
on the radio. The mill agreed.
Latta, who lived in
Piedmont Heights, also scheduled his time around "Amos and Andy." He used to
leave his brother's house to walk to his girlfriend's just as the show came on.
"If it was summertime, or a lot of times in wintertime, because people played
their radios pretty loud, I could listen to that all the way. They said that the
world was nearer a standstill during that thirty minutes than any other thirty
minutes during the twenty-four hours". Page 272 discusses the "company's plan to
get more work out of somebody for the same money". It notes " Elsewhere, though,
workers did protest. Ralph
Latta grew up in Orange
County, just east of Alamance, and spent his life working in textile mills. One
day while
was working in Piedmont Heights, a time study man came down from Greensboro. "He
had a big piece of paper, and he drawed off on there that out of eight hours
it'd take you so long to do this, so long to do that, so long to do something
else, so long to go to the restroom, so long to eat. After he did that, somebody
said, "You draw a picture of an airplane on a piece of paper and make it fly
off, then we'll take it. Until you do, we don't. You can figure things like that
out on a piece of paper, but they just don't pan out." On page 273, it discusses
the church, and notes "On September 13, 1927, a Sunday school class from Pomona
visited the Piedmont Heights group, and the two classes held a joint meeting. At
the close of the meeting, the group prepared to leave, lamenting the fact that
Piedmont Heights had no preacher. One member, Grace Prytle, reminded them that
among their visitors was a young Sunday school teacher, George Washington
Swinney, who had recently experienced a call to the ministry. The group invited
him to speak. Swinney later told Grace Prytle's son-in-law,
Latta, that he "could
have went through the floor."
189 DONALD JONES (6) b.
April 1931.
190 ROBERT GENE (6) b. July 1933; lived at Burlington,
N.C. (There is a Robert K.
Latta, born May 28, 1932, died July 14, 1999 in High Point, Guilford Co., NC
in the SS Index. Is this the same Robert?)
William C.
(4) William W. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born November 21, 1883 in
North Carolina; m. Cora
Bennett in 1907 in Taylor County, West Virginia.
Seven children:
191 FRED WILLIAM (6) b.
1910; d. Feb. 11, 1971 in Harrison County, WV.
192 MARY B. (6)
b. 1911, m. Herbert L. Phillips.
b. March 6, 1913 in Fairmont, Marion Co., WV; d June 18, 1982 in
Durham, NC.; m. Josephine Mangum.
194 CARL E. (6) b.
195 PAUL R. (6) b. 1920.
b. April 24, 1921 in Taylor Co., WV; d. March 22, 1960 in Grafton,
Taylor Co., WV.
197 RALPH D. (6) b. 1924.
1910 Census, Leadville, Randolph Co., WV James R. Latta, 26, b. NC Cora Latta, 26, b. WV Fred W. Latta, 8m, b. WV Icy Bennett, 18, b. WV 1920 Census, Taylor Co., WV James R. Latta, 36, b. NC Cora Latta, 35, b. WV Fred W. Latta, 10, b. WV Mary B. Latta, 9, b. WV Earnest J. Latta, 7, b. WV Carl E. Latta, 5, b. WV Paul R. Latta, 7m, b. WV Luther C. Bennett, 74, b. WV
1930 Census, Fetterman, Taylor Co., WV James R. Latta, 46, b. NC Cora Latta, 46, b. WV Fred W. Latta, 20, b. WV Mary Phillips, 19, b. WV, daughter Ernest J., 17, b. WV Carl E., 15, b. WV Paul R. Latta, 10, b. WV Kenneth H. Latta, 8, b. WV Ralph D. Latta, 6, b. WV Juanita C. Phillips, 0, b. WV, grand-daughter Herbert L. Phillips, 29, b. WV, son-in-law 1940 Census, Fetterman Mag. Dist., Taylor Co., WV James. R. Latta, 56, b. NC Cora Latta, 56, b. WV Kenneth Latta, 18, b. WV Ralph D. Latta, 16, b. WV
William C. (4) William W. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born December 20, 1887;
d. August 30, 1953, in Chapel Hill, Orange Co., NC; m. Annie Sykes on
August 15, 1919 in Durham, NC.
WWI Draft Registration in Durham, NC states that he was an
William C. (4) William W. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born February 14, 1890; d.
Apr. 29, 1937; m. Annie J. Wilson. She was born June 1, 1888 and died March 19,
1964. Tombstone says "Gone But Not Forgotten". They are both buried in the New
Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery at New River, NC. There are two sets of
tombstone for infants of Charles Wesley and Annie at the New Bethel United
Methodist Church Cemetery. (see photos below)
Three children:
INFANT (6). d. Feb. 7, 1915.
201 INFANT (6). d. June 9, 1916.
202 ____ (6).
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New Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, New River,
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Infants - d. Feb. 7, 1915 - d. June 9, 1916
New Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, New River, NC. |
203 JOSEPH EDWARD, JR. (6) b. abt. 1924.
(6) b. abt. 1926.
205 LACY BENJAMIN (6) b. August 1, 1927 in Person Co.,
NC; m. Pattie Sue Chappell on June 26, 1954 in Durham. Lacy B. Latta's
WWII draft card said he was a tinsmith, coppersmith, and sheet metal
worker, had one year of college.
206 DORIS B. (6) b.
JANET L. (6) b. abt. 1935.
1930 Census, Roxboro, Person Co., NC Josepoh Ed Latta, 37, b. NC Beatrice Latta, 32, b. NC J.E. Latta, 6, b. NC Buck Latta, 4, b. NC Ben Latta, 2, b. NC 1940 Census, Roxboro, Person Co., NC Joseph E. Latta, 47, b. NC Beatrice Loyd Latta, 42, b. NC Joseph E. Latta, 16, b. NC James B. Latta, 14, b. NC Lacy B. Latta, 12, b. NC Doris B. Latta, 7, b. NC Janet L. Latta, 5, b. NC
40 FRANK LEE (5)
William C.
(4) William W. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born February 28, 1897; d. April 19,
1985; m. Estelle Cothran. She was born Dec. 15, 1898 and died April 22, 1982.
They are both buried in the New Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, New
River, NC.
One child:
208 ____ (6).
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New Bethel United Methodist Church Cemetery, New River, NC. |
209 HELEN LYELL (6) b. abt. 1910 in
North Carolina; m. Archibald Alex. Dinsmore.
b. abt. 1911 in North Carolina; m. Victor F. Sharonas. One child: Sonya
211 ALBERT WHITEHEAD, JR. (6) b. abt. 1914 in North
212 ANNA RHEA (6). (not showing in census records;
perhaps died in infancy.)
HENRIETTA HARVEY (6) b. abt. 1925 in Pennsylvania.
John L. (4)
Asahel M. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Born at Hickory, N.C. February 21,
1884; d. June 20, 1962 in Hickory, NC. He was called "Archie." Married Frances E. Dittmer of San Francisco, Calif.
On his draft card he signed his name "Archer." He listed that he
lived at 1714 11th Avenue, Hickory , NC, and worked as a
superintendent for Latta Martin Pump Co. He was listed as having
blue eyes and black hair. In
1934 he lived at Hickory, N.C. Henry and Frances are both buried at the Oakwood Cemetery,
Hickory, NC.
214 CHESTER MOORE (6) b. June 22, 1908
at Evington, VA; d. March 21, 1956 in Hickory, NC: m. Fleta Lucille Setzer.
Fleta was born on 4 August 1914 in Catawba County, North Carolina.
Chester was buried in the Catawba Memorial Park, Hickory, Catawba
County, NC. No children. After his death, Fleta married
Woodie Odis Deason in 1977.
215 HAL
FRANKLIN (6) b. July 23, 1910 at Hickory, N.C.; d. Sept. 15, 1980; m. Louise DeLane at
Hickory, N.C. January 22, 1934. Buried at the Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory, NC.
1910 Census, Hickory, Catawba Co., NC Lee Latta, 48, b. NC Anna Latta, 43, b. NC Hal Latta, 26, b. NC, son Francis E. Latta, 26, b. CA Chester M. Latta, 1, 10m, b. VA, grandson 1920 Census, Catawba Co., NC Henry Archie Latta, 35, b. NC Frances Dattxx Latta, 36, b. CA Charles Moore Latta, 11, b. VA Nat Franklin Latta, 9, b. NC 1930 Census, Hickory, Catawba Co., NC J. Lee Latta, 68, b. NC Anna H. Latta, 63, b. NC Chester M. Latta, 21, b. VA 1930 Census, Hickory, NC Henry A. Latta, 47, b. NC Frances E. Latta, 47, b. CA Hal F. Latta, 19, b. NC 1940 Census, Ward 2, Hickory, Catawba Co., NC Chester Latta, 31, b. VA, superintendent, machine shop Fleta Latta 26, b. NC, telephone operator
William S. (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born at
Fayetteville, N.C.; d. July 11, 1822; m. Nancy C. Uttley, step-daughter of Scarlett
Latta, in 1872.
She was born April 10, 1852 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY, and died Sept.
11, 1901 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY. He lived in Henderson Co., Ky. in
1872 and in 1917 at Dawson Springs, Hopkins Co., Ky.
WILLIAM SCARLETT "Willie" (6) b. Dec. 20, 1872 at Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; d. Dec. 19, 1905
at Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; buried in Smith Mills Cemetery.
216 CARRIE N. (6)
b. Dec. 9, 1875 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; m. Charles Welborn. Two children: Ruby and Carl. In 1917 he lived at Evansville, Ind.
Carl d. December 18, 1938.
William S.
(4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born January 17, 1848 at Fayetteville,
Cumberland Co., N.C.;
d. July 6, 1910 in Hot Springs, Arkansas of Bright's Disease; buried
at Hollywood Cemetery, Hot Springs, Arkansas. Graduated from
college at
Chapel Hill, N.C. Was an attorney. Admitted to the
Bar in 1868. In 1879 married Fanny
(1848-1926) of Knoxville,
Tenn., daughter of Gov. William G. (famous in Civil War history) and Eliza
O'Brien Brownlow.
217 GEORGIA (6) b. 1877 at Knoxville, Tenn.;
d. at Hot Springs, Ark. April 4, 1921. Buried in Hollywood
Cemetery, Hot Springs, Arkansas.
218 ANNA (6) b. at Hot Springs,
Ark.; d. at two years of age. Buried at Hollywood Cemetery, Hot
Springs, Arkansas. Tombstone says "Our Annie."
1887 at
Hot Springs, Ark; d. 1950 at Hot Springs, Arkansas. Buried in
Hollywood Cemetery. Was law student at Washington University, St. John, Mo. In
1906 living at Seattle, Wash.
220 ERNEST FORDYCE (6) b. Jan.
30, 1886 at Hot
Springs, Ark.; m. Lenora McCue Norvell December 16, 1914, daughter of
Benjamin Rush Norvell at Beaumont, Texas. In 1913 living at Hot Springs, Ark.
221 VIVIAN GRAY (6) b. May 29, 1889 at Hot Springs, Ark.; m. Thomas Clark Greenwood of
Birmingham, Alabama, at Hot Springs, Arkansas on February 27, 1915.
Her brother, Ernest, was surety. She was 25, and her husband,
Tom, was 31. In 1915 living at Birmingham, Ala.
William Scarlett (6) William P. (5) William S. (4) James (3)
Robert (2) Thomas (1). b. December 8, 1897, a member of the
freemasonry Grand Lodge of Arkansas at Hot Springs, where he served as
past grand commander.
Captain George G. Latta, Hot Springs, Ark., and Fannie Brownlow, Knoxville, Tenn., were married in St. John's Church in the latter city, Feb. 29, 1876; an elaborate account of the wedding is provided in this issue. She was a daughter of the notorious William G. Brownlow of Tennessee.
The Marriage of Mr. GEORGE G. LATTA to Miss BROWNLOW, of Knoxville.
Capt. George G. Latta, son of Mr. W. S. Latta, of Cartersville was married in Knoxville, Tenn., to Miss Fannie G. Brownlow of the latter city. The EXPRESS makes its acknowledgements for the usual printers fee and joins many others in wishing them a long and happy life. We append a description of the ceremonies taken from the Knoxville Chronicle of the 1st instant.
St. John’s Church was filled to its utmost capacity last night with the elite of the city to witness the nuptials of Capt. George G. Latta, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, and Miss Fannie Brownlow of this city. For a week all who were fortunate enough to secure “cards” have been awaiting the evening of the 29th, not a little impatient at the tardy pace of time. The Church presented an attractive appearance, the chancel having been decorated with no small degree of taste and beauty; wreaths were suspended from the pillars in a most artistic manner, and at their intersection was hung a marriage bell, the clapper consisting of a single calla lily. Above the bell, on a rope which it was suspended was the monogram L. B. in white flowers and delicate green leaves. Promptly at 8 ½ o’clock the bridal party entered the church while the wedding march was performed by Mr. Hodgson in his usual excellent style. All being in readiness the “twain was made one” by the beautiful and impressive ceremony of the Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Duncan officiating.
The bride was arrayed in a dress of white brocaded satin, garnished with lace and lily-of-the-valley fringe, a bridal veil caught at the left side of the head with a delicate spray of lilies of the valley, completed a combination well fitted to enhance [what] nature has unsparingly bestowed. The groom was attired in the conventional suit of black. The attendants were Mr. Sam McKinney and Miss Annie Brownlow, Mr. W. M. Baxter, of Chattanooga, and Miss Latta, sister of the groom. The dresses of the bridesmaids bore no mark of dissimilarity, and were a subtle mixture of white terletan (sic) and satin.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the more intimate and still more fortunate friends repaired to the residence of H. M. Aiken, Esq., brother-in-law of the bride, where the happy couple received many and heartfelt congratulations, and where, too, the inner man was remembered in a manner satisfactory to the most fastidious epicures. Mr. and Mrs. Aiken have the happy faculty of making their guests feel at home. We heard but one expression in reference to the entertainment, and that was that it was perfectly pleasant and agreeable to all not a single discord to mar the general harmony.
The presents received were numerous and elegant loudly bespeaking the high esteem in which the bride is held by her many friends.
Among the presents we noticed an elegant silver water service from one of Knoxville's popular young men, a silver coffee urn from a gentleman in Middle Tennessee, a fine lace handkerchief, a silver toilet stand, silver pickle stand, two bronze vases, two silver jewelry cases, a half dozen silver salt stands, a fine silver soup ladle, one lunch basket, a silver butter stand, one silver butter knife and sugar spoon, a silver flower stand, shawl straps, lambrequis, etc. etc.
After enjoying genuine and uninterrupted pleasure for two hours, after 11 the guests took their leave, wishing the happy couple good-night with hearty congratulations.
Mr. and Mrs. Latta will leave tomorrow for their future home in Little Rock, Arkansas, and will carry with them the good wishes of a host of friends in this community.
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Local attorney George G. Latta built the house at 230 Whittington before 1887 and lived in it until his death in 1910. A Confederate veteran who had enlisted at the age of 13, Latta moved from North Carolina to Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 1870. After living for a time in Montgomery County, he moved to Hot Springs in 1873. He served as Hot Springs. He was a prosecuting attorney and was co-owner of several bathhouses, including the Ozark. - Hot Springs Historical Society. |
Anderson A.
(4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born in Tipton Co., Tenn. December 19,
1834; d. June 8, 1904. His father died when he was young so he was reared by an
uncle, thought to be on his mother's side. Married Josephine
Worrell near
Boliver, Tenn. on July 28, 1868. She was born near Boliver on March 11, 1845 and died
March 5, 1891. Both of them lived and died at Somerville, Fayette Co., Tenn.
Buried in the Somerville Cemetery, Somerville, Tennessee. Eight children, two died in infancy; names not known.
WILLIAM SCARLETT (6) b. Jan. 17, 1872 in Tennessee.
b. abt. 1873 in Tennessee.
63 CARTER ARTHUR (6) b. 1876 in Tennessee.
January 20, 1879 in Tennessee; m. Asa Craig Thomas. One child: Edith Asa b. October 25,
1908. In 1929 lived at Lexington, Ky.
223 NELLIE DEE (6) b. April 11,
1881 in Tennessee; m. Herbert N. Beechamp. Children: Herbert Higgins b. April 27, 1906.
Pauline b. June 25, 1912. Ralph Norvell b. August 18, 1917. In 1929 they
lived at Marianna, Ark.
224 MARY MOLLIE JOE (6) b.
February 22, 1874 in Somerville, TN; d. January 26, 1961 aged 94 years. Married Walker S. Crubbs Martin. In 1929 or 1913 they lived at Jonesboro, Ark. No children.
1880 Census, Somerville, Fayette Co., TN W. S. Lattie, 40, b. TN Josephine Lattie, 30, b. TN W. S. Lattie, 10,b. TN Frank Lattie, 8, b. TN Molly Joe Lattie, 6, b. TN, daughter Carter Lattie, 4, b. TN Fanie Sue Lattie, 1, b. TN Sarah W. Lattie, 60, b. TN, mother
Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). b. Oct. 14, 1847
in Kentucky; d. March 2, 1912 in Henderson Co., KY; buried in the Smith Mills
Cemetery, Smith Mills, Henderson County, KY; m. Mary "Mollie" Frances Crowder, daughter of
Thomas H. Crowder and Caroline Morrison on February 5, 1873 in Henderson Co., KY.
She was born June 5, 1847 and died August 26, 1928.
Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). b. May 29, 1867 in Henderson County, KY; d. May 14, 1925 in Henderson County, KY; buried in the Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills, Henderson County, KY; m. Mary Susan Pollard on Sept. 2, 1891 in Posey, Indiana. She was born in 1873 and died in 1945.
Phineas (age 3) was listed as a household member living with
Latta on the 1870
Census, on June 1, 1870 in Household NO. 11, Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY.
Phineas (age 13) was listed as a son living with Scarlett
on the 1880 Census, on June 1, 1880 in Household No. 250, Smith Mills,
Henderson Co., KY. Phineas (age 33) was listed as the head of a family with
his wife Mary on the 1900 Census, on June 1, 1900 in
Walnut Bottom, Henderson Co., KY. Phineas (age 42) was listed as the head of a
family with his wife Mary on the 1910 Census, on April
15, 1910 in Household No. 171, Henderson Co., KY. Children:
65 SHELBY SCARLETT (6) b. June 5, 1892 in Henderson Co., KY; d. May 6, 1946 in Henderson County, KY; buried in Fernwood Cemetery, Henderson Co., KY; m. Nannie Nunchester, daughter of William Allen Nunchester and Sallie Ashby Wilson in February of 1918. Shelby (age 7) was listed as a son living with Phineas Thelbert Latta on the 1900 Census, on June 1, 1900 in Household No. 468, Walnut Bottom, Henderson Co., KY. Shelby (age 17) was listed as a son living with Phineas Thelbert Latta on the 1910 Census, on April 15, 1910 in Household No. 171, Henderson County, KY. 1930 Census, Walnut Bottom, Henderson Co., KY: Shelby S. Latta, 37, b. KY; Nannie M. Latta, 35, wife, Sarah M., 8, daughter, William T., 7, son.
RALPH WILLIAM (6) b. March 3, 1901 in Henderson County, KY; d.
1914 at the age of 12 and was buried in the Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills,
Henderson Co., KY. Ralph (age 9) was listed as a son living with
Phineas Thelbert
Latta on the 1910
Census, on April 15, 1910 in Household No. 171, Henderson Co., KY.
CAROLYN VIRGINIA (6) b. Sept. 5, 1906 in Kentucky; d. Aug. 20, 1990 in
Henderson Co., KY. She is buried at the Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills,
Henderson Co., KY. Carolyn (age 3) is listed as the daughter of Phineas Thelbert
Latta on the 1910 Census
in Household No. 171, Henderson Co., KY.
227 LORENE (6) b. April 2, 1898 in Kentucky; d. Jan. 13, 1967 in
Henderson County, KY; buried in the Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills, Henderson
Co., KY; m. Owen H. Baskett on October 24, 1917. He was 19 and she was 19. They
divorced in 1926. One child: Martha Sue Baskett was born April 14, 1919. THE
Mrs. J. P. KOUSLER gave a beautifully appointed linen shower at the home of Mrs.
SMITH on Friday afternoon in honor of Miss Lorene
LATTA, who is one of the
October brides. Miss Freida SHUTTLEWORTH and Miss Carolyn
LATTA assisted in
Lorene (age 2) was listed as a daughter living with
Phineas Thelbert
Latta on the 1900
Census, on June 1, 1900 in Walnut Bottom, Henderson County, KY. Lorene (age 12)
was listed as a daughter living with Phineas Thelbert
on the 1910 Census, on April 15, 1910 in Household No. 171, Henderson Co., KY.
Lorene (age 21) was listed as Owen H.
Baskett's wife on the 1920 Census, on January 1, 1920 in Household NO.
129, Smith Road, Spottsville, Henderson County, KY. Lorene (age 31) was listed
as a daughter living with Mary Susan
Pollard on the 1930 Census, on April 1, 1930 in Household No.
11, Henderson, Henderson Co., KY.
Scarlett (4)
James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born: Dec. 18, 1865; died Feb. 14, 1934. Buried
in the Smith Mills Cemetery, Henderson Co., KY; Married Florence
Welsher. She was born Sept. 25, 1880 and died August 19, 1964.
Lived at Walnut Bottom, Henderson County, Kentucky.
Scarlett (4)
James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born at Smith Mills, Ky June 2, 1870; m.
Anna Louise Moffitt at Mt. Vernon, Ind. in 1889. She was born at Smith Mills,
Ky. March 21, 1875.
MARGARET DELIA (6) b. at Croydon, Ky. July 20, 1894; m. Roy N. Sandefur
of Robards, Ky. One son, Roy
Latta, b. at Robards, Ky. March 3, 1919.
b. 1899 in KY.
233 MARY LEIGH (6) b. at Croydon, Ky. February 21, 1903; d. February 8,
67 WILLIAM EDWARD (6) b. 1907 in KY.
1910 Census, District 2, Webster Co., KY A. S. Latta, 39, b. KY Lou Latta, 35, b. KY Maggie Latta, 15, b. KY Roger Latta, 11, b. KY Mary Lee Latta, 6, b. KY William Latta, 4, b. KY 1920 Census, Union Co., KY A. S. Latta, 48, b. KY Lula Latta, 44, b. KY Rogers Latta, 20, b. KY Mary Lee Latta, 16, b. KY William Latta, 13, b. KY
John C. (4) John (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born at Fayetteville, N.C. September
11, 1835. Went to Wilmington, N.C. in 1845; d. July 10, 1898. Married
Catherine Ralston at Georgetown, S.C. November 24, 1869. She was born January
15, 1839. He was Asst. Auditor Atlantic Coast Line, Wilmington, N.C. The
following is supposed to be his history: "Chronicles of Cape Fear River, N.C. by
James Sprunt, 2d ed. 1860-1916, pp. 333-334. John R. Latta was Adj. of 51st
Regt. organized at Wilmington, N.C. April 13, 1862. About December 1st, this
regiment was on picket duty near New Burn, N.C. and under fire for the first
time near Goldsbor, December 17. On February 1863 the regiment went to
Charleston, thence to Savannah and later camped at James Island, returning to
Wilmington May 1 along with other regiments of Clingman's Brigade. About July 1,
the regiment was sent to Morris Island as a part of the garrison for Battery
Wagner. Remained there. He was with the regiment from the beginning to the end
without once returning home." Record from the Adj. Gen. of N.C. Moore's roster
of N.C. troops: "Adj. commissioned June 1, 1862. Field and Staff, 51st Reg. Inf.
New Hanover Co. Resigned September 21, 1864." With John R. Latta,
Presbyterian Church on Chestnut Street, Wilmington, N.C. Same book, p. 623,
Second Presbyterian Church, a mere handful formed its original membership.
Conspicuous among them were John C. Latta and John R. Latta."
THOMAS (6) b. at Wilmington, N.C.; d. in infancy.
70 DOZIER LEE (6).
John C. (4) John (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1).
Born August 1839 in NC; d. Nov. 18, 1918 in Raleigh, Wake County, NC
at the NC State Insane Asylum; buried in the Oakdale Cemetery,
Wilmington, NC; m. Prudence Allen on January 10, 1860 in Brunswick,
NC. Prudence was from Bladen Co., N.C. In 1890 was in the asylum at
Raleigh, N.C. Enlisted as a Private on 28 April 1861 at the age
of 21. Enlisted in Company I, 18th Infantry Regiment North
Carolina on 28 Apr 1861. Confederate Army. Surrendered Company
I, 18th Infantry Regiment North Carolina on 9 Apr 1865 at Appomattox
Court House, VA.
____ DORA (6) b. June 14, 1860; d. June 26,
1930 in Wilmington, NC; m. Robert Robbins.
1880 Census, Wilmington, New Hanover Co., NC A. C. Latta, 32, NC, single, dealer in novel stores Helen M. Latta, 35, b. NC, keeps house, single, sister Mariah C. Latta, 33, b. NC, teaches school, single, sister Priscilla E. Latta, 25, b. NC, at home, single, sister David S. Latta, 41, b. NC, widowed, brother Jno. Dunham, 68, b. NC, other
Allen (4) Henderson (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born in Durham
Co., N.C. August 10, 1878; d. September 14, 1963; buried in Holly
Memorial Gardens, Hollymead, Albemarle Co., VA; m. Irene Howell December 26, 1909. Lived four
miles from Blackstone, Notaway Co., Va.
(6) b. July 4, 1911; d. Aug. 1963; buried in Taylorsville Baptist
Church Cemetery, Taylorsville, Hanover Co., VA; m. Emma Virginia Wenger,
daughter of E. J. Wenger and Nora Knight on September 16, 1934 in
Dinwiddie Co., VA. Lived at Red
Wood, Va. Dairy farmer. 1940 Census: Jamestown Mag. Dist.,
James City, VA, Calvin W. Latta, 28, b. VA, dairy farmer, Enma
Virginia Latta, 32, b. OH, Elenora B. Latat, 4, b. VA, John C. Latta,
3, b. VA. Residence in 1935 - Rocky Mt. VA.
235 JOSEPH HOWELL (6) b. September 5, 1913;
d. Feb. 8, 1975; m. Lovella Amrose Wootton. Lovella Amrose
Wootton Latta was b. Nov. 5, 1916 and died Nov. 16, 1969, daughter of
Thomas Judson and Lillian Ansley Stembridge Wootton. One child:
Roy Howell Latta (1942-1997) b. Dec. 22, 1942; d. June 4, 1997; m.
Linda Diane Pierce in 1970.
236 JOHN
THOMAS (6) b. January 29,1916; d. March 31, 2006. WWII enlistment
on Jan. 21, 1942 at Roanoke, VA, lists him as single, a dairy farmer,
with four years of high school. 1940 Census, Ward 2, Charlottesville,
VA. John T. Latta, 24, b. VA, lodger, weaver, silk mill in the
boarding house of Leon and Elsie Marshall.
237 HORACE ALLEN (6) b. May 3,
1918; d. July 9, 2007. WWII enlistment on Oct. 14, 1940 at
Richmond, VA lists him as single with three years of college.
238 ROLAND EDWARD (6) b. January 17, 1921.
WWII enlistment on Feb. 3, 1941 at Blackstone, VA listed him as
single, with four years of high school.
1920 Census, Dinwiddie, VA Joseph L. Latta, 41, b. NC Irene H. Latta, 40, b. NC Calvin W. Latta, 8, b. VA Joseph H. Latta, 6, b. VA John P. Latta, 3y, 11m, b. VA Horace A. Latta, 2y, 7m, b. VA 1930 Census, Darvills, Dinwiddie Co., VA Joseph L. Latta, 51, b. NC Irene H. Latta, 50, b. NC Calvin W. Latta, 18, b. VA Joseph H. Latta, 16, b. VA John L. Latta, 14, b. VA Horace A. Latta, 11, b. VA Roland E. Latta, 8, b. VA 1940 Census, Bellefonte Mag. Dist., Nottoway Co., VA Joseph L. Latta, 61, b. NC, farmer Irene H. Latta, 60, b. NC Roland E. Latta, 19, b. VA, farm helper Horace A. Latta, 21, b. VA, farmer Joseph H. Latta, 26, b. VA, farmer Revella Latta, 23, b. VA, daughter, nurse (this is Joseph H.'s wife, Lovella)
Allen (4)
Henderson (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born in Durham Co., N.C. May 19, 1886;
d. October 19, 1948 at Durham, NC; buried at Corinth Baptist Church
Cemetery; listed as widowed and a carpenter on the death certificate;
"Wade Simeon" listed on tombstone; m. Myrtle Overton on October 10, 1917.
Myrtle was born in 1895 and died Dec. 29, 1933. Lived ten miles south of Oxford, N.C.
1920 Census, Granville, NC Wade S. Latta, 33, b. NC Myrtle Latta, 23, b. NC Robert G. Latta, 1 yr, 8m, b. NC 1930 Census, Fishing Creek, Granville, NC Wade S. Latta, 43, b. NC Lenois M. Latta, 34, b. NC Robert G. Latta, 11, b. NC Henry G. Latta, 9, b. NC Walton S. Latta, 5, b. NC 1940 Census, Fishing Creek, Granville, NC Wade S. Latta, 53, b. NC, widowed, farmer Garland H. Latta, 19, b. NC, son Walton Latta, 14, b. NC, son Robert G. Latta, 21, b. NC, son, truck driver Louise Latta, 19, b. NC, daughter-in-law Robert W. Latta, 0, b. NC, grandson
![]() |
Mt. Sylvan Methodist Church Cemetery, Lebanon, NC
Robert G. Latta - b. 27 Aug 1918 - d. 30 Jul 1996 Louise H. Latta - b. April 9, 1920 - d.
There is also a Thomas G. Latta (31 Oct 1901 - 26 Apr 1977) and his wife, Mamie R. Latta (4 Apr 1905 - 18 May 2000) buried in the Mt. Sylvan Methodist Church Cemetery, and a Billy Thomas Latta (9 Jun 1942 - 30 Jan 1988).
Allen (4)
Henderson (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born in Durham, N.C. October 24, 1879;
d. March 12, 1962; buried at Corinth Baptist Church Cemetery, Oxford,
Granville Co, NC.; m. Pauline Overton on April 15, 1909. She was
born April 15, 1890 and died January 11, 1946. Lived at Oxford, Granville Co., N.C. Route 2.
243 JOSEPHINE L. (6) b. June 24, 1910; d. July
11, 1995 in Oxford, Granville Co., NC (SS Index); m. Joseph B. Usry December 31,
244 BRENT ALLEN (6) b. February 8, 1913; d. August 7, 1931
in Oxford, Granville Co., NC; buried at Corinth Baptist Church
Cemetery, Oxford, Granville Co., NC.
245 CARLYLE ALEXANDER (6) b. November 10, 1914; d. April, 1975 in Oxford,
Granville Co., NC (SS Index).
246 RUPERT GRAY (6) b. November 24,
1916; d. May 9, 1999 in Creedmoor, Granville Co., NC (SS Index).
HAYWARD DALE (6) b. January 16, 1919.
December 9, 1920.
249 DALTON IRVIN (6) b. September 29, 1923; d.
April 19, 1980 in Butner, Granville Co., NC (SS Index).
(6) b. November 16, 1925; d. Feb. 24, 1993 in Roxboro, Person Co., NC (SS
251 JOYCE FAYE (also seen as Faye Joyce) (6) b. May 15, 1930
at Oxford.
(6) b. October 11, 1933 at Brassfield, NC.
1910 Census, Tally Ho, Granville, NC A. A. Latta, 31, b. NC Pauline Latta, 20, b. NC (They are living in a house with Jones and Bragg families. Boarding house?) 1920 Census, Granville, NC Alex A. Latta, 40, b. NC Pauline Latta, 31, b. NC Josephin Latta, 9, b. NC Brent A. Latta, 7, b. NC Carlye Latta, 5y, 2m, b. NC Rupert Latta, 3y, 1m, b. NC Hayward Latta, 1y, 3m, b. NC 1930 Census, Brassfield, Granville, NC Elex Latta, 50, b. NC Pauline Latta, 40, b. NC Josephine Latta, 19, b. NC Brent A. Latta, 17, b. NC Carlyle Latta, 16, b. NC Rupert G. Latta, 14, b. NC Hayward Latta, 11, b. NC Elizabeth Latta, 10, b. NC Dalton Latta, 7, b. NC Douglas Latta, 4, b. NC
Henry T. 94)
William (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born August 10, 1889; d. November
13, 1982 in Durham. Listed as widowed, occupation as
construction; buried at Hillsborough Town Cemetery, Hillsboro, NC; m. Shelby
"Shellie" Weaver, daughter of Fisher and Lurie Weaver, in Hillsboro,
NC on October 8, 1911. In 1935 lived Hillsboro, N.C. Route 1.
Henry T. (4)
William (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born October 2, 1884; d. Nov. 14,
1936. He is buried at Rose of Sharon Cemetery, Durham, Durham
Co., NC; m. Estelle Walker
May 5, 1907.
One child:
261 RUTH LOUISE (also seen as "Louisa") (6) b. July 23, 1908;
m. Robert Pender December 22, 1934. Lived at Thomasville, Tenn.
Jackson (4) William (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born December 14, 1890
in Durham, NC; d. Oct. 17, 1924 in Pueblo, Colorado; buried in
Pleasant Green Church Cemetery, Orange County, NC; m. Ann Elizabeth Arvin,
daughter of J. N. Arvin, on October 12, 1914 in Richmond, Virginia. Electrician. Left Richmond, Va. on account of throat trouble. Went
to Pueblo, Colo. One day he went duck hunting and was found in the rushes
whipped to death by the
wind. (another family record says he drowned)
One child:
262 FLETCHER THOMAS (6) b. May 21, 1921; d.
Jan. 10, 2003 in Atlantic Beach, Duval Co., FL (SS Index - listed as Thomas F.)
. In 1935 he lived in Virginia with his mother.
1920 Census, Pueblo, CO Thomas Latta, 29, b. NC Annie Latta, 29, b. VA
Jackson (4)
William (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born February 1, 1893 in Durham, NC;
d. August 6, 1969 in Baltimore, Maryland. Buried in Oak Grove
Memorial Gardens, Durham, NC; m. Ella Morca (also seen as Maroa Della
and Marva) Fowler June 13, 1920. She was born November 4, 1898
and died June 12, 1920. On his WWI draft card he is 24 years
old, living at Durham, NC, a farmer, single, with brown eyes and light
brown hair.
263 JULIA ELIZABETH (6) b. June
20, 1921; d. July 25, 1995.
264 DOROTHY MAY (6) b. October 22, 1922;
d. April 14, 1928 in Durham, NC.
JACKSON (6) b. April 12, 1924; d. Sept. 8, 2005 in Mebane, Alamance Co., NC
(SS Index).
266 JOHN FLETCHER (6) b. October 31, 1926; d. Dec. 1985 in
Metairie, Jefferson Co., Louisana (SS Index).
267 JOSEPH MANLEY (6) b.
April 16, 1929.
268 ROBERT FOWLER (6) b. September 3, 1930;
m. Ann H. _____________; d.
September 7, 1985 in Durham, Durham Co., NC. Buried in Oak Grove
Memorial Gardens. He was an office manager.
269 LUCY ANN (6)
b. September 25, 1932; d. May 16, 1998.
270 OLLIE RAY (6) b. November 7, 1934.
David (4) William (3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born September 16, 1901
in Durham, NC; d. June 26, 1979 in Durham, NC; m. Mamie Hunt. Mamie
was born December 17, 1903 in Durham and died March 5, 1997 in Durham.
Luther and Mamie are buried at the Maplewood Cemetery, Durham, NC.
He was a postman for the US Postal Service at Durham, N.C.
One child:
"Mickey" (6)
b. Sept 27,1926 in Durham, NC; d. Oct. 20, 2012 in Durham; m. Robert
A. Michael. They had three sons, Robert, Jr., Wayne and John.
Mickey is buried at Maplewood Cemetery, Durham, NC.
1930 Census, Durham, NC L. C. Latta, 29, b. NC Mamie Latta, 26, b. NC Mildred L. Latta, 3, b. NC Alvis Hunt, 16, b. NC, nephew 1940 Census, Ward 1, Durham, NC Luther Latta, 38, b. NC Mamie Latta, 27, b. NC Mildred Latta, 13, b. NC John Hunt, 66, NC, father-in-law
60 WILLIAM "Willie" or "Will" SCARLETT (6)
William Pickett
(5) William S. (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born in 1878 in Henderson Co.,
Ky.; d. after 1910. Buried at Smith Mills, Henderson Co.,
Ky. Married Edna Lee Floyd, daughter of James Cooper Floyd and
Virginia Lester Davis, on January 15, 1896 in Henderson County,
Kentucky. She was 18, and William was 23. Edna died
young, before 1910.
272 GEORGE GRAY (7) b.
December 8, 1897 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY. Named after
his father's uncle (#44 George Gray Latta). Died June 1, 1938 in
Outwood, Christian County, Kentucky. Buried at Smith Mills Cemetery,
Smith Mills, KY. George was a corporal with the 101st Field
Artillary Indiana, 26th Division He served in France from
October 7, 1918 to April 12, 1919. George served in the
military from May 7, 1918 in Evansville, Vanderburg County, Indiana,
US Army. He was released from active duty on May 6 1919 in
Kentucky. Browning Genealogy Evansville Area Obituaries:
George G. Latta age 40 died 1 June 1938 Veterans Hospital, Outwood,
KY. He was formerly of 913 W. Bond Street. Burial in Smith Mills
Cemetery. Survivors: mother, Mrs. Charles Jordan of Henderson KY;
sister, Mrs. P. A. Bird of Henderson; 1/2 sister Mrs. Glen Chamberlain
of Detroit, MI and aunt Mrs. C. M. Welborn, Evansville IN (with whom
he formerly lived).
273 NELLIE LEE (7)
b. June 1901 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; d. April 30, 1924.
Buried at Smith Mills Cemetery, Smith Mills, KY.
274 WILLA MAE (7) b.
April 1905 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY; d. March 28, 1984; m.
Pliny Bird on August 11, 1927.
Nellie Lee Latta
1900 Census, ED 54 Magisterial District 8, Walnut Bottom, Henderson Co., KY William Q. Latta, 66, b. TN Caroline Latta, 56, b. KY William S. Latta, 28, b. KY, son Edna L. Latta, 22, b. KY, daughter-in-law George G. Latta, 3, b KY, grandson 1910 Census, District 7, Henderson Co., KY William Latta, 32, b. KY, widowed George G. Latta, 12, b. KY, son Nellie L. Ltta, 8, b. KY, daughter Willie M. Latta, 4, b. KY, daughter
LATTA (Note: Not
the same as #60 William Scarlett above)
William Scarlett
(5) Anderson A. (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born January 17, 1872
in TN;
d. June 29, 1938 in Somerville, Fayette Co., TN.; widowed; m.
Fannie McCarley, daughter of John McCarley and Sarah Reeves on
February 5, 1893 in Fayette County, Tennessee. She was born
December 5, 1870 in Tennessee, and died on July 31, 1936 in
Somerville, Fayette Co., TN. Buried in the Somerville Cemetery.
William S
(5) Anderson A (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1) Benjamin
Franklin "Frank" Latta was born abt. 1872 in Tennessee. He
married Elizabeth F. Beachcamp.
(7) b. May 1, 1900; m. Jesse L. Montgomery.
1920 Census, Lee County, AR B. F. Latta, 57, b. TN Bettie Latta, 42, b. AR Mary Nell Latta, 19, b. AR 1930 Census, Marianna, Lee Co., AR Benjimen F. Latta, 58, b. TN Elizabeth F. Latta, 53, b. AR Mary Nell Montgomery, 29, b. AR Jesse L. Montgomery, 33, b. Louisana 1940 Census, Ward 1, Marianna, Independence Township, Lee Co., AR Ben F. Latta, 68, b. TN, real estate broker Elizabeth F. Latta, 63, b. AR
S. (5) Anderson A (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born January 1, 1876;
m. Nellie W. Twilley on December 21, 1897 in Fayette County,
Tennesee. In 1914 living at Baltimore, Md.
WALTER TWILLEY (7) b. 1902 in Tennessee.
277 DORIS BEATRICE (7) m. Elmer German. One
child: Doris.
W.C. (5) William S. (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). b. Jan. 5, 1876; d. Nov. 24, 1943 in Waverly, Henderson County, Kentucky; buried in the Smith Mills Cemetery, Henderson Co., KY; Married Nora Anna _____. On his WWI Draft card he is listed as a farmer, age 42, with gray eyes and light hair.
278 INEZ A. (7) b. 1901 in Henderson Co., KY.
F. (7) b. 1903 in Henderson Co., KY.
1900 Census, ED 54, Magistrical District 8, Walnut Bottom, Henderson Co., KY: Henry Latta, 24, b. KY Anna Latta, 22, b. KY Married 1 year. 1910 Census, District 7, Henderson County, KY Henry T. L. Lata, 34, b. KY Nora A. Latta, 34, b. KY Inis A. Latta, 9, b. KY Mattie F. Latta, 7, b. KY 1930 Census, Walnut Bottom, Henderson Co., KY Henry T. Latta, 54, b. KY Nora A. Latta, 50, wife. 1940 Census, Magisterial District 8, Henderson Co., KY H. Tilden Latta, 64, b. KY Nora Anna Latta, 60, b. KY
Phenice T. (5) Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born June 5, 1892
in Kentucky;
d. May 6, 1946 in Henderson Co., KY (Vol. 22, Certificate 11000) m. Nannie
Muncaster, daughter of William and Sallie Muncaster, of Croydon, Ky. in February
1918. Nannie M. Latta
died January 15, 1981 in Henderson Co., KY at the age of 86 (Vol. 002,
Certificate 00765). They are buried in the Fernwood
Cemetery, Henderson County, Kentucky.
Two children:
280 SARA MARIE (7) b. July
31, 1921. Sara Marie married Dr. Hoy C. Marable, formerly of Petersburg,
Virginia, now of Henderson, and they have two children,
Latta Marable and Shelby
Eugene Marable.
281 WILLIAM THELBERT (7) b. December 21, 1922. William
Latta married Mildred
Morehead and they have two children, William Shelby
Latta and Thomas Morehead
Latta. There is a Mildred
K. Latta who died on
October 4, 1981 in Henderson County, KY at the age of 67 (Vol. 907, Certificate
Albert S.J.
(5) Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born at Croydon, Ky. August
12, 1899; d. August 28, 1984 in Henderson Co., KY at the age of 85 (Vol. 45,
Certificate 22010); m. Annie Johns, daughter of William
Johns and Josephine Wheeler. Annie
Latta died on December
16, 1983 in Henderson Co., KY at the age of 87. (Vol. 61, Certificate 30407) In
1938 lived at Sturgis, Ky. They are buried in the Pythian
Ridge Cemetery, Henderson County, Kentucky.
One son:
282 ROGER JONES (7) b. at
Sturgis, Ky. December 13, 1928; d. March 12, 1962 in Union, KY, at the age of 31
(Vol. 15, Certificate 07010).
Albert S.J.
(5) Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Name also
seen as "William Howard." Born March 1, 1906; d. Sept.
10, 1978 in Hopkins, KY at the age of 72 (Vol. 50, Certificate 24642); m. Mary
Louise Berry October 17, 1926. Mary L.
Latta died Feb. 17, 1998
in Hopkins, KY, at the age of 93 (Vol. 15, Certificate 07280). In 1938 he lived
at Sturgis, Ky.
Two children:
283 NILDA LEIGH (7) b. November
18, 1927.
284 WILLIAM BERRY (7) b. December 21, 1933; d. at Sturgis,
Ky. March 10, 1934.
John R (5) John C (4) John (3) Robert (2) Thomas
(1) Born February 3, 1875 in Wilmington, North Carolina; d. July 24,
1943 in Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia; married Blanche V.
Johnson. She was born October 18, 1874 in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, and died on July 16, 1923 in Wheeling, West Virginia.
William's WWI Draft card lists him as a Manager of Sales, Whitalor
Glassner Co., Wheeling. He resided at Highland Park, Elm Grove,
Ohio County, West Virginia, and had blue eyes and dark hair. On his
death certificate, it states that he was a general manager in the
Sheet Steel Dep. and that he was buried in Wilmington, NC.
William and Blanche are both buried in the Oakdale Cemetery,
Wilmington, NC.
R. (5) John C. (4) John (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born at Wilmington, N.C.
February 20, 1882; d. January 10, 1961 in Wilmington; m. 1) Edna Mabel Martin,
daughter of William B. Martin and Sally Guant, of Macon, Ga. on January 28, 1904,
and 2) Wilhelminia Harlow. Edna was born January 2, 1878 and died
September 20, 1946. In 1904 Linwood was
general bookkeeper of Metropolitan Street Railway, Chicago, Ills. In 1935
Treasurer Tide Water Power Co. In 1937 lives at 115 Wrightsville Ave.,
Wilmington, N.C. He helped to found Winter Park Presbyterian Church at
Wilmington, N.C. On his WWI Draft card, he enlisted in New
Hanover, NC, was living at Winter Park, Wilmington, was Assistant
Manager at A. Jacob's Hardwood Co., and had grey eyes and light hair.
71 WILLIAM MARTIN (7) b. January 5, 1905
in Chicago, IL; d. August 12, 1982 in Wilmington. He was a
clergyman and widowed at the time of his death. he is buried in
the Oakdale Cemetery, Wilmington, NC.
1910 Census, Wilmington, Ward 2, New Hanover Co., NC Linwood D. Latta, 29, b. NC Edna Latta, 30, b. MO William M. Latta, 6, b. NC Prince H. Wright, 30, b. NC Henry McGrath, 30, b. NC Katie McGrath, 28, b MD 1920 Census, New Hanover Co., NC L. L. Latta, 38, b. NC Edna M. Latta, 41, b. MO William Latta, 15, b. IL 1930 Census, Wilmington, New Hanover Co., NC Linwood D. Latta, 48, b. NC Edna M. Latta, 52, b. MO William M. Latta, 25, b. IL 1940 Census, Ward 6, Wilmington, North Hanover Co., NC Lynwood D. Latta, 58, b. NC Edna Martin Latta, 61, b. MO
John R. (5) John C. (4) John (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1).
Born at Wilmington, N.C. March 23, 1878; m. Rachel Pearsall of Wilmington,
N.C. In 1904 with Acct. Dept. K.C. & S.F. Ry. Galveston, Texas. In 1919 lived at
Savannah, Ga. In 1935 State Revenue Department at Raleigh, N.C. Address: New
Bern, N.C.
One child:
Linwood D. (6) John R. (5) John C. (4) John (3)
Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born at Chicago, Ills. January 4, 1905; m. Elizabeth
Hughes Harding of Washington, D.C. September 17, 1935. (Daughter of Colin Hughes
and Able Randolph Harding). Rector of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Windsor, N.C.
in 1837. Capt. and Regt. Chaplain 252 Coast Art., N.C. National Guard. The
regiment in which he is captain contains a company (the Wilmington Light
Infantry) in which his grandfather, John Robert Latta, served before the Civil
War and that he was one of the twenty-seven Veterans and Reserves who made
possible their present armory in 1892.
One child:
(8) in Wilmington, N.C. July 3, 1936.
Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). Born February 23, 1851; died March 28, 1885 in Smith Mills, Henderson County, KY; twin to John Marvin Latta; married Judith Ann Dyer, daughter of Nathan Harris Dyer and Marium Griggs, on Dec. 29, 1875. She is listed as Juliann Dyer in the 1850 Henderson County, KY Census. She was born Feb. 23, 1859 in Smith Mills, Henderson Co., KY and died on December 8, 1936 in Mercedes, Texas. LATTA, Thomas and Marian DYER married 29 Dec 1875, Book 14, page 395 - Wm. E. Kellan, Surety. Married at St. Louis Catholic Church. Mariam DYER, the bride's mother gave consent for her daughter Judy Ann DYER to marry. (This statement is attached to the marriage record. To confuse the issue further, the Court Clerk wrote the mother's name in each place where the bride's name should be. The 1870 Henderson Co. Census confirms that Mariam is the mother of Judy Ann.) Groom's father born in Va. Birthplace not give given for groom's mother. Bride's father born in Union Co., her mother born in Estill Co. Groom 24, bride 17. After Thomas' death, Judith remarried on Nov. 10, 1885. "The marriage of Annie Dyer Latta to R. A. Brisby took place at Sandy Utley's house." She had two other children, Dyer Cooper Brisby (1887) and Mary Elizabeth Brisby (1889).
303 LUCY (6) b. 1882; d. 1882.
John Martin (5) Caleb W. (4)
Thomas J. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). (also seen as Worth T.) (6) b.
Jan. 5, 1913 in North Carolina; d. Jan. 6, 1994 in Fairview, Buncombe
Co., NC; occupation sales; m. Peggy Baumann. Buried in the
Shepherds Cemetery, Hendersonville, NC. Resided at #4 Liama
Vista, Black Mountain, NC.
Henry Archer (5) John Lee (4) Asahel M. (3) Solomon (2) Thomas (1). Hal Franklin Latta was born July 23, 1910 at Catawba Co., NC; d. September 15, 1980 at Hickory, Catawba Co., NC; m. Louise DeLane. She was born June 28, 1912 and died January 15, 1997. Hal's death certificate lists him as a salesman at an auto supply store. They are both buried at Oakwood Cemetery, Hickory, NC.
Children: 312 SUSAN MEREDITH (7) b. July 21, 1942 at Hickory, NC. 313 _______________ (7) b. September 22, 1943. 314 MARGARET ANNE (7) b. April 12, 1954 at Hickory, NC.
George Gray (5)
William S.
(4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). b. at Hot
Springs, Ark.; m. Lenora McCue Norvell December 16, 1914, daughter of
Benjamin Rush Norvell at Beaumont, Texas. In 1913 living at Hot Springs, Ark.
After his death, Lenora married James Joseph Bonner on Feb. 21, 1931.
She is buried in the family mausoleum in the Magnolia Cemetery,
Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas. Ernest was instrumental in
planning the bath houses at Hot Springs National Park in Hot Springs,
Arkansas along with W. S. Sorrells in 1922. They organized the
Ozark Bathhouse Company which constructed several bath houses.
"Brides, Inc., American Weddings & the Business of Tradition," page 19..."at the 1914 Texas wedding of Leonra McCue Norwell and Ernst Fordyce Latta, the newspaper announcement described presents "displayed upon great tables where dazzling and shimmering of glass and flash of silver held the attention of guests before and after the ceremony." A "handsome check," substantial dividend-bearing stock; lamps, rugs, vases, and many platters and bowls were on view, gifts that the society reporter noted were "indispensable to a present-day wedding."
1910 Census, Tacoma Ward 2, Pierce Co., Washington Ernest Latta, 24, b. AR, father b. NC, mother b. TN (living in a boarding house owned by Donald McFaden) 1920 Census, Garland, AR Ernest F. Latta, 33, b. AR Leonara Latta, 24, b. TX 1930 Census, Hot Springs, Garland, AR Ernest T. F. Latta, 45, b. AR Lenora N. Latta, 35, b. TX Pauline Johnson, 50, b. Louisana, servant
256 EARL "Joker" JONES (6) LATTA
Melvin Thomas (5) Henry T. 94) William (3)
Thomas (2) Thomas (1). Born June 24, 1920 in Orange Conty,
NC; d. Dec. 6, 2010 in Durham, NC. Named for a family doctor. Married
1) Muriel J. ______________ for 31 years, and 2) Mabel
Mangum Gentry for 21 years. Muriel was born Sept. 4, 1923 and died May 24, 1974.
Earl, Muriel and Mable are all buried in the Pleasant Green United Methodist Church Cemetery, Eno, Orange
County, NC. Earl served in WWII in the US Army.
He was the owner and operator of Earl J. Latta Grading
Company for 49 years. He loved to travel and was fond
of Alaska.
Melvin Thomas (5) Henry T. (4) William
(3) Thomas (2) Thomas (1). born Sept. 27, 1921; d. Sept. 14, 1995. Married (1)
Joan E. Slow and (2) Frances M. _____________. Joan was born Dec. 30, 1925 and
died March 8, 1949. Frances was born May 13, 1916 and died Jan. 10, 2000. They
are all buried in the Hillsborough Town Cemetery, Hillsborough, NC.
Milton served in WWII in the US Navy.
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Hillsborough Town Cemetery, On East Corbin Street in Hillsborough, NC. |
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Military marker for James Milton Latta in the Hillsborough Town Cemetery. |
Shelby Scarlett (6) Phenice T. (5)
Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1). b. Dec. 21, 1922; d.
March 20, 2011 in Henderson County, Kentucky; m. Mildred
Morehead. Member of the First United Methodist Church.
WWII US Army Veteran, awarded a Purple Heart and two Bronze Stars.
Graduated from the University of Kentucky; President of Ohio Valley
National Bank.
William Cooper (5)
Scarlett (4) James (3) Robert (2) Thomas (1).
b. Jan. 5, 1876; d. Nov. 24, 1943. Buried at Smith Mills Cemetery,
Henderson Co., KY; m. Nora Annie Utley, daughter of Thomas Western
Utley and Martha A. Latta on December 22, 1898 in Henderson Co., KY.